Club Penguin Wiki
23:29 <Mikeymkwii> I ask.
23:29 <CPChatBot> Historicalcp: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 148 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
23:29 <Mikeymkwii> Please stop with the lying.
23:29 <Obviousname>
23:30 <Mikeymkwii> I meant that as a question
23:30 <Obviousname>
23:30 <Twinkie102> I kinda agree with Obvious on the Kick for Caps thing... You don't see us kicking everyone for caps, now do you?
23:30 <Mikeymkwii> Well sorry, you're supposed to.
23:30 <Eaglesrule8> THAT AWKWARD YT MOMENT WHEN... some random person adds u as a contact
23:30 <Mikeymkwii> You need to read the policy.
23:30 <Obviousname> mikey just because he needs to read it doesnt mean you do
23:31 <Obviousname> DONT*
23:31 <Obviousname> i mean dont
23:31 <Mikeymkwii> Excuse me?
23:31 <Obviousname> just bc he needs to read policy doesnt mean youd ont
23:31 <Obviousname> dont*
23:31 <Mikeymkwii> I have read the policy, and I understand it thoroughly 
23:31 <Eaglesrule8> mikey... TWINKIE=MOD YOU=NO RIGHTS :|i wouldnt be telling him wut to do 
23:31 <Obviousname> now this time ACTUALLY read it instead of scrolling through it
23:32 <Mikeymkwii> I have read it
23:32 <Obviousname> now actually read it
23:32 <Mikeymkwii> You can't know what I did.
23:32 <Mikeymkwii> (lol)
23:32 <Obviousname> oh great mikey is secretly trying to get me to suicide again
23:32 <Twinkie102> ENOUGH WITH THIS NOW! If you two argue one more time, you're gonna regret it ;)
23:32 <Obviousname> what if he argues and i dont?!
23:33 <Mikeymkwii> Twinkie you can't let this pass
23:33 <Historicalcp> Oh gawd...
23:33 <Twinkie102> ---Conversation Ends Here and a New One Starts---
23:33 <Charlie the Penguin> im not going to spam that chat with this but i finished,_Spike!
23:33 <Eaglesrule8> PICKLES :3
23:33 <Historicalcp> Let's talk about ponies
23:33 <Mikeymkwii> Twinkie, mods don't threaten
23:34 <Obviousname> minecraft
23:34 <Twinkie102> ok the conversation is Minecraft
23:34 <Eaglesrule8> i once killed a sheep with a piece of wool :3
23:34 <Eaglesrule8> obvious check pm
23:34 <Twinkie102> I once killed a Zombie with a Spawn Zombie Egg (yao)
23:34 <Charlie the Penguin> i once killed a cow with a pice of steak
23:35 <Mikeymkwii> okay.. that has proved to me that mods don't listen to users, some mods, at least
23:35 <Twinkie102> BRB
23:35 <Obviousname> i once killed a skeleton using another skeleton
23:35 <Mikeymkwii> Impossible. :)
23:35 <Eaglesrule8> not
23:35 <Eaglesrule8> he could have used a bone
23:35 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
23:35 <Historicalcp> I really don't know what do ...
23:35 <Eaglesrule8> which u get from skeletons
23:35 <PixieLil> Why does everyone talk about Minecraft of the Club Penguin wiki? :|
23:35 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
23:35 <PixieLil> *on
23:36 <Obviousname> yay vic
23:36 <Eaglesrule8> idk pixie
23:36 <Mikeymkwii> Pixie
23:36 <Mikeymkwii> Because we can
23:36 <Eaglesrule8> hi vic
23:36 <Vicyorus> You guys were talking earlier o-Is something wrong?
23:36 <Mikeymkwii> Vic PM 
23:36 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
23:36 <Charlie the Penguin> i once killed a creeper using gunpowder
23:36 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
23:36 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
23:36 <Eaglesrule8> Obvious
23:36 <Charlie the Penguin> dang internet
23:36 <Eaglesrule8> check PM
23:36 <Twinkie102> I once killed a Creeper using my bare hand
23:36 <Obviousname> i did
23:36 <Obviousname> uhhh
23:37 <Obviousname> i once killed a creeper using tnt
23:37 <Twinkie102> I once killed a skeleton with a bone
23:37 <Twinkie102> b4b
23:37 <Twinkie102> *brb
23:37 <Obviousname> oh my kitten woke up
23:37 <Charlie the Penguin> i once killed the ender dragon with an ender eye
23:37 <Obviousname> nope nvm
23:37 <Charlie the Penguin> (okay, that one not really)
23:38 <Obviousname> oh wait yes he did
23:38 <Twinkie102> back
23:38 <Eaglesrule8> Obvious could u reply then :P
23:38 <Twinkie102> I once killed a cat with a fish
23:38 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, please upload logs
23:38 <Twinkie102> !updated
23:38 <CPChatBot> Twinkie102: The logs were last updated 09:32 ago. There are currently ~82 lines in the log buffer.
23:38 <Twinkie102> 82 :|
23:39 <Vicyorus> OK
23:39 <Vicyorus> !logs
23:39 <CPChatBot> Chat logs may be seen [[Project:Chat/Logs|here]].
23:39 <PixieLil> I once logged off chat, cause I have no idea what anyone is talking about..
23:39 <Twinkie102> ugh brb again
23:40 <Mikeymkwii> Well don't complain Pixie
23:40 <Eaglesrule8> charlie
23:40 <Twinkie102> back again -.-
23:40 <Twinkie102> i fell off a cliff
23:40 <Eaglesrule8> check pm charlie
23:40 <Vicyorus> (LOL)
23:40 <Eaglesrule8> :O
23:40 <Vicyorus> FAIL
23:40 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
23:40 <Eaglesrule8> AND U LIVED
23:40 <Eaglesrule8> :D
23:40 <Vicyorus> Mikey, PM...
23:40 <Twinkie102> no i died and lost all my diamonds
23:40 <Twinkie102> (yao)
23:41 <Obviousname> so guys
23:41 <Obviousname> im building some labs in tekkit
23:41 <Vicyorus> Obvious...
23:41 <Obviousname> i started a few min ago and i have this
23:41 <Vicyorus> I must speak with you
23:41 <Charlie the Penguin> eagles pm
23:41 <Obviousname> hallo
23:41 -!- Piplup40 has left Special:Chat.
23:41 <Charlie the Penguin> logged off, not on
23:43 <Eaglesrule8> dead?
23:43 <Twinkie102> no 
23:43 <Twinkie102> its dying
23:43 <Twinkie102> but not officially dead yet
23:44 <Eaglesrule8> REVIVAL
23:44 <Twinkie102> LETS KEEP IT ALIVE
23:44 <Eaglesrule8> la
23:44 <Twinkie102> *revives chat*
23:44 <Eaglesrule8> takjs
23:44 <Eaglesrule8> talks*
23:44 <Eaglesrule8> LALA
23:44 <Twinkie102> i ate an icecream cone today
23:44 <Eaglesrule8> :P yum
23:44 <Eaglesrule8> im eating CFA for dinner
23:44 <Twinkie102> :O
23:44 <Eaglesrule8> :O
23:44 <Twinkie102> I WANNA COME!!!
23:45 <Eaglesrule8> ill save u some
23:45 <Eaglesrule8> :)
23:45 <Twinkie102> thx :D
23:45 <Eaglesrule8> :D NP
23:45 <Twinkie102> ;D
23:45 <Eaglesrule8>,_Spike! im in it :3
23:45 <Twinkie102> Obvious
23:45 <Eaglesrule8> DONT OBVIOUS
23:45 <Twinkie102> 1. Caps
23:45 <Twinkie102> 2. No
23:45 <Twinkie102> Don't Suicide
23:45 <Twinkie102> It's a bad thing
23:45 <Eaglesrule8> 3. we will miss u
23:46 <Twinkie102> 4. Don't joke about that
23:46 <Vicyorus> ?
23:46 <Eaglesrule8> 5. ignore bullies
23:46 <Eaglesrule8> ;)
23:46 <Obviousname> im not joking
23:46 <Obviousname> and if i ignore mikey he'll just get me banned
23:47 <Mikeymkwii> No.
23:47 <Eaglesrule8> hmm...
23:47 <Charlie the Penguin> dude, you know you dont mean that obvious
23:47 <Mikeymkwii> You can ignore me if you want
23:48 -!- Jay The Blue Ninja has left Special:Chat.
23:48 <Mikeymkwii> Obvious, you joked last time
23:48 <Mikeymkwii> Why should we trust you this time?
23:48 <Obviousname> it wasnt a joke
23:49 <Mikeymkwii> Well you're still alive
23:49 <Eaglesrule8> brb dinner and twinkie urs is comin
23:49 <Obviousname> it was not a joke you were leading me to spiraling depression 
23:49 <Mikeymkwii> Well, I wasn't trying to.
23:49 -!- Piplup40 has joined Special:Chat
23:49 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
23:49 <Vicyorus> Guys, unless you tell me when was this, I can't do anything
23:49 <Obviousname> you weren't trying to.
23:49 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
23:50 <Charlie the Penguin> dont let one person on chat who means nothing to you cause you to commit suicide.
23:50 <Obviousname> everyday you find a pointless and fake reason to get me baned.
23:50 <Obviousname> its not one person.
23:50 <Twinkie102> Guys... Stop this....
23:50 <Obviousname> he is commanding everyone to go against me and make me kill myself
23:50 <Mikeymkwii> NO.
23:50 <Charlie the Penguin> oh yeah?
23:50 <Vicyorus> OK, Obvious, please stop talking about this
23:51 <Vicyorus> Mikey, you too
23:51 <Obviousname> i can't
23:51 <Twinkie102> Yeah... This is getting annoying... Just... Stop...
23:51 <Mikeymkwii> I just got into it, HE dragged me into it
23:51 <Vicyorus> If you don't, I'll have to kick you
23:51 <Twinkie102> -.-
23:52 <Charlie the Penguin> the club penguin wiki is based on a game that is all about having fun
23:52 <Piplup40> charlie's right
23:52 <Obviousname> well im not having FUN WITH A BRONY TELLING ME TO SUICIDE
23:52 <Twinkie102> Caps
23:52 <Mikeymkwii> Kick 2 times
23:52 <Twinkie102> And he's not telling you to suicide
23:52 <Mikeymkwii> please
23:52 <Twinkie102> No one said that
23:52 <Obviousname> this is what i mean.
23:52 <Obviousname> commanding mods.
23:52 <Vicyorus> Well
23:52 <Mikeymkwii> I said please
23:52 <Vicyorus> We are meant to command
23:52 <Vicyorus> Else, this would be chaos
23:53 <Twinkie102> ^
23:53 <Vicyorus> Any problem with that?
23:53 <Obviousname> but mikey, without any form of privelige,
23:53 <Obviousname> commands mods to ban me.
23:53 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
23:53 <Mikeymkwii> Did you just hear Vic?
23:53 <Charlie the Penguin> dont worry about it, mods wont ban you for no reason.
23:53 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
23:53 <Vicyorus> And he must have a really good reason to
23:53 <Obviousname> actually no
23:53 <Vicyorus> Unless you give me further proof, I'll have to wait until Dororo comes again
23:53 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
23:53 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
23:53 <Mikeymkwii> I have privileges to be on this wiki 
23:53 <Obviousname> vic
23:54 <Vicyorus> No you don't
23:54 <Obviousname> 2 words of caps = ban?
23:54 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
23:54 <Eaglesrule8> jk dinner isnt PICKED UP yet :/
23:54 <Vicyorus> You have the same rights to be here, you're not an elite member of the Wiki @Mikey
23:54 <Vicyorus> @Obvious No, that's not a reason
23:54 <Vicyorus> I'm sure that's NOT the reason
23:55 <Charlie the Penguin> obvious, your just as bad as him when you do what he does
23:55 <Vicyorus> Charlie, be quiet
23:55 <Obviousname> *2 words of caps*
23:55 <Obviousname>
23:55 <Charlie the Penguin> -_-
23:55 <Mikeymkwii> did you call me bad?
23:55 <Mikeymkwii> wow.
23:55 <Obviousname>
23:55 <Vicyorus> Wot?
23:55 <Charlie the Penguin> i didnt mean it that wat
23:55 <Obviousname> oh look straight to ban no warnings even
23:55 <Charlie the Penguin> way*
23:55 <Mikeymkwii> Dude.
23:55 <Vicyorus> Wait a minute...
23:56 <Mikeymkwii> I said I was stupid at that time
23:56 <Vicyorus> That first picture's forged...
23:56 <Mikeymkwii> Kick for caps?
23:56 <Vicyorus> And the second one
23:56 <Obviousname> yeah but does that change this
23:56 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
23:56 <Obviousname> the second one was not. ask twinkie.
23:56 <Twinkie102> Pixie PM
23:56 <Vicyorus> Obvious, are you trying to fill me in with fake information?
23:57 <Obviousname> vic now i know you're just trying to get me to suicide
23:57 <Obviousname> you're in kahoots.
23:57 <Vicyorus> OK, that's it
23:57 <Vicyorus> It's....
23:57 <Eaglesrule8> vic cAN Ithing?
23:57 <Eaglesrule8> grr typo
23:57 <Vicyorus> 1 week
23:57 <Eaglesrule8> can i say something?
23:57 <Vicyorus> Go ahead
23:58 <Eaglesrule8> uh nvmnd
23:58 <Vicyorus> Say it...
23:58 <Obviousname> vic
23:58 <Eaglesrule8> igtg dinner brb
23:58 <Obviousname> I
23:58 <Obviousname> fine ban me
23:58 <Mikeymkwii> Don't tell us to ban you
23:58 <Vicyorus> I am sorry, but you've just been lying to everyone
23:58 <Obviousname> yeah mikey tell him to ban me
23:58 <Obviousname> I AM NOT LYING
23:58 <Mikeymkwii> No I wont
23:58 <Vicyorus> And you're starting a fight
23:58 <Twinkie102> Let me just say something real quick
23:58 <Vicyorus> Go ahead
23:58 <Twinkie102> Obvious...
23:58 <Twinkie102> Cya in a week ;)
23:59 <Obviousname> twinkie
23:59 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, shush
23:59 <Obviousname> this isnt forged
23:59 <Obviousname> right???
23:59 <Mikeymkwii> It isn't. I regret that.
23:59 <Vicyorus> Looks way too f-Wait, what?
23:59 <Vicyorus> >:(
23:59 <Mikeymkwii> Dude
23:59 <Mikeymkwii> What?
23:59 <Vicyorus> Nothing
23:59 <Mikeymkwii> I just regret saying that
23:59 <PixieLil> It's real
23:59 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, I hope you're not banning nobody for anything, am I right...
23:59 <Charlie the Penguin> ..
00:00 <Vicyorus> -_-
00:00 <Mikeymkwii> What I said was wrong
00:00 <Vicyorus> Any other picture that's right?
00:00 <Vicyorus> *real?
00:00 <Twinkie102> Kick for caps
00:00 <Twinkie102> That was real
00:00 <Twinkie102> I saw it
00:00 <Mikeymkwii> Yes.
00:00 <Vicyorus> Well, you do have a point there
00:00 <Mikeymkwii> Again, I wasn't thinking straight. 
00:00 <Vicyorus> So that's...
00:01 <Vicyorus> 20 years for Twinkie
00:01 <Vicyorus> 10 days for Mikey
00:01 <Vicyorus> And I'll be out
00:01 <Mikeymkwii> wut
00:01 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
00:01 <Charlie the Penguin> ?!
00:01 <Mikeymkwii> ???
00:01 <Twinkie102> 20 years for me?
00:01 <Mikeymkwii> I am so confused
00:01 <Charlie the Penguin> does this mean i can speak now?
00:01 <Twinkie102> uh... yes...
00:01 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
00:01 <Vicyorus> :P
00:02 <Vicyorus> I'm joking
00:02 <Vicyorus> Charlie, what did you want to say?
00:02 <Charlie the Penguin> nothing
00:02 <Vicyorus> Go ahead
00:02 <Charlie the Penguin> but you told me to be quiet
00:02 <Charlie the Penguin> :P
00:02 <Vicyorus> ._.
00:02 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
00:02 <Vicyorus> OK, sorry, go ahead and speak
00:02 <Charlie the Penguin> i have nothing to say though
00:02 <Twinkie102> :|
00:02 <Vicyorus> T_T
00:02 <Charlie the Penguin> :|
00:02 <Twinkie102> brb
00:02 <Vicyorus> (facepalm)
00:02 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, lend me a hand, I need to make a triple facepalm
00:02 <Charlie the Penguin> i never said i did
00:03 <Charlie the Penguin> (facepalm)
00:03 <Vicyorus> Charlie
00:03 <Vicyorus>
00:03 <Vicyorus> OK, so...
00:03 <Twinkie102> Ok Vic
00:03 <Vicyorus> What does that means?
00:03 <Vicyorus> Does it means Obvious told mikey that or is he quoting Mikey?
00:04 <Charlie the Penguin> he told mikey
00:04 <Vicyorus> OK...
00:04 <Vicyorus> That's rude, very rude
00:04 <Charlie the Penguin> you didnt see that?
00:04 <Obviousname> im quoting but ok
00:04 <Vicyorus> I logged after that...
00:04 <Mikeymkwii> He's quoting me, but with LOTS of lies added to it. 
00:04 <Charlie the Penguin> oh
00:04 <Vicyorus> Mikey, what did you say?
00:04 <Vicyorus> Originally?
00:05 <Mikeymkwii> well, I have to say that was like 2 weeks ago
00:05 <Vicyorus> Is it on the logs?
00:05 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
00:05 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
00:05 <Mikeymkwii> Maybe
00:05 <Vicyorus> !logs 
00:05 <CPChatBot> Chat logs may be seen [[Project:Chat/Logs|here]].
00:05 <Twinkie102> Do you remember what day it was?
00:05 <Obviousname> i know im about to be banned, i'll leave so i wont see that crushing message.
00:05 <Charlie the Penguin> my bad guys, sorry. based off of everyones reaction after he said that, i thought he was talking to mikey.
00:06 <Vicyorus> Obvious, you stay here until we solve this case
00:06 <Twinkie102> ^
00:06 -!- Obviousname has left Special:Chat.
00:06 <Vicyorus> Charlie, do you mind if I erase that picture?
00:06 <Charlie the Penguin> ok
00:06 <Vicyorus> So...
00:06 <Vicyorus> Do I delete it?
00:06 <Charlie the Penguin> go ahead
00:06 <Twinkie102> Yes
00:06 <Vicyorus> OK
00:06 <Charlie the Penguin> i was just waiting to show that to an admin
00:07 <Charlie the Penguin> or mod
00:07 <Vicyorus> No problem, the bot logged that
00:07 <Vicyorus> -_-
00:07 <Charlie the Penguin> ...and there he goes.
00:07 <Twinkie102> Ugh
00:07 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
00:07 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
00:07 <Vicyorus> ...
00:08 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
00:08 <Vicyorus> Well Mikey, you'll just have to wait until we find those logs
00:08 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
00:08 <Vicyorus> In the meantime, why don't you edit? :)
00:08 <Charlie the Penguin> i try to edit a lot
00:08 <Charlie the Penguin> but whenever i try to make an edit
00:08 <Vicyorus> Boom
00:08 <Charlie the Penguin> someones usually beaten me to it
00:08 <Vicyorus> (xd)
00:09 <Charlie the Penguin> :P
00:09 <Mikeymkwii> Yeah
00:09 <Vicyorus> I had a hunch
00:09 <Mikeymkwii> Same for me
00:09 <Mikeymkwii> @Charlie
00:09 <Vicyorus> OK OK
00:09 <Charlie the Penguin> most of my edits are grammer fixes
00:09 <Vicyorus> Go and edit, I'm busy finding that
00:09 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
00:09 <Twinkie102> !logs
00:09 <CPChatBot> Chat logs may be seen [[Project:Chat/Logs|here]].
00:10 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, help me find that
00:10 <Twinkie102> What days have u searched so far?
00:10 <PixieLil> My internet is being crashy tonight! ;p
00:10 <Mikeymkwii> One thing, I never said he was fat and or stupid, I never said go kill yourself, and I never said that his opinions were stupid or anything.
00:10 <Twinkie102> Mikey, do you remember around what day it was?
00:11 <Mikeymkwii> Nope.
00:11 <Twinkie102> ._.
00:11 <Charlie the Penguin> thats pretty much everything he said you said
00:11 <Vicyorus> Great...
00:11 <Charlie the Penguin> so how is he quoting you
00:11 <Twinkie102> im searching for his sentence with the cuss he did
00:11 <Charlie the Penguin> :|
00:11 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, the ban log will help you there ;)
00:12 <Twinkie102> Oh Yes!
00:12 <Vicyorus> Think I found something...
00:12 <Mikeymkwii> what does it say
00:12 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
00:13 <Twinkie102> Aha! June 3rd
00:13 <Mikeymkwii> No one gets banned until obvious comes, right?
00:13 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Who?
00:13 <Vicyorus> (xd)
00:13 <Vicyorus> Twinkie
00:13 <Mikeymkwii> Not saying that I did something wrong.
00:13 <Twinkie102> yes? @Vic
00:13 <Mikeymkwii> But I might have
00:13 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I need to see logs for a minute
00:13 <Vicyorus> Guess when was I looking for
00:13 <Blue Jay of Lightning> !logs
00:13 <CPChatBot> Chat logs may be seen [[Project:Chat/Logs|here]].
00:13 <Vicyorus> June 3rd (LOL)
00:13 <Twinkie102> xD
00:13 <Mikeymkwii> I'll look too
00:13 <Mikeymkwii> brb
00:14 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
00:14 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
00:14 <Charlie the Penguin> whats so funny?
00:14 <Charlie the Penguin> :|
00:14 <Blue Jay of Lightning> ...
00:14 <Twinkie102> :| @Charlie
00:14 <Vicyorus> Here it is
00:14 <Vicyorus> 20:59 <Obviousname> mikey: "ur stupid and fat shut the freak up mlp is a great show but im not a brony so suck it hahahaha"
00:14 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
00:15 <Vicyorus> Apparently he was "quoting" you
00:15 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
00:15 <Vicyorus> Mock-quote
00:15 <Mikeymkwii> Where is the stuff that I said
00:15 <Mikeymkwii> We both got kicked I think BTW
00:15 <Vicyorus>
00:15 <Charlie the Penguin> yikes
00:15 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
00:16 <Twinkie102> Yup... There's only one line with that rude sentence
00:16 <Twinkie102> Soo.... Obvious lied about that
00:16 <PixieLil> :|
00:16 <Vicyorus> 9_9
00:16 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
00:16 <Twinkie102> ???
00:16 <Vicyorus> Mikey, how long has he been with that rumor of suicide?
00:17 <Mikeymkwii> about june 3rd
00:17 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
00:17 <Mikeymkwii> and then he showed us a pic of a pistol
00:17 <Mikeymkwii> and then he left
00:17 <Charlie the Penguin> yikes
00:17 <Mikeymkwii> I am thinking that it is faking death
00:17 <Vicyorus> Since then?
00:17 <Mikeymkwii> Nope
00:17 <Vicyorus> O_O
00:17 <Charlie the Penguin> thats pretty disturbing
00:17 <Charlie the Penguin> to show a pic of a gun then log off
00:17 <Vicyorus> Whoa, this is heavy
00:18 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
00:18 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
00:19 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
00:19 <Vicyorus> Mikey...
00:19 <Vicyorus>
00:19 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
00:19 <Vicyorus> Is this real?
00:19 <Vicyorus> Did you say that?
00:19 <Mikeymkwii> Yes. I got kicked for that.
00:19 <Mikeymkwii> So did he for mocking me.
00:19 <Eaglesrule8> back
00:19 <Vicyorus> For caps, I guess
00:19 <Mikeymkwii> Okay.
00:19 <Charlie the Penguin> this is like a court trial...
00:19 <Vicyorus> This is worst
00:19 <Mikeymkwii> Whatever you say Vic :P
00:19 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
00:20 <Vicyorus> Jeez, he's an enigma...
00:20 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
00:20 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Eagles PM
00:20 <Vicyorus> And did you say this?
00:20 <Vicyorus> @Mikey
00:21 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
00:21 <Mikeymkwii> Yes, back then I kept saying stupid things.
00:21 -!- Dororo111122 has joined Special:Chat
00:21 <Eaglesrule8> @Twinkie
00:21 <Mikeymkwii> That I have to agree is stupid to be said
00:21 <Vicyorus> Here it is
00:21 <Dororo111122> aand obvious left
00:21 <Charlie the Penguin> "back then" was a few days ago
00:21 <Vicyorus> Dororo
00:21 <Vicyorus> PM
00:21 <Mariocart25Charizard>
00:21 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: New Intro - Duration: 00:11 - Uploaded: 2013-06-20 - Rating: 0.000000 - Views: 4 -
00:21 <Dororo111122> my chum
00:21 <Blue Jay of Lightning> PM, Eagles.
00:21 <Mariocart25Charizard> That's not me
00:23 <Mikeymkwii> Everyone makes mistakes, including me and Obvious
00:23 <Mikeymkwii> and everyone else
00:23 <Mikeymkwii> of course
00:23 <Vicyorus> Except ChatBot
00:23 <Vicyorus> He never makes a mistake
00:24 <Charlie the Penguin> hes too epic to screw up
00:24 <Vicyorus> !test
00:24 <Twinkie102> what about when he doesnt do the commands you do? (troll)
00:24 <Twinkie102> !test
00:24 <CPChatBot> Twinkie102: Hai!
00:24 <Vicyorus> Stupid line of code...
00:24 <Mikeymkwii> Lol
00:24 <Twinkie102> He does what I say cuz I'm awesomeness
00:25 <PixieLil> !devs
00:25 <CPChatBot> The current list of chat bot developers are: Sactage, Cblair91, TyA, Madnessfan34537
00:25 <Mikeymkwii> Bye
00:25 <Vicyorus> ?
00:25 <Mikeymkwii> I am leaving
00:25 <Twinkie102> ?
00:25 <Mikeymkwii> Cya!
00:25 <Twinkie102> Ok Bye
00:25 <Mikeymkwii> (wave)
00:25 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
00:25 <Charlie the Penguin> (facepalm)
00:25 <PixieLil> (Facepalm)
00:25 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
00:25 <Eaglesrule8> (facepalm)
00:25 <Mikeymkwii> (facepalm)
00:26 <Dororo111122> BROKEN UMAD
00:26 <Vicyorus> Enough with the chains...
00:26 <PixieLil> (Facepalm)
00:26 <Charlie the Penguin> what are we doing with our lives...
00:26 <Twinkie102> DORORO!!! >:|
00:26 <Eaglesrule8> >:(
00:26 <Vicyorus> OK, next one's getting a (ban)
00:26 <Vicyorus> Curses...
00:26 <Vicyorus> (hammer)
00:26 <Vicyorus> Who eliminated the emote?
00:26 <Twinkie102> fail
00:26 <Mikeymkwii> Alright bye
00:26 -!- Mikeymkwii has left Special:Chat.
00:27 <Eaglesrule8> there was a banhammer emote?
00:27 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
00:27 <Waddleplay> Hey Guys! (wave)
00:27 <Charlie the Penguin> yo
00:27 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
00:27 <Twinkie102> (=)_(=)
00:27 <PixieLil> Hi
00:28 <Twinkie102> cool new face
00:28 <Waddleplay> Excited for New Feature and CP Times Issue 400. 
00:28 <Twinkie102> he's squinting :P
00:28 <Twinkie102> New Feature?
00:28 <Mariocart25Charizard> What new feature
00:28 <Waddleplay> [[Puffle Digging]]
00:28 <Twinkie102> Ikr ^
00:28 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Puffle Digging
00:28 <PixieLil> Awesome
00:28 <Twinkie102> Oh
00:28 <Twinkie102> That
00:28 <Twinkie102> :D
00:29 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
00:29 <PixieLil> That reminds me, I get to do updates blog tomarrow! :)
00:29 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Puffle Digging: Losing rarity since 1993
00:29 <Charlie the Penguin> (=_=)
00:29 <Charlie the Penguin> lol
00:29 <Waddleplay> and How about [[Private Chat]] and [[Server Jumping]]?!?!
00:29 <Charlie the Penguin> IKR!
00:29 <PixieLil> Ikr, never coming?
00:29 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Server Jumping will never come
00:29 <Waddleplay> :O
00:29 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I know it won't.
00:29 <Mariocart25Charizard> When the Updates blog comes POST it
00:30 <PixieLil> K
00:30 -!- Mikeymkwii has joined Special:Chat
00:30 <Mariocart25Charizard> Quiz: Who Promoted me to a Rollback? 
00:30 <Waddleplay> Yo!
00:30 <Blue Jay of Lightning> You know why? It's because...
00:30 <Mikeymkwii> Hi
00:30 <Mikeymkwii> (wave)
00:30 <Blue Jay of Lightning> It's because you could jump into the Moderators Test Server.
00:30 <Charlie the Penguin> is it the fact that Polo Field said server jumping was "a failure"
00:31 <Blue Jay of Lightning> If a mod was on it, and they were your friend.
00:31 <Twinkie102> They're probably gonna block the Test Servers
00:31 <Twinkie102> But
00:31 <Eaglesrule8> @mariocart P-P
00:31 <Twinkie102> How is CP gonna make the Private Chat safe?
00:31 <PixieLil> No idea
00:31 <Eaglesrule8> twinkie i broke the pm
00:31 <Eaglesrule8> jk
00:31 <Blue Jay of Lightning> The same way they made Standard Safe Chat Safe; they don't.
00:31 -!- Piplup40 has left Special:Chat.
00:32 <Mariocart25Charizard> Wrong\
00:32 <Charlie the Penguin> lol
00:32 <Mariocart25Charizard> Guess who promoted me to a Rollback
00:32 <Twinkie102> Apj
00:32 <Dororo111122> your mom
00:32 <Twinkie102> Roger
00:32 <Mariocart25Charizard> HINT: Its a B-crat
00:32 <Twinkie102> Ocean
00:32 <Mikeymkwii> Right, Blue Jay
00:32 <Twinkie102> Joe Mamma
00:32 <Mariocart25Charizard> WRONG
00:32 <Twinkie102> Chuck Norris
00:32 <Mikeymkwii> Stop it
00:32 <Mikeymkwii> -_-
00:32 <Waddleplay> :|
00:32 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Shurow, Sdg?
00:32 <Mikeymkwii> @Mario
00:32 <Mikeymkwii> Ever heard of opinions?
00:32 <Mariocart25Charizard> Its Sdg\
00:33 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yeah
00:33 <Eaglesrule8> sdg is a bcrat?!
00:33 <Mariocart25Charizard> Its stupid
00:33 <Eaglesrule8> :O
00:33 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yes
00:33 <Mariocart25Charizard> Options are stupid on Chat
00:33 <Mikeymkwii> Opinions are stupid?
00:33 <Waddleplay> Next Year, Items from 2010 becomes Rare.
00:33 <Vicyorus> Finally
00:33 <Mikeymkwii> You just insulted everyone, Mario.
00:33 <Vicyorus> *they all return*
00:33 <Vicyorus> :badluckrarepenguin*
00:33 <Mariocart25Charizard> I dont want the 3D Glasses to return
00:34 <Charlie the Penguin> i do, selfishly
00:34 <Mikeymkwii> I do
00:34 <Charlie the Penguin> they just look really cool
00:34 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Club Penguin: Losing fun since 2012
00:34 <Twinkie102> Actually
00:34 <Mikeymkwii> IKR
00:34 <Twinkie102> 2011
00:34 <Mikeymkwii> YEAH
00:34 <Waddleplay> O_O
00:35 <Charlie the Penguin> notice, as more team members leave, the worse it gets
00:35 <Blue Jay of Lightning> They Beta Hat... Shall return...
00:35 <Charlie the Penguin> lol
00:35 <Mikeymkwii> and if there are 0 team members left...
00:35 <Mikeymkwii> CP fails
00:35 <Mikeymkwii> Oh wait
00:35 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Then CP shuts down...
00:35 <Mikeymkwii> CP has already fail
00:35 <Charlie the Penguin> i made a joke about that beta hat thing in my story
00:35 <Twinkie102> I will revive it!
