Issue 222 of the Club Penguin Times, published on January 14, 2010.
CHECK IT OUT!: "The Aqua-Grabber is the perfect underwater vehicle for exploration... and treasure hunting. Jump in and search for hidden areas. You never know what you'll find."
TIP OF THE WEEK: "Fish can make themselves a nuisance. Little yellow fish like Fluffy are tricky to avoid, but bigger ones are much harder work! Keep an eye out for ways to distract them."
DID YOU KNOW?: "The cream soda spill over in the ‘Soda Seas’ may have been caused by the Migrator's crash in January 2008. You can help out the local fish and plant life by cleaning up the barrels."
HAVE YOU SEEN?: "A few divers have reported sightings of a giant squid. Luckily, there have been no problems so far—but be on your guard, just in case!"