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Club Penguin Wiki
Captain's Wheel
Captain's Wheel CPI icon
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Available Yes
Type Decorations Item
Member item Yes
Cost 30 coins
ID 208
Internal name ShipWheel
Not to be confused with the item of the same name from Club Penguin.

The Captain's Wheel is a decorations item in Club Penguin Island. All players can gain the ability to buy it either by reaching level 2, as part of the Beach Pack, or by logging in during the first week of the Pirate Expedition. Members can buy this item at Igloos & Interiors for 30 coins each.


Location Available from Available until
Igloos & Interiors June 7, 2018 Still available


  • Its description is "Steers ships left, right, and even down if you hit something".


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Timão do Capitão Vira o barco para a esquerda, para a direita e até pra baixo se a gente bater
French Gouvernail du capitaine Mets le cap à bâbord, à tribord et même vers le fond si tu heurtes quelque chose.
Spanish Timón del Capitán Dirige los barcos hacia la izquierda, la derecha e incluso hacia abajo si golpeas algo.