00:35 <Mikeymkwii> AND shut down
00:35 <Mikeymkwii> One day, in 2011
00:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> "Club Penguin: Shut down since 3445"
00:36 <Twinkie102> Wouldn't it be funny if someone put "Notch Lives Here!!" on the [[Sweden]] page?
00:36 <Mikeymkwii> lulz
00:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I doubt that it won't get shut down before I
00:36 <Charlie the Penguin> knowing some of the six year old anons year,
00:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> jump off a cliff, most likely because I won't.
00:36 <Charlie the Penguin> that proably could happen
00:37 <Blue Jay of Lightning> And Twinkie,
00:37 <Twinkie102> Yes?
00:37 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Want to know the story of how Minecraft was created?
00:37 <Mikeymkwii> ME
00:37 <Mikeymkwii> I do
00:37 <Twinkie102> eh... sure
00:38 <Vicyorus> Mikey
00:38 <Vicyorus> PM
00:38 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Well, a man nicknamed Notch entered a contest to see who could make the best game in 12 minutes.
00:38 <Charlie the Penguin> i know the story, but sure, go ahead. i see where this is going.
00:38 <Waddleplay> Rare Items and Coins are buried under CP Island
00:38 <Blue Jay of Lightning> He used the WORST program he could find, and made Minecraft with it.
00:38 <Twinkie102> (troll) Say I when u see it
00:38 <Blue Jay of Lightning> He won.
00:38 <Charlie the Penguin> i dont know about rare items..
00:38 <Vicyorus> LOL
00:39 <Eaglesrule8> :3
00:39 <Twinkie102> Lol, Jay
00:39 <Charlie the Penguin> I
00:39 <Charlie the Penguin> XD
00:39 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I
00:39 <Blue Jay of Lightning> [[Sweden]]
00:39 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
00:39 <Eaglesrule8> I
00:39 <Eaglesrule8> lol
00:39 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Trivia: Notch lives here.
00:40 <Eaglesrule8> LOL THTS AWESOME
00:40 <Twinkie102> xD
00:41 -!- Lizzyrun15 has joined Special:Chat
00:41 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Minecraft vs. Club Penguin = Minecraft s
00:41 <Mikeymkwii> IKR
00:41 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Minecraft-Themed Club Penguin Server, and Club Penguin-Themed Minecraft Server
00:41 <Eaglesrule8> LOL
00:41 <Twinkie102> a CP Minecraft Party would be epic
00:41 <Lizzyrun15> I like pie :P.
00:42 <Twinkie102> Which I'm working on customs for :D
00:42 <Eaglesrule8> Dororo PM
00:42 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Twinkie, it will happen when Disney buys Mojang
00:42 <Blue Jay of Lightning> (troll)
00:42 <Eaglesrule8> Twinkie check pm
00:42 <Twinkie102> *Minecraft
00:42 <Blue Jay of Lightning> No. Mojang.
00:42 <Charlie the Penguin> minecraft and club penguin is a rising fan discussion
00:42 <Lizzyrun15> That would be awesome...
00:43 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Polo Field once said: "Notch" "Is" "Powerful"
00:43 <PixieLil> That annoying moment when your Kindle shows an ad for Puffle Launch on the lock screen, when you can't even get the app.
00:43 <Twinkie102> I made this... This would be a free item at the Minecraft Party
00:43 <Twinkie102> o_o @Pixie
00:43 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
00:44 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Well, not exactly in the same sentence,but I bet he said those words before.
00:44 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
00:44 <Eaglesrule8> O_o @pixie
00:44 <Charlie the Penguin> oh i saw that
00:44 <Lizzyrun15> Awesome T-Shirt
00:44 <Eaglesrule8> i hate thar
00:44 <Eaglesrule8> that*
00:44 <Charlie the Penguin> i would so wear that
00:44 <Twinkie102> Thanks, Lizzy!
00:44 <Twinkie102> And thanks Charlie
00:44 <PixieLil> It's true, they make it sound like I could get the app
00:44 <Twinkie102> :O Eagles You hate my custom?
00:44 <Blue Jay of Lightning> That annoying moment when Blue Jay logs on chat (troll)
00:44 <Eaglesrule8> :O
00:44 <Lizzyrun15> You are welcome
00:44 <Lizzyrun15> :0
00:44 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
00:45 <Blue Jay of Lightning> :O
00:45 <Twinkie102> The person below hates my customs >:(
00:45 <Eaglesrule8> THAT AWESOME MOMENT WHEN,,, Eagles waddles into the chatroom
00:45 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
00:45 <Eaglesrule8> :)
00:45 <Lizzyrun15> Eagle?!
00:45 <Twinkie102> EAGLES I KNEW IT
00:45 <PixieLil> Hi
00:45 <Twinkie102> >:(
00:45 <Eaglesrule8> hi historical
00:45 <Dororo111122> omg caps
00:45 <Historicalcp> HI
00:45 <Eaglesrule8> WHAT TWINKIE?
00:45 <Historicalcp> Wait brb
00:45 <Historicalcp> its quick don't worry
00:45 <Twinkie102> look above your that awesome moment message
00:45 <Eaglesrule8> :O
00:45 <Twinkie102> >:(
00:45 <Eaglesrule8> NO I DONT
00:46 <Eaglesrule8> i <3 ur customs\
00:46 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
00:46 <Lizzyrun15> Just calm down
00:46 <Blue Jay of Lightning> The person below and the person below them have to get married on Friday the 13th.
00:46 <Eaglesrule8> BLAH
00:46 <Eaglesrule8> :#
00:46 <Lizzyrun15> O o
00:46 <Eaglesrule8> ;3
00:46 <Twinkie102> :o
00:46 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
00:46 <Eaglesrule8> marrying myself
00:46 <Twinkie102> Lizzy and Eagles
00:46 <Eaglesrule8> no
00:46 <Eaglesrule8> iOBJECT
00:46 <Twinkie102> AND :O Your Occupations @Eagles
00:46 <Eaglesrule8> >:)
00:47 <Charlie the Penguin> the "person below" thing should get banned
00:47 <Lizzyrun15> What? O o
00:47 <Charlie the Penguin> its annoying
00:47 <PixieLil> /me is tired of this "person below" game
00:47 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Then let's play person above!
00:47 <Twinkie102> -.-
00:47 <Eaglesrule8> the person below thinks eagles is awesome
00:47 <PixieLil> Same thing
00:47 <Blue Jay of Lightning> The person above thinks Blue Jay is awesome.
00:47 <Twinkie102> The person above hates my customs :(
00:47 <Twinkie102> jay >:(
00:47 <Eaglesrule8> the person below thinks Eagles is the best penguin that ever lived and ever will live
00:48 <Twinkie102> g
00:48 <Eaglesrule8> :D
00:48 <Charlie the Penguin> the person below is never allowed to play "person below" again
00:48 <Twinkie102> k
00:48 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I pass to person above.
00:48 <Twinkie102> Fine by me!
00:48 <Lizzyrun15> I liked your "My Family" post.
00:48 <Charlie the Penguin> >:D
00:48 <Twinkie102> I hate this game anyway now -.-
00:48 <Eaglesrule8> thanks
00:48 <Dororo111122> the person below must ban themselves on cp no passing
00:48 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Person above must not let me do that.
00:48 <Twinkie102> He said no passing
00:49 <Twinkie102> soo
00:49 <Waddleplay> O_O
00:49 <Twinkie102> BAN YOURSELF!!!
00:49 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I didn't pass to anybody.
00:49 <Lizzyrun15> Guys...
00:49 <Charlie the Penguin> im just going to say in advance, i want no part in this game.
00:49 <Eaglesrule8> the person below is weird
00:49 <Twinkie102> but u were still person below
00:49 <Twinkie102> :O
00:49 <Twinkie102> no im not
00:49 <Eaglesrule8> :O
00:49 <Twinkie102> im coolll
00:49 <Eaglesrule8> no u arent
00:49 <Eaglesrule8> the person below is cool
00:49 <Twinkie102> d
00:49 <Twinkie102> :D
00:49 <Eaglesrule8> :D
00:49 <Twinkie102> :D
00:49 <PixieLil> The person talking hates this game 
00:50 <Twinkie102> f
00:50 <Mikeymkwii> moo
00:50 <Mikeymkwii> DARN
00:50 <Eaglesrule8> the person below hates twinkies customs
00:50 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Fact: You can not spell the word awesome without "me"
00:50 <Twinkie102> JAY >:(
00:50 <Lizzyrun15> Person below must do something weird on CP
00:50 <Eaglesrule8> ME
00:50 <Mikeymkwii> ma
00:50 <Mikeymkwii> DANG
00:50 <Mikeymkwii> lag
00:50 <Twinkie102> mom
00:50 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Also I pass to person above @Eagles
00:50 <Eaglesrule8> :)
00:50 <Twinkie102> (troll)
00:50 <Eaglesrule8> :O
00:50 <Twinkie102> GUYS GUESS WHAT!
00:50 <Twinkie102> This is urgent
00:50 <Dororo111122> person below must hack person person below's cp account and get them banned no passing
00:51 <Eaglesrule8> the person below hates twinkies customs
00:51 <Eaglesrule8> :O
00:51 <Blue Jay of Lightning> What Twinkie?
00:51 <Dororo111122> eagles must hack blue
00:51 <Eaglesrule8> jay again
00:51 <Eaglesrule8> ok :3
00:51 <Twinkie102> your mom (troll)
00:51 <Lizzyrun15> >:(
00:52 <Blue Jay of Lightning> <- The person the arrow points at is done with this game
00:52 <Mikeymkwii> wa wa wa
00:52 <Lizzyrun15> Me too
00:52 <Mikeymkwii> wa wa wa
00:52 <Eaglesrule8> brb hacking his account
00:52 <Dororo111122> person below loves spiders 
00:52 <Mikeymkwii> yeah 
00:52 <Mikeymkwii> OOPS
00:52 <Twinkie102> LOL @MIKEY
00:52 <Mikeymkwii> lag
00:52 <Dororo111122> person below loves spydars
00:52 <Eaglesrule8> :S
00:52 <Eaglesrule8> :)
00:52 <Charlie the Penguin> <-- this person is so epic its unreal
00:52 <Twinkie102> person below has to go to outer space without any oxygen
00:53 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
00:53 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
00:53 <Lizzyrun15> O o me
00:53 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Who said I need oxygen to live
00:53 <Twinkie102> Lizzy :P
00:53 -!- Lpswinxmermaids has joined Special:Chat
00:53 -!- Mikeymkwii has left Special:Chat.
00:53 <Twinkie102> The  person below is a pig
00:53 <Lpswinxmermaids> yo what up
00:53 <Twinkie102> sup
00:53 <Charlie the Penguin> this game is childish
00:53 <Charlie the Penguin> -_-
00:53 <Lpswinxmermaids> i'm chilling
00:53 <Blue Jay of Lightning> The person below is 111% Awesomer than me
00:53 <Twinkie102> f
00:53 <Twinkie102> :D
00:53 <Lizzyrun15> Not much.
00:53 <Lpswinxmermaids> club penguin is not childish
00:54 <Blue Jay of Lightning> 111 is not that much...
00:54 <Charlie the Penguin> not cp
00:54 <Lpswinxmermaids> oh
00:54 <Twinkie102> person below is 3 years old
00:54 <Charlie the Penguin> the game these guys are playing
00:54 <Blue Jay of Lightning> BLOCK!
00:54 <Lpswinxmermaids> ha ha ha
00:54 <Twinkie102> charlie, WAY UNDERAGED
00:54 <Twinkie102> *blocks forever*
00:54 <Lpswinxmermaids> shesh
00:54 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Underaged by... Ten.
00:54 <Lpswinxmermaids> what is with you blue jay
00:54 <Charlie the Penguin> i said already, im not playing this
00:54 <Twinkie102> the person below is a pie no passing
00:55 <Lpswinxmermaids> i sort of am
00:55 <Charlie the Penguin> so its blue jay!
00:55 <Twinkie102> *eats lpswin*
00:55 <Lizzyrun15> Darn
00:55 <Charlie the Penguin> he was right below me
00:55 <Lpswinxmermaids> wha the
00:55 <Twinkie102> (yao)
00:55 <Twinkie102> ur a pie, i love pie, so i ate you
00:55 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Person below is tasty
00:55 <Lpswinxmermaids> hey
00:55 <Lizzyrun15> me
00:55 <Eaglesrule8> dororo
00:55 <Twinkie102> LPS LOL
00:55 <Blue Jay of Lightning> *puts LPS in refridgerator*
00:55 <Lpswinxmermaids> u dare say that because i am still alive
00:55 <Twinkie102> person below hates me, my videos, my customs, and wants me to go up into flames
00:56 <Eaglesrule8> hi
00:56 <Twinkie102> :O
00:56 <Eaglesrule8> jjk
00:56 <Lpswinxmermaids> stop that blue jay
00:56 <Twinkie102> (:O)
00:56 <Twinkie102> >:(
00:56 <Lpswinxmermaids> i see all of u
00:56 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
00:56 <Eaglesrule8> twinkie
00:56 <Eaglesrule8> u know im kidding
00:56 <Eaglesrule8> :D
00:56 <Eaglesrule8> :(
00:56 <Eaglesrule8> ;(
00:56 <Lpswinxmermaids> who knows
00:56 <Lizzyrun15> person below is a monkey
00:56 <Eaglesrule8> me
00:56 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
00:56 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Person below hates me and wants me blocked forever because they think I am against the world
00:56 <Dororo111122> ok
00:56 <Lizzyrun15> :0
00:57 <Lpswinxmermaids> eats blue jay*
00:57 <Lpswinxmermaids> ha ha
00:57 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Dororo...
00:57 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
00:57 <Lpswinxmermaids> oh yeah right
00:57 <Dororo111122> its actually person below
00:57 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Is officially recruited to the EPF
00:57 <Lpswinxmermaids> i am an EPF agent
00:57 <Lpswinxmermaids> dun
00:57 <Lizzyrun15> me too
00:57 <Eaglesrule8> person below wants twinkie to come back
00:58 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
00:58 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Lol
00:58 <Lizzyrun15> me
00:58 <Lpswinxmermaids> lol is rihgt]
00:58 <Twinkie102> :D
00:58 <PixieLil> Woah
00:58 <Lpswinxmermaids> he is back
00:58 <Eaglesrule8> HOLY HERBERT IT WORKED
00:58 <Eaglesrule8> :O
00:58 <Eaglesrule8> :D
00:58 <Twinkie102> what worked?
00:58 <Lpswinxmermaids> :)
00:58 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
00:58 <Charlie the Penguin> wow
00:58 <Lpswinxmermaids> cute story
00:58 <Blue Jay of Lightning> How to spell words (My favorite movie, book and opera)
00:58 <Lizzyrun15> :)
00:58 <Twinkie102> for some reason i was just pulled here
00:58 <Lpswinxmermaids> wow
00:58 <Twinkie102> i didnt even come
00:58 <Eaglesrule8> this
00:58 <Lpswinxmermaids> ok
00:58 <Lizzyrun15> :3
00:58 <Dororo111122> PERSON BELOW must leave no passing
00:59 <Twinkie102> f
00:59 <Lpswinxmermaids> dun dun dun
00:59 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
00:59 <Lpswinxmermaids> f
00:59 <Eaglesrule8> CAN I COME BACK?
00:59 <Dororo111122> forever
00:59 <Eaglesrule8> jk
00:59 <Dororo111122> caps
00:59 <Lpswinxmermaids> sure
00:59 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Person below must die
00:59 <Lpswinxmermaids> yes
00:59 <Lizzyrun15> me
00:59 <Lpswinxmermaids> no
00:59 <Lpswinxmermaids> charlie 
00:59 <Blue Jay of Lightning> LPS will die... Some day.
00:59 <Lpswinxmermaids> what?????!!!!!!
00:59 <Eaglesrule8> PERSON BELOW MUST spam and get kicked
00:59 <Lpswinxmermaids> no way'
00:59 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I didn't say when (troll)
00:59 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
00:59 <Eaglesrule8> wb
01:00 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Wb x31
01:00 <Twinkie102> IM DYING!!!
01:00 <Twinkie102> in 70 years (troll)
01:00 <Lpswinxmermaids> i will get u blue jay whatever it takes
01:00 <Lizzyrun15> Person below is a stalker O_o
01:00 <Eaglesrule8> dororo check pm
01:00 <Dororo111122> LOL
01:00 <Twinkie102> Eagles, it's true
01:00 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
01:00 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
01:00 <Twinkie102> you stalk me all the time in my closet -.-
01:00 <Lpswinxmermaids> hehhe
01:00 <Lizzyrun15> Haha
01:00 <Lpswinxmermaids> lol
01:00 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Adding LPS to my list of Mortal Enemies...
01:00 -!- Uberaloaf123 has joined Special:Chat
01:00 <PixieLil> I'm gonna die, in 100 years :D
01:00 <Twinkie102> Person below farted on my
01:00 <Lpswinxmermaids> what did i do
01:01 <Eaglesrule8> i do twinkie :3
01:01 <Twinkie102> LPS :O
01:01 <Lpswinxmermaids> what
01:01 <Dororo111122>
01:01 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I officially have no social life.
01:01 <Twinkie102> Person below is a n00b, doesn't know how to eat, is starving so much, needs a fire, and wants a gibby
01:01 <Lpswinxmermaids> it is not a big deal
01:01 <Twinkie102> LPS :O
01:01 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Dororo...
01:01 <Lpswinxmermaids> stop it twinkie
01:01 <Blue Jay of Lightning> THAT
01:01 <Lizzyrun15> Person below has to get married to a porcupine :P
01:01 <Blue Jay of Lightning> ISNT
01:01 <Blue Jay of Lightning> ME
01:01 <Dororo111122> ik
01:01 <Twinkie102> LOL BLUE JAY
01:01 <Lpswinxmermaids> yah right
01:02 <Dororo111122> I knew eagles was faking
01:02 <Lpswinxmermaids> yeah
01:02 <Blue Jay of Lightning> How?
01:02 <Lizzyrun15> XD
01:02 <Dororo111122> look at the clues!
01:02 <Lpswinxmermaids> duh
01:02 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
01:02 <Dororo111122> he never took big photos
01:02 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
01:02 <Dororo111122> your cp name isn't that
01:02 <Lpswinxmermaids> really
01:02 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
01:02 <Twinkie102> The person below still sleeps with their blankey (troll)
01:02 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Yes it is, Dororo...
01:02 <Twinkie102> Blue Jay :O
01:02 <Lizzyrun15> Xd
01:02 <Twinkie102> xD
01:02 <Lpswinxmermaids> :O
01:03 <Twinkie102> do you want your bottle too? (yao)
01:03 <Lpswinxmermaids> no way 
01:03 <Lizzyrun15> I wet my pants XD
01:03 <Lpswinxmermaids> puts twinkie in enimies
01:03 <Twinkie102> LOL
01:03 <Twinkie102> ? @lps
01:03 <Blue Jay of Lightning> No, I gave up my bottle when I was three months... Ago.
01:03 <Charlie the Penguin> well, this chat is going nowhere.
01:03 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
01:03 <Lizzyrun15> XD
01:03 <Twinkie102> LOL Blue jay
01:03 <Lpswinxmermaids> what the
01:03 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
01:03 <Charlie the Penguin> I'm out. Peace. (serverjump)
01:04 <Lpswinxmermaids> i'm otta here
01:04 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
01:04 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
01:04 <Twinkie102> The person below was potty trained at 8 months.... ago......
01:04 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Yes
01:04 <Twinkie102> LOL BLUE
01:04 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Yes I was
01:04 <Lpswinxmermaids> get your own yearbook
01:04 -!- Lpswinxmermaids has left Special:Chat.
01:04 <Mariocart25Charizard>
01:04 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: How to make a Monsters University Penguin with Paint.NET - Duration: 06:03 - Uploaded: 2013-06-20 - Rating: 0.000000 - Views: 14 -
01:04 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I really need to change my calendar...
01:04 <Lizzyrun15> Person below sleeps with a watermelon named b
01:04 <Eaglesrule8> dororo i am now banning the penguin
01:04 <Twinkie102> k
01:04 <Twinkie102> crap lag
01:04 <Dororo111122> blue eagles is banning you
01:04 <Eaglesrule8> >:) no passing sorry
01:05 <Twinkie102> The person below ate my banana
01:05 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Dororo, The Bigfoot1 is my name in CP
01:05 <Twinkie102> >:(
01:05 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
01:05 <Twinkie102> *attacks and throws watermelons at*
01:05 <Waddleplay>
01:05 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Eagles... If you ban me from CP... I will...
01:05 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Throw my blanket at you!
01:06 <Lizzyrun15> Person below is secretly Chuck Norris O_O
01:06 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Not
01:06 <Eaglesrule8> im so scared
01:06 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
01:06 <Twinkie102> Club Penguin Support makes too many excuses
01:06 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Or I will throw... That girl on you! *points at girl who is in a world that is on fire, the girl is on fire. she is walking on fire*
01:07 <Blue Jay of Lightning> No, Adele, now isn't the time to sing.
01:07 <Eaglesrule8> ITS KATNISS EVERDEEN :O
01:08 <Twinkie102> ADELE STOLE MY LETTUCE!!!
01:08 <Eaglesrule8> ikr @twinkie
01:08 <PixieLil> Gtg
01:08 <Twinkie102> she stole your lettuce too? (Troll)
01:08 <Twinkie102> bye pixie
01:08 <Blue Jay of Lightning> No, it is my friend, Lord Derpington
01:08 <Lizzyrun15> Person has to watch MLP while strapped to a chair eating tennis balls XD
01:08 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Bye Pix
01:08 <Blue Jay of Lightning> (Troll)
01:08 <Blue Jay of Lightning> \|/
01:08 <PixieLil> Bye (wave)
01:09 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
01:09 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Erm...
01:09 <Blue Jay of Lightning> (Troll)
01:09 <Blue Jay of Lightning> \ | /
01:09 <Blue Jay of Lightning> /\
01:09 <Twinkie102> person below has to listen to justin bieber 1000% volume while eating dog fur
01:09 <Lizzyrun15> Yup :)
01:09 <Twinkie102> LIZZY!!!!!!!
01:09 <Twinkie102> LOLOL
01:10 <Lizzyrun15> i do not have a dog
01:10 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Twinkie. Brains have a lot of cholesterol
01:10 <Twinkie102> brb
01:10 <Blue Jay of Lightning> So why do zombies eat them?
01:10 <Lizzyrun15> they are fat XD
01:11 -!- Kris303 has joined Special:Chat
01:11 <Lizzyrun15> JK
01:11 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Fat zombies look like Spongebob.
01:11 <Kris303> OMG
01:11 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Get the Spongebob!!
01:11 <Lizzyrun15> Lol
01:11 <Kris303> IM A BIG FAT ROBOT BLOB
01:11 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Caps
01:11 <Twinkie102> Caps
01:11 <Kris303> oh
01:11 <Twinkie102> Jinx
01:12 <Twinkie102> guys
01:12 <Twinkie102> i want a gibby
01:12 <Blue Jay of Lightning> It's a CAP!
01:12 <Kris303> a cap?
01:12 <Kris303> i dont know the rules im new
01:12 <Twinkie102> I WANT A GIBBY!!!
01:12 <Twinkie102> !welcome Kris303
01:12 <CPChatBot> Welcome to the wiki Kris303! Here in the chat you will talk to many users that will be glad to have a conversation with you! If you have any questions look for the users with the moderator badge!
01:13 <Lizzyrun15> I want a giant pancake full of snakes. XD
01:13 <Twinkie102> Here is our Chat Policy [[Club_Penguin_Wiki:Policy/Chat|Chat Policy]]
01:13 <Eaglesrule8> I KEPT MY "the person below" challenge and hacked and banned Blue Jay
01:13 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I want to be president, I guess we both have dreams that won't ever come true.
01:13 <Blue Jay of Lightning> But...
01:13 <Blue Jay of Lightning> NO!
01:13 <Twinkie102> brb
01:13 <Eaglesrule8>
01:13 <Eaglesrule8>
01:13 <Eaglesrule8>
01:13 <Eaglesrule8> PROOF
01:13 <Twinkie102> again
01:14 <Kris303> okay?
01:14 <Eaglesrule8> and brb
01:14 <Lizzyrun15> Ribbit.......
01:14 <Kris303> !welcome kris303
01:14 <Kris303> yeah omg
01:14 -!- Lizzyrun15 has left Special:Chat.
01:15 -!- Lizzyrun15 has joined Special:Chat
01:15 <Obviousname> why am i not banned/?/?
01:15 <Obviousname> \
01:15 <Dororo111122> obvious back to the rp room
01:15 <Lizzyrun15> Huh??
01:15 <Obviousname> no
01:15 <Dororo111122> whhyyy
01:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Oh. Well that's because Lord Derpington has not sentenced you to death yet.
01:16 <Lizzyrun15> :troll face:
01:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> (Troll)
01:16 <Lizzyrun15> how
01:16 <Eaglesrule8> dororo did u see i did it?
01:16 <Dororo111122> yesh
01:16 <Uberaloaf123> I sense an Obviousname,or im hallucinating
01:16 <Dororo111122> person below must avenge blue and hack eagles
01:16 <Kris303> (smile)
01:17 <Lizzyrun15> :trollface:
01:17 <Kris303> (trollface)
01:17 <Kris303> omg
01:17 <Eaglesrule8> :O
01:17 <Blue Jay of Lightning> O.O
01:17 <Eaglesrule8> DORORO
01:17 <Eaglesrule8> I VOLUNTEER
01:17 <Lizzyrun15> Um
01:17 <Eaglesrule8> I NOMINATE JAY TO DO IT
01:17 <Twinkie102> BACK
01:17 <Twinkie102> >:(
01:17 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Ok. I shall do it.
01:18 <Twinkie102> FREAKING PARENTS
01:18 <Twinkie102> GAHH
01:18 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Brb
01:18 <Eaglesrule8> :)
01:18 <Twinkie102> Somedays I wish I lived on my OWN!! >:(
01:18 <Lizzyrun15> :0
01:18 <Kris303>  (es)
01:18 <Dororo111122> who will pay for your phone bills then
01:18 <Lizzyrun15> Yeah
01:18 <Kris303> (et) who likes noise
01:18 <Twinkie102> Dororo, not the time for that
01:19 <Twinkie102> I would punch the wall so many times right now if I was allowed to >:(
01:19 <Kris303> can i call a hoogie
01:19 <Obviousname> twinkie i live on my own :D
01:19 -!- Lizzyrun15 has left Special:Chat.
01:19 <Eaglesrule8> i know how u feel twinkie
01:19 <Twinkie102> Some other days I wish i wasn't even born
01:19 <Obviousname> i moved out at like age 16
01:19 -!- Lizzyrun15 has joined Special:Chat
01:20 <Kris303> WHO WANTS A HOOGIE
01:20 -!- Uberaloaf123 has left Special:Chat.
01:20 <Lizzyrun15> How do u even survive?
01:20 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
01:21 -!- Obviousname has left Special:Chat.
01:21 <Kris303> prepare for an opreations
01:21 <Eaglesrule8> how old are u obvious? if u dont mind me asking
01:21 -!- Lizzyrun15 has left Special:Chat.
01:21 <Twinkie102> Eagles, don't ask for ages
01:21 -!- Uberaloaf123 has joined Special:Chat
01:22 <Eaglesrule8> ok
01:22 <Kris303> kan i have koffee
01:22 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
01:23 <Kris303> i say everything with a k that has a c
01:23 <Twinkie102> Hi Waddle!
01:23 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
01:23 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
01:24 <Waddleplay> Aunt Arctic will come later. :|
01:24 -!- Uberaloaf123 has left Special:Chat.
01:25 <Waddleplay> BTW, Happy77 joins Team PNK with Daffo.
01:25 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
01:25 <Waddleplay> Yo!
01:25 <Twinkie102> Hi Jay
01:25 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
01:25 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
01:25 <Waddleplay>
01:26 <Eaglesrule8> igtg guys
01:26 <Waddleplay> It's Dead Chat! :|
01:26 <Eaglesrule8> (wave)
01:26 <Twinkie102> Bye Eagles :(
01:26 <Waddleplay> Bye!
01:26 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Twinkie, have you thought about the offer?
01:26 <Eaglesrule8> Eagles is OUT!!! (serverjump)
01:26 <Waddleplay> I think Happy77 is back!
01:27 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
01:27 <Twinkie102> The blog offer?
01:27 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Bye (wave)
01:27 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Yes Twinkie
01:27 <Twinkie102> Oh
01:27 <Twinkie102> Well
01:27 <Twinkie102> My choice is........
01:27 <Twinkie102> no :(
01:27 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Ok, I don't mind
01:28 <Twinkie102> :)
01:28 -!- Lizzyrun15 has joined Special:Chat
01:28 -!- Lizzyrun15 has left Special:Chat.
01:28 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
01:34 -!- Commander Bsyew has joined Special:Chat
01:34 <Commander Bsyew> Wow! Look at this dead chat.. -_-
01:34 <Mariocart25Charizard> LOL
01:34 <Commander Bsyew> :P
01:35 -!- Ninja Penguins has joined Special:Chat
01:35 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yo
01:35 <Ninja Penguins> Another boring day of nothing...:/
01:35 <Commander Bsyew> Hi Ninja (s)
01:35 <Commander Bsyew> Not for me :P
01:35 <Ninja Penguins> I'm Very bored...
01:35 -!- Luismaverdyum has joined Special:Chat
01:35 <Commander Bsyew> Hai.
01:35 <Ninja Penguins> Can you guys send me links to quizs?
01:35 <Luismaverdyum>
01:36 <Luismaverdyum> aa tomorrow
01:36 <Ninja Penguins> :D
01:36 <Ninja Penguins> Going on zipline
01:36 <Commander Bsyew> If you have a Ipad and if you like shooting games, play nova 3
01:36 <Ninja Penguins> i play scooters for iphone
01:36 <Luismaverdyum> AA tomorrow visiting
01:36 <Luismaverdyum>
01:36 <Commander Bsyew> Scooter games?
01:36 <Ninja Penguins> no
01:36 <Commander Bsyew> Sounds fun.
01:36 -!- Luismaverdyum has left Special:Chat.
01:36 <Ninja Penguins> A scooter game
01:36 <Kris303> (EC)
01:36 <Ninja Penguins> you just play with scooters
01:36 <Kris303> (E9)
01:36 <Ninja Penguins> you ride them
01:37 <Kris303> MAB
01:37 <Ninja Penguins> pretty much
01:37 <Commander Bsyew> I hate scooters.
01:37 -!- Dororo111122 has left Special:Chat.
01:37 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
01:37 <Commander Bsyew> its a bike that got put into the washer.
01:37 <Commander Bsyew> Hai there sugar penguin.
01:37 <Ninja Penguins> Yeah but you can kill zombies in the scooter game
01:37 <SugarPenguin12> Hi
01:37 <SugarPenguin12> Are you new, Commander
01:37 <Waddleplay> Yo!
01:37 <Ninja Penguins> A: N
01:38 <Ninja Penguins> no
01:38 <Commander Bsyew> Yes I am.
01:38 <Commander Bsyew> Thats why I have over 4,000 edits.
01:38 <Commander Bsyew> -_-
01:38 <SugarPenguin12> And my favourite sport is..
01:38 <SugarPenguin12> GUESS
01:38 <Waddleplay> Brb
01:39 <Mariocart25Charizard> Im a rollback now :) ANYONE congrat me
01:39 -!- Piplup40 has joined Special:Chat
01:39 <Commander Bsyew> I never heard of a sport where you guess.
01:39 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
01:39 <Commander Bsyew> Hai
01:39 <Mariocart25Charizard> Hai
01:39 <Commander Bsyew> Congrats
01:39 <Mariocart25Charizard> Ty :)
01:39 <Commander Bsyew> I became a chat mod :D
01:39 <Piplup40> hello
01:39 <Mariocart25Charizard> I hope you be a patroller again 1 day\
01:40 <SugarPenguin12> commander didn't you quit the wiki
01:40 <Commander Bsyew> I hope I get my rights back.
01:40 <SugarPenguin12> according to your userpage
01:40 <Commander Bsyew> Everyone keeps telling me that..
01:40 <Commander Bsyew> have you seen my last blog post?
01:40 <Commander Bsyew> Latest 
01:41 <Commander Bsyew> I guess not.
