Club Penguin Polska

Za krotka

Mój Puffle (ang. My Puffle) jest to książka z minigry "Paint by Letters". Opowiada ona o historii pewnego pingwina i jego zwierzaka. Za kompletną książkę można zarobić 250 monet (z wszystkimi sekretami).


Tekst po angielsku

My puffle is blue and likes to go for long walks. It likes to go to The Dock/Beach/Forest/Cove to look for penguins wearing purple just like me. One day when we were walking, my pet found two purple penguins with boots/shoes/ties on their heads!/flippers! My blue puffle and I started giggling/smiling/crying because it was so silly. Then we both put boots on our heads and spent the rest of the day at The Dock giggling and having fun! It was the best day at The Dock ever! The end.

Tekst po polsku
