Adventures, also known as quests, and prefixed with ep. (short for episode) are activities in Club Penguin Island that players may partake in, and are received by talking to specific quest characters, currently either Aunt Arctic, Rockhopper, Cadence, or Rookie. Adventures involve players traveling around the island, completing tasks, and solving problems. Completing adventures yields coins and XP, and often various other rewards as well, such as a unique item or blueprints.
Except for the first adventure of each first chapter (Leaky Landing, Bottled Maps, Make the Cut, and Drop In), adventures can only be played by members. Also except for said adventure, adventures can be paused and continued later or replayed after completion at will. Completing Leaky Landing is required to access various features in the game, such as Daily Challenges.
Completing an adventure unlocks the following one from the same character. However, Bottled Maps instead requires Leaky Landing be completed. Most adventures also require the player is a certain rank or higher before they can be played.
Prior to the 1.2.1 update, the second chapter of Aunt Arctic's adventures was coded to not check for membership, meaning they could be played without membership, providing the player completed the first chapter while having membership. However, due to the prevalence of member-only features, only the first (Machine Malfunctions) and eighth (System Defender) adventures could have actually been completed without membership.
Similarly, prior to the 1.5.0 update, the last Rookie adventure, Special Delivery, was also coded to not check for membership, and could be played without it if the player already completed the previous four adventures in the chapter as a member. However, it could not be completed without membership, as usage of gear is required.
On November 1, 2017, all adventures, except for Leaky Landing, had their XP rewards changed to 60 XP. In the 1.9.0 update, all adventures except for Leaky Landing had their coin reward changed from 50 to 100, except for Better Yeti, which already awarded 100 coins.
In the 1.13.0 update, most adventures had their XP rewards changed again, generally higher their original amounts, although some are the same or lower.
If an event is occurring in Club Penguin Island, decorations will not appear while playing an adventure.
During events where the environment changes color or characters wear different outfits (such as Halloween 2017 or the Rainbow Celebration), these changes are retained during adventures. The only exception is the Leaky Landing adventure, in which the environment always appears as normal.
However, during the Waddle On Party, the environment change, a sunset, was not retained during adventures.
Aunt Arctic Adventures Shocking Secrets - Official Trailer Disney Club Penguin Island