01:41 <SugarPenguin12> Nope
01:41 <SugarPenguin12> And my favourite sport is scooting
01:41 <SugarPenguin12> :D
01:41 <Commander Bsyew> Well check my blog list :P
01:41 <Commander Bsyew> Scooting your butt is a game?
01:41 <SugarPenguin12> Y U no write any blogs (yao)
01:42 <SugarPenguin12> CB
01:42 <Commander Bsyew> Yeah, funny.
01:42 <SugarPenguin12> seriously.
01:42 <Piplup40> I have something to get off my mind
01:42 -!- Jonah Simm has joined Special:Chat
01:42 <Commander Bsyew> I have A ton of posts.
01:42 <Commander Bsyew> Hai!
01:42 <Jonah Simm> What, Piplup?
01:42 <Jonah Simm> HI commander
01:43 <Jonah Simm> I just got new shoes today :D
01:43 <Mariocart25Charizard> Whn im bored I watch this:
01:43 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Charlie Schmidt's Keyboard Cat! - THE ORIGINAL! - Duration: 00:55 - Uploaded: 2007-06-07 - Rating: 4.814938 - Views: 31,451,001 -
01:43 <Commander Bsyew> I don't care about being a admin or patroller.. I just wish I could be a chat mod again.
01:43 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
01:43 <Piplup40> I been thinking of posing my fanfiction on my blog...but I don't know if I shiuld do it
01:43 <Commander Bsyew> Did you get cat shoes?
01:43 <Piplup40> *should
01:44 <Jonah Simm> no, I got  Blue, Green, and Grey Reebok Zigtech
01:44 <Jonah Simm> Grey body, Green highlights, and Blue sole
01:44 <Commander Bsyew> If there was a vote to if I should be a chat mod, would you say yes or no?
01:44 <SugarPenguin12> Neutral
01:44 <SugarPenguin12> I don't know you
01:44 <SugarPenguin12> :p
01:44 <Jonah Simm> Yea
01:45 <Jonah Simm> Yes, I would say Yes
01:45 <Blue Jay of Lightning> If there was a vote to if I should be chat mod, would you say yes or no?
01:45 <Commander Bsyew> I know that you don't know me because you asked me if I was new :P
01:45 <Blue Jay of Lightning> @Bysew yes
01:45 <Blue Jay of Lightning> @Me no
01:45 <Jonah Simm> If there was a vote if I should be chat mod, would you vote Yes or No?
01:45 <Blue Jay of Lightning> @Jonah No
01:46 <Commander Bsyew> Maybe.
01:46 <Commander Bsyew> :)
01:46 <Jonah Simm> @Blue Jay why?
01:46 <Mariocart25Charizard>,_2011_Downtime
01:46 <SugarPenguin12> I remember that
01:46 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Actually, 52% No isn't that much...
01:46 <Mariocart25Charizard> Ne too
01:46 <Mariocart25Charizard> I said\
01:46 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
01:47 <Mariocart25Charizard> :P
01:47 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
01:47 <Historicalcp> Hi
01:47 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yo
01:47 <Commander Bsyew> Maybe I should edit more and come to chat more to impress admins :P
01:47 <Commander Bsyew> Hi.
01:47 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
01:47 <Historicalcp> hello
01:47 <Historicalcp> I got a game 
01:47 <Historicalcp> hi blue hay
01:47 <Historicalcp> jay
01:47 -!- Jonah Simm has left Special:Chat.
01:47 <Commander Bsyew> Blue hay?
01:48 <Blue Jay of Lightning> For the last (and second) time, it's pronounced Blue JAY
01:48 <Commander Bsyew> Thats why horses turn blue :O
01:48 <Historicalcp> sorry my keyboard :[
01:48 <SugarPenguin12> Blue hay muhahahaha
01:48 <Historicalcp> LOL Sorry
01:48 <SugarPenguin12> (chicken)
01:48 <Historicalcp> :p
01:48 <SugarPenguin12> (bone)
01:48 <SugarPenguin12> (chickenonabone)
01:48 <SugarPenguin12> :/
01:48 <Historicalcp> Blue Jay, I am your Grandson (stare)
01:48 <SugarPenguin12> Y U NO PUT CHICKEN EMOTE??!
01:48 <SugarPenguin12> also srry for caps
01:49 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Grandson, could you make me some cookies?
01:49 -!- Jonah Simm has joined Special:Chat
01:49 -!- Piplup40 has left Special:Chat.
01:49 <Commander Bsyew> WB
01:49 <Jonah Simm> Please check out my new userpage!
01:49 <SugarPenguin12> I am Blue Hay's annoying little sister
01:49 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Cookies are good for the heart
01:49 <SugarPenguin12> (heart)
01:49 <Commander Bsyew> Cool.
01:49 <Jonah Simm> Do you like the greeting?
01:49 <Blue Jay of Lightning> SugarPenguin, who is Blue Hay?
01:49 <SugarPenguin12> Bsyews are good for the heart.
01:49 <Commander Bsyew> You know the code for people's name on userpages?
01:50 <Mariocart25Charizard> Kallie
01:50 <SugarPenguin12> They contain fiber, calcium and minerals
01:50 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Jonah, I amn't awesome.
01:50 <Historicalcp> ...
01:50 <Commander Bsyew> I first brought it and showed it :P
01:50 <Mariocart25Charizard> I reverted your page
01:50 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I am supremely awesome.
01:50 <SugarPenguin12> shes away
01:50 <Mariocart25Charizard> They vandlismed again.
01:50 -!- Luismaverdyum has joined Special:Chat
01:50 <Commander Bsyew> Hi
01:50 -!- Luismaverdyum has left Special:Chat.
01:50 <Jonah Simm> Well, I also added more templates, and changed up the "About ME" section
01:51 -!- Luismaverdyum has joined Special:Chat
01:51 <Jonah Simm> What do you think of my userpage?
01:51 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
01:51 <Commander Bsyew> Cool.
01:51 <Jonah Simm> what would you rate it, on a scale of 1-10?
01:51 <Luismaverdyum> ASHH i cant find the URL
01:51 <Mariocart25Charizard> 1000000
01:51 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
01:51 <Jonah Simm> You really like my userpage that much?
01:51 <Jonah Simm> WOW
01:51 <Commander Bsyew> What would you rate my userpage?
01:52 <SugarPenguin12> Error 404
01:52 <Commander Bsyew> Derp.
01:52 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
01:52 <Commander Bsyew> Hi.
01:52 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Bysew, I would rate it Over 9000
01:52 <Twinkie102> OMG
01:52 <Commander Bsyew> Yay :)
01:52 <Mariocart25Charizard> Ninjas
01:52 <Twinkie102> The bot still wont post the video!
01:53 <Mariocart25Charizard> Stop Vanalisming Kallie's Page
01:53 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
01:53 <Twinkie102> :-[
01:53 <Commander Bsyew> Didint you get the email from Sacatage?
01:53 <Twinkie102> Oh
01:53 <Twinkie102> No
01:53 <Twinkie102> Let me check it
01:53 <Jonah Simm> Bsyew, I would rate it about an 8.  I LOVE the music, but I think the add-ons are a little annoying.  There's my honest answer )
01:53 <Commander Bsyew> Yeah, the ad ons will be changed soon.
01:54 <Commander Bsyew> Well, Twinkie.
01:54 <Historicalcp> !yton
01:54 <Commander Bsyew> You know how the bot is on a server?
01:54 <Historicalcp> !test
01:54 <CPChatBot> Historicalcp: Hai!
01:54 <Twinkie102> yes
01:54 <Historicalcp> !ytoff
01:54 <CPChatBot> Youtube info now OFF
01:54 <Twinkie102> I do
01:54 <Historicalcp> !yton
01:54 <CPChatBot> Youtube info now ON
01:54 <Twinkie102> Historical, stop that
01:54 <Historicalcp> Hehehe luis
01:54 <Jonah Simm> Say I if Kingdom Hearts 3 is your selling point for the PS4!
01:54 <Jonah Simm> I
01:54 <Historicalcp> Sorry just tsting
01:54 <Historicalcp> You wont find the link
01:54 <Historicalcp> >:)
01:54 <Commander Bsyew> Well someone hacked the server and the bot didn't work.
01:54 <Jonah Simm> Master Eraquas' Keyblade?!  OMG
01:55 <Twinkie102> But most other videos are working
01:55 <Twinkie102> How could it not work for me
01:55 <Twinkie102> *that video
01:55 <Commander Bsyew> So sactage fixed it recently and there still might be bugs.
01:55 <Jonah Simm> Kingdom Hearts 3 looks amazing
01:55 <Twinkie102> Ohhh
01:55 <Commander Bsyew> I can't wait for KH3.
01:55 <Commander Bsyew> It looks epic.
01:55 <Jonah Simm> I hope it comes out on 3DS, 'cuz I can't get a PS4
01:55 <Jonah Simm> sadly I don't think it will...
01:56 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
01:56 <Historicalcp> hi vic
01:56 <Vicyorus> Hai
01:56 <Commander Bsyew> The PS4 price is only about $400.
01:56 <Commander Bsyew> Hi.
01:56 <Jonah Simm> Dream Drop Distance was a good game, but it's SOO short
01:56 <Commander Bsyew> I never got to play it.
01:56 <Ninja Penguins> :/
01:56 <Jonah Simm> I have it, but I can't beat Ansem's Deamon forme
01:56 -!- Luismaverdyum has left Special:Chat.
01:56 <Ninja Penguins> How do you make a template?
01:56 <Commander Bsyew> Twinkie.
01:57 <Vicyorus> Making it
01:57 <Twinkie102> Yes Bsyew?
01:57 <Commander Bsyew> Cool avatar :P
01:57 <Jonah Simm> I also have 358/2 Days
01:57 <Twinkie102> thanks :P
01:57 <Mariocart25Charizard> KALLIE! Ninjas Vandalismed your page
01:57 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
01:57 <Ninja Penguins> no...
01:57 <Ninja Penguins> I dd not
01:57 <Commander Bsyew> You should change it to a cat.
01:57 <Ninja Penguins> It was a hacker...
01:57 <Ninja Penguins> Who hacked my TALK PAGE!!!
01:57 -!- CoolCat123450 has joined Special:Chat
01:58 <Commander Bsyew> Hi
01:58 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
01:58 <Jonah Simm> If Kingdom Hearts is the greatest game of all time, say I!
01:58 <Vicyorus> >:/
01:58 <CoolCat123450> Yes, definitely a cat.
01:58 <Jonah Simm> I
01:58 <CoolCat123450> A COOL cat
01:58 <Ninja Penguins> All i know about the hacker is a his I.P
01:58 <Commander Bsyew> I know right?
01:58 <Vicyorus> Ninja, if you touch that page again I'm going to have to ask an admin to block you
01:58 <Ninja Penguins> didn't do it
01:58 <Vicyorus> Responsability Policy, sorrry
01:58 <Ninja Penguins> I think i got hacked on the wiki
01:58 <Ninja Penguins> WAIT A SEC....
01:59 <Ninja Penguins> I AM HACKED....
01:59 <Jonah Simm> In KH 3, Sora finds Master Eraquas' keyblade.  MIND.  BLOWN.
01:59 <Commander Bsyew> I don't want to be in this argument sooo..
01:59 <Historicalcp> change your pass (stare)
01:59 <Commander Bsyew> Bsyew vanish!
01:59 <Historicalcp> bye bsyew
01:59 <Historicalcp> First chatbot gets hacked
01:59 <Ninja Penguins> Ok...
01:59 <Twinkie102> Ninja, stop and change your pass... It's not like you can't do that :|
01:59 <Historicalcp> then kallie jo gets vandalized
01:59 <Historicalcp> then someone is hacking ninja
01:59 <Jonah Simm> BAI HUMANS (and penguins)
01:59 -!- Commander Bsyew has left Special:Chat.
01:59 -!- Jonah Simm has left Special:Chat.
01:59 <Ninja Penguins> FUDUFUFUFJFJUFJU
01:59 -!- Ninja Penguins was kicked from Special:Chat by Twinkie102
01:59 <Ninja Penguins> I did not type that
01:59 -!- Ninja Penguins has left Special:Chat.
01:59 <Vicyorus> >:O
01:59 -!- Ninja Penguins has joined Special:Chat
01:59 <Twinkie102> Ninja, stop with that
02:00 <Vicyorus> First kick?
02:00 <Twinkie102> Yep
02:00 <Ninja Penguins> I keep getting hacked..
02:00 <Ninja Penguins> Time to change my pasword.
02:00 <Vicyorus> Sure sure
02:00 <SugarPenguin12> Vicky
02:01 <Vicyorus> >:/(
02:01 <SugarPenguin12> How many CJS stamps do you have
02:01 <Vicyorus> Don't
02:01 <Vicyorus> 16, if my memory doesn't fail
02:01 -!- Kris303 has left Special:Chat.
02:01 <Ninja Penguins> I have changed it...
02:01 <Twinkie102> k
02:01 <SugarPenguin12> Well I have 20
02:01 <SugarPenguin12> I still need Team Revival
02:02 <SugarPenguin12> Then I will be DONE!
02:02 <SugarPenguin12> lD
02:02 <SugarPenguin12> * :D
02:02 <Historicalcp> I have 11 I think
02:03 <Ninja Penguins> >:O
02:03 <Ninja Penguins> The hacker, posted a blog post!
02:03 <Ninja Penguins> >:(
02:03 <Ninja Penguins> How do i delete it?
02:04 <Vicyorus> Link
02:04 <Twinkie102> Suree
02:04 <Vicyorus>
02:04 <Vicyorus> That one?
02:04 <Twinkie102> uh
02:04 <Twinkie102> Oh God
02:04 <Historicalcp> :o
02:04 <Twinkie102> Let's hope for the best he doesn't hack us
02:04 <Historicalcp> Nobody comment...
02:05 <Historicalcp> Or else he would hack us...
02:05 <Twinkie102> No one make a comment
02:05 <Vicyorus> Ninja, do you mind if I delete that?
02:05 <Historicalcp> Btw WHY the heck is he hacking you?
02:05 <Ninja Penguins> Yes
02:05 <Vicyorus> You do mind?
02:05 <Ninja Penguins> Um...
02:05 <Twinkie102> Vic, delete it quick
02:05 <Ninja Penguins> Well
02:05 <Ninja Penguins> on cpps,he knows me
02:05 <Vicyorus> So...?
02:05 <Ninja Penguins> and he calls me a swear word everytime
02:05 <Vicyorus> Do I delete it or not? @Ninja
02:05 <Ninja Penguins> yes
02:05 <Historicalcp> Did you do something to him?
02:05 <Historicalcp> ANYTHING
02:05 <Ninja Penguins> no
02:05 <Historicalcp> Did you do anything?
02:06 <Vicyorus> OK, done
02:06 <Ninja Penguins> I told him that i had a cp wiki account
02:06 <Ninja Penguins> then he decided to hack it
02:06 <Ninja Penguins> well i didn't tell him
02:06 <Vicyorus> -_-
02:06 <Ninja Penguins> i just gave the link to my profile
02:06 <Ninja Penguins> and he called me the b word...
02:06 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
02:06 <Historicalcp> ...That would explain why...
02:06 <Historicalcp> Just ask him FIRST if he is from CP Wiki
02:06 <Ninja Penguins> he isn't
02:07 <Ninja Penguins> 1 thing: He hates club penguin
02:07 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has joined Special:Chat
02:07 <Ninja Penguins> He hacked me randomly
02:07 <Historicalcp> Who is Kato Yee btw?
02:07 <Vicyorus> Hi
02:07 <Bobby 123 Ab> hey guys
02:07 <Historicalcp> That dude has no life then
02:07 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yo
02:07 <Historicalcp> Hi bobby!
02:07 <Ninja Penguins> my other account that got blocked
02:07 <Ninja Penguins> thanks to him
02:07 <CoolCat123450> Whom did I hack?
02:07 <Historicalcp> I am reopening my blog back :)
02:07 <Ninja Penguins> not you coolcat
02:07 <Twinkie102> you didnt hack anyone @coolcat
02:07 <Historicalcp> [[User:Kato Yee]]
02:07 <Twinkie102> some dude name Faxx
02:07 <CoolCat123450> Well, I have hacked before, and I apologize profusely.
02:08 <CoolCat123450> But otherwise, I have not hacked recently.
02:08 <Twinkie102> Um
02:08 <Twinkie102> Who did u hack
02:08 <Ninja Penguins> and then the hacker made a wiki passwwrod finder
02:08 <Ninja Penguins> and it worked
02:08 <Ninja Penguins> then he typed in my user
02:08 <Twinkie102> :O @NINJA
02:08 <Historicalcp> :o
02:08 <Ninja Penguins> and then there it goes
02:08 <Ninja Penguins> the worst
02:08 <Twinkie102> NICE KNOWING YOU GUYS ;(
02:08 <Ninja Penguins> he goes make my talk page annoying
02:08 <Vicyorus> 9_9
02:08 <Historicalcp> Do you think its Yoshiandmario?
02:09 <Ninja Penguins> and makes a blog post about hating
02:09 <Ninja Penguins> no
02:09 <Twinkie102> he said his name is faxx
02:09 <Historicalcp> Its probably his name in disguise
02:09 <Twinkie102> yea
02:09 <Historicalcp> On which CPPS was it?
02:09 <CoolCat123450> You too Twinkle Twinkle little sphere of nuclear fusion processes.
02:09 <Twinkie102> Let's hope for the best he doesn
02:09 <Vicyorus> Guys
02:09 <Twinkie102> *doesn't hack us
02:09 <Twinkie102> Yes Vic??
02:09 <Twinkie102> *Vic?
02:09 <Vicyorus> I'd lreally like if you don't talk about this :)
02:09 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
02:10 <Historicalcp> if I do something bad such as bad word, vandalize, etc. Then you might know why
02:10 <Twinkie102> Same, Historical
02:10 <Historicalcp> Otherwise if something happens, I will use Hubert to tell it to you personally
02:10 <Twinkie102> I hope nothing happens to us
02:10 <Historicalcp> Somehow, when I am blocked in Historicalcp, I can't even edit my userpage or send a message
02:10 <CoolCat123450> Historicalcp, don't worry. Nothing will happen while the lion inspires fear to every hacker in my presence.
02:11 <CoolCat123450> ROAR!
02:11 <Historicalcp> *Hugs lion*
02:11 <CoolCat123450> :)
02:11 <Historicalcp> Well...It was an honor to meet you gentlemen
02:11 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
02:11 <Vicyorus> (facepalm)
02:11 <Charlie the Penguin> back
02:11 <Historicalcp> Hi Charlie
02:11 <Historicalcp> *Packs up Puffles*
02:11 <Historicalcp> Wait we cant roleplay
02:11 <Historicalcp> (facepalm)
02:11 <Historicalcp> Even tho I wasn't roleplaying
02:12 <Historicalcp> /me is packing his puffles
02:12 <Historicalcp> /me is packing everything
02:12 <Historicalcp> /me is ready
02:12 <Vicyorus> -_-
02:12 <CoolCat123450> *CoolCat facepalms* Then sits down looking at nothing.
02:12 <Charlie the Penguin> what am i in the middle of...?
02:12 <CoolCat123450> We are roleplaying that we are not roleplaying.
02:12 <Bobby 123 Ab> i have no idea...
02:12 <Historicalcp> Someone hacked Ninja Penguins
02:12 <CoolCat123450> *Does not roleplay*
02:12 <Historicalcp> He has a thing to hack people
02:13 <Historicalcp> and it worked
02:13 <Historicalcp> Eventually he might hack us...
02:13 <CoolCat123450> He cannot hack me though.
02:13 <Twinkie102> Hopefully he wont :C
02:13 <CoolCat123450> For I am the mighty lion!
02:13 <CoolCat123450> ROAR!
02:13 <Ninja Penguins> Here is one info: He hates the word puffle
02:13 <Twinkie102> DONT SAY PUFFLE!!
02:13 <CoolCat123450> What's a puffle?
02:13 <Historicalcp> And me HistoricalCP! Because I am the most Regular User EVER in this Wiki!
02:13 <Twinkie102> :|
02:13 <Vicyorus> OK, this is just silly
02:13 <Vicyorus> I'm calling an admin
02:14 <Historicalcp> But agreed with vic
02:14 <Charlie the Penguin> am i not regular?
02:14 <Historicalcp> We need to calm down
02:14 <Twinkie102> Yes
02:14 <Historicalcp> And control our nerves
02:14 <Twinkie102> If it happens, it happens
02:14 <CoolCat123450> I am calm because I am the lion.
02:14 <Twinkie102> It's just a wiki
02:14 <Mariocart25Charizard> I, Mariocart25Charizard, WILL BREAK THE VANDALS COMPUTER IS PIECES!
02:14 <Historicalcp> You are regular too Charlie ;)
02:14 <CoolCat123450> I do not possess fear
02:14 <Historicalcp> Mario caps -_-
02:14 <CoolCat123450> ROAR!
02:14 <Ninja Penguins> wait a sec...
02:14 <Charlie the Penguin> i am one of the only people here who doesnt find fun in spamming
02:14 <Twinkie102> Yes, Charlie
02:14 <Twinkie102> You you are
02:14 <CoolCat123450> Charlie, neither do I
02:14 <Ninja Penguins> Technicals problems BRB
02:15 <CoolCat123450> For lions have integrity and respect for the mighty.
02:15 -!- Penguin Faxx has joined Special:Chat
02:15 -!- Ninja Penguins has left Special:Chat.
02:15 <Vicyorus> Hi
02:15 <Penguin Faxx> I hacked Ninja again :D
02:15 <Twinkie102> (!)
02:15 <Historicalcp> back guys!
02:15 <Historicalcp> What did I missed?
02:15 <Penguin Faxx> Thats how he got logged out...
02:16 <Penguin Faxx> I'm gonna ruin this wiki
02:16 <Penguin Faxx> :D
02:16 <Twinkie102> Not on my watch!
02:16 <Penguin Faxx> well
02:16 <Penguin Faxx> at least 1 page
02:16 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
02:16 <Charlie the Penguin> try all you want, you will just get yourself blocked
02:16 <Historicalcp> Lol then edit Card-Jitsu to Crap-Jitsu
02:16 <Charlie the Penguin> how old are you, 6?
02:16 <Penguin Faxx> NO
02:16 <Twinkie102> Historical! don't give him ideas!!
02:16 <Bobby 123 Ab> does anyone else here have a twitter?
02:16 <Penguin Faxx> i'm hacking card jistu to crap!
02:16 <Penguin Faxx> :D
02:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> I do
02:17 <Charlie the Penguin> if we wanted we could kick you right now
02:17 <Vicyorus> We sounds more collective
02:17 <Penguin Faxx> check out my edit!
02:17 <CoolCat123450> Penguin Faxx, can you please be nice.
02:17 <CoolCat123450> Or you will face the might of the lion!
02:17 <CoolCat123450> ROAR!
02:17 <Twinkie102> And face the... BANHAMMER!!
02:18 <SugarPenguin12> Ello
02:18 <Historicalcp> !updatelogs
02:18 <Charlie the Penguin> i fixed card-jitsu
02:18 <Penguin Faxx> :|
02:18 <CPChatBot> Historicalcp: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 486 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
02:18 <Vicyorus> Twinkie.... (facepalm)
02:18 <Vicyorus> Charlie, thanks
02:18 <CoolCat123450> Roar > Banhammer
02:18 <Charlie the Penguin> np
02:18 <Historicalcp> faxx can I ask you something?
02:18 <SugarPenguin12> Ah need elp with this
02:18 <SugarPenguin12> AHHH
02:18 <Historicalcp> Why are you hacking Ninja Penguins?
02:18 <Twinkie102> (!!)
02:19 <CoolCat123450> Roar and Banhammer combined is the RoarHammer!
02:19 <Twinkie102> Brb
02:19 <Penguin Faxx> I hacked Ninja because he is a idiot
02:19 <CoolCat123450> The most fierce-some weapon ever created. 
02:19 <Penguin Faxx> he wears stupid clothes on cpys
02:19 <Penguin Faxx> and
02:19 <Historicalcp> That doesn't sound like a reasonable reason
02:19 <Historicalcp> That's why?
02:19 <CoolCat123450> Penguin, have you taken an IQ test and compared your scores with his?
02:19 <Historicalcp> Its his style
02:19 <Penguin Faxx> and he is a annoying
02:19 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
02:19 <Penguin Faxx> angry
02:19 <Penguin Faxx> bird
02:20 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
02:20 <Penguin Faxx> I call him gay everyday
02:20 -!- Penguin Faxx was kicked from Special:Chat by CPChatBot
02:20 <Charlie the Penguin> its because hes five years old
02:20 -!- Penguin Faxx has left Special:Chat.
02:20 <CoolCat123450> ...
02:20 -!- Penguin Faxx has joined Special:Chat
02:20 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
02:20 <Penguin Faxx> that was easy
02:20 <Twinkie102> BAck
02:20 <Twinkie102> :O
02:20 <SugarPenguin12> GUYS
02:20 <SugarPenguin12> Guess
02:20 <CoolCat123450> Dang, the sad thing is this hacking stuff is taught on youtube.
02:20 <SugarPenguin12> What
02:20 <Penguin Faxx> Ninja is less then 2.
02:20 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
02:20 <SugarPenguin12> Cool Cat
02:20 <Charlie the Penguin> my internet is awful
02:20 <SugarPenguin12> Can I call you Cool (cute)
02:20 <Penguin Faxx> I hacked Kallies Profile.
02:21 <CoolCat123450> Of course.
02:21 <SugarPenguin12> :
02:21 <Mariocart25Charizard> >:(
02:21 <SugarPenguin12> * :D
02:21 <Penguin Faxx> and made ninja's Talk page extreme annoying
02:21 <Historicalcp> And why did you hacked Kallie Jo also?
02:21 <Penguin Faxx> i edited it
02:21 <SugarPenguin12> Still
02:21 <Penguin Faxx> I just joined to fight
02:21 <SugarPenguin12> Ban!
02:21 <SugarPenguin12> BAN
02:21 <Historicalcp> Not now sugar
02:21 <Vicyorus> Shush
02:21 <SugarPenguin12> ban him already
02:21 <Bobby 123 Ab> BAN!
02:21 <CoolCat123450> Penguin, do unto others as you would have done unto you. Would you want somebody to ban you?
02:21 <Vicyorus> I SAID QUIET
02:21 <Mariocart25Charizard> Sugar]
02:21 <SugarPenguin12> Y U hate me
02:21 <Twinkie102> QUIET PEOPLE... This is our work (facepalm)
02:21 <SugarPenguin12> (upset)
02:21 <Penguin Faxx> I'm hacking kallie again :D
02:21 <Charlie the Penguin> i dont get why we second chance people around here when they dont deserve it
02:22 <Mariocart25Charizard> Wait until he has 3 kicks or swearing 
02:22 <Penguin Faxx> well
02:22 <Penguin Faxx> editing
02:22 <Historicalcp> What do you have against Kallie?
02:22 <Charlie the Penguin> he has nothing
02:22 <Penguin Faxx> hmmm
02:22 <Twinkie102> Not On My Watch!
02:22 <Penguin Faxx> adding SUPER annoying music
02:22 <CoolCat123450> Penguin if you do not be nice, you do not want to see what happens.
02:22 <Penguin Faxx> :D
02:22 <SugarPenguin12> what does Vicky have against me (upset)
02:22 <Charlie the Penguin> is that your catchphrase twinkie
02:22 <Penguin Faxx> its virtual...
02:22 <Twinkie102> caps
02:22 <SugarPenguin12> caps
02:22 <Charlie the Penguin> "not on my watch!" i hear you say that often
02:22 <Twinkie102> i said that twice charlie
02:23 <Charlie the Penguin> :|
02:23 <SugarPenguin12> Vicky isn't like the old funny vic
02:23 -!- MaxAndy has joined Special:Chat
02:23 -!- CoolCat123450 has left Special:Chat.
02:23 -!- MaxAndy has left Special:Chat.
02:23 <Twinkie102> maxandy?
02:23 <SugarPenguin12> He is the strict mean Vic
02:23 <Penguin Faxx> I just put three songs on kallies profile!
02:23 <Penguin Faxx> :D
02:23 <Twinkie102> that was random
02:23 <Penguin Faxx> Wait,,
02:23 <Charlie the Penguin> would ya quit it?!
02:23 <Historicalcp> Time to pack my stuff...
02:23 <Penguin Faxx> the song on kallies profile sounds amazing
02:23 <Mariocart25Charizard> I reverted it (TROLL)
02:23 <Historicalcp> /me packs his clothes
02:23 <Penguin Faxx> no wait
02:23 <Twinkie102> Faxx, if you don't stop, you're facing... the ban....
02:23 <Historicalcp> /me packs his puffles
02:23 <Penguin Faxx> !riddle kinda annoying
02:23 <Historicalcp> /me packs furniture
02:23 <Twinkie102> !updated
02:24 <CPChatBot> Twinkie102: The logs were last updated 05:57 ago. There are currently ~110 lines in the log buffer.
02:24 <Penguin Faxx> ok
02:24 <Twinkie102> !updatelogs
02:24 <Penguin Faxx> i forgot
02:24 <Historicalcp> /me packs his pets rocks
02:24 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, you can't ban for that in here
02:24 -!- CoolCat123450 has joined Special:Chat
02:24 <CPChatBot> Twinkie102: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 113 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
02:24 <Penguin Faxx> it is not
02:24 <Historicalcp> /me packs everything
02:24 <Vicyorus> Also, Historical
02:24 <Vicyorus> Enough
02:24 <Vicyorus> :)
02:24 <Historicalcp> ok
02:24 <Twinkie102> Yeah... Enough with that Historical... It's really annoying
02:24 <Historicalcp> It was an honor to meet you gentlemen
02:24 <SugarPenguin12> /me packs my water hammer, fire nunchuks and snow shurkiens
02:24 <Historicalcp> What
02:24 <Charlie the Penguin> /me thinks Penguin Faxx should me the one packing his bags
02:24 <Historicalcp> Just being dramatic on this scene
02:24 <Historicalcp> :p
02:24 <Penguin Faxx> *Burns Fire  nunchucks
02:24 <CoolCat123450> Penguin Faxx, is there something wrong with your internet connection?
02:24 <Penguin Faxx> No...
02:24 <Charlie the Penguin> forget internet
02:24 <Charlie the Penguin> somethings wrong with his brain
02:24 <CoolCat123450> Oh, nevermind then
02:25 <Bobby 123 Ab> lol
02:25 <Twinkie102> (brain)
02:25 <Charlie the Penguin> what the?
02:25 <Penguin Faxx> I'm in the food for eating Ninjas...
02:25 <Twinkie102> LOL FOOD
02:25 <Charlie the Penguin> :|
02:25 <Penguin Faxx> eats (ninja) Penguins
02:25 <Twinkie102> but :|
02:25 <Twinkie102> Faxx, enough
02:25 <Penguin Faxx> :|
02:25 <Historicalcp> Faxx
02:25 <Penguin Faxx> A: N_
02:26 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
02:26 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
02:26 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
02:26 <Penguin Faxx> ???
02:26 <Twinkie102> Hey Eagles
02:26 <Historicalcp> I am sure there is another better way to solve this situation
02:26 <Twinkie102> PM QUICK
02:26 <Penguin Faxx> what!!
02:26 <Twinkie102> NOW
02:26 <Historicalcp> hi eagles
02:26 <Twinkie102> Crap
02:26 <Bobby 123 Ab> well then...
02:26 <Charlie the Penguin> it was enough before it even started -_-
02:26 <Historicalcp> Just tell ninjas what you feel
02:26 <Penguin Faxx> I'm gonna hack Kato now :D
02:26 <Historicalcp> He will understand...
02:26 <Historicalcp> [[User:Kato Yee]]?
02:26 <Penguin Faxx> INo
02:26 <Penguin Faxx> I hacked him on PURPOSE :D
02:26 <Historicalcp> Did you told it to Ninjas?
02:26 <SugarPenguin12> /me takes out [[Water Hammer]]
02:26 <Penguin Faxx> No
02:26 <Historicalcp> Son of a polar bear...
02:26 <Penguin Faxx> I did it on Purpose
02:26 <SugarPenguin12> /me hits Faxx over 9000 times
02:27 <Penguin Faxx> Ninjas won't be coming anywhere near this pookie
02:27 <SugarPenguin12> (water ninja)
02:27 <Twinkie102> sugar (facepalm)
02:27 <Penguin Faxx> it's virtual kid.
