Issue 145 of the Club Penguin Times, published on July 24, 2008.
DID YOU KNOW?: "Once you’ve completed the first level, you can find 1-ups on every level of Jet Pack Adventure. Keep your fuel up to get further in the game – and further around the island."
CHECK IT OUT!: "Gary the Gadget Guy is always testing out new means of transportation. He is working on a new prototype sled but has had little success!"
TIP OF THE WEEK: "When driving anything, practice makes perfect! We’ve all received scrapes and bruises falling off mine carts, but it’s always best to get back in the driving seat. Try talking to other penguins for tips."
HOW IT'S DONE: "Use your arrow keys to navigate, and press the spacebar to pick up treasure. Drop it in the net before you go off to find more. When your sub starts running low on air, look for bubbles, or go up to the surface."