Issue 232 of the Club Penguin Times, published on March 25, 2010.
CHECK IT OUT!: "The Switchbox 3000 makes all the special effects happen. Try pressing the buttons for boulders in Quest for the Golden Puffle or pyrotechnics in Squidzoid!"
DID YOU KNOW?: "If you don’t want to act in a play, you can try your flipper at directing. Find a director’s hat in the Costume Trunk and turn to the back of the script for suggestions!"
TIP OF THE WEEK: "As Alaska learns, not everything is what it seems. In your quest for adventure, remember to leave no stone unturned. Look for secrets everywhere – including the Costume Trunk!"
HOW IT'S DONE: "To do Gamma Gal’s Gamma Wave or Shadow Guy’s Shadow Wave, simply put on their costumes and... (you guessed it) give a wave to show your super power!"