02:27 <Charlie the Penguin> (XD)
02:27 <Penguin Faxx> HOW THE HECK
02:27 <Historicalcp> caps
02:27 <Penguin Faxx> why di i say pookie
02:27 <SugarPenguin12> I drew a pic of you being PWND
02:27 <Penguin Faxx> i meant wiki
02:27 <Penguin Faxx> ugh
02:27 <Twinkie102> lololol
02:27 <Penguin Faxx> i'ts virtual
02:27 <Historicalcp> Because your brain doesn't work?
02:27 <Penguin Faxx> get growned up
02:27 <Penguin Faxx> ugh
02:27 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
02:27 <Charlie the Penguin> i could say the same to you
02:28 <Charlie the Penguin> in fact, i could say lots of things
02:28 <Penguin Faxx> Ninja Penguins must be a crappy crew
02:28 <Vicyorus> Charlie...
02:28 <Charlie the Penguin> jk
02:28 <Bobby 123 Ab> burn!
02:28 <Bobby 123 Ab> wait...
02:28 <Penguin Faxx> you mean ban???
02:28 <Bobby 123 Ab> nm
02:28 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
02:28 <Penguin Faxx> Banhammer is virtual
02:28 <Historicalcp> Please don't hack Ninja again
02:28 <Penguin Faxx> I'm gonna make his profile more annoying!
02:28 <Penguin Faxx> :D
02:29 <Historicalcp> Is this dude Spike Hike or Herbert?
02:29 <Charlie the Penguin> that makes two things on this wiki that are annoying
02:29 <Penguin Faxx> No...
02:29 <Historicalcp> Are you Yoshiandmario?
02:29 <Historicalcp> [[User:Yoshiandmario1]]
02:29 <Penguin Faxx> no
02:29 <Penguin Faxx> I'm more likely to be a guy who likes minecraft
02:29 <Charlie the Penguin> he wouldnt need a link if that even was him
02:30 <Penguin Faxx> then crap penguin
02:30 <Penguin Faxx> I know Ninjas IP
02:30 <Penguin Faxx> and email
02:30 <Penguin Faxx> NOW
02:30 <Historicalcp> (stare) creepy
02:30 <Historicalcp> Do you have a hobby?
02:30 <Penguin Faxx> ...
02:30 <Historicalcp> Do you have a girlfriend?
02:30 <Historicalcp> (stare)
02:30 <Penguin Faxx> of course not!
02:30 <Twinkie102> (stare)
02:30 <Twinkie102> lol
02:30 <Historicalcp> That would explain why...
02:30 <Penguin Faxx> O_O
02:31 <Penguin Faxx> NINJa is a male
02:31 <CoolCat123450> I don't have a girlfriend.
02:31 <Penguin Faxx> and i'm a male
02:31 <Penguin Faxx> plus,minecraft is so much better
02:31 <CoolCat123450> Girls are intimidated by my mighty roar.
02:31 <CoolCat123450> ROAR!
02:31 <Historicalcp> Why are you on a wiki of Club Penguin then? :|
02:31 <Historicalcp> to hack a dude whom plays CP?
02:31 <Twinkie102> Historical, tell that to the other Minecraft players here (yao)
02:31 <Penguin Faxx> I'm gonna edit waddleplay's profile!
02:32 <Penguin Faxx> :D
02:32 <Historicalcp> That is probably more stupid than leaving your stove on all night
02:32 <CoolCat123450> I have to agree. Mindcraft is better than Club Penguin, but both games are cool.
02:32 <Historicalcp> Try it
02:32 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
02:32 <Bobby 123 Ab> my cp blog :)
02:32 <Twinkie102> Bobby, don't advertise
02:33 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
02:33 <Charlie the Penguin> i thought you could as long as you dont spam with it
02:33 <Bobby 123 Ab> sorry i frogot :(
02:33 <Penguin Faxx> WADDLEPLAY'S profile has been edited and messy
02:33 <Penguin Faxx> :S
02:33 <Vicyorus> No, you can't
02:33 <Penguin Faxx> :D
02:33 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
02:33 <Twinkie102> I just fixed it ;)
02:33 <Vicyorus> Mario
02:33 <Mariocart25Charizard> Faxx I REVERTED IT
02:33 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
02:33 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yes?
02:33 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
02:33 <Vicyorus> You're one sickly fast rollback
02:33 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
02:33 <Vicyorus> (clap)
02:33 <SugarPenguin12> NEW AVATAR
02:33 <SugarPenguin12> Aww yeah
02:33 <SugarPenguin12> :D
02:34 <Penguin Faxx> I think Charlie is next :D
02:34 <Twinkie102> Faxx...
02:34 <Twinkie102> STOP THIS SILLINESS
02:34 <Penguin Faxx> WHAT(!)(!)
02:34 <CoolCat123450> Faxx, what purpose does this serve for you?
02:34 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
02:34 <Penguin Faxx> I hate club penguin more then anything!
02:34 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
02:34 <Charlie the Penguin> my dang internet keeps crashing!!
02:34 <Penguin Faxx> oh yay
02:35 <Penguin Faxx> probably you got a virusby me
02:35 <CoolCat123450> It's somewhat useless since they can revert the hard work you put into messing it up.
02:35 <Historicalcp> You hacked me didn't you? -_-
02:35 <Historicalcp> Or is it my crappy computer...
02:35 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
02:35 <Charlie the Penguin> T_T
02:35 <Twinkie102> you cant send a virus to people
02:35 <Charlie the Penguin> my internet already sux
02:35 <Penguin Faxx>  i know...
02:35 <Twinkie102> unless you're actually smart ;)
02:35 <Twinkie102> :D
02:35 <CoolCat123450> ^ ^
02:35 <Penguin Faxx> KICK....XD
02:35 <Charlie the Penguin> (Oldlaugh)
02:35 <Vicyorus> ?
02:35 <Charlie the Penguin> wait what?
02:35 <Penguin Faxx> Ninjas is top 1 do die in my minecraft trap
02:35 <Historicalcp> I love (Puffle) (trollface)
02:35 <Penguin Faxx> because ninjas plays minecraft
02:35 <Penguin Faxx> puffles stink
02:36 <Penguin Faxx> (sick)
02:36 <Twinkie102> (greenpuffle) (troll)
02:36 <Twinkie102> I love Puffles! :D
02:36 <Charlie the Penguin> me too! (oldlaugh) @historical
02:36 <Penguin Faxx> STOP IT SOPTI1
02:36 <Penguin Faxx> I hate puffles!
02:36 <Twinkie102> Puffles!! :D
02:36 <Penguin Faxx> stop it!
02:36 <Historicalcp> [[Puffle Party 2013]]
02:36 <Historicalcp> (Flare)
02:36 <Twinkie102> No! We love Puffles! :D
02:36 <Twinkie102> (bluepuffle)
02:36 <Penguin Faxx> editing it to poople paarty
02:36 <Charlie the Penguin> if you hate puffles you have no tatse
02:36 <Charlie the Penguin> taste*
02:36 <Historicalcp> Yeah
02:36 <Charlie the Penguin> get off our wiki
02:36 <Historicalcp> Especially the rainbow puffles
02:36 <Historicalcp> rainbow puffles taste like skittles
02:36 <Twinkie102> How could someone hate Puffles? :(
02:36 <Historicalcp> (rainbowpuffle)
02:36 <Vicyorus> (facepalm)
02:36 <Charlie the Penguin> you aint welcome no more!
02:37 <Penguin Faxx> sto  it!
02:37 <Penguin Faxx> stop it!
02:37 <Vicyorus> Guys, just shut it...
02:37 <Vicyorus> I'm sorry, but...
02:37 <Penguin Faxx> (puffle) stinks!
02:37 <Historicalcp> What party was this March 2013?
02:37 <Historicalcp> Oh ya
02:37 <Charlie the Penguin> -_-
02:37 <Historicalcp> [[Puffle Party 2013]]
02:37 <Penguin Faxx> Poople Party 2013
02:37 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
02:37 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
02:37 <Penguin Faxx> I dislike every cp person
02:37 <Penguin Faxx> including Chamagool9
02:37 <Historicalcp> I never knew you were a Poople!
02:37 <Mariocart25Charizard> >:O
02:37 <Twinkie102> That's an insult to us -.-
02:37 <Historicalcp> Congratulations for a part for your honor! :d
02:37 <Penguin Faxx> and even thinknoodles
02:37 <Historicalcp> Even the mighty Trainman1405?
02:38 <Penguin Faxx> yes
02:38 <Twinkie102> Who could hate Trainman! :O
02:38 <Penguin Faxx> he is just 10.
02:38 <Twinkie102> no
02:38 <Twinkie102> he's 17
02:38 <Charlie the Penguin> and your just 4
02:38 <Penguin Faxx> I even hate Rocketsnail!
02:38 <Twinkie102> nah he's 3
02:38 <Twinkie102> :O
02:38 <Twinkie102> D:
02:38 <Penguin Faxx> yes
02:38 <Historicalcp> I hate your mom for giving you life
02:38 <Charlie the Penguin> OMG
02:38 <Penguin Faxx> all the people who work at cp!
02:38 <Charlie the Penguin> (tragedy)
02:38 <Penguin Faxx> including dave
02:38 <Charlie the Penguin> i dont like this kid
02:38 <Penguin Faxx> and melony
02:38 <Twinkie102> (!)
02:38 <Historicalcp> And Joe Mamma also?
02:38 <Historicalcp> (trollface)
02:38 <Penguin Faxx> although she looks kinda pretty
02:38 <Twinkie102> xD
02:38 <Charlie the Penguin> (xd)
02:39 <Historicalcp> Who is Melony?
02:39 -!- Jonah Simm has joined Special:Chat
02:39 <Penguin Faxx> umm
02:39 <Historicalcp> Hi simm
02:39 <Historicalcp> Is it Happy77?
02:39 <Jonah Simm> Hey guys
02:39 <Penguin Faxx> she replys back to the emailers duh
02:39 <Penguin Faxx> No
02:39 <Penguin Faxx> happy77 is freakin holyl
02:39 <Historicalcp> Daffo?
02:39 <Historicalcp> Chatta?
02:39 <Penguin Faxx> holly
02:39 <Penguin Faxx> i meant
02:39 <Penguin Faxx> i predict chatta
02:39 <Charlie the Penguin> i got an email back from joe mamma one time
02:39 <Historicalcp> Give me a photo of her then
02:39 <Jonah Simm> who are you talkin about?
02:39 <Historicalcp> Of Joe Mamma's Faxx
02:39 <Charlie the Penguin> shes weird
02:39 <Historicalcp> Faxx Steel
02:39 <Twinkie102> Faxx
02:39 <Historicalcp> Give me a photo of her then Faxx
02:39 <Charlie the Penguin> (xd)
02:39 -!- Penguin Faxx was kicked from Special:Chat by Vicyorus
02:39 <Historicalcp> @Faxx
02:39 -!- Penguin Faxx has left Special:Chat.
02:39 <Vicyorus> *whistles
02:40 <Twinkie102> Second Kick
02:40 <Vicyorus> Check his Cont page ;)
02:40 <Jonah Simm> Who are you guys talking about?
02:40 <Charlie the Penguin> finally!
02:40 <Historicalcp> *Prepares Banhammer*
02:40 <Twinkie102> :O
02:40 <Charlie the Penguin> i hope he doesnt know he can come back
02:40 <Vicyorus> No need for
02:40 <Vicyorus> He's blocked
02:40 <Twinkie102> Praise the Great Sactage!!
02:40 <Jonah Simm> Happy, Chatta, Daffo?  WHAT?
02:40 <Charlie the Penguin> YES!
02:40 <Charlie the Penguin> (oldlaugh)
02:40 <Jonah Simm> What were you guys talking about?
02:40 <Twinkie102> but it doesnt show IP BLOCKED! :O
02:40 <Historicalcp> *Puts Banhammer on floor*
02:41 <Twinkie102> oh wait nvm
02:41 <Historicalcp> That is what he gets for being a Herbert
02:41 <Historicalcp> I am sad of Ninjas tho
02:41 <Twinkie102> I wish he had a longer block
02:41 <Mariocart25Charizard> Say thanks to me and Vic
02:41 <Vicyorus> Why?
02:41 <Mariocart25Charizard> For reverting
02:42 <Vicyorus> I did nothing, I just w-Oh
02:42 <Vicyorus> :p
02:42 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
02:42 -!- Jonah Simm has left Special:Chat.
02:42 <Vicyorus> Well, I am amazed Mariocart
02:42 <SugarPenguin12> Like my new avatar?
02:42 <SugarPenguin12> :D
02:42 <SugarPenguin12> :P
02:42 <Twinkie102> no
02:42 <SugarPenguin12> why :(
02:42 <Mariocart25Charizard> I would be a great Patroller
02:43 <SugarPenguin12> twinkie is...
02:43 <SugarPenguin12> RUDE
02:43 <SugarPenguin12> (mad)
02:44 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, why are you rude?
02:44 <SugarPenguin12> he hates my avatar
02:44 <SugarPenguin12> AND HES A CHAT MOD
02:44 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
02:45 <Vicyorus> -_-
02:45 <Twinkie102> I didnt say I hate it
02:45 <Twinkie102> I said i don't like you
02:45 <Vicyorus> OK, enough with the drama, sonny
02:45 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
02:45 <Vicyorus> .-.
02:45 <Twinkie102> you're overracting about this :|
02:45 <SugarPenguin12> he hates me
02:45 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
02:45 <SugarPenguin12> What has he got against me (upset)
02:46 <Twinkie102> -.-
02:46 <Mariocart25Charizard> :O :O :O
02:47 <Vicyorus> O_O
02:47 <Twinkie102> :O
02:47 <Twinkie102> OMW to CP NOW!
02:47 <Vicyorus> Mario, if you upload a picture of the EPF, you'll get my vote on the Patroller Promotion
02:47 <CoolCat123450> I miss Penguin Faxx.
02:47 <CoolCat123450> He brought excitement to the chat.
02:47 <SugarPenguin12> today is updates day
02:48 <Charlie the Penguin> i dont :D
02:48 <Twinkie102> ugh
02:48 <Twinkie102> the inside is still broken
02:48 <Twinkie102> STUPID CP
02:48 <Twinkie102> they made it seem like its all rebuilt -.-
02:49 <Twinkie102> and the whole command room is the same
02:49 <Charlie the Penguin> aw
02:49 <SugarPenguin12> I AM DOING THE UPDATES BLOG
02:49 <Twinkie102> (!)
02:49 <CoolCat123450> The more I think about it, the more I realize something important.
02:49 <CoolCat123450> I look handsome.
02:50 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
02:50 <SugarPenguin12> DOH I need to get the updates ready
02:52 <SugarPenguin12> I am doing the update
02:52 -!- Jonah Simm has joined Special:Chat
02:53 <Twinkie102> OH CRAP!!!
02:53 <Twinkie102> Caps
02:53 <Twinkie102> Herobrine is getting his revenge!!!
02:53 <Jonah Simm> sorry
02:53 <Twinkie102> He's getting in my bed!!
02:53 <Twinkie102> he's
02:53 <Twinkie102> making it for me?
02:53 <Jonah Simm> and PixieLil already said she wanted to do the Updates blog tomorrow
02:54 <Jonah Simm> Mariocart\
02:54 <Jonah Simm> Where did you find those images of the Everyday Phoning Facility?
02:54 <Vicyorus> In game
02:54 <Jonah Simm> Is it applied already?
02:55 <Twinkie102> just the outside
02:55 <SugarPenguin12> Dude
02:55 <SugarPenguin12> I am doing the UPDATES
02:55 <Jonah Simm> the update came earlier than usual
02:55 <SugarPenguin12> :(
02:55 <Twinkie102> the inside is still under construction
02:55 <Vicyorus> O....
02:55 <Twinkie102> jonah, this is the 3rd time it's came this early (yao)
02:55 <Vicyorus> 400 EDITIONS :O
02:55 <Twinkie102> HOORAY!!!
02:55 <SugarPenguin12> Jonah,
02:55 <Vicyorus> Not yet
02:55 <Twinkie102> oh
02:55 <SugarPenguin12> P-P says it does not matter who does it first
02:56 <Twinkie102> Ok I'll hold the fireworks and confetti
02:56 <SugarPenguin12> whoever gets the most info will 
02:56 <SugarPenguin12> do it
02:56 <SugarPenguin12> :P
02:56 <Vicyorus> I can't believe it
02:56 <Twinkie102> What, Vic?
02:56 <Vicyorus> It's been nothing since the 150th edition came out ;(
02:56 <Twinkie102> Ikr
02:56 <Vicyorus> I still remember it
02:56 <SugarPenguin12> Hmm any other updates?
02:56 <SugarPenguin12> Looking around CP..
02:56 <Twinkie102> it's still updating
02:56 <SugarPenguin12> k
02:57 <Jonah Simm> wow, that is a great outside for the Everyday Phoning Facility.  I think they were originally planning something different, though...
02:57 <SugarPenguin12>,_2013
02:57 <Twinkie102> Hmm
02:57 <Twinkie102> The new EPF HQ looks as if (im just assuming from the outside) it will have 2 floors
02:58 <SugarPenguin12> leave a comment
02:58 <Vicyorus> UPDATE NEWSPAPAER!!!
02:58 <SugarPenguin12> User blog:SugarPenguin12/Club Penguin Updates: June 19, 2013 
02:58 <SugarPenguin12> LOGGING OFF AND ON
02:58 <SugarPenguin12> !!
02:58 -!- Remusyoshi has joined Special:Chat
02:58 <Remusyoshi> hi
02:58 <SugarPenguin12> I really wanna do the updates
02:58 <SugarPenguin12> :D
02:58 <Twinkie102> Lol
02:58 <Remusyoshi> i made many funny bans
02:58 <Remusyoshi> some of them are not that funny
02:59 <Remusyoshi> but i didnt make many
02:59 <Remusyoshi> like some
02:59 -!- Remusyoshi has left Special:Chat.
02:59 <Vicyorus>
02:59 <SugarPenguin12>,_2013 comment plz
02:59 -!- Remusyoshi has joined Special:Chat
02:59 <Vicyorus> ;(
03:00 <Vicyorus> Sugar, don't advertise
03:00 <Remusyoshi> so...
03:00 -!- CoolCat123450 has left Special:Chat.
03:00 <Waddleplay> Back!
03:01 -!- Remusyoshi has left Special:Chat.
03:01 <Vicyorus> Please don't caps :)
03:02 <Jonah Simm> Am I the only one who thinks that the Everyday Phoning Facility's design was originally planned to be something different?
03:02 <SugarPenguin12> do you like my blog
03:02 <SugarPenguin12> Yes
03:02 <SugarPenguin12> Jonah PM
03:02 <Jonah Simm> kk
03:02 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
03:03 <SugarPenguin12> I did this weeks since I will not be here for next week
03:03 <Mariocart25Charizard> I will do Next week
03:06 <Mariocart25Charizard> Ok
03:07 <Vicyorus> :)
03:07 <Jonah Simm> looks awesome, Sugar!
03:07 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
03:07 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
03:07 <Twinkie102> back
03:08 <Twinkie102> im eating a sandwich XD
03:08 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
03:09 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
03:09 <SugarPenguin12> thanks :D
03:09 <SugarPenguin12> vic what do you think
03:09 <SugarPenguin12>,_2013
03:10 <Vicyorus> >:/
03:10 <Vicyorus> Do not advertise your blog, I told you not to
03:10 <Twinkie102> Im gonna do it in 2 weeks
03:11 -!- Jonah Simm has left Special:Chat.
03:11 <SugarPenguin12> K
03:13 -!- Jonah Simm has joined Special:Chat
03:13 <Jonah Simm> is the new CP times out yet?
03:13 -!- Kallie Jo has left Special:Chat.
03:13 <Vicyorus> Yes!
03:13 <Vicyorus> It is!
03:13 <Vicyorus> 400 editions!
03:13 <Twinkie102> :O
03:14 <Twinkie102> Hooray!
03:14 <Twinkie102> *shoots confetti, streamers, plays party music, and fires fireworks*
03:14 <Twinkie102> :D
03:14 <Vicyorus> (dance emote)
03:14 <Twinkie102> Partayy!!
03:14 <Vicyorus> Next milestone
03:14 <Twinkie102> (dance)
03:14 <Vicyorus> 450th
03:14 <Twinkie102> then...
03:14 <Twinkie102> 500 :D
03:14 <Vicyorus> Then the Big 5-0-0!
03:15 <SugarPenguin12> :D
03:15 <Twinkie102> It's gonna be big if they reach 1,000 issues
03:15 <SugarPenguin12> Aww yeah
03:15 <SugarPenguin12> :D
03:15 <SugarPenguin12> someone take a pic and upload it
03:15 <SugarPenguin12> :D
03:15 <SugarPenguin12> no nevermind I will
03:16 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
03:16 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
03:16 <Vicyorus> Poor Twinkie, Club Penguin won't get that old
03:16 <SugarPenguin12> indeed
03:16 <Vicyorus> It's gonna be YEARS until they actually reach 1000 editions
03:16 <Waddleplay> updated!!!!
03:16 <SugarPenguin12> ...
03:16 <Vicyorus> O_O
03:17 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
03:17 <Twinkie102> What the
03:17 <Twinkie102> Does this mean...
03:17 <SugarPenguin12> :O
03:17 <Waddleplay> Star Wars Party!
03:17 <Vicyorus> ._.
03:17 <Twinkie102> A Star Wars party could be coming?
03:17 <Twinkie102> ._.
03:17 <Waddleplay> What?
03:17 <Twinkie102> BRB
03:17 -!- CoolCat123450 has joined Special:Chat
03:17 <SugarPenguin12> COOL CAT
03:18 <SugarPenguin12> Club Herbert is updated
03:18 <SugarPenguin12> And at the bottom it says Star wars
03:18 <SugarPenguin12> could this mean..
03:18 <Twinkie102> If it's a Star Wars party... -.-
03:19 <Twinkie102> yet again, cp has failed on a party! :3
03:19 <Twinkie102> (yao)
03:19 -!- Jonah Simm has left Special:Chat.
03:19 <Twinkie102> Whatever happened to the CP Originals?
03:19 <Vicyorus> (facepalm)
03:19 <Twinkie102> They're running out of ideas
03:20 <Twinkie102> If they have a P&F party, I'm quitting cp -.-
03:20 -!- Jonah Simm has joined Special:Chat
03:20 <Jonah Simm> YES!  Star Wars Party!
03:20 <CoolCat123450> Star Wars awesome
03:20 <SugarPenguin12> Also...
03:20 <SugarPenguin12> PUFFLE DIGGING IS OUT
03:20 <SugarPenguin12> Aww yeah!
03:20 <Waddleplay> I love Star Wars!! Sorry guys! :(
03:21 <Waddleplay> If Herbert P. Bear is Darth Vader?? O_O
03:22 <Twinkie102> (facepalm) they're even giving secrets that almost everyone knows -.-
03:23 <Vicyorus> GTG
03:23 <Vicyorus> Wish me luck for tomorrow guys
03:23 <Twinkie102> Bye Vic
03:23 <Vicyorus> Final test...
03:23 <CoolCat123450> Herbert P. Bear is going to be Darth Vader?
03:23 <CoolCat123450> Ok, it's official.
03:23 <CoolCat123450> Star Wars is dead.
03:23 <Twinkie102> Good Luck on your Test... ;)
03:23 <Waddleplay> Herbert: I am your Father. Me: Noooo!!!!!
03:23 <Vicyorus> Good luck, and keep editing ;)
03:23 <Vicyorus> Thanks Twinkie
03:23 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
03:23 <Twinkie102> Np
03:23 <Twinkie102> Bye Vic (wave)
03:23 <Mariocart25Charizard> I found me 40 coins
03:24 <Twinkie102> where? 
03:24 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has left Special:Chat.
03:24 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
03:24 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
03:24 <Twinkie102> I miss the ninja hideout :(
03:26 <SugarPenguin12> Mario how do you dig
03:26 <SugarPenguin12> oh nvm I found out
03:26 <Mariocart25Charizard> Walk your puffle
03:27 <SugarPenguin12> theres still one bug.
03:27 <SugarPenguin12> your puffle goes away after you dig
03:27 <Twinkie102> how do u dig? I know u walk ur puffle but what after
03:27 <SugarPenguin12> sit down
03:28 <Twinkie102> its not doing anything
03:28 <SugarPenguin12> well thenn..
03:28 <SugarPenguin12> oh you have to look around
03:29 <SugarPenguin12> your puffle is like a metal detector
03:29 <Twinkie102> Hey he found me 40 coins! :D
03:29 <Charlie the Penguin> go to where polo field went in the video
03:29 <Jonah Simm> you don't need to wave, if you walk over coins, they'll dig
03:30 -!- Jonah Simm has left Special:Chat.
03:30 <Twinkie102> i wonder what will happen if i go to the mine ;0
03:30 <Twinkie102> * ;)
03:30 <Twinkie102> meh didnt work
03:31 <SugarPenguin12> it is a bit annoying
03:31 <SugarPenguin12> why doesn't it work wherever you walk
03:31 <SugarPenguin12> I need to scan a whole room
03:33 <Charlie the Penguin> my rainbow puffle just picked up 50 coins O.O
03:33 <Twinkie102> i wish it was easier :|
03:33 <Twinkie102> charlie, where did u go
03:33 <Twinkie102> *where did u find it
03:34 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
03:34 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
03:34 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
03:34 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
03:35 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
03:35 <Charlie the Penguin> i went to the forest
03:36 <Charlie the Penguin> omg he found 70 in the ski village
03:40 <SugarPenguin12> I need a pic of puffle digging
03:41 -!- Seth4564official has joined Special:Chat
03:41 <Seth4564official> I'm thinking about quitting CP now ._.
03:41 <Twinkie102> Why?
03:41 <Mariocart25Charizard> why
03:42 <Charlie the Penguin> why
03:42 <Seth4564official> "Star wars takeover" on
03:42 <Charlie the Penguin> ah
03:42 -!- Kallie Jo has joined Special:Chat
03:42 <Seth4564official> I'm getting sick of them having sponsor parties
03:43 <Twinkie102> Same
03:43 <Charlie the Penguin> but isnt it a little dramatic to QUIT because of it?
03:43 <Seth4564official> I don't care about CP anymore.
03:43 <Seth4564official> :L
03:44 <Seth4564official> I just want 2008-2011 back 
03:44 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has joined Special:Chat
03:44 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has left Special:Chat.
03:45 -!- Seth4564official has left Special:Chat.
03:45 <Charlie the Penguin> i say you tell that to cp
03:45 <Twinkie102> Connection Lost
03:45 -!- Jonah Simm has joined Special:Chat
03:46 <SugarPenguin12> I got connection lost too
03:46 <SugarPenguin12> WHAT
03:46 <SugarPenguin12> WHAT HAPPENED
03:46 <Jonah Simm> IDK, Connection Lost
03:46 <SugarPenguin12> Oh
03:46 <SugarPenguin12> all of us connection losted
03:48 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
03:49 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
03:49 <Jonah Simm> Who else lost coins?
03:49 <Charlie the Penguin> my internet keeps crashing
03:49 <Charlie the Penguin> i am ready to throw my computer out the window
03:50 <SugarPenguin12> thy connection was lost due to an update
03:50 <SugarPenguin12> :P
03:50 <SugarPenguin12> I did not lose coins
03:50 <SugarPenguin12> Because
03:50 <Twinkie102> Well
03:50 <Twinkie102> I
03:50 <Twinkie102> oops
03:50 <Twinkie102> I'm off for the night
03:50 <SugarPenguin12> I clicked log off instead of Okay
03:50 <Twinkie102> Cya Tomorrow!
03:50 <Twinkie102> (wave)
03:50 <SugarPenguin12> night
03:50 <Charlie the Penguin> (wave)
03:50 <Twinkie102> Night Guys
03:50 <SugarPenguin12> READ MAH BLOG
03:50 <SugarPenguin12> :D
03:50 <Twinkie102> :|
03:50 <Charlie the Penguin> i am right now
03:50 <Charlie the Penguin> nice job
03:51 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
03:51 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
03:51 <SugarPenguin12> comment plz
03:51 <SugarPenguin12> get an admin to put it on the main page.
03:51 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
03:51 <Waddleplay> Yo!
03:52 <Charlie the Penguin> Yolo
03:52 <SugarPenguin12> Yololol
03:52 <SugarPenguin12> :D
03:52 <SugarPenguin12> guys have you commented
03:52 <Historicalcp> hi there
03:52 <Historicalcp> [[Star Wars Takeover]]!
03:52 <Historicalcp> Its confirmed!
03:52 <SugarPenguin12> AWW YEAH
03:52 <Charlie the Penguin> not really
03:52 <Charlie the Penguin> its been proved
03:52 <Charlie the Penguin> but not comfirmed :P
03:52 <SugarPenguin12> Read mah updates blog history
03:52 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
03:53 <Charlie the Penguin> i know its coming though
03:53 <Historicalcp> Its confirmed
03:53 <Charlie the Penguin> everyone saw it coming
03:53 <Historicalcp> check
03:53 <Historicalcp> its updated
03:53 <Historicalcp> What is Herbert up to?
03:53 <Historicalcp> Joining the dark side as Darth Vader? LOL
03:53 <Historicalcp> Gary as Yoda
03:54 <Mariocart25Charizard> brb
03:54 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has left Special:Chat.
03:54 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
03:54 <Historicalcp> Test Bots as R2D2?
03:54 <Historicalcp> Hi waddle
03:55 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
03:55 -!- CoolCat123450 has left Special:Chat.
03:56 -!- CoolCat123450 has joined Special:Chat
03:56 -!- ChilledEnderman has joined Special:Chat
03:57 <SugarPenguin12> if someone said avout and issue of the Cp times
03:57 <SugarPenguin12> the name would be..
03:57 <SugarPenguin12> I shode
03:57 <SugarPenguin12> * I shoe
03:57 <SugarPenguin12> I cant type
03:57 <SugarPenguin12> ..
03:58 <SugarPenguin12> dead
03:58 <SugarPenguin12> Chat
03:58 <SugarPenguin12> :p
03:58 <ChilledEnderman> flood
03:58 <SugarPenguin12> not flood
03:58 <ChilledEnderman> perhaps?
03:58 <SugarPenguin12> oh well gonna play angry birds
03:58 <SugarPenguin12> be back in a bit
03:58 <SugarPenguin12> when chat is alive
03:58 <ChilledEnderman> im here -__
03:59 -!- Jonah Simm has left Special:Chat.
03:59 -!- Jonah Simm has joined Special:Chat
04:00 <SugarPenguin12> ALOT MORE ALIVE
04:00 <SugarPenguin12> Ah
04:00 <SugarPenguin12> READ MY BLOG
04:00 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has joined Special:Chat
04:00 <SugarPenguin12> finally
04:00 <SugarPenguin12> Mario read my updates blog
04:01 -!- CoolCat123450 has left Special:Chat.
04:01 -!- CoolCat123450 has joined Special:Chat
04:02 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
04:02 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
04:02 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
04:02 -!- Kallie Jo has left Special:Chat.
04:05 -!- Jonah Simm has left Special:Chat.
04:05 <Mariocart25Charizard> Brb
04:05 <Charlie the Penguin> back
04:05 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has left Special:Chat.
04:08 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
04:08 <Charlie the Penguin> or not (serverjump)
04:08 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
04:11 -!- ChilledEnderman has left Special:Chat.
04:11 -!- Penguin-Pal has joined Special:Chat
04:11 <Penguin-Pal> hi
04:12 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
04:12 <Penguin-Pal> ahh cp didnt update the rooms json :P
04:12 <Penguin-Pal> hi
04:12 <Charlie the Penguin> nothin else to do :P
04:13 <Penguin-Pal> :P
04:13 <Charlie the Penguin> a star wars takeover.
04:13 <Charlie the Penguin> wow... 
04:13 <Charlie the Penguin> just wow.
04:13 <Penguin-Pal> lol sounds cool
04:14 <Greeny356> Hai 
04:16 <Greeny356> But a SW Takeover now?
04:16 <Penguin-Pal> hi
04:16 <Greeny356> The new SW movie comes out in 2015..
04:16 <Greeny356> I think..
