Club Penguin Wiki

Issue 190 of the Club Penguin Times, published on June 4, 2009.

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For the list of activities featured, see List of 101 Days of Fun activities. This week was days 1 through 7.

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DID YOU KNOW?: "If the penguin you're competing against leaves the match early, don't be worried. Sensei counts that as a victory for you, and will still award you some points."
CHECK IT OUT!: "Now you can see how close you are to earning your next belt. Once you have your cards, just click on the card icon in the bottom right of the Courtyard, Dojo, and Ninja Hideout."

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HOW IT'S DONE: "Speak with Sensei to begin your ninja journey. He'll give you a deck of Card-Jitsu cards and share a few words of wisdom. Then you can ask him to set up a match for you, or click on one of the mats to face off against a friend!"
TIP OF THE WEEK: "Sensei awards points for all ninja skills, like patience and persistence. Even if you don't win a match, Sensei is still watching."

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