04:18 <Charlie the Penguin> i hate when they start advertising movies YEARS before they come out
04:18 -!- Techman129 has joined Special:Chat
04:18 <Techman129> Hey guys
04:18 <Greeny356> Hai
04:19 <Penguin-Pal> hi
04:20 <Charlie the Penguin> i got a pic of puffle digging!!
04:20 <Charlie the Penguin> :D
04:20 <Techman129> So, P-P
04:20 <Techman129> What about Marcus?
04:20 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
04:20 <SugarPenguin12> P-P!!
04:21 <SugarPenguin12> P-P Can you add my updates blog to the main page
04:21 <SugarPenguin12>,_2013
04:22 <Charlie the Penguin> finally.
04:22 <Charlie the Penguin> finally im on an article
04:22 <Charlie the Penguin> (oldlaugh)
04:23 <SugarPenguin12> whatchamean
04:23 <Charlie the Penguin> im taking pics of puffle digging
04:24 <Greeny356> Is puffle digging for members?!?
04:24 <SugarPenguin12> No
04:24 <SugarPenguin12> but item digging is
04:24 <SugarPenguin12> which isn't out yet
04:24 <Techman129> What color puffles are you getting, Charlie?
04:24 <SugarPenguin12> non members can coin dig
04:24 <SugarPenguin12> I have a rainbow yellow green...
04:25 <SugarPenguin12> white
04:25 <SugarPenguin12> purple pink
04:25 <Charlie the Penguin> so far ive just used my rainbow puffle
04:25 <Techman129> I'm gonna get photos
04:26 <Charlie the Penguin> i figured out the secret to digging coins
04:26 <Greeny356> CP won't log me in.
04:26 <SugarPenguin12> wht
04:26 <Charlie the Penguin> wait a few moments, then move a little.
04:26 <Charlie the Penguin> theyll find coins right away
04:26 <Techman129> Where do we dig?
04:27 <Charlie the Penguin> pretty much anywhere i guess
04:28 <Charlie the Penguin> to find coins the rainbow puffle farts away snow :\
04:28 <Charlie the Penguin> look at the pics i took on the puffle digging page
04:29 <Charlie the Penguin> i cant wait for item digging :D
04:30 <Techman129> Guys
04:30 <Techman129> Can someone test and see if you can dig up coins with EPF puffles?
04:30 <Charlie the Penguin> you mean flare?
04:30 <Charlie the Penguin> nope
04:30 <Techman129> daw
04:31 <Charlie the Penguin> daw?
04:31 -!- Techman129 has left Special:Chat.
04:32 <SugarPenguin12> GUYS
04:32 <SugarPenguin12> GUYS
04:32 <SugarPenguin12> Look in the telescope
04:32 <SugarPenguin12> Theres a sparkling red light
04:32 <Charlie the Penguin> ok
04:33 <Charlie the Penguin> you mean the sparkling red light thats been there since rockhoppers quest?
04:36 <Penguin-Pal> epf agents shoudl have tazers :P
04:36 <Charlie the Penguin> i want to make a list on puffle digging that lists what each puffle does to find coins
04:36 <Charlie the Penguin> but i dont know what to name the list
04:36 <Charlie the Penguin> (:/)
04:37 <Charlie the Penguin> and ikr (xd)
04:37 <Penguin-Pal> i think they updated the treasure book
04:37 <Penguin-Pal> ill check
04:37 <Charlie the Penguin> i got the dubstep puffle t-shirt just in time then!
04:38 <SugarPenguin12> P-P
04:38 <SugarPenguin12> Answer mee
04:38 <Penguin-Pal> cool
04:38 <SugarPenguin12> Can you 
04:38 <Penguin-Pal> oh
04:38 <Penguin-Pal> wahts is your question?
04:38 <SugarPenguin12> Can you put my update blog on the main page
04:38 <Penguin-Pal> its there ;)
04:38 <SugarPenguin12> ;D
04:38 <Penguin-Pal> thank you for posting it
04:38 <SugarPenguin12> np
04:39 <Charlie the Penguin> i just got 94 coins! 0.0
04:39 -!- Greeny356 has left Special:Chat.
04:40 -!- Jonah Simm has joined Special:Chat
04:41 <Jonah Simm> my puffles never dig!
04:41 <Jonah Simm> :(
04:42 <Penguin-Pal> go to random places
04:42 <Penguin-Pal> it would help you
04:42 <SugarPenguin12> o-o
04:42 <Charlie the Penguin> i know the secret!
04:42 <SugarPenguin12> my blog is not popular...
04:42 <Charlie the Penguin> stand in one place for about a minute
04:42 <SugarPenguin12> that happens overnight though]
04:43 <Charlie the Penguin> then walk to another part of the room
04:43 <Charlie the Penguin> it will find coins right away
04:43 <Charlie the Penguin> ;)
04:43 <Charlie the Penguin> gtg
04:43 <Charlie the Penguin> I'm out. Peace. (serverjump)
04:43 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
04:44 <Penguin-Pal> [[Cove|lets see if puffles can dig underwater]]... :P
04:45 <Penguin-Pal> :o
04:45 <Penguin-Pal> 177 coins a dig!!!
04:50 <SugarPenguin12> brb
04:55 <Penguin-Pal> well gtg
04:55 <Penguin-Pal> c ya ;)
04:55 -!- Penguin-Pal has left Special:Chat.
04:57 -!- Helmetpig2013 has left Special:Chat.
04:57 -!- Helmetpig2013 has joined Special:Chat
04:58 -!- Helmetpig2013 has left Special:Chat.
05:00 <SugarPenguin12> ....
05:00 <SugarPenguin12> Dead
05:00 <SugarPenguin12> Chat
05:01 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
05:01 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
05:02 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
05:06 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
05:06 <SugarPenguin12> Mo
05:06 <SugarPenguin12> MOOoOoOo!
05:07 <Jonah Simm> is digging supposed to be extremely rare?  'Cuz I'm not getting ANYTHING!
05:08 -!- Jonah Simm has left Special:Chat.
05:09 <SugarPenguin12> Its not rare
05:09 <SugarPenguin12> its so easy to dig
05:09 <SugarPenguin12> :D
05:09 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
05:18 -!- Skullifreak has left Special:Chat.
05:21 -!- CoolCat123450 has left Special:Chat.
05:37 -!- TheSitcomLover has joined Special:Chat
05:37 -!- TheSitcomLover has left Special:Chat.
06:31 -!- Remusyoshi has joined Special:Chat
06:31 <Remusyoshi> fuck yea
06:31 -!- Remusyoshi was kicked from Special:Chat by CPChatBot
06:31 -!- Remusyoshi has left Special:Chat.
06:31 -!- Remusyoshi has joined Special:Chat
06:31 <Remusyoshi> sup
06:31 <Remusyoshi> mother
06:31 <Remusyoshi> fa
06:32 <Remusyoshi> fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
06:32 <Remusyoshi> sup moooooooooothhhhhhhherrrrrrrrfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkerrrrrrrrrr
06:32 -!- Remusyoshi has left Special:Chat.
06:41 -!- TheSitcomLover has joined Special:Chat
06:41 -!- TheSitcomLover has left Special:Chat.
06:57 -!- Pam pam4 has joined Special:Chat
07:01 -!- C H U N K Y has joined Special:Chat
07:01 <C H U N K Y> hey pam
07:01 <C H U N K Y> :O
07:01 -!- Krisjj859 has joined Special:Chat
07:02 <C H U N K Y> look up
07:03 -!- Seth4564official has joined Special:Chat
07:03 <Seth4564official> o.o
07:03 <Seth4564official> lol
07:03 <C H U N K Y> banned him/her
07:03 <C H U N K Y> could be a yoshi sock
07:04 -!- Krisjj859 has left Special:Chat.
07:04 <Seth4564official> kk
07:11 -!- Seth4564official has left Special:Chat.
07:15 <Pam pam4> I know i posted on the page
07:25 -!- Ricky130 has joined Special:Chat
07:25 -!- Ricky130 has left Special:Chat.
07:32 -!- Tiff or Nick has joined Special:Chat
07:32 <Tiff or Nick> Hi
07:32 -!- C H U N K Y has left Special:Chat.
07:34 -!- Penguin-Pal has joined Special:Chat
07:34 <Penguin-Pal> hi
07:35 <Tiff or Nick> Hi
07:35 <Tiff or Nick> Need one stamp for Puffle Dig. :D
07:35 <Tiff or Nick> one more stamp
07:36 <Penguin-Pal> yeah ;)
07:36 <Penguin-Pal> too bad i need 11 puffles for teh 5th one :s
07:36 <Tiff or Nick> Every Color is the one I need.
07:37 <Tiff or Nick> 10 puffles o go :S
07:37 <Tiff or Nick> to*
07:37 <Goldastros> hi
07:38 <Tiff or Nick> Hi
07:38 <Goldastros> i like puffle digging
07:38 <Tiff or Nick> Me too.
07:38 -!- Pam pam4 has left Special:Chat.
07:39 <Goldastros> i have the hard stamp at this
07:40 <Tiff or Nick> I have every stamp but the Every Color Stamp
07:41 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
07:41 <Tiff or Nick> Hi
07:41 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
07:41 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
07:41 <Goldastros> i have 3 digs
07:42 <Tiff or Nick> I have 7 digs already. :S
07:42 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
07:43 <Goldastros> wait,you have the 5 digs in a day stamp?
07:43 <Tiff or Nick> Yep.
07:44 <Goldastros> 4 digs
07:44 <Goldastros> i want to have a green puffle
07:45 <Tiff or Nick> Are you a non-member?
07:45 <Goldastros> yes
07:45 <Tiff or Nick> I'm a member :P
07:46 <Goldastros> well,in m country aren't ANY membership code
07:47 <Goldastros> wanna be friends
07:47 <Goldastros> ?
07:48 <Tiff or Nick> Sure.
07:48 <Tiff or Nick> I'm in the server Matterhorn
07:48 <Goldastros> i come
07:49 <Tiff or Nick> I'm in the Town
07:50 <Goldastros> i wonder if a non-member can dig only one rare item
07:50 <Goldastros> you are sino?
07:50 <Tiff or Nick> I'm on my second acc
07:51 <Tiff or Nick> I would usually be on 33philip3 for YouTube specials. :P
07:51 <Goldastros> wait,you make videos
07:51 <Tiff or Nick> Yes.
07:51 <Goldastros> i can be in them ?
07:51 <Tiff or Nick> Maybe. :P
07:51 <Goldastros> like...a team'
07:52 <Goldastros> friend me
07:52 <Tiff or Nick> Done.
07:52 <Goldastros> come to my iggy
07:53 <Tiff or Nick> Okay.
07:53 <Tiff or Nick> brb
07:56 -!- CakeandSpikes has joined Special:Chat
07:56 <Tiff or Nick> Hi
07:56 <Penguin-Pal> hi
07:56 <CakeandSpikes> GUYS! 
07:56 <CakeandSpikes> Look =
07:56 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
07:57 <CakeandSpikes> I just contacted cp yesterday 
07:57 <Goldastros> it's me,or the facility exterior is more big?
07:58 <Tiff or Nick> :|
08:00 <Goldastros> i have coins,but i dont have what to buy
08:02 <Tiff or Nick> I have 12209 coins 0_0
08:03 -!- Tiff or Nick has left Special:Chat.
08:05 -!- CakeandSpikes has left Special:Chat.
08:05 -!- CakeandSpikes has joined Special:Chat
08:09 -!- CakeandSpikes has left Special:Chat.
08:10 <Penguin-Pal> dead?
08:10 -!- Goldastros has left Special:Chat.
08:12 <Waddleplay> O_O
08:18 <Penguin-Pal> dead?
08:18 <Penguin-Pal> dead..
08:20 -!- AvengersHereoes has joined Special:Chat
08:20 -!- Artantic has joined Special:Chat
08:20 <Waddleplay> Yo!
08:20 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
08:21 <AvengersHereoes> Guys you Should at everyday phone facilty builiding is awesome
08:21 <AvengersHereoes> and i just dig with my puffle only one name red ray (redpuflle)
08:21 <AvengersHereoes> (redpuffle)
08:26 <Penguin-Pal> chat resurrection (skull)
08:28 <AvengersHereoes> ;o
08:28 <AvengersHereoes> :o
08:31 -!- AvengersHereoes has left Special:Chat.
08:32 -!- Rockor king has joined Special:Chat
08:33 <Rockor king> Guys
08:33 <Penguin-Pal> hi
08:33 <Rockor king> How do i dig with puffles?
08:33 <Penguin-Pal> just walk around with a puffle and wait
08:33 <Rockor king> Do i wave or will it do by itself?
08:33 <Penguin-Pal> no, no need to wave
08:33 <Rockor king> k
08:34 <Rockor king> Lick the ground Whoppy :I
08:34 <Artantic> wait
08:34 <Artantic> i was here all the time...
08:34 <Artantic> XD
08:38 <Rockor king> Guys...
08:38 <Rockor king>
08:38 <Rockor king> *hums on starwars theme*
08:38 <Penguin-Pal> :O cool
08:39 <Rockor king> STAR WARS :D
08:39 <Rockor king> THE FIRST AWSOME AD PARTY :D
08:40 <Rockor king> After make ur mark :P
08:40 <Rockor king> I didnt like Cece and rocky
08:40 <Rockor king> But i liked the other things :D
08:43 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
08:43 <Penguin-Pal> hi
08:43 <Waddleplay> I met Aunt Arctic!!! :D
08:43 <Waddleplay> Big Foot Book Room
08:44 <Artantic> i met her one year ago... :|
08:44 <Waddleplay> Wow!
08:45 <Waddleplay> Many Penguins in Book Room! Artantic huh??
08:46 <Artantic> idk
08:50 -!- Artantic has left Special:Chat.
08:50 -!- Artantic has joined Special:Chat
08:54 -!- Artantic has left Special:Chat.
08:55 <Rockor king> GAAAAH
08:55 <Rockor king> My puffle scared me :O
08:55 <Rockor king> *looks in my pants*
08:55 <Rockor king> K i have to change em :I
09:03 -!- CakeandSpikes has joined Special:Chat
09:03 <CakeandSpikes> Hello????
09:03 <CakeandSpikes> HELLO????
09:04 <Penguin-Pal> hi
09:04 <CakeandSpikes> oh thank goodness
09:04 <CakeandSpikes> Apj likes my name O_O
09:05 <CakeandSpikes> no not real name, Username
09:05 <CakeandSpikes> yay puffles can dig on june
09:05 <CakeandSpikes> i mean july
09:06 <Penguin-Pal> it's still june
09:06 <CakeandSpikes> ik
09:06 <Waddleplay> Hi!
09:06 <CakeandSpikes> LATE
09:06 <CakeandSpikes> :P
09:07 <Waddleplay> Lol!
09:07 <CakeandSpikes> [[User:CakeandSpikes|I have been hiding this info for days but now you know]]
09:08 -!- Rockor king has left Special:Chat.
09:08 -!- Rockor king has joined Special:Chat
09:08 <CakeandSpikes> Now i dont have to cheat coins on cp
09:08 -!- Rockor king has left Special:Chat.
09:08 <CakeandSpikes> cuz puffle digging is introduced
09:08 <CakeandSpikes> on july
09:09 <CakeandSpikes> wait june
09:09 <CakeandSpikes> 20
09:09 <CakeandSpikes> 2013
09:09 <CakeandSpikes> ?
09:09 <CakeandSpikes> todays 20 for me
09:10 <Penguin-Pal> brb
09:10 -!- Penguin-Pal has left Special:Chat.
09:11 -!- Rockor king has joined Special:Chat
09:11 <Rockor king> Guys visit my iggy in sleet!
09:13 <Rockor king> Whoops
09:13 <Rockor king> Wrong server :I
09:14 <Rockor king> Slushy i mean :I
09:16 <CakeandSpikes> back without brb
09:17 -!- CakeandSpikes has left Special:Chat.
09:22 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
09:22 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
09:32 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
09:33 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
09:34 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
09:35 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
09:38 <Rockor king> Err?
09:38 <Rockor king> Chat is reaaaly dead :I
09:41 <Waddleplay> Who knows Coolpool79?
09:42 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
09:42 -!- Waddleplay has joined Special:Chat
09:45 <Rockor king> Did you know carrots are good for your eyesight?
09:46 -!- Waddleplay has left Special:Chat.
09:48 <Rockor king> Well chat bot
09:48 <Rockor king> Its just you and me :I
09:48 <Rockor king> Well
09:48 <Rockor king> What do you do for a living?
09:51 -!- Llove Kuwait has joined Special:Chat
09:51 <Rockor king> Llove :D
09:51 <Rockor king> Want to hang out in my igloo in slushy?
09:52 -!- Rockor king has left Special:Chat.
09:52 -!- Rockor king has joined Special:Chat
10:04 <Llove Kuwait> What how who where?
10:04 <Llove Kuwait> Oh...
10:04 <Llove Kuwait> Sorry I can't
10:04 <Llove Kuwait> Bye :(
10:04 <Llove Kuwait> !updatelogs
10:04 <CPChatBot> Llove Kuwait: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 25 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
10:05 -!- Llove Kuwait has left Special:Chat.
10:12 -!- Kris303 has joined Special:Chat
10:12 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
10:13 <SugarPenguin12> Kris
10:13 <SugarPenguin12> I'm in an igloo with 99, 999+ likes
10:13 <SugarPenguin12> o_o
10:14 <Rockor king> Sugarpenguin
10:14 <Rockor king> Visit my igloo in slushy ;D
10:14 <Rockor king> You too kris
10:15 <SugarPenguin12> erm can you get on blizzard
10:17 <Rockor king> No D:
10:17 <Rockor king> I have an employee here D:
10:18 <Rockor king> Im asking him if we can go to blizzard
10:19 <SugarPenguin12> who
10:19 <SugarPenguin12> I mean
10:19 <SugarPenguin12> YOU ARE EMPLOYED?
10:20 <Rockor king> No
10:20 <Rockor king> Im the owner :I
10:20 <Rockor king> But he logged so im comming
10:21 <Rockor king> im in blizzard now
10:27 -!- Kris303 has left Special:Chat.
10:28 <Rockor king> ...
10:29 -!- Rockor king has left Special:Chat.
10:32 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
10:48 -!- The Lord of the Rings has joined Special:Chat
10:58 -!- Rockor king has joined Special:Chat
11:01 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
11:01 <TraGiggles> Hii
11:01 <The Lord of the Rings> Hi
11:01 <Rockor king> Hi
11:01 <Rockor king> Who wants to hang out in icicle?
11:02 <TraGiggles> did u guys see the epf update
11:02 <The Lord of the Rings> I'm on Sleet
11:02 <The Lord of the Rings> Ya
11:02 <TraGiggles> its awesomee
11:02 <TraGiggles> And
11:02 <TraGiggles> PUFFLE DIGGING!!
11:02 <TraGiggles> my puffle so far has got me over 20 coins now
11:03 <Rockor king> My puffle has digged like 140 coins
11:03 <Rockor king> AND IT DIGGED ONE 50!
11:03 <TraGiggles> :0
11:03 <TraGiggles> Did u get the stamp
11:03 <Rockor king> It has digged 5 times :D
11:03 <Rockor king> Yup
11:03 <TraGiggles> good job
11:03 <Rockor king> Now im going to go crazy
11:03 <TraGiggles> Hopefully i'll get it soon
11:03 <Rockor king> Today i promise you
11:04 <TraGiggles>
11:04 <Rockor king> And its a promise >:D
11:04 <Rockor king> Wish me luck *Preaperes for the wave*
11:04 <Rockor king> *gets lift up*
11:05 <TraGiggles>
11:05 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
11:05 <The Lord of the Rings> I'm Mumbo31502 Sleet Town
11:05 <SugarPenguin12> I am at blizzard
11:05 <Rockor king> Dang
11:05 <SugarPenguin12> TRA
11:05 <SugarPenguin12> Check awt mah updates blog
11:05 <SugarPenguin12> I beat everyone to it
11:06 <TraGiggles> i did :/
11:06 <SugarPenguin12> Did not
11:06 <SugarPenguin12> Mine is on the main page
11:06 <TraGiggles> I DID
11:06 <SugarPenguin12> :D
11:06 <TraGiggles> I SAW IT
11:06 <SugarPenguin12> Oh
11:06 <TraGiggles> :|
11:06 <SugarPenguin12> XD
11:06 <SugarPenguin12> I thought you made it
11:06 <SugarPenguin12> :P
11:07 <TraGiggles> i wanted to
11:07 <TraGiggles> everyone has a diff time then me so i'll never be able to do it
11:07 <TraGiggles> its 8:07 in the morning where i live
11:07 <SugarPenguin12> OMG
11:07 <SugarPenguin12> OMG
11:07 <SugarPenguin12> OMG
11:07 <SugarPenguin12> Clones on blizzard
11:07 <SugarPenguin12> at iceberg
11:08 <The Lord of the Rings> So?
11:08 -!- Green Ninja has joined Special:Chat
11:08 <The Lord of the Rings> Tra it's 7:08 here
11:08 <SugarPenguin12> hi green
11:08 <Rockor king> DANG IT
11:08 <Rockor king> Came halfways D:
11:08 <SugarPenguin12> LOTR that's weird
11:08 <Green Ninja> I can't believe there is going to be a Star Wars party...
11:08 <The Lord of the Rings> Lies -_-
11:08 <SugarPenguin12> cuz its 7:08 for me too
11:08 <Green Ninja> Already!
11:08 <TraGiggles> IKR
11:08 <TraGiggles> wait what
11:08 <Green Ninja> It is real
11:08 <The Lord of the Rings> I want proof
11:08 <TraGiggles> STAR WARS PARTY????
11:08 <Rockor king> I cant belive you posted it to be in July without it being confirmed when its going to be
11:08 <Green Ninja> Go to
11:08 <TraGiggles> STAR WARS PARTY??!!!
11:09 <Rockor king> Yeah
11:09 <Green Ninja> Yes
11:09 <Rockor king> Light sabers...
11:09 <TraGiggles> GREAT
11:09 <Rockor king> Laser guns
11:09 <TraGiggles> :|
11:09 <Rockor king> Clone wars :P
11:09 <Green Ninja>
11:09 <The Lord of the Rings> Nothing happens
11:09 <The Lord of the Rings> I do see Star Wars though
11:09 <Green Ninja> Theres a space background
11:09 <Rockor king> I sent in a poem to cp that had 8 diffrent sentences
11:09 <TraGiggles> not excited at all
11:09 <Green Ninja> Why wouldnt there be a Star Wars party?
11:09 <Rockor king> With S.T.A.R W.A.R.S
11:09 <The Lord of the Rings> I WANNA BE GENERAL GREVIOUS
11:09 <Green Ninja> Me too
11:10 <Green Ninja> And maybe Goda
11:10 <Green Ninja> Yoda
11:10 <Green Ninja> Anyway, GTG
11:10 <Green Ninja> Bye
11:10 <The Lord of the Rings> I wanna be Goda too (yao)
11:10 <Green Ninja>  (troll)
11:10 <SugarPenguin12> I was the one who saw the star wars thing at the bottom
11:10 <SugarPenguin12> then everyone is talking about it now
11:10 <SugarPenguin12> XD
11:10 -!- Green Ninja has left Special:Chat.
11:12 <SugarPenguin12> SWINGING MAH LIGHTSABER (lightsaber)
11:12 <SugarPenguin12> Hmm..
11:12 <Rockor king> Whupsie...
11:12 <SugarPenguin12> Star wars party ehh..
11:12 <SugarPenguin12> Whats next?
11:12 <Rockor king> I did just impale a penguin with my saber D:
11:13 <SugarPenguin12> Selena Gomez sings the CP songs?
11:13 <Rockor king> Dont tell ok?
11:13 <SugarPenguin12> I just told the entire earth
11:13 <SugarPenguin12> for some reason it looks like water is the key element
11:14 <SugarPenguin12> There is an electric blue line coming from the water dojo
11:14 <SugarPenguin12> in all the corners that light is there
11:14 <SugarPenguin12> :|
11:14 <SugarPenguin12> CJ SNOW UPDATE
11:15 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has joined Special:Chat
11:15 <SugarPenguin12> now where it says about who hits better from far and who hits from near
11:15 <SugarPenguin12> there is a pic of the snowman
11:17 <SugarPenguin12> dead
11:17 <SugarPenguin12> chat
11:17 -!- RandomName40209 has joined Special:Chat
11:17 <SugarPenguin12> hai
11:17 <SugarPenguin12> read my Cp updates post yet
11:18 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has left Special:Chat.
11:18 <RandomName40209> Where? @sugar 
11:19 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
11:19 <SugarPenguin12> ill link it
11:19 <SugarPenguin12> no wait
11:19 <SugarPenguin12> its on the main page
11:19 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has joined Special:Chat
11:20 <The Lord of the Rings> Where Sugar
11:20 <The Lord of the Rings> So pick this up and check this out:
11:21 <SugarPenguin12> see my updates post here:
11:21 <The Lord of the Rings> ...
11:21 <SugarPenguin12>,_2013#comm-291588
11:22 <SugarPenguin12> Comment plz
11:22 <SugarPenguin12> :D
11:23 -!- The Lord of the Rings has left Special:Chat.
11:24 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has left Special:Chat.
11:24 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has joined Special:Chat
11:25 <RandomName40209> if Herbert updates his website to star wars-related, then who Star wars Herbert will be:
11:25 <Mariocart25Charizard> brb
11:26 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has left Special:Chat.
11:28 -!- Hotrod Doyle has joined Special:Chat
11:29 <Hotrod Doyle> Who here knows how to make a template?
11:29 <SugarPenguin12> not me
11:33 -!- Casto P. Nyane has joined Special:Chat
11:33 <Casto P. Nyane> Hiya!
11:33 <Casto P. Nyane> Star wars herbert will be darth vader
11:34 <Casto P. Nyane> Hotrood
11:34 <Casto P. Nyane> HI Cadence'
11:34 -!- Casto P. Nyane has left Special:Chat.
11:34 -!- Cadence176761 has left Special:Chat.
11:35 <RandomName40209> So, why is crossovers club penguin parties have "Takeover" in it...
11:41 -!- Hotrod Doyle has left Special:Chat.
11:43 -!- Penguin-Pal has joined Special:Chat
11:43 <Penguin-Pal> hi
11:44 <SugarPenguin12> Hai P-P
11:46 <SugarPenguin12> so...
11:46 <SugarPenguin12> SUP?
11:47 <Penguin-Pal> nothing much :P
11:47 <Penguin-Pal> you?
11:47 -!- Cadence176761 has joined Special:Chat
11:47 <Penguin-Pal> oh hi
11:47 -!- Cadence176761 has left Special:Chat.
11:50 <RandomName40209> Penguin-pal, pm
11:50 <Penguin-Pal> ok
11:51 <SugarPenguin12> P-P
11:51 <SugarPenguin12> (penguin pal)
11:51 <SugarPenguin12> (penguin-pal)
11:51 -!- Cadence176761 has joined Special:Chat
11:51 <SugarPenguin12> (pp)
11:51 <Cadence176761> hello
11:51 <SugarPenguin12> Yo (cadence)
11:52 <Cadence176761> we meet on club penguin now?
11:52 <SugarPenguin12> OK
11:52 <SugarPenguin12> Which server
11:53 <Cadence176761> abominable
11:54 <Cadence176761> I called musosten on cp
11:54 <SugarPenguin12> ok
11:55 <SugarPenguin12> I am called Keevi2005
11:55 <Cadence176761> ok!
11:55 -!- Director(aa) has joined Special:Chat
11:55 -!- Director(aa) has left Special:Chat.
11:55 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
11:56 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
11:56 <Cadence176761> go to the forest
11:58 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
11:58 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
12:00 <Wolf-gangs> Hello guys
12:01 <Cadence176761> hello
12:01 <Penguin-Pal> hi
12:02 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
12:03 <Cadence176761> penguin pal?
12:03 <Penguin-Pal> yes?
12:04 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
12:04 <Penguin-Pal> hi
12:04 <Cadence176761> can we meet on club penguin on a server abominable, wolf gangs and penguin pal?
12:04 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
12:05 <Penguin-Pal> yeah sure
12:05 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
12:05 <Cadence176761> I called musosten we meet in the forest
12:06 <Penguin-Pal> ok
12:06 <Cadence176761> what is your name on CP?
12:06 <Penguin-Pal> hey i think ocean is planning to upload some furniture or digging images to the wiki
12:06 <Penguin-Pal> im coming, yoiull see ;)
12:07 <Penguin-Pal> im the penguin with the bell
12:07 <SugarPenguin12> I called Keevi2005
12:07 <Penguin-Pal> and parrot that is next to your penguin
12:07 <SugarPenguin12> what server
12:08 <Penguin-Pal> abominable forest
12:08 <SugarPenguin12> k
12:08 -!- Heti123 has joined Special:Chat
12:08 <Penguin-Pal> hi
12:08 <SugarPenguin12> hey dude
12:08 <Heti123> hi (wave)
12:08 <SugarPenguin12> wanna meet up on cp with us
12:08 -!- Heti123 has left Special:Chat.
12:08 <SugarPenguin12> server adominable
12:09 -!- Heti123 has joined Special:Chat
12:09 -!- Cadence176761 has left Special:Chat.
12:09 <Heti123> ok
12:09 <SugarPenguin12> go to the forest
12:09 <Heti123> my penguin name is hemendra
12:09 <SugarPenguin12> where are you cadence
12:09 <SugarPenguin12> ok
12:10 <Penguin-Pal> lol where are tehy going
12:10 <Wolf-gangs> Penguin-Pal
12:10 <SugarPenguin12> 1joshuarules is there
12:10 <SugarPenguin12> :d
12:10 <Wolf-gangs> How is the gallery work going on?
12:10 <Penguin-Pal> good
12:11 <Penguin-Pal> but i wanted to ask you
12:11 <Wolf-gangs> Yes?
12:11 <Penguin-Pal> did you want to add the square tiles below?
12:12 <Wolf-gangs> I assume no need
12:12 <Penguin-Pal> ok
12:12 <Wolf-gangs>
12:12 <Wolf-gangs> Remember, this XP
12:12 <Wolf-gangs> It would probably look very neat here
12:13 <Wolf-gangs> and might end the chaos of galleries here
12:13 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
12:13 <Heti123> i cameinto the forest
12:13 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
12:13 <Wolf-gangs>
12:13 <Wolf-gangs> Wow, what a big messy gallery
12:14 <Wolf-gangs> After you finish the gallery new look
12:14 <Wolf-gangs> I have a big project for such pages
12:14 <Penguin-Pal> wow awesome outfit heity
12:14 <Penguin-Pal> oh
12:14 <SugarPenguin12> where are you P-P
12:15 <Penguin-Pal> i logged out to do several things in the wiki
12:15 <SugarPenguin12> No.
12:15 <SugarPenguin12> :)
12:16 <Penguin-Pal> sory for going so quiickly, but it was fun ;)
12:16 <SugarPenguin12> * :(
12:16 <SugarPenguin12> it was boring
12:16 <SugarPenguin12> we were only dancing XD
12:16 <Penguin-Pal> oh
12:17 -!- ChilledEnderman has joined Special:Chat
12:17 <Heti123> Hy birthday is in 3 days!
12:17 -!- Rockor king has left Special:Chat.
12:17 <Wolf-gangs> and sorry Penguin-Pal for mumbling about the new gallery XP
12:17 -!- Rockor king has joined Special:Chat
12:17 <Wolf-gangs> I know I said like a guy that only gives orders
12:17 <ChilledEnderman> my birthdays in........3 months.. @heti
12:17 <Wolf-gangs> Sadly, three years in this wiki and still doesn't know much about codes 
12:17 <Heti123> XD
12:18 <SugarPenguin12> and I will buy puffle plushes
12:18 <Rockor king> Guys
12:18 <SugarPenguin12> Anyone want one
12:18 <ChilledEnderman> me
12:18 <Rockor king> I want leh code :P
12:18 <Heti123> oh can you send me a code?
12:18 <ChilledEnderman> i vant ze code
12:18 <SugarPenguin12> I wont get u one MUHHAHA
12:18 <ChilledEnderman> -_-
12:18 <Rockor king> Hang out with me in zipline
12:18 <SugarPenguin12> XD
12:19 <Heti123> u sownd just like herbert
12:19 <ChilledEnderman> *is about to say bad word* nvm...
12:19 <Rockor king> May i get the plush?
12:19 <SugarPenguin12> LOL no
12:19 <SugarPenguin12> I might buy 2
12:19 <Heti123> u sound just like herbert
12:19 <SugarPenguin12> but the second one is for mah cuz
12:19 <SugarPenguin12> my cusions
12:19 <Heti123> when you said:I wont get u one MUHHAHA
12:19 <SugarPenguin12>  I mean
12:19 -!- 1joshuarules has joined Special:Chat
12:19 <1joshuarules> (wave)
12:20 <SugarPenguin12> HI
12:20 <SugarPenguin12> I saw oyi
12:20 <Heti123> hi sp sounds like herbert
12:20 <ChilledEnderman> who wants to see a random pic?
12:20 -!- Ham 'N' Cheese has joined Special:Chat
12:20 <Ham 'N' Cheese> Hello!
12:20 <Heti123> me!
12:21 <1joshuarules> (wave)
12:21 <Heti123>  the net to speek must wach monsters university
12:21 <Heti123> hi
12:21 <Heti123> I will wach MU today!
12:23 <ChilledEnderman> @heti
12:23 -!- Penguin-Pal has left Special:Chat.
12:23 -!- Penguin-Pal has joined Special:Chat
12:24 -!- Penguin-Pal has left Special:Chat.
12:25 <Rockor king> Bye
12:25 -!- 1joshuarules has left Special:Chat.
12:25 -!- Rockor king has left Special:Chat.
12:27 <SugarPenguin12> ...
12:29 <ChilledEnderman> :|
12:29 <SugarPenguin12> :p
12:29 <SugarPenguin12> :D
12:29 <SugarPenguin12> Doo doo doo doo doo
12:39 <SugarPenguin12> ..
12:40 -!- Wolf-gangs has left Special:Chat.
12:40 <ChilledEnderman> :|
12:41 <ChilledEnderman> board
12:47 <RandomName40209> Dead chat -_-
12:49 <ChilledEnderman> ja
12:55 -!- RandomName40209 has left Special:Chat.
13:02 -!- The Lord of the Rings has joined Special:Chat
13:02 <The Lord of the Rings> Rawr
13:02 -!- The Lord of the Rings has left Special:Chat.
13:07 -!- Cammiii1 has joined Special:Chat
13:07 <Cammiii1> GUYS OMG
13:08 <Cammiii1> i found a glitch for the holiday party 2013!
13:09 <Cammiii1> we know it will end on january 2
13:09 <Cammiii1> want proof?
13:09 <ChilledEnderman> no
13:10 <Cammiii1>
13:10 <Cammiii1> i will come back after 15 there is a full chat
13:10 <Cammiii1> bye
13:10 -!- Cammiii1 has left Special:Chat.
13:10 <ChilledEnderman> after 15?
13:11 <Ham 'N' Cheese> I've got to go. Bye!
13:12 -!- Ham 'N' Cheese has left Special:Chat.
13:13 -!- ChilledEnderman has left Special:Chat.
13:15 <SugarPenguin12> ...
13:16 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
13:21 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
13:22 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
13:29 -!- Whenpigsfly765 has joined Special:Chat
13:35 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
13:36 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
13:40 -!- RandomName40209 has joined Special:Chat
13:41 <RandomName40209> Um?
13:42 <RandomName40209> Hello?
13:42 -!- SugarPenguin12 has joined Special:Chat
13:42 <SugarPenguin12> HELLO
13:42 <SugarPenguin12> Check my blog for CP updates and an important blog
13:42 <SugarPenguin12>
13:44 <RandomName40209> How can you imagine if... Disney confirmed a star wars party in Club penguin blog, then what would disney make successful money?
13:46 <SugarPenguin12> Hmm
13:46 <SugarPenguin12> :/
13:47 <SugarPenguin12> comment
13:47 <SugarPenguin12>
13:47 <RandomName40209> ok
13:47 <RandomName40209> I Did...
13:48 <SugarPenguin12> ok
13:49 <RandomName40209> I'm making my own takeover (Crossover) ideas for club penguin...
13:49 <RandomName40209> so brb ok?
13:49 <SugarPenguin12> me too
13:49 <SugarPenguin12> im packing for my vacation
13:52 <Whenpigsfly765> Hola Amigos!
13:52 <SugarPenguin12> Hola Pig
13:52 <SugarPenguin12> brb ok?
13:53 <Whenpigsfly765> kk
13:57 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
13:58 <Twinkie102> Hola
13:58 <RandomName40209> Hello.
13:58 <Twinkie102> Sup
13:59 <RandomName40209> I need to make my Club penguin pokemon takeover an better logo.
13:59 <RandomName40209> brb?
14:01 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
14:02 <Twinkie102> its impossible to find anything in puffle digging -.-
14:02 <Twinkie102> ooh my puffle just found 13 coins!
14:03 -!- Kallie Jo has joined Special:Chat
14:03 <Twinkie102> and he found 8 coins
14:03 <SugarPenguin12> gtg bye
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> see you in london
14:04 <Twinkie102> bye
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> tomorrow
14:04 <Twinkie102> ?
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> Check my blog
14:04 <Twinkie102> Ok
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> Im going to london
14:04 <SugarPenguin12>
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> BYE SEE YA IN LONDON
14:04 <Twinkie102> Caps
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> Well maybe a day after
14:04 <Twinkie102> But Bye
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> Ok bye!!
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> Gonna buy puffle plush
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> Also I am going to London and liverpool
14:04 <SugarPenguin12> Okay cya!
14:05 <SugarPenguin12> (wave)
14:05 -!- SugarPenguin12 has left Special:Chat.
14:08 <Twinkie102> I think Puffle Digging spots generate at random spots of the room every second for people to dig up
14:08 <Twinkie102> If that
14:08 <Twinkie102> oops
14:08 <Twinkie102> If that's correct, we can look in ANY room
14:09 <PixieLil> mhm
14:09 <PixieLil> Idk about indoor rooms though
14:09 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
14:10 <Twinkie102> i found some coins in the mine
14:10 <RandomName40209> ...
14:10 <Twinkie102> (puffle digging, not jackhammer or shovel)
14:11 <PixieLil> Idk about rooms like the coffee shop though
14:11 <Twinkie102> yea
14:12 <Twinkie102> that was just my guess
14:12 <Twinkie102> but they need to make Item Digging come faster :c
14:12 <Twinkie102> Here's CP's Weekly Routine:
14:12 <Twinkie102> Update
14:12 <RandomName40209> Does  my Club penguin pokemon takeover idea an good idea or bad idea for when Disney partners up with Nintendo
14:13 <Twinkie102> People get tired of it after a day
14:13 <Twinkie102> And it keeps on going every week
14:13 <Twinkie102> ;_
14:13 <Twinkie102> * ;)
14:13 <Twinkie102> bad idea, random
14:14 <RandomName40209> still... It would be like Monsters university but with mascots
14:14 <Kallie Jo> I've been on 10 minutes, waddling to every place imaginable, and my puffle hasn't even found 1 coin lol
14:14 <Kallie Jo> Meanwhile other puffles are finding coins left and right
14:15 <Twinkie102> Guys I need help with something
14:16 <Twinkie102> :/
14:17 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
14:17 <Twinkie102> hi jay
14:17 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I'm Puffle Digging right now...
14:17 <PixieLil> Same
14:17 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Using my Puffle "Apprentice"
14:18 <PixieLil> I'm also getting pics for my updates blog
14:18 <Twinkie102> Im trying to figure out how I'm gonna get all my YouTube viewers back
14:18 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Somebody already made the blog
14:18 <Twinkie102> I stayed away from YT too long
14:18 <Twinkie102> D:
14:18 <PixieLil> I don't care, I was supposed to do it this week!
14:19 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Can you dig anywhere besides Snow lol
14:19 <Twinkie102> :(
14:19 <Twinkie102> ;(
14:19 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Why the :(
14:20 <PixieLil> My puffle was digging on the stairs of the EPF lol
14:20 <Twinkie102> my youtube is a goner
14:20 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Pixie... Right as you said that, I went on the stairs of the EPF and Apprentice found 15 coins 
14:21 <PixieLil> Lol
14:22 <PixieLil> What server are you on Jay?
14:22 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Bubblegum
14:22 <PixieLil> I've never even heard of it lol
14:23 <Twinkie102> ;(
14:23 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
14:23 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Neither have I, I just clicked a random one.
14:23 <RandomName40209> Here's TWO sneak peeks for my ideas: and, that's what would Disney partnered with Nintendo.
14:23 <Blue Jay of Lightning> O.O Apprentice just dug in a SUBMARINE
14:23 <PixieLil> LOL
14:24 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
14:24 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I can here somebody saying "We're sinking!"
14:25 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Apprentice is very happy.
14:25 <Twinkie102> D:
14:25 <RandomName40209> I and Nintendo have partnered with disney and club penguin for temporary pokemon  takeover party 2013...
14:26 <Twinkie102> :O
14:26 <Twinkie102> :O
14:26 <Twinkie102> (:O)
14:27 <Twinkie102> Minecraft 1.6 is being released next week!!!!!!! :D
14:27 <PixieLil> Okay, maybe puffles can dig in the coffee shop o.O
14:27 <Twinkie102>
14:27 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Good idea
14:28 <Whenpigsfly765> On the wikia central wiki, I saw someone named Waterclam who had a CP avatar.
14:28 <Twinkie102> ...
14:29 <Whenpigsfly765> I was gonna ask him if he played CP but he left before that. :( 
14:29 <RandomName40209> um, can i contact a user named Waterclam.
14:29 <Whenpigsfly765> ...
14:30 <RandomName40209> .....?
14:30 <Whenpigsfly765> On the Wikia central Wiki
14:30 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
14:30 <RandomName40209> ok
14:30 <Whenpigsfly765> My friend gave me her account on Club Penguin. She says she is to "old" to play it anymore.
14:31 <Whenpigsfly765> Nobody is too old to play Club Penguin!
14:31 <Whenpigsfly765> I drew a picture of my yellow puffle, Tuli.
14:32 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
14:32 <Whenpigsfly765> Umm...
14:32 <Whenpigsfly765> Anybody?
14:32 <Whenpigsfly765> Dead chat?
14:32 -!- Betazero has joined Special:Chat
14:32 <Whenpigsfly765> Hello
14:32 <Betazero> dose anyone have a toy code if to pc me 
14:32 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hello Beta.
14:32 <Twinkie102> Beta :|
14:33 <Betazero> hello
14:33 <Betazero> but dise anyonehave toy code 
14:33 <Blue Jay of Lightning> No
14:33 <Whenpigsfly765> Who knows what "Tuli" means?
14:33 <Betazero> dang
14:33 <Betazero> ha funny
14:34 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Pixie PM
14:34 <Whenpigsfly765> Why is everyone ignoring me?
14:34 <Whenpigsfly765> Twinkie, how do you do the away thing?
14:34 <Whenpigsfly765> Like Heti is not?
14:35 <Whenpigsfly765> now*
14:35 <RandomName40209> um...
14:35 <Betazero> i hacked club peguin
14:35 <RandomName40209> What??
14:35 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Why?
14:35 <Betazero> what
14:36 <Betazero> never mind forget about what i said ok guys
14:36 <Whenpigsfly765> When it is said, it can not be taken back
14:36 <PixieLil> (:/)
14:36 <Betazero> i could 
14:36 <Twinkie102> What did you hack
14:36 <Twinkie102> I'm telling CP
14:36 <RandomName40209> :O
14:36 <Whenpigsfly765> Me too
14:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> He hacked the Beta Hat, I'm guessing
14:36 <Betazero> who
14:37 <Blue Jay of Lightning> You
14:37 <Betazero> you mean the snow beta
14:37 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
14:37 <Betazero> wtf
14:37 <RandomName40209> Eh. I've seen worse Hackers in toontown online but not club penguin...
14:37 <Betazero> i did do nothing for no one
14:37 <Whenpigsfly765> You play Toontown?
14:37 <Betazero> no
14:37 <Betazero> i did
14:37 <Whenpigsfly765> Random
14:37 <Betazero> but hackers
14:38 <RandomName40209> I'm guessing Toontown hackers are on my enemies list.
14:38 <Whenpigsfly765> Random?
14:38 <RandomName40209> yeah.
14:38 <Whenpigsfly765> Do you play toontown?
14:38 <RandomName40209> I've used to play but... i quit it because of toontown hackers.
14:38 <Betazero> haked
14:38 <Whenpigsfly765> Can you play it with me?
14:39 <RandomName40209> uh sure.
14:39 -!- Goldastros has joined Special:Chat
14:39 <Goldastros> hi
14:39 -!- Super Miron has joined Special:Chat
14:39 <Whenpigsfly765> Im Fireball Funnyfidget. I am a boy on there. But my brother made it for me :|
14:39 <Super Miron> Hi
14:40 <Super Miron> ...
14:40 <Super Miron> No hi to me?
14:40 <Super Miron> D:
14:40 <Betazero> do anyone have a toy code ther not gonig to use pc me it
14:40 <Super Miron> !updated
14:40 <CPChatBot> Super Miron: The logs were last updated 36:03 ago. There are currently ~149 lines in the log buffer.
14:40 <RandomName40209> Hi @Super
14:40 <Super Miron> !updatelogs
14:40 <CPChatBot> Super Miron: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 152 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
14:41 <Super Miron> BRB, eating dinner
14:42 <Whenpigsfly765> Random. Meet me on Silly Street on district Giggly Bay.
14:43 <Whenpigsfly765> Dinner?
14:43 <RandomName40209> ok @When
14:43 <Whenpigsfly765> Now
14:43 <Whenpigsfly765> Lol please
14:43 <Goldastros> on what tea you will be?
14:43 <Whenpigsfly765> What is your Toons name @Random?
14:44 <Whenpigsfly765> Just call me Pigs
14:44 <Betazero> dose anyone have a toy code
14:44 <PixieLil> No
14:44 <Twinkie102> beta, stop asking that 
14:44 <Whenpigsfly765> @Random
14:45 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Beta. The answer begins with N and ends with obody has one so stop asking.
14:45 <Whenpigsfly765> @Random?
14:45 <Betazero> you don,t have to be mean about oit blue jay
14:46 <RandomName40209> Um...Dippy Dynamite wonderquack @Pigs
14:46 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Mean?!
14:46 <Betazero> yea mean
14:46 <Blue Jay of Lightning> :(
14:46 <Whenpigsfly765> Ok Go on district Giggly Bay. Silly Street @Random
14:47 <Betazero> well its tru
14:47 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I don't see how I was mean
14:47 <Goldastros> who will be in OK?
14:47 <Whenpigsfly765> me
14:48 <Betazero> um
14:48 <Betazero> starts with a end with a o 
14:48 <Twinkie102> back
14:49 <Blue Jay of Lightning> You just kept asking it, people get annoyed when you repeat things.
14:49 <Betazero> dose anyone have a toy code pc me
14:50 <Blue Jay of Lightning> >:(
14:50 <Super Miron> Whenpigsfly765: not everyone is in the same timezone, eh?
14:50 <Twinkie102> Beta, stop asking that
14:51 <Whenpigsfly765> Oh. Ok Super
14:51 <Whenpigsfly765> Random!
14:51 <Whenpigsfly765> >:(
14:51 <RandomName40209> oh sorry!
14:51 <RandomName40209> @pigs
14:54 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Why won't Apprentice dig?
14:55 -!- Krisjj859 has joined Special:Chat
14:55 <Krisjj859> If fighting is sure to result in victory YOU MUST FIGHT!
14:55 -!- Krisjj859 has left Special:Chat.
14:56 -!- Krisjj859 has joined Special:Chat
14:56 -!- Krisjj859 has left Special:Chat.
14:56 -!- Krisjj859 has joined Special:Chat
14:56 <Krisjj859> RIP Chat
14:57 <Super Miron> I know :p
14:58 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I have the Shadow Card!
14:58 <PixieLil> Gtg bye (wave)
14:58 <PixieLil> btw, check out my blog!,_June_20,_2013.
14:59 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
14:59 -!- Starpuffle00 has joined Special:Chat
14:59 <Starpuffle00> hi
14:59 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
14:59 <Betazero> i have shadow card too
14:59 <Starpuffle00> I haven't :P
14:59 <Betazero> well its not its a glitched out carded
15:00 <Starpuffle00> I haven't played CP in weeks
15:00 <Starpuffle00> I'm gonna play now, I haven't got anything else to do
15:01 <Starpuffle00> Has the MU party started yet?
15:01 <Betazero> dose anyone have a toy code there nor gonig to use?
15:01 <RandomName40209> Nope @Star
15:01 -!- Krisjj859 has left Special:Chat.
15:02 <Betazero> guys
15:02 <Starpuffle00> Aw :(
15:02 <Betazero> im thinking about making a huge party on clubpenguin
15:02 <Betazero> with sone beta hats 
15:02 <Twinkie102> Beta, if you ask one more time, I may have to kick you for continuously doing something a Mod told you not to do
15:03 <Starpuffle00> I got a stamp called First Dig ?
15:03 -!- As4500 has joined Special:Chat
15:03 <Starpuffle00> IDK how I got it
15:04 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
15:04 <Charlie the Penguin> Yolo
15:04 <As4500> hi!
15:05 <Charlie the Penguin> i may be a little afk, ill be taking pics for puffle digging
15:05 <Charlie the Penguin> i figured out the trick to getting them to dig
15:05 -!- AvengersHereoes has joined Special:Chat
15:05 <AvengersHereoes> Yo
15:06 <AvengersHereoes> :o
15:06 <As4500>  well most of the places are at the right hand side corner where you cant see the puffle
15:06 <AvengersHereoes> yeah
15:06 <AvengersHereoes> it happen to me
15:06 <AvengersHereoes> Realy
15:06 <Starpuffle00> I probably got the stamp coz a puffle dug
15:06 <As4500> mostly in dojo
15:06 <Charlie the Penguin> actually
15:07 <Charlie the Penguin> you can dig anywhere
15:07 <Charlie the Penguin> ill let you in on my trick
15:07 <Betazero> ha
15:07 <Goldastros> on what server ou are?
15:07 <As4500> k how
15:07 <AvengersHereoes> oK
15:07 <Charlie the Penguin> stand in one place for about a minute
15:07 <AvengersHereoes> oK
15:07 <Charlie the Penguin> then walk to someplace else in the room
15:07 -!- Starpuffle00 has left Special:Chat.
15:07 <As4500> and then move anywhere
15:07 <Super Miron> (stare)
15:07 <Charlie the Penguin> its sounds weird
15:08 <Charlie the Penguin> but theyll find coins right away
15:08 <As4500> k gtg
15:08 <Charlie the Penguin> (wave)
15:08 <Goldastros> who's a member?
15:08 <AvengersHereoes> (?) 
15:08 <As4500> bye everyone
15:08 -!- As4500 has left Special:Chat.
15:08 -!- Betazero has left Special:Chat.
15:08 <Super Miron> Me
15:08 <Charlie the Penguin> i am (:/)
15:08 <AvengersHereoes> Non Member Very Pour
15:08 <Super Miron> Charlie: try (:\[[]])
15:08 <Super Miron> (:\)
15:08 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
15:08 <Super Miron> RIP English
15:08 <Super Miron> Hi
15:09 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
15:10 <RandomName40209> Wow...
15:11 <Charlie the Penguin> i have every puffle except for pink and purple, so ill take a pic of every puffle except for them
15:11 <Charlie the Penguin> ill need someone else to do those ones
15:12 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
15:12 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
15:12 -!- Casto P. Nyane has joined Special:Chat
15:13 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
15:13 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
15:13 <Casto P. Nyane> Hi i am a non member very poor like avenger said
15:13 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
15:13 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
15:14 <Super Miron> I never said you're poor
15:14 <Casto P. Nyane> I am poor
15:14 <Charlie the Penguin> even though i a member, i hate the membership idea
15:14 <Casto P. Nyane> Who agrees with charlie?
15:14 <Super Miron> I actually should kick him for offending non-members
15:14 <Super Miron> (I mean Avengers)
15:14 <Charlie the Penguin> some families dont have the money to by membership for their kid 
15:14 <Charlie the Penguin> and then they can do NOTHING
15:14 <Casto P. Nyane> and some families simply say its silly
15:15 -!- Apj26 has joined Special:Chat
15:15 <Charlie the Penguin> it is
15:15 <Super Miron> Charlie: but if there was no membership CP would bankrupt
15:15 <Super Miron> They need money to keep the game up
15:15 -!- Whenpigsfly765 has left Special:Chat.
15:15 <Casto P. Nyane> If there was a donation system,Penguins would donate real money to keep CP up and running. Like Cppses do.
15:15 <Charlie the Penguin> yeah, im okay with giving members a few extra features
15:16 <Charlie the Penguin> but not letting non members into parties?
15:16 <Super Miron> If there was only "a few" extra features, nobody would buy it
15:16 <Super Miron> Logic.
15:16 <Charlie the Penguin> its not about what theyre giving to members, its what theyre not giving to the non members
15:16 <Casto P. Nyane> Whats the problem of using ads
15:16 <Charlie the Penguin> i hated being a non member
15:17 <Charlie the Penguin> besides
15:17 <Super Miron> And Casto, it's more likely people will pay for membership and not for nothing (donating)
15:17 <Super Miron> And ads are annoying
15:17 <Casto P. Nyane> I hate being a non-member but i like having fun as a regular penguin. Some members offend non-members. I hate these members.
15:18 <Super Miron> would you rather walk around CP with ads floating over the whole screen?
15:18 -!- Casto P. Nyane has left Special:Chat.
15:18 <Charlie the Penguin> maybe if they made the treasure book a little more noticable, people would by their stuff more, and they wouldnt even need membership
15:18 <Super Miron> I really don't think you would
15:18 <Super Miron> (still talking to Casto)
15:19 -!- Casto P. Nyane has joined Special:Chat
15:19 <Super Miron> I'm a member and I never offended a non-member
15:19 <Charlie the Penguin> same
15:19 <Casto P. Nyane> Thanks guys.
15:19 <Super Miron> It's like a rich person would make fun of a poor person (not saying non-members are poor or anything)
15:19 <Charlie the Penguin> maybe we should use our money instead for paying cp not to advertise :P
15:19 <Casto P. Nyane> Be sure to report these stupid people
15:20 <AvengersHereoes> My Puffle Not Digging
15:20 <Casto P. Nyane> My puffle digs and digs
15:20 <AvengersHereoes> (sad)
15:21 <AvengersHereoes> Why Not My Puflle Digging
15:21 <Charlie the Penguin> do the trick i was talking about
15:21 <AvengersHereoes> ok
15:21 <Casto P. Nyane> I like being a non member, Although i am restricted from a few stuff. I like playing with my cousins and my penguin friends.
15:21 -!- Lokokid has joined Special:Chat
15:21 <Casto P. Nyane> and @avengers stop talking Like This.
15:21 <Apj26> Hi
15:21 <Casto P. Nyane> Hi
15:21 <Lokokid> Hello!
15:22 <Casto P. Nyane> *Gives apj 9 barrels of cake*
15:22 <Lokokid> My color is winning in the Color Vote!
15:22 <Lokokid> Penguin Pal's color vote,
15:22 <Charlie the Penguin> i think non members should at least be able to buy whatever they want in the clothes catalog
15:22 <Lokokid> yea
15:22 <Casto P. Nyane> Yea
15:23 <Charlie the Penguin> what color vote?
15:23 <Charlie the Penguin> why do i never know about stuff >.<
15:23 -!- Lokokid has left Special:Chat.
15:23 <Apj26> Oh no
15:23 <Apj26> i need to buy puffles
15:23 <Casto P. Nyane> Camp Penguins color contest 2013? You Dont know!
15:23 <Twinkie102> Why? @Apj
15:24 -!- Lokokid has joined Special:Chat
15:24 <Super Miron> Check out our new official shoutbox!
15:24 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
15:24 <AvengersHereoes> they said my puflle got 20 coins but he didn't also dig
15:24 <Blue Jay of Lightning> New avatar :P
15:24 <Casto P. Nyane> Kewl!
15:24 -!- Lokokid has left Special:Chat.
15:24 <Roger6881> Hello everyone 
15:25 <Super Miron> Hi Roger
15:25 <Casto P. Nyane> Hell-o!
15:25 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hi Roger
15:25 -!- Emraldz 1 has joined Special:Chat
15:25 <Super Miron> Roger, PM
15:25 <Roger6881> It's ... update day! 
15:25 <Twinkie102> Hi x3
15:25 <Roger6881> Hello there 
15:25 <Casto P. Nyane> Hi Buddy
15:25 <Emraldz 1> Heyyyyyyyy
15:25 <Emraldz 1> CastO!
15:25 <Roger6881> Hi to you too 
15:25 <Twinkie102> Don't do so many y's
15:25 <Emraldz 1> Oh sorry
15:25 <Casto P. Nyane> I am puff-digging now
15:26 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Last Avatar Update Before Today: Error 404
15:26 <Emraldz 1> What server?
15:26 <Casto P. Nyane> checking...
15:26 -!- Lokokid has joined Special:Chat
15:26 <Emraldz 1> Okay
15:26 <Lokokid> Hmph
15:26 <Casto P. Nyane> Crystal
15:26 <Lokokid> Lagging computer
15:26 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
15:26 <Emraldz 1> Okay
15:26 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
15:26 <Lokokid> The color vote
15:27 <Lokokid> don'tvote don't u know
15:27 <Emraldz 1> That should come back
15:27 <Roger6881> Hello
15:27 <Lokokid> don'tknow don't u know?
15:27 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
15:27 -!- Cutepuppy313 has joined Special:Chat
15:27 <Roger6881> Just out of interest: has anyone found any "rare items"?
15:27 <Roger6881> Hello
15:27 <Lokokid> don't u know?
15:27 <Twinkie102> Roger, item digging hasn't even been released yet
15:27 <Cutepuppy313> in the cataloug
15:27 <Twinkie102> that will be released next month
15:27 <Lokokid> plz vote at
15:27 <Emraldz 1> Being a non-member kinda sucks
15:27 <Lokokid> My color is Chill
15:27 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
15:28 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
15:28 <Cutepuppy313> im a member
15:28 <Emraldz 1> I'm not
15:28 <Casto P. Nyane> Emeraldz...That's an offence to me.
15:28 -!- Lokokid has left Special:Chat.
15:28 -!- Cutepuppy313 has left Special:Chat.
15:28 <Roger6881> Ohhh
15:28 <Casto P. Nyane> being a non-member doesnt suck
15:28 <AvengersHereoes> i am non member
15:29 <Casto P. Nyane> its cool but sometimes it can quirk\
15:29 <Super Miron> AFK, back in 10-30 minutes
15:29 -!- Lokokid has joined Special:Chat
15:29 <Lokokid> ?
15:29 <Lokokid> ?
15:29 <Twinkie102> Ok Miron
15:29 <Casto P. Nyane> I found 144 coins
15:29 <Emraldz 1> It's Emraldz not Emeraldz. I didnt know how to spell it correctly when i got my penguin back in 2008
15:29 -!- Lokokid has left Special:Chat.
15:29 -!- Betazero has joined Special:Chat
15:30 <Emraldz 1> I would rather be a member.
15:30 <Betazero> people hate me on this chat
15:30 <Twinkie102> who says
15:30 <Twinkie102> @beta
15:30 <Betazero> you 
15:30 <Twinkie102> I never said I hated you
15:31 <Twinkie102> I said to stop asking people if they had Coin Codes
15:31 <Betazero> you said you will kick me
15:31 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
15:31 <Casto P. Nyane> @emraldz im going to teh forest
15:31 <Casto P. Nyane> To dig sum coins
15:31 <Twinkie102> if you kept continuing to do something when I specifically told you not to
15:31 <Betazero> wtf
15:31 <Casto P. Nyane> @Emraldz PM me
15:32 <Betazero> did you see that i stoped
15:32 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
15:32 <Twinkie102> I said IF you did it again
15:32 <Betazero> but don,t get like that 
15:32 <Twinkie102> and stop doing that slang
15:32 <Betazero> does anyone have a toy code pc me likt that?
15:32 <Twinkie102> yes...
15:32 <Emraldz 1> okay casto
15:32 <Betazero> (faceplam)
15:32 <Twinkie102> you said that in chat like 10 times a little bit ago
15:32 <Betazero> ha
15:33 <Twinkie102> !updated
15:33 <CPChatBot> Twinkie102: The logs were last updated 52:12 ago. There are currently ~287 lines in the log buffer.
15:33 <Twinkie102> !updatelogs
15:33 <CPChatBot> Twinkie102: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 289 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
15:33 -!- Casto P. Nyane has left Special:Chat.
15:33 <Twinkie102> Here's on of them in logs
15:34 <Twinkie102> Another one
15:34 <Twinkie102> And ANOTHER
15:35 <Twinkie102> And another one
15:35 <Kallie Jo> Aunt Arctic found :O
15:35 <Twinkie102> And that's all I'll post cuz there are like 6 more
15:35 <Twinkie102> Where, Kallie?
15:35 <Apj26> where
15:35 <Kallie Jo> French Yeti
15:35 <Kallie Jo> Confirmed my Trainman1405 lol.
15:35 <Kallie Jo> by*
15:36 <Betazero> ha
15:36 <Kallie Jo> Book Room!
15:36 <Betazero> does anyone have a toy code and don,t kick me 
15:36 <Charlie the Penguin>  back
15:36 <Charlie the Penguin> if we did have a code
15:36 <Twinkie102> Beta, ENOUGH of that >;/
15:36 <Roger6881> you swore but nobody kicked?!
15:36 <Charlie the Penguin> why would we just give it up?
15:36 <Twinkie102> * >:/
15:36 <Betazero> crys
15:36 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
15:36 <Roger6881> Twinkie, why did you not kick?
15:37 <Betazero> boo hoo
15:37 <Betazero> its not me
15:37 <Charlie the Penguin> you dont just give up your treasure book code
15:37 <Betazero> its the ghost of cppasted
15:37 <Twinkie102> Roger, I will next time he asks about a toy code
15:37 <Betazero> why twinkie why 
15:37 <Twinkie102> Beta, I told you to stop asking...
15:38 <Betazero> please just stop bullying me ok...
15:38 <Charlie the Penguin> plus, its pointless. no ones just going to give you their code
15:38 <Charlie the Penguin> and its not bullying
15:38 <Twinkie102> I'm not bullying
15:38 <Betazero> quit being mean chaile
15:39 <Charlie the Penguin> im not being mean, im just telling you that no one will just give up their toy code
15:39 <Twinkie102> beta, stop that...
15:39 <Betazero> tell him to stop
15:39 <Betazero> or she
15:39 -!- Rhysw2002 has joined Special:Chat
15:39 <Betazero> he/she 
15:39 <Charlie the Penguin> he :|
15:39 <Twinkie102> Beta, he has a point..
15:40 <Twinkie102> No one will give a code unless they're Sniffybear2
15:40 <Betazero> whos that?
15:40 <Twinkie102> :O
15:40 <Rhysw2002> yo
15:40 <Emraldz 1> I MET AUNT ARCTIC
15:40 <Charlie the Penguin> i dont want to be mean, but just telling the truth
15:40 <Emraldz 1> She's on French Yeti
15:40 <Emraldz 1> I just met her!
15:40 <Betazero> no
15:40 <Emraldz 1> She's here!
15:40 <Betazero> thats being mean
15:41 <Emraldz 1> I'm not kidding!
15:41 <Twinkie102> Beta, enough
15:41 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
15:41 <Betazero> i could be mean if i want but i don,t wana get kicked
15:41 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
15:41 <Betazero> twinkie is a good friend 
15:41 <Charlie the Penguin> i never purposely meet the same mascot twice
15:41 <Charlie the Penguin> i like to give others a chance
15:42 <Betazero> i added thek
15:42 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
15:43 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
15:43 <Twinkie102> dead chat
15:43 <AvengersHereoes> I am Bored
15:43 <Charlie the Penguin> welcome to the club -_-
15:44 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
15:44 <Betazero> me tii
15:45 <Betazero> twibkie
15:45 <Emraldz 1> Guys! Come on French Yeti in the book room!
15:45 <Betazero> you wana party on cp
15:45 <Charlie the Penguin> ive already met aunt arctic
15:45 -!- Rhysw2002 has left Special:Chat.
15:46 -!- Rhysw2002 has joined Special:Chat
15:46 <Emraldz 1> Go to french yeti!
15:46 <Rhysw2002> a star wars party? :|
15:46 -!- Rhysw2002 has left Special:Chat.
15:47 <Charlie the Penguin> take a look a this thread (:/)
15:48 <Emraldz 1> That person needs to stop
15:49 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
15:49 <Charlie the Penguin> hey pixie
15:49 <PixieLil> Hiya
15:49 <Emraldz 1> Hey Pixie
15:50 -!- Rhysw2002 has joined Special:Chat
15:50 <PixieLil> Hi
15:50 <Betazero> hello\
15:51 <Betazero> im the mosted hated guy o this chat
15:52 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
15:52 <Twinkie102> I disconnected
15:52 <Twinkie102> :;/
15:52 <Twinkie102> * :/
15:52 <Charlie the Penguin> hate when that happens
15:52 <Emraldz 1> Me too
15:52 <Twinkie102> emraldz, chat went down for u too?
15:53 -!- Penguin-Pal has joined Special:Chat
15:53 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
15:53 <Penguin-Pal> hi
15:53 <Emraldz 1> No, i hate it when that happens too
15:53 <Twinkie102> Oh
15:53 <Twinkie102> :p
15:53 <Emraldz 1> Yerp
15:54 <Twinkie102> :D
15:54 <Twinkie102> I cant wait!!! :D :D :D
15:55 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
15:55 <Roger6881> got all the stamps for puffle digging!
15:55 <Roger6881> Hello
15:55 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
15:55 <Twinkie102> ?
15:55 <Twinkie102> who are you saying hello to?
15:55 <Roger6881> Penguin-Pal
15:55 <Twinkie102> Oh lol
15:55 <Penguin-Pal> yes?
15:55 <Emraldz 1> Nice! @Twinkie
15:56 <Betazero> am i the mosted hated here? i hope im not 
15:56 <Twinkie102> I can't wait for the Horses most
15:57 <Roger6881> Okay, I made all the Puffle Digging stamp pages 
15:57 <Emraldz 1> I've hot almost all of them
15:57 <Emraldz 1> got*
15:58 <Betazero> hey
15:58 <Betazero> what is the memebers glasses thing about?
15:58 <Twinkie102> Guys
15:58 <Emraldz 1> Yes?
15:59 <Emraldz 1> Casto, you still on crystal?
15:59 <Twinkie102> I'm working on an MC mod
15:59 <Kallie Jo> You mean the member glasses that will be obtainable when Puffle Digging for items is enabled?
15:59 <Twinkie102> Any Ideas?
15:59 <Kallie Jo> I think it's either the Black Sunglasses, 3D Glasses or Blue Sunglasses
16:00 <Emraldz 1> 3D glasses probably
16:00 <Emraldz 1> Those are the oldest
16:01 <Twinkie102> And they did say "Classic" glasses
16:01 -!- RandomName40209 has left Special:Chat.
16:02 -!- Penguin-Pal has left Special:Chat.
16:02 <Kallie Jo> Considering they haven't been available in three years, it would be nice if they returned :P
16:02 -!- Penguin-Pal has joined Special:Chat
16:02 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
16:02 <Betazero> come to 
16:03 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
16:03 <Penguin-Pal> sorry, disconnection
16:03 <Twinkie102> Beta, don't advertise
16:04 <Emraldz 1> Yeah dude, stop
16:04 <Betazero> o
16:04 <Betazero> you should have said somthing
16:04 <Roger6881> Super Miron, check PM please 
16:04 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
16:04 <Twinkie102> If you do one more thing I've told you not to do, it's a kick
16:04 <Twinkie102> *kick for you
16:05 <Betazero> please o don,t do it master don,t do it 
16:05 <Twinkie102> :|
16:05 <Betazero> nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
16:05 <Roger6881> How about, Twinkie you stop threatening him with kicks?
16:05 -!- Betazero was kicked from Special:Chat by Roger6881
16:05 -!- Betazero has left Special:Chat.
16:05 <Roger6881> Just kick, don't say so
16:08 <Charlie the Penguin> back
16:08 <Charlie the Penguin> what did i miss
16:08 <AvengersHereoes> Playing Card Jistu Snow ( Tusk Battle)
16:08 <Emraldz 1> Yeah. Beta if you don't like being thmost hated on here, then just get off.
16:08 <Twinkie102> 1. Not really threatens... sorry if they do look like threatens 
16:08 <Twinkie102> 2. I would have kicked but I was getting something to eat
16:08 <Twinkie102> 3. Ok
16:09 <Kallie Jo> What is your opinion on the Star Wars party?
16:09 <Twinkie102> My Opinion - BLAHH
16:09 <Twinkie102> I'll be there just for costumes -.-
16:10 <Charlie the Penguin> same here
16:10 <Kallie Jo> Is it because you just don't like star wars or because you're sick of advertising parties?
16:10 -!- Lava1789 has joined Special:Chat
16:10 <Charlie the Penguin> i like star wars
16:10 <Lava1789> The chat works again.
16:10 <Charlie the Penguin> advertising parties, not so mcuh
16:10 <Lava1789> :)
16:10 <Penguin-Pal> hi
16:10 <Twinkie102> I
16:10 <Lava1789> Guys guess what.
16:10 <Charlie the Penguin> (wave)
16:10 <Twinkie102> I'm tired of Advertising Parties
16:10 <Twinkie102> star wars is cool but just... stahp with advertising and sponsored parties!
16:10 <Emraldz 1> I love star wars, but bringing it into CP, now thats just going to ruin both Star Wars AND Club Penguin
16:10 <Rhysw2002> to many advertising parties 
16:10 <Lava1789> I finally made my first: "Costum Playercards" with mascots yesterday.
16:10 <Emraldz 1> I'm with Twinkie.
16:11 <Lava1789> I made a blog post with all my costum's on it.
16:11 <Emraldz 1> They need to stop with the advertized parties. They actually said a few years ago that they won't do that.
16:11 <Twinkie102> IKR
16:11 <Lava1789> ?
16:12 <Lava1789> /me is tired
16:12 <Twinkie102> Whatever happened to the great original traditional CP Parties? :(
16:12 <Kallie Jo> I know. They used to say that Club Penguin was unique partly because it was ad free
16:12 <Lava1789> I woke up and fell asleep on the couch..
16:12 <Lava1789> /me is tired.
16:12 <AvengersHereoes> /me don't know what to say
16:13 <Lava1789> /me doesn't know what to do, and is hungry.
16:13 <Lava1789> /me
16:13 <Lava1789> O.o
16:13 <Twinkie102> I wish they would do another Surprise Party Vote like they did in 2007
16:13 <Lava1789> Test ^
16:13 <Lava1789> ?
16:13 <Emraldz 1> If this new Summer music Jam is good, i'll stay. if it sucks, I'm out
16:13 <Lava1789> Surprise Party?
16:13 <Emraldz 1> Yeah!
16:13 <Kallie Jo> Yeah. It would be cool if they let users vote on more stuff
16:14 <Emraldz 1> They Voted Western party in 2007
16:14 <Lava1789> Look at my costum playercards, I made that for Music Jam.
16:14 <Twinkie102> Lava
16:14 <Lava1789> ?
16:14 <AvengersHereoes> Gives Donut To Lava1789 (donut) to (Lava1789
16:14 <Charlie the Penguin> RIP cp parties
16:14 <Lava1789> (donut)
16:14 <Twinkie102> It's Custom not Costum
16:14 <Lava1789> I always mean to do u
16:14 <Lava1789> I type fast that's why.
16:15 <Goldastros> from what country are you?
16:15 <Lava1789> There.
16:15 <Lava1789> Me?
16:15 <Goldastros> all from there?
16:15 <Lava1789> <-- Customs.
16:16 <Emraldz 1> I like the Rory one
16:16 <Lava1789> Rory was random picked
16:16 <Lava1789> and random bg.
16:16 -!- 1joshuarules has joined Special:Chat
16:16 <1joshuarules> (wave)
16:16 <Lava1789> (wave)
16:17 <Goldastros> hi
16:17 <Twinkie102> (wave)
16:17 <Lava1789> Who like the Herbert?
16:17 <Lava1789> likes*
16:17 <Goldastros> Me not
16:17 <Lava1789> o_o
16:17 <Lava1789> I worked so hard finding that bg for nothing?
16:17 <Lava1789> ;(
16:18 <Goldastros> the custom yes,i dont like what he do
16:18 <Goldastros> PM joshua
16:18 <Lava1789> His mouth makes you wanna say bad words.
16:18 <Lava1789> It makes you mad because the new cp style.
16:18 <Lava1789> Which I: HATE.
16:18 <Charlie the Penguin> that pic of herbert is so punchable
16:18 <Emraldz 1> Yeah. They all look so, Pregnant
16:18 <Lava1789> Ikr.
16:18 <Lava1789> ,,
16:19 <Lava1789> So wrong bro.
16:19 <Lava1789> Rookie and Rory and Cadence aren't new style.
16:19 <Charlie the Penguin> i HATE rookies new style
16:19 <Charlie the Penguin> they made his butt huge
16:19 <Emraldz 1> Eh. it's whatever
16:19 <Lava1789> xd
16:19 <Charlie the Penguin> >.<
16:19 <Lava1789> I HATE Gary's new style I could kill him.
16:19 <AvengersHereoes> Tusk Won and I lose (sad)
16:19 <1joshuarules> ;(
16:20 <Lava1789> I beat tusk first time I did it.
16:20 <1joshuarules> :D
16:20 <Charlie the Penguin> yeah, garys officially lost it
16:20 <Super Miron> Back
16:20 <Lava1789> Gary's new style sucks.
16:20 <1joshuarules> Welcome back.
16:20 <Lava1789> And makes him look like he's dumb.
16:20 <Charlie the Penguin> herberts new style is okay, but they made his mouth too big
16:20 <Lava1789> Right now: "Gary New Style = Worst Penguin"
16:21 <Lava1789> Playercards are better than in-game.
16:21 <Charlie the Penguin> however, i do like cadences new style, she looks cool with that shirt
16:21 <Lava1789> I like it better with no shirt.
16:21 <Goldastros> PM joshua
16:21 <Lava1789> (cadence)
16:21 <Lava1789> See.
16:21 <Twinkie102> x'D
16:21 <Charlie the Penguin> and it looks like they made her a little less crazy
16:21 <Lava1789> Her old style(currently) is better.
16:21 <Lava1789> Her upcoming(soon) style is a shirt.
16:22 <Super Miron> Roger
16:22 <Super Miron> PM
16:22 <Charlie the Penguin> they barely changed her, are you really complaining?
16:23 <Emraldz 1> I like AA's New shirt.
16:23 <Charlie the Penguin> i dont see why she cant wear a shirt
16:23 <Lava1789> Same.
16:23 <Super Miron> Roger...
16:23 <Lava1789> I like AA both ways.
16:23 <Emraldz 1> Just not the way they designe her now
16:23 <Lava1789> PH is better this way too./
16:23 <Emraldz 1> design*
16:23 <Emraldz 1> Yeah
16:23 <Emraldz 1> Definetly PH
16:23 <Apj26> Wow
16:23 <Apj26> its raining really hard 
16:23 <Super Miron> P-P, mind a PM?
16:23 <Charlie the Penguin> ph is awful now
16:23 <Charlie the Penguin> she looks so pregnant
16:24 <Twinkie102> all of them look pregnant :|
16:24 <Kallie Jo> Where I am it's really sunny
16:24 <Charlie the Penguin> not all of them
16:24 <Twinkie102> It's sunny where I am too
16:24 <Charlie the Penguin> most of them just got huger butts
16:24 <Twinkie102> xD
16:24 <Lava1789> XD
16:24 <Lava1789> Like: RORY
16:24 <Charlie the Penguin> i dont get how the cp team thinks theyre making things better
16:24 -!- Wolf-gangs has joined Special:Chat
16:24 <Twinkie102> I pushed a Villager off of a cliff
16:25 <Apj26> Hi
16:25 <Lava1789> Rory's is bigger than the earth.
16:25 <Super Miron> Hi
16:25 <Wolf-gangs> Hello guys
16:25 <Lava1789> (wave)
16:25 <Goldastros> Joshua
16:25 <Lava1789> Rorys butt is bigger than the earth.
16:25 <Penguin-Pal> hi
16:25 <Apj26> Lava :|
16:25 <Lava1789> ?
16:25 <Charlie the Penguin> 4 year old: mommy, does ph have a stomach ache? 
16:25 <Lava1789> :3
16:26 <Lava1789> lP
16:26 <Lava1789> (spit)
16:26 <Lava1789> How do I?
16:27 <Lava1789> How I get to emoticons page?
16:27 <Emraldz 1> I gotta go. Se ya guys
16:27 <Emraldz 1> See*
16:27 <Charlie the Penguin> bye
16:27 <Lava1789> Cya*
16:27 <Lava1789> :3
16:27 <Twinkie102> [[MediaWiki:Emoticons]]
16:27 <Twinkie102> Bye Emraldz :)
16:27 <Lava1789> (wave)
16:27 <Emraldz 1> See ya twinkie
16:27 <Super Miron> P-P
16:27 <Super Miron> PM
16:27 <Twinkie102> Cya
16:27 -!- AvengersHereoes has left Special:Chat.
16:27 <Apj26> Damn!
16:27 <Goldastros> I am making penguins customs in paint.Who wants?
16:28 -!- Emraldz 1 has left Special:Chat.
16:28 <Charlie the Penguin> i SUCK at customs
16:28 <Apj26> I want to go to the Star Wars Celebration in Germany >:| 
16:28 <Twinkie102> It'd be cool if there were Lightsabers in CP
16:28 <Charlie the Penguin> i wish i had DX
16:28 <Twinkie102> there will obviously be
16:28 <Twinkie102> since the star wars party is coming
16:28 <Apj26> Mark Mamill is going  >:O 
16:28 <Lava1789> (ninja) (fire)(fire ninja) (water)(water ninja) (snow)(snow ninja)
16:29 <Lava1789> 9_9
16:29 <Goldastros> Who wants to make his penguin custom?
16:29 <Lava1789> Who's?
16:29 <Lava1789> Me's?
16:29 <Goldastros> do ou want?
16:29 <Twinkie102> Lava, don't spam
16:29 <Lava1789> I,, guess..
16:30 <Super Miron> Lol
16:30 <Super Miron> :p
16:30 <Goldastros> i only need a photo with your penguin
16:30 <Twinkie102> Apj PM Right Away
16:30 <Apj26> No
16:30 <Apj26> I want to go to Germany >:|
16:31 <Lava1789> How you do the I, (name), vote for (number)
16:32 <Super Miron> {{WV|name|number}}
16:32 <Apj26> Dang
16:32 <Apj26> Harrison Ford Autographs are $459.99
16:33 <Apj26> Dang!
16:33 <Lava1789> WV?
16:33 <Lava1789> What is WV?
16:34 <Super Miron> Just add that to the comment
16:34 <Lava1789> :O
16:34 <Lava1789> STAR WARS TAKEOVER!?
16:35 <Twinkie102> Yes
16:35 <Lava1789> HOLY MACKEREL!
16:35 <Charlie the Penguin> takeover, takeover, takeover, its all the same
16:35 <Penguin-Pal> gtg
16:35 <Penguin-Pal> ill be back soon ;)
16:35 -!- Penguin-Pal has left Special:Chat.
16:35 <Wolf-gangs> c ya
16:35 <Super Miron> Lol Apj replied to the wrong person
16:35 <Super Miron> Bye
16:36 <Super Miron> Wolf
16:36 <Super Miron> PM
16:36 <Lava1789> 4 takeover so far: Avengers(2) Monsters(1) Star Wars(1)
16:36 <Lava1789> 2+1+1=4 ;P
16:36 <Lava1789> :3
16:36 <Twinkie102> I'm gonna quit CP if there is ever a Phineas and Ferb party
16:37 <Lava1789> There isn't
16:37 <Lava1789> it's a costum.
16:37 <Lava1789> custom party*
16:37 <Twinkie102> (facepalm) 
16:37 <Twinkie102> I said if there ever is
16:37 <Goldastros> Who wants?
16:37 <Apj26> omg a star wars party!
16:37 <Lava1789> It could've when that last movie(2nd dimension) was releashed.
16:37 <Lava1789> released*
16:38 <Apj26> I'm going to be 3CPO 
16:38 <Lava1789> I'M GOING TO BE DARTH VADER.
16:38 <Lava1789> caps
16:38 <Lava1789> I had lag.
16:38 <Super Miron> Wolf
16:38 <Twinkie102> BRB
16:38 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
16:39 <Charlie the Penguin> ill be R2-D2
16:39 <Lava1789> There should be a Titanic-Takeover.
16:39 <Lava1789> :l
16:39 <Charlie the Penguin> (oldlaugh)
16:39 <Apj26> I've seen the person who was in the suit of C-3PO
16:39 <Apj26> (nod)
16:39 <Lava1789> With Titanic-2 or somethin.
16:39 <Charlie the Penguin> The migrator! its sinking!
16:39 <Apj26> He was having a fight 
16:39 <Lava1789> A real life Titanic-2 is coming in 2016.
16:39 <Charlie the Penguin> how can they make a second one? :|
16:40 <Lava1789> Building it.
16:40 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
16:40 <Lava1789> How can they not?
16:40 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
16:40 <Twinkie102> WHO DID THIS?
16:40 <PixieLil> Uh me..
16:40 <Apj26> Hi
16:40 <Lava1789> It's better anyway.
16:40 <Twinkie102> Pixie, why would you do that
16:40 <Apj26> I want to go to Germany ;(
16:40 <Twinkie102> Did you even talk about it with an admin
16:40 <PixieLil> Sandor started it
16:41 <Twinkie102> :/
16:41 <Lava1789> It makes the Sensei profile better! :D I'm looking at it now! :D
16:41 <PixieLil> He did it on a couple of other mascot pages
16:41 <Apj26> I like it
16:41 <Wolf-gangs> Thats.......
16:41 <Lava1789> AWESOME
16:41 <Apj26> #justsaying
16:41 <Twinkie102> I like it too
16:41 <Wolf-gangs> Idk, but anyway I would make major changes soon
16:41 <PixieLil> :)
16:41 <Lava1789> I don't like it..
16:41 <Twinkie102> I was just wondering who did it :P
16:41 <Lava1789> I LOVE IT
16:41 <Lava1789> (eh)
16:41 <Wolf-gangs> There would be a change in its look
16:41 <Lava1789> o.o
16:41 <Apj26> I like that
16:42 <Goldastros> who wants
16:42 <Lava1789> too!
16:42 <Goldastros> Joshua,PS
16:42 <Goldastros> PM*
16:42 <PixieLil>,_June_20,_2013.#gallery-0
16:42 <Lava1789> Gary needs the update thing.
16:42 <Charlie the Penguin> and cadence
16:43 <Lava1789> And (AA).
16:43 <PixieLil> I thought I did cadence
16:43 <Lava1789> Not cadence.
16:43 <PixieLil> SandorL did Gary and AA
16:43 <Lava1789> Cadence has it.
16:43 <Lava1789> AA doesn't have it.
16:44 <Super Miron> :s
16:44 <Lava1789> Rookie needs it too.
16:44 <PixieLil> Obviously someone changed it.. 
16:44 <Lava1789> And PH.
16:44 <PixieLil> Shall i do the rest of the mascots like that?
16:44 <Super Miron> I need to get used to the "Ban from chat" button on users' contributions and stop clicking it accidentally
16:44 <Lava1789> And the penguin band.
16:44 <Apj26> "If you think you are having a bad day, just be happy you haven't been burned by lava after having your legs cut off."- Darth Vader 
16:44 <Lava1789> Omg..
16:44 <Goldastros> :(
16:45 <Lava1789> @APJ26 That sounds disgusting.
16:45 <Lava1789> (e8)
16:45 <Lava1789> :8
16:45 <PixieLil> Brb in about 30 minutes
16:45 <Lava1789> O.O
16:45 <Goldastros> no one wants to draw  him
16:45 <Lava1789> Holy mackerel.
16:45 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
16:45 <Lava1789> Brb in about 10 seconds.
16:45 <Super Miron> Wolf
16:45 <Super Miron> Check shoutbox
16:46 <Lava1789> 12 seconds.
16:46 <Apj26> Darth Vader's suit must of cost an arm and a leg...
16:46 <Lava1789> ...
16:46 <Charlie the Penguin> (dp)
16:46 <Lava1789> What?
16:46 <Lava1789> Dubstep is a gif.
16:46 <Apj26> Nah your not a nerd
16:46 <Lava1789> (dp)
16:47 -!- Wolf-gangs has left Special:Chat.
16:47 <Goldastros> i am sad
16:49 <Apj26> Me too
16:49 <Apj26> Oh my glob....
16:49 <Lava1789> (dealwithit) DEAL WITH IT
16:51 <Twinkie102> dead
16:51 <Lava1789> If your sad say: /me is sad.
16:51 <Charlie the Penguin> /me is epic and stuff
16:51 <Apj26> My star wars jokes are wasted here
16:51 <Lava1789> /me misses the pigs, cows, sheep 'n' stuff.
16:52 <Lava1789> /me says: CREEPER! |'n'|
16:53 <Kallie Jo> My puffle is terrible at finding coins.
16:54 <Twinkie102> Same
16:54 <Charlie the Penguin> just stand in one spot for a long time then move a little
16:54 <Charlie the Penguin> works for me
16:54 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
16:55 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
16:56 <Twinkie102> brb
16:57 <1joshuarules> Doesn't talk.
16:57 <1joshuarules> :P
16:58 <Roger6881> sorry
16:59 <Lava1789> The star wars party might make this a emote: (lightsaber)
16:59 -!- Roger6881 has left Special:Chat.
16:59 <1joshuarules> That would be cool.
17:00 -!- Penguin-Pal has joined Special:Chat
17:00 <Lava1789> And even make it move.
17:00 <Penguin-Pal> hi
17:00 <Twinkie102> Back
17:00 <Lava1789> Like this emote was in CP and was a GIF: (music notes)
17:00 <Penguin-Pal> welcome back
17:00 <Lava1789> ...
17:00 <Twinkie102> thx
17:00 <Lava1789> /me made a typo.
17:01 <Twinkie102> I feel like someone here hates me ._.
17:01 -!- Kallie Jo has left Special:Chat.
17:01 <Charlie the Penguin> not me
17:04 <Lava1789> Not me.
17:04 -!- Uberaloaf123 has joined Special:Chat
17:04 <Penguin-Pal> hi
17:04 <Twinkie102> everyone hates me i know how it is >(
17:04 <Twinkie102> >:(
17:04 <Lava1789> I hate you?
17:05 <Twinkie102> See! You just said it yourself! >:(
17:05 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
17:05 <Lava1789> Why would I hate you!/
17:05 <Lava1789> No.
17:05 -!- Uberaloaf123 has left Special:Chat.
17:05 <Lava1789> I said: "Do you think I hate you".
17:05 <1joshuarules> I don't hate you.
17:05 <Lava1789> I don't either.
17:05 <Super Miron> What a dude
17:05 <Charlie the Penguin> same here
17:05 <Super Miron> xD
17:05 <Charlie the Penguin> i have no reason at all to hate you
17:06 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
17:06 <Super Miron> Nobody else realized Twinkie left already?
17:06 <Super Miron> :s
17:06 <1joshuarules> I did.
17:06 <Eaglesrule8> Hey hey hey
17:06 <1joshuarules> And (wave)
17:06 <Eaglesrule8> (Wave)
17:07 <Eaglesrule8> Has anyone seen Twinkie today?
17:07 -!- 1joshuarules has left Special:Chat.
17:07 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
17:07 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
17:07 <Super Miron> He just left
17:08 <Eaglesrule8> :/
17:08 <Eaglesrule8> Dang it
17:08 <Eaglesrule8> Thanks miron
17:08 <Eaglesrule8> Brb
17:08 <Super Miron>
17:10 <Eaglesrule8> Back
17:10 <Eaglesrule8> Aww...
17:11 -!- Uberaloaf123 has joined Special:Chat
17:11 <Eaglesrule8> Hi
17:11 <Penguin-Pal> hi
17:12 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
17:12 <Penguin-Pal> hi
17:12 <PixieLil> Hiya
17:13 <Charlie the Penguin> hey pixie
17:14 <Eaglesrule8> Hey pixie
17:14 <PixieLil> Hi guys
17:14 <Super Miron>
17:14 <Super Miron> Loo
17:14 -!- Goldastros has left Special:Chat.
17:14 <Super Miron> *Lol
17:15 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
17:15 <Eaglesrule8> Charlie
17:15 <Eaglesrule8> When do we film again?
17:15 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
17:15 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
17:15 -!- Ph1n3a5and77 has joined Special:Chat
17:15 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
17:16 <Ph1n3a5and77> whos watching MU tonight
17:16 <Eaglesrule8> I have to wait a week :(
17:16 <Charlie the Penguin> same here DX
17:16 <Eaglesrule8> (:\)
17:16 <Eaglesrule8> CHARLIE
17:16 <Eaglesrule8> when do we film again
17:16 <Apj26> Hi
17:17 <Super Miron> I used custom CSS to hide Wikia ads (shades)
17:17 <Apj26> James Earl Jones is awesome 
17:17 <Eaglesrule8> How did u do that emote miron. 
17:17 <Charlie the Penguin> when i recieve confirmation that green, historical, tra, and you can meet at 3:00
17:17 <Apj26> He was Mufasa AND Darth Vader 
17:17 <Eaglesrule8> Ok
17:18 <Super Miron> Eagles: ([[]]shades) or ([[]]dealwithit)
17:18 <Charlie the Penguin>,_What%27s_the_Deal%3F
17:18 <Eaglesrule8> Ok
17:18 <Eaglesrule8> Thanks miron
17:18 <Eaglesrule8> (Shades)
17:18 <Super Miron> no problem :)
17:18 <Ph1n3a5and77> (Shades) I'm becoming a youtube partner soon
17:19 <Ph1n3a5and77> (BOOM)
17:19 <Charlie the Penguin> im gonna be in a youtube vid soon
17:19 <Eaglesrule8> Cool
17:20 <PixieLil> I've been in several vids
17:20 <Eaglesrule8> Wanna be in one of mine soon?
17:20 <Charlie the Penguin> this kid sounds like hes 12 but hes actually really funny
17:20 <Charlie the Penguin> ill be in his next vid
17:21 <Uberaloaf123> B)
17:21 <Super Miron> This CSS hides ads on Wikia – .wikia-ad, .SelfServeUrl { display: none; }
17:21 <Charlie the Penguin> i wasnt advertising purposely, sorry
17:22 <Penguin-Pal> please post this in pm
17:22 <Charlie the Penguin> i was just showing where im gonna be
17:22 <Charlie the Penguin> ok
17:22 <Charlie the Penguin> well, no need now
17:22 <Charlie the Penguin> :P
17:22 <Eaglesrule8> Charlie sub ME on YT? (yes I know lame name it used to be my sister's)
17:22 <Eaglesrule8> The link didn't work
17:22 <Eaglesrule8> :/
17:23 <Super Miron> P-P
17:23 <Ph1n3a5and77> really advertising to subscribe on chat
17:23 <Super Miron> I removed Spydar's vote because one of the rules says "You must be logged in in order to vote"
17:23 <Eaglesrule8> Http://cl
17:23 <Eaglesrule8> Oops
17:23 <Eaglesrule8> That one was wrong chat :p
17:23 <Eaglesrule8> And incomplete
17:23 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
17:24 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
17:24 <Super Miron> P-P
17:24 <Super Miron>
17:24 <Charlie the Penguin> you keep linking that thread
17:24 <Uberaloaf123> Ow, im pulling off a bandaid and it hurts!
17:25 <Charlie the Penguin> put it in water and pull it off
17:25 <Uberaloaf123> Thx
17:25 <Penguin-Pal> come on
17:25 <Penguin-Pal> where have you been in the last few months :P
17:25 -!- MSTR Sniper has joined Special:Chat
17:25 <Penguin-Pal> hi
17:25 <MSTR Sniper> Hello Penguins
17:25 <Super Miron> What do you mean?
17:26 <MSTR Sniper> hi PP
17:26 <Penguin-Pal> we've had a vote for this exact topic
17:26 <Super Miron> I thought the wiki is against discrimination
17:26 <Super Miron> Why can one anon vote and the rest can't?
17:27 <Penguin-Pal> good questions
17:27 <Penguin-Pal> *question]
17:27 <Charlie the Penguin> brb
17:27 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
17:27 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
17:27 <Penguin-Pal> to prevent duplicate votes by people. unles spydar's ip is the same as someone elses' ip address
17:27 <Penguin-Pal> ok
17:27 <Penguin-Pal> :P
17:28 <MSTR Sniper> Discussion: ok, jox, ror, or, pnk?
17:28 <MSTR Sniper> me personally, ROR
17:29 -!- Rhysw2002 has left Special:Chat.
17:30 -!- Uberaloaf123 has left Special:Chat.
17:31 <MSTR Sniper> dead chat :3
17:32 <Super Miron> [[w:c:thecake:User:Roger6881]] weird place to store a policy, I must admit
17:32 <Penguin-Pal> policies. whenever you put 'em, people will complain about them
17:33 <Super Miron> Lol
17:33 <Apj26> I hope the star wars party isn't the clone wars 
17:33 <Super Miron> [[w:c:sactage:program:chatbot/Commands]]
17:34 <Apj26> The clone wars is...
17:34 <Penguin-Pal> i hope they will have this white cloes mask
17:34 <Penguin-Pal> that would be awesome
17:34 <Apj26> Yeah
17:34 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
17:34 <PixieLil> I hope they wont have a Star Wars party!
17:35 <Apj26> [[Star wars takeover]]
17:35 <Twinkie102> [[Star Wars Takeover]]
17:35 <Apj26> :|
17:35 <PixieLil> When is Rockhopper going to come!
17:35 <Twinkie102> Problem? (troll)
17:35 <Apj26> I was close 
17:35 <Twinkie102> Idk, pixie
17:35 <Super Miron> !kick Super Miron
17:35 <Apj26> hmm
17:35 <Super Miron> :(
17:35 <Twinkie102> He would have been here like 2 times so far
17:35 <Twinkie102> this year
17:36 -!- LukeLeia75 has joined Special:Chat
17:36 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
17:36 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
17:36 <LukeLeia75> hi guys
17:36 <Eaglesrule8> TWINKIE :d
17:37 <Penguin-Pal> hi
17:37 <Twinkie102> EAGLES :D
17:37 <Eaglesrule8> :D
17:37 <Twinkie102> :D
17:37 <Eaglesrule8> :p
17:37 <Apj26> Hi
17:37 <Twinkie102> xD
17:37 <Apj26>   I find people who don't want the star wars party lack of faith disturbing
17:37 <Eaglesrule8> XD
17:37 <Twinkie102> LOL
17:37 <PixieLil> :|
17:37 <LukeLeia75> agree
17:37 <Eaglesrule8> I want the star wars party 
17:37 <LukeLeia75> I have faith lol
17:37 <Apj26> :o 
17:37 <LukeLeia75> so I really want this party xd
17:37 <Twinkie102> The star wars party will be kinda cool
17:37 <Apj26> I'm going to say
17:37 <Apj26> "NOOOOOOOOO!"
17:38 <Eaglesrule8> I love star wars
17:38 <LukeLeia75> more saraapril complaining xd
17:38 <Apj26> Me too
17:38 <PixieLil> I don't really like it..
17:38 <Twinkie102> They're both awesome apart
17:38 <Twinkie102> But when they come together
17:38 <Eaglesrule8> Saraapril is always complaining
17:38 <LukeLeia75> DISNEY STOP RUINING CP!
17:38 <Twinkie102> Ikr, eagles xD
17:38 <Twinkie102> STUPID SPIKE HIKE
17:38 <LukeLeia75> I WON'T LOG IN ON THIS PARTY!
17:38 <Twinkie102> actually most of us say that (yao)
17:38 <LukeLeia75> nah xd
17:38 <Eaglesrule8> Lol Twinkie
17:39 <Twinkie102> jk
17:39 -!- Christian681 has joined Special:Chat
17:39 <Eaglesrule8> I don't blame spike 
17:39 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
17:39 <LukeLeia75> I do
17:39 <LukeLeia75> xd
17:39 <Twinkie102> Hi Christian
17:39 <Eaglesrule8> Hi
17:39 <LukeLeia75> hai 
17:39 <Penguin-Pal> brb
17:39 <Super Miron> P-P
17:39 -!- Penguin-Pal has left Special:Chat.
17:39 <Super Miron> Wait
17:39 <Super Miron> Why did you remove this?
17:40 <LukeLeia75> what the
17:40 <Super Miron> \:
17:40 <LukeLeia75> nobody understands that
17:40 <Super Miron> Understands what?
17:40 <LukeLeia75> the stuff on that link
17:40 <Super Miron> Oh
17:40 <Super Miron> it's CSS code
17:40 <LukeLeia75> what in the world is that
17:41 -!- Christian681 has left Special:Chat.
17:41 <Super Miron>
17:41 -!- Christian681 has joined Special:Chat
17:41 <Twinkie102> Lol Luke doesn't know what CSS is :P
17:41 <Christian681> Hello, what are my clothes :
17:41 <LukeLeia75> ha
17:41 <Apj26> If someone dresses up like  Jar Jar Binks
17:42 <Apj26> I will shoot them
17:42 <LukeLeia75> rofl
17:42 <Eaglesrule8> CSS= Cascading Style Sheets
17:42 <Eaglesrule8> :p
17:42 <Twinkie102> If someone dresses up like justin bieber
17:42 <Twinkie102> I will stab them
17:42 <Christian681> Hello, what are my clothes :
17:42 <LukeLeia75> I am a cascade with style
17:42 <Christian681> please
17:42 <Twinkie102> with my diamond sword
17:42 <LukeLeia75> and I have cool sheets xd
17:42 <Eaglesrule8> Twinkie  
17:42 <Twinkie102> Yes Ealges?
17:42 <Twinkie102> *Eagles
17:42 <Super Miron> Christian: IDK, but the hair is [[#YouGotTrolled|The Brown Hairzz]]
17:43 <Eaglesrule8> At the Hollywood party last year someone said hi JB 
17:43 <Eaglesrule8> To me
17:43 <LukeLeia75> no I didn't get trolled
17:43 <Twinkie102> ._.
17:43 <LukeLeia75> I just moused over it xd
17:43 <Super Miron> oops
17:43 <Twinkie102> LOL!!!!!
17:43 <Super Miron> wrong link
17:43 <Eaglesrule8> And I didn't look like him 
17:43 <Twinkie102> Eagles
17:43 <Eaglesrule8> :|
17:43 <Super Miron> [[%23YouGotTrolled|this one]]
17:43 <Twinkie102> Did you see Sonny with a chance on Disney Channel last night?
17:43 <Eaglesrule8> Yes?
17:43 <Eaglesrule8> :0
17:43 -!- RandomName40209 has joined Special:Chat
17:43 <Super Miron> ugh
17:43 <Eaglesrule8> NO
17:43 <LukeLeia75> moused again xd
17:43 <LukeLeia75> and didn't get trolled
17:43 <Twinkie102> They showed two episodes at Midnight
17:43 <Super Miron> [[%2523test]]
17:43 <Eaglesrule8> :0
17:43 <LukeLeia75> moused
17:43 -!- Super Miron has left Special:Chat.
17:43 <Twinkie102> a full hour of sonny with a chance :D
17:43 <LukeLeia75> but I won't click to get trolled xd
17:44 -!- Super Miron has joined Special:Chat
17:44 <Super Miron> Whoops
17:44 <Super Miron> Wrong button
17:44 <Twinkie102> It brings back old memories of DC
17:44 <Eaglesrule8> Ikr
17:44 <Heti123> HI 9wave)
17:44 <Heti123> (wave)
17:44 <Twinkie102> Hi
17:44 <Twinkie102> I wonder if it's on Netflix for streaming
17:44 <Heti123> My birthday is in 3 days.
17:44 <LukeLeia75> nah
17:44 <Christian681> what are my hair link = ?
17:44 <Eaglesrule8> @Twinkie I miss that show 
17:44 <LukeLeia75> gtg sorry
17:44 <Twinkie102> CRAP
17:44 <LukeLeia75> bye
17:44 <LukeLeia75> O
17:44 <Twinkie102> Just DVD >:|
17:44 <LukeLeia75> nvm
17:45 <Twinkie102> D:
17:45 <LukeLeia75> bye
17:45 <Twinkie102> Me too, Eagles
17:45 -!- LukeLeia75 has left Special:Chat.
17:45 <Heti123> My birthday is in 3 days.
17:45 <Eaglesrule8> Brb
17:45 <Christian681> My hair link = Hello, what are my clothes : ?
17:46 <Twinkie102> Christian, please stop asking
17:46 <Twinkie102> actually
17:46 <Twinkie102> just stop posting that pic
17:46 <Christian681> I'm not English, I just want to know the name of my clothes, you do not answer!
17:48 <Christian681> ...
17:48 <Apj26> Cake
17:48 <Twinkie102> ...
17:48 <Twinkie102> PIE!!!!!!!!
17:48 <Twinkie102> PIE >:(
17:48 <Apj26> Don't be rude
17:48 <Twinkie102> THIS
17:48 <Twinkie102> IS
17:48 <Twinkie102> SPARTA!!!
17:48 <Heti123> My birthday is in 3 days.
17:49 <Heti123> this is Athens
17:49 <Super Miron> Christian
17:49 <Super Miron> Found it
17:50 <Super Miron> [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|The Brown Hair]]
17:50 <Super Miron> Should I kick?
17:50 <Super Miron> Caps
17:50 <Christian681> Troll
17:50 <Twinkie102> No don't kick
17:50 <Twinkie102> yet
17:51 <Twinkie102> but yeah dont do caps
17:51 <Christian681> IS SPEACK FRANGLAIS
17:52 <Apj26> Caps
17:52 <RandomName40209> Excuse me... why are you speaking in caps? @christian 
17:52 -!- Christian681 was kicked from Special:Chat by Super Miron
17:52 -!- Christian681 has left Special:Chat.
17:52 -!- Sharkbate has joined Special:Chat
17:52 <Apj26> Hi
17:52 <Super Miron> My first kick :')
17:52 <Twinkie102> Hi Shark!
17:52 <Super Miron> Hi
17:53 <Twinkie102> Congrats, Miron :P
17:53 <Super Miron>
17:53 <Super Miron> -_-
17:54 <Twinkie102> (facepalm)
17:54 <RandomName40209> ...
17:54 -!- MSTR Sniper has left Special:Chat.
17:54 <RandomName40209> Super and Twinkie, please don't talk about this, i deleted this already.
17:54 <Super Miron> Random
17:54 <Super Miron> Any reason to delete it?
17:55 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
17:55 <Super Miron> And no you didn't
17:55 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
17:55 <RandomName40209> I just deleted the marcus chat selection from his talk page
17:55 <Super Miron> Why?
17:56 <Super Miron> Oh, NVM, you posted it
17:56 <RandomName40209> Because, I don't want you to know about the chat, it's just Top secret. 
17:56 <Super Miron> (facepalm)
17:56 <RandomName40209> Don't facepalm me.
17:56 <Super Miron> Some people are hilarious...
17:57 -!- Hey, Puffle Dude! has joined Special:Chat
17:57 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
17:57 <Hey, Puffle Dude!> Good afternoon
17:57 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
17:57 <Super Miron> Hi
17:58 -!- Christian681 has joined Special:Chat
17:58 <Twinkie102> Disney Channel showed 2 episodes of one of my favorite old shows on DC
17:58 <Twinkie102> last night
17:58 <Super Miron> [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|Rockhopper]] <-- vandal alert
17:58 -!- Christian681 has left Special:Chat.
17:58 <Hey, Puffle Dude!>
17:59 <Twinkie102> He used the prank templates and used {{Username}}
17:59 -!- RandomName40209 has left Special:Chat.
17:59 <Twinkie102> @HPD
17:59 <Super Miron> Someone revert it, I can't edit for some reason
17:59 <Hey, Puffle Dude!> For a second I actually thought he banned me
17:59 <Hey, Puffle Dude!> (facepalm)
17:59 <Eaglesrule8> Back
18:00 <Super Miron> He's not even an admin
18:00 <Twinkie102> Eagles PM NOW QUICK AHH
18:00 <Eaglesrule8> :0 ok
18:01 -!- Ph1n3a5and77 has left Special:Chat.
18:01 -!- Ph1n3a5and77 has joined Special:Chat
18:01 -!- Rhysw2002 has joined Special:Chat
18:02 -!- Ph1n3a5and77 has left Special:Chat.
18:02 <Super Miron> lol :p
18:02 <Rhysw2002> hi
18:02 <Super Miron> Hi
18:02 -!- Banjo234 has joined Special:Chat
18:02 <Banjo234> (tazboi) rocks
18:02 <Banjo234> oh
18:03 <Banjo234> i have an account already blue belt (:P)
18:03 <Super Miron> Anyone revert the vandalism on [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|Rockhopper]]? I can't edit, IDK why
18:03 <Banjo234> (Suprised) wow
18:03 <Super Miron> *surprised
18:03 -!- Banjo234 has left Special:Chat.
18:03 -!- Roger6881 has joined Special:Chat
18:03 <Roger6881> Hello everyone 
18:03 <Super Miron> Hi Roger
18:03 <Super Miron> Vandal alert [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|Rockhopper]]
18:04 <Roger6881> Nice try, Miron 
18:04 <Super Miron> ?
18:04 <Super Miron> Dude, it's a serious situation!
18:04 <Roger6881> Rockhopper hasn't been edited 
18:04 <Roger6881> Nope, it's not 
18:04 <Twinkie102> me and eagles are screaming about Demi Lovato in PM (troll)
18:04 <Roger6881> [[Rockhopper]] 
18:04 <Super Miron> Okay, but click the link anyway :p
18:05 -!- Hey, Puffle Dude! has left Special:Chat.
18:05 <Apj26> LOL
18:05 <Apj26> not fake
18:05 <Twinkie102> LOL
18:05 <Twinkie102> HURRY UP AND GET BACK, EAGLES D:
18:05 <Rhysw2002>
18:06 <Super Miron> Twinkie
18:06 <Super Miron> Caps
18:06 <Rhysw2002> going on a weekend holiday
18:06 <Sharkbate> SO STRICT YOU ARE, MIRON. Take it easy.
18:06 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
18:07 <Roger6881> >:o
18:07 <Super Miron> I'm not strict, the rules are
18:07 <Roger6881> I'm not even mad 
18:07 <Roger6881> do you like it?
18:07 <Twinkie102> nice!
18:07 <Super Miron> Yeah, cooltext
18:07 <Super Miron> XP
18:07 <Sharkbate> Well you used cooltext, sooo
18:07 <Twinkie102> but
18:07 <Super Miron> sooo pie
18:07 <Roger6881> It's a great place 
18:08 <Twinkie102> cooltext :/
18:08 <Roger6881> I think the shadow is too big 
18:08 <Roger6881> I like cooltext ...
18:08 <Twinkie102> BRB
18:08 <Roger6881> o_o
18:09 -!- Wwe Charger has joined Special:Chat
18:09 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has joined Special:Chat
18:09 <Wwe Charger> Hello.
18:09 <Mariocart25Charizard> yo
18:09 <Wwe Charger> how is everyone today
18:09 <Roger6881> Hello
18:09 <Twinkie102> back
18:09 <Twinkie102> Hi x2
18:10 <Twinkie102> BRB AGAIN
18:10 <Twinkie102> :|
18:10 <Super Miron> whoa
18:10 <Twinkie102> actually nvm
18:17 <Super Miron> Dead
18:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> You
18:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> Shall Not
18:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> Pass!
18:19 <Super Miron> Yes I shall
18:21 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
18:21 <TraGiggles> YAYYY
18:21 <TraGiggles> YAY YAY YAY
18:21 <TraGiggles> :D
18:21 <Roger6881> hello
18:21 <TraGiggles> HI HI HI HI
18:21 <TraGiggles> :D
18:21 <Super Miron> What happened?
18:21 <TraGiggles> Oh nothing
18:21 <TraGiggles> school ended today
18:21 <TraGiggles> :D
18:21 <TraGiggles> finally
18:21 <Twinkie102> :D
18:21 <TraGiggles> XD
18:22 <Twinkie102> :P
18:22 <TraGiggles> More time to come on her-
18:22 <Super Miron> School ends 28th for me D;
18:22 <TraGiggles> Wait
18:22 <Twinkie102> (troll) @Miron
18:22 <TraGiggles> i might not be on here that much...
18:22 <TraGiggles> Outside stuff
18:22 <TraGiggles> family time
18:22 <Heti123> @Miron me 2! (frown)
18:22 <TraGiggles> yeahh
18:22 <Super Miron> Heto
18:22 <Super Miron> *Heti
18:22 <Super Miron> Do you live in Poland?
18:22 <Heti123> no.
18:23 <TraGiggles> im gonna miss sandor
18:23 <TraGiggles> :(
18:23 -!- Goldastros has joined Special:Chat
18:24 <Super Miron> [[User:SandorL]]
18:24 <Goldastros> Who wants a custom penguin?
18:24 <Super Miron> What happened to him?
18:24 <Goldastros>
18:25 <TraGiggles> hes retiring :(
18:25 <Eaglesrule8>  ;(
18:25 <Super Miron> He's just not making customs anymore
18:25 <Roger6881> Hello everyone 
18:25 <Super Miron> He didn't quit the wiki
18:25 <TraGiggles> Oh
18:25 <TraGiggles> ;(
18:25 <Roger6881> can I have one??
18:25 <Roger6881> I have only ever had one :3
18:26 <Roger6881> My Penguin
18:26 <Eaglesrule8> I'll make u one roger
18:26 <Eaglesrule8> If I have time :p
18:26 <Roger6881>
18:26 <Eaglesrule8> Actually
18:26 <Roger6881> That's my player card 
18:27 <Roger6881> Oh ...
18:27 <Eaglesrule8> I'm make u one anyway
18:27 <Eaglesrule8> :)
18:27 <Roger6881> Oh. Why thank you, Eagles 
18:27 <Roger6881> I would have thought that coding would work 
18:27 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
18:27 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
18:27 <Eaglesrule8> Your welcome
18:27 <Eaglesrule8> Brb
18:27 <Goldastros> Who wants custom penguins say  there
18:27 <Eaglesrule8> Roger
18:28 <Eaglesrule8> What's your body item called?
18:28 <Roger6881> [[Blue Skater Hat]], [[Blue Sneakers]], [[Red Suede Jacket]]
18:28 <Roger6881> Red Suede Jacket 
18:28 <Eaglesrule8> Than :D
18:28 <Roger6881> I know, no one knows it. :P
18:28 <Eaglesrule8> Thanks*
18:28 <Roger6881> Haha, no, thank you!
18:28 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
18:28 <Eaglesrule8> Brb
18:28 <Roger6881> Kay
18:29 -!- Goldastros has left Special:Chat.
18:30 -!- Commander Bsyew has joined Special:Chat
18:30 <Super Miron> [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|Herbert P. Bear?diff=913932&oldid=913912]] XD
18:30 <Super Miron> Hi Bsyew
18:30 <Commander Bsyew> Hi.
18:31 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
18:31 <Commander Bsyew> Ello
18:31 <Apj26> Hi
18:31 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
18:34 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
18:34 <Charlie the Penguin> Yolo
18:34 -!- Green Ninja has joined Special:Chat
18:34 -!- Green Ninja has left Special:Chat.
18:34 <Charlie the Penguin> Green!
18:34 <Charlie the Penguin> Dang
18:35 <Charlie the Penguin> I needed to ask him something
18:36 -!- Mimipeng has joined Special:Chat
18:36 -!- Sgt Mecha has joined Special:Chat
18:36 <Sgt Mecha> im so happy
18:36 -!- LukeLeia75 has joined Special:Chat
18:36 <Mimipeng> Cool chat ya got here.
18:37 <Commander Bsyew> Hi
18:37 <LukeLeia75>!
18:37 <LukeLeia75> I know this blog is awkward
18:37 <Twinkie102> Hi
18:37 <LukeLeia75> I'm bad at making blogs
18:37 <LukeLeia75> Hi!
18:37 <Commander Bsyew> I released a new blog post :)
18:37 <Mimipeng> Cool.
18:37 <Mimipeng> Are you the same Commander Bsyew from Twitter?
18:38 <Commander Bsyew> It might not sound right since I wrote it on my Ipad.
18:38 <Commander Bsyew> Yup.
18:38 <Mimipeng> Woah.
18:38 <Commander Bsyew> Nice to see you.
18:38 <Mimipeng> Nice to see you as well.
18:38 <Sgt Mecha> my bro is giving me his XBOX 360 :d
18:39 <Twinkie102> Mimi, so you're new to the wiki?
18:39 <LukeLeia75> Twinkie,on Brazil we can write months without capitals
18:39 <Apj26> Sooo last year
18:39 <Apj26> :p
18:39 <Sgt Mecha> :P
18:39 <Mimipeng> No. I'm not new.
18:39 <LukeLeia75> sorry I will update ti
18:39 <LukeLeia75> it*
18:39 <Commander Bsyew> Do not get the Xbox one..
18:39 <Sgt Mecha> I won't
18:39 <Twinkie102> Oh @Mimi
18:39 <Sgt Mecha> it sucks :/
18:39 <Commander Bsyew> The name stinks :P
18:39 <Apj26> They made it a bit better
18:40 <Apj26> Yeah
18:40 <Commander Bsyew> I have the Xbox 360, what do you have? 
18:40 <Commander Bsyew> Oh, I have the Xbox one!
18:40 <Twinkie102> iOS 7 is a pile of crap
18:40 <Commander Bsyew> I like IOS 7 :P
18:40 <Mimipeng> How did you get it?
18:40 <Super Miron> iOS 7 is released?
18:40 <Super Miron> o_o
18:41 <Twinkie102> i didnt get it
18:41 <Twinkie102> and no its not released yet
18:41 <Twinkie102> ive seen lots of pics of it
18:41 <Commander Bsyew> Only developers can test IOS 7.
18:41 <Super Miron> Then why are you judging it?
18:41 <Twinkie102> it barely even looks like apple anymore
18:41 <Commander Bsyew> It looks the same.
18:41 <Apj26> its the new apple 
18:41 <Apj26> You have to get used to change 
18:41 <Commander Bsyew> My dad is testing it :P
18:42 <Mimipeng> Cool.
18:42 <Commander Bsyew> It's pretty cool.
18:42 <Commander Bsyew> Siri doesn't work though.
18:42 <Apj26> NOOOOO!
18:42 <Apj26> Siri 
18:42 <Commander Bsyew> Her voice changed.
18:42 <Twinkie102> Nooo!!! I liked her voice!
18:42 <Charlie the Penguin> NOO
18:42 <Apj26> Siri was a girl...
18:43 <Commander Bsyew> It doesn't sound like google voice.
18:43 <Apj26> o_o
18:43 <Mimipeng> Is it like a guy now?
18:43 <LukeLeia75> Lol,I never listened to Siri's voice
18:43 <Commander Bsyew> Its still a girl..
18:43 <Mimipeng> Oh.
18:43 <LukeLeia75> Since I don't have an iOS
18:43 <Charlie the Penguin> im not updating my iphone now
18:43 <Commander Bsyew> Its just sound clear.
18:43 <Eaglesrule8> Twinkie check pm 
18:43 <Sgt Mecha> you shouldnt
18:43 <Sgt Mecha> brb
18:43 -!- Sgt Mecha has left Special:Chat.
18:43 -!- Heti123 has left Special:Chat.
18:43 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
18:43 <Mimipeng> I don't even have siri on iPad 2. I need a new iPad.
18:43 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
18:44 <Roger6881> back
18:44 <Commander Bsyew> Hi.
18:44 <LukeLeia75> anybody plays star wars battlefront?
18:44 <Mimipeng> No...
18:45 <LukeLeia75> lol
18:45 <LukeLeia75> I do
18:45 <Apj26> I used too
18:45 <Roger6881> I went on an un-said brb, sorry
18:45 <LukeLeia75> it's getting boring
18:45 <Mimipeng> I don't think the Star Wars party will be that bad.
18:45 <LukeLeia75> same
18:45 <Apj26> Good good...
18:46 <Roger6881> I'm so being the Dark Lord Roger :3
18:46 -!- Dororo111122 has joined Special:Chat
18:46 <Mimipeng> Lol
18:46 <Apj26> Hi
18:46 <Charlie the Penguin> i just watched a siri demo online
18:46 <Dororo111122> what star wars party
18:46 <Mimipeng> The Star Wars Takeover
18:46 <Charlie the Penguin> her voice isnt different, it just sounds less robot-like
18:46 <Dororo111122> what
18:46 <Charlie the Penguin> thank god
18:46 <Apj26>
18:46 <LukeLeia75>!
18:46 <Roger6881> Hello
18:47 <Commander Bsyew> Back.
18:47 <Dororo111122> holy crap another takeover?
18:47 <LukeLeia75> yea 
18:47 <Mimipeng> Yes.
18:47 <Commander Bsyew> Wat.
18:47 <Mimipeng> Star Wars Party.
18:47 <Roger6881> *takeover 
18:47 <Apj26>   I find your lack of faith disturbing
18:47 <LukeLeia75> if there would be another party with rocky and cece
18:47 <Commander Bsyew> I want Star Wars 1313
18:48 <Apj26> o_o
18:48 <Commander Bsyew> That game looks epic.
18:48 <LukeLeia75>
18:48 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Darth Vader NO! - Duration: 00:05 - Uploaded: 2008-03-14 - Rating: 4.899343 - Views: 4,378,521 -
18:48 <Charlie the Penguin> "I find Club Penguin's lack of originality... disturbing."
18:48 <Apj26> maybe Darth Vader will be waddling round the island  
18:48 <Mimipeng> I can imagine. 
18:48 <Commander Bsyew> He will chop our flippers off.
18:48 <Dororo111122> maybe he will steal apjs cake
18:48 <Roger6881> That would be cool 
18:48 <Roger6881> Not even a Dark Lord of the Sith could do that ...
18:49 <LukeLeia75>
18:49 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Vader Noooo - Duration: 00:11 - Uploaded: 2009-08-07 - Rating: 4.800000 - Views: 42,430 -
18:49 <Apj26> And I could shout "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!" at him
18:49 <Commander Bsyew> Let me guess, custom emotions and a game.
18:49 <Mimipeng> Most likely.
18:49 <Apj26> I like you :p
18:49 <Commander Bsyew> Oh! And a transformation.
18:50 <Dororo111122> caps
18:50 <Charlie the Penguin> i hope we can be droids
18:50 <Charlie the Penguin> i want to be R2-D2
18:50 <Twinkie102> Caps
18:50 <LukeLeia75>
18:50 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Darth Vader - The Suit - Episode III - Duration: 04:25 - Uploaded: 2007-01-26 - Rating: 4.870254 - Views: 7,591,102 -
18:50 <Mimipeng> These are not the droids we're looking for.
18:50 <Dororo111122> !logs
18:50 <CPChatBot> Chat logs may be seen [[Project:Chat/Logs|here]].
18:50 <Commander Bsyew> We will probbally make robots.
18:50 <Mimipeng> I don't think CP would repeat the same thing.
18:50 <Apj26> >:|
18:51 <Apj26> droids
18:51 <Charlie the Penguin> then we'll make droids!
18:51 <Apj26> Maybe
18:51 <Commander Bsyew> They have been repeating this whole year.
18:51 <Apj26> We can dress like Ewoks 
18:51 <Roger6881> and ... spaceship igloos >:o
18:51 <LukeLeia75> I'd love an Ewok Basement igloo
18:52 <Apj26> aww yeah
18:52 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
18:52 <Apj26> Anyone seen Ewoks  The Battle For Endor 
18:52 <Twinkie102> I'm having a party on CP At Server: Deep Freeze at the Iceberg
18:52 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
18:52 -!- Dogkid1 has joined Special:Chat
18:52 <Dogkid1> howdy doo buckaroo
18:52 <Commander Bsyew> How can CP create a Star Wars party if Disney stopped Lucas Arts?
18:52 <Apj26> Hi
18:53 <Dororo111122> star wars revival
18:53 <Commander Bsyew> Remember that they fired everyone :P
18:53 <Mimipeng> They own Lucas Arts
18:53 <Mimipeng> They bought it.
18:53 <Apj26> The cp team did it
18:53 <Commander Bsyew> Yeah but Disney has shut it down.
18:53 -!- Dogkid1 has left Special:Chat.
18:53 <Apj26> So..
18:53 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
18:53 <Apj26> the cp team did it
18:53 -!- Dororo111122 has left Special:Chat.
18:53 <Mimipeng> no, it's like what disney did to marvel. They just bought it. 
18:54 <Commander Bsyew> And they will ruin it :D
18:54 -!- Dororo111122 has joined Special:Chat
18:54 <Apj26> I find your lack of faith disturbing
18:54 <Apj26> I'm going to say that a lot 
18:54 <Twinkie102> Eagles
18:54 <Dororo111122> uh
18:54 <Dororo111122> whats with the new twitkiss thing
18:54 <Mimipeng> What
18:55 <Commander Bsyew> Well after looking at their other party's, I can say that they will ruin it :P
18:55 <Twinkie102>
18:55 <Twinkie102> It's too obvious...
18:55 <Mimipeng> Everything Spike does is obvious...
18:55 <Charlie the Penguin> dangit cp -_-
18:56 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
18:56 <Twinkie102> Ikr, Mimi xD
18:56 <Roger6881> hello
18:56 <Commander Bsyew> Hai.
18:56 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hello fellow,
18:56 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Um, humanoids
18:56 <Twinkie102> Anyone wanna come to my party on CP?
18:56 <Mimipeng> Where is it?
18:56 <Commander Bsyew> I can't.
18:56 <Twinkie102> Server: Deep Freeze at the Iceberg
18:56 <Charlie the Penguin> Spike, Spike, Spike... (facepalm)
18:56 <Charlie the Penguin> ill come
18:56 <Charlie the Penguin> ok
18:56 <Mimipeng> K, I'll be right there.
18:57 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Twinkie, I shall be there.
18:57 <Commander Bsyew> Sorry D:
18:57 <Twinkie102> Okay! x3
18:57 <Apj26> You Underestimate My Power
18:57 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I never knew Deep Freeze was a server lol
18:57 <Apj26> *JUMPS*
18:57 <Blue Jay of Lightning> And also, I shall bring Apprentice
18:57 <Roger6881> hello everyone 
18:57 <Roger6881> brb
18:57 <Apj26> *gets both legs and arm cut off*
18:58 -!- Am I Dreaming? has joined Special:Chat
18:58 <Dororo111122> no rp (trollface)
18:58 <Twinkie102> hello
18:58 <Apj26> No your not
18:58 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
18:58 <Apj26> Hi
18:58 <Mimipeng> What if he isn't roleplaying...
18:58 <Dororo111122> if his arms are cut off
18:58 <Dororo111122> how can he type
18:58 <Mimipeng> O that's right
18:59 <Super Miron> Using his feet
18:59 <Apj26> I have robot arms 
18:59 <Super Miron> And |–|3|_|_0
18:59 -!- Wwe Charger has left Special:Chat.
18:59 <Dororo111122> legs cut off
18:59 <Charlie the Penguin> i see you twinkie
18:59 <Super Miron> Oh
18:59 <Am I Dreaming?> I'm OBNOXIOUS.
18:59 <Apj26> Robot legs 
18:59 <Dororo111122> also speaking leet is against the policy now according to roger
18:59 <Sharkbate> oh em gee
18:59 <Super Miron> Using his nose
18:59 <Dororo111122> too fast to be using it
19:00 <Roger6881> back 
19:00 -!- LukeLeia75 has left Special:Chat.
19:00 <Commander Bsyew> WB
19:00 <Mimipeng> why isn't cp working for me?
19:00 <Roger6881> [[Club Penguin Wiki:Policy/Chat]] against the policy 
19:00 <Dororo111122> wait nvmnvm
19:00 <Sharkbate> tee aych eye ess space eye ess space aye double-you ee ess oh em ee period space jay you ess tee space kay eye dee dee eye en gee period
19:00 <Dororo111122> roger i dont see it
19:00 -!- Rhysw2002 has left Special:Chat.
19:01 <Roger6881> Shark, please stop that 
19:01 -!- Heti123 has joined Special:Chat
19:01 <Sharkbate> Stop what?
19:01 <Heti123> HI (wave)
19:01 <Roger6881> because wolf-gangs deleted it
19:01 <Twinkie102> May the Force Be With Youuu
19:01 <Heti123> Bye (wave)
19:01 <Commander Bsyew> The puffles broke CP.
19:01 <Roger6881> The words we do not understand 
19:01 -!- Heti123 has left Special:Chat.
19:01 <Sharkbate> I haven't done it enough to be told to stop. And it's not against policy, soo...
19:01 <Sharkbate> And they are words you understand
19:01 <Sharkbate> It simply says "This is awesome. Just kidding."
19:01 <Roger6881> No, they were not.
19:01 <Sharkbate> I spelled out the letters.
19:02 <Dororo111122> . isn't a letter
19:02 <Roger6881> I didn't mean it in the form of the policy, I asked you. Just asked you. 
19:02 <Commander Bsyew> Brb
19:02 <Mariocart25Charizard>
19:02 <Twinkie102> ugh no one else is coming to my party
19:02 <Twinkie102> :/
19:03 <Mimipeng> Srry I tried, but CP isn't working.
19:03 -!- Commander Bsyew has left Special:Chat.
19:03 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
19:03 <Twinkie102> oh
19:03 <Roger6881> Hello
19:03 <Roger6881> It is a donkey, Mario 
19:03 <Am I Dreaming?> o.i
19:03 <Dororo111122> thats weird
19:03 <Mimipeng> What's a Donkey?
19:03 <Am I Dreaming?> o.o*
19:03 <Dororo111122> i say the word itself
19:03 <Dororo111122> not censored
19:03 <Dororo111122> i say the word in that same sentence
19:03 <Dororo111122> censored
19:04 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
19:04 <Roger6881> Hello
19:04 <Dororo111122> ok now its censored on its own
19:04 -!- AvengersHereoes has joined Special:Chat
19:04 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hello
19:04 <Dororo111122> uncensored again zomg
19:04 -!- Wwe Charger has joined Special:Chat
19:04 -!- Mimipeng has left Special:Chat.
19:05 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
19:05 <Mariocart25Charizard> As Donkey
19:05 -!- Rhysw2002 has joined Special:Chat
19:05 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
19:05 <Am I Dreaming?> O.Ö
19:05 <Rhysw2002> back
19:05 <Roger6881> hello everyone 
19:05 -!- Commander Bsyew has joined Special:Chat
19:05 <Roger6881> hello 
19:05 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Cake?
19:05 <Commander Bsyew> Hi
19:05 <AvengersHereoes> Hi
19:06 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hi
19:06 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has joined Special:Chat
19:06 <Bobby 123 Ab> hey guys
19:06 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hi
19:06 <Twinkie102> Now to Charlie's igloo
19:06 -!- Commander Bsyew has left Special:Chat.
19:06 -!- Commander Bsyew has joined Special:Chat
19:06 <Bobby 123 Ab> ?
19:06 <Twinkie102> I'm having a party
19:07 <Twinkie102> right now I'm at Charlie's igloo on Server: Deep Freeze
19:07 <Sharkbate> See ell you bee space Pea ee en gee you eye en space ess you see kay ess period.
19:07 <Bobby 123 Ab> oh
19:07 <Roger6881> hello
19:07 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
19:07 <Am I Dreaming?> O.ö
19:07 <Roger6881> Shark, please stop doing that 
19:07 <Sharkbate> Why?
19:07 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has left Special:Chat.
19:07 <Sharkbate> It speaks the truth.
19:07 <Roger6881> No-one can understand it
19:08 <Super Miron> "Club Penguin sucks."
19:08 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
19:08 <Sharkbate> Good job, Miron.
19:08 <Roger6881> Hello 
19:08 <Super Miron> Thanks :p
19:08 <Roger6881> most, can't. It's not very easy to read, either 
19:08 <Roger6881> Please stop it. We really don't want to make a scene over this little bit of text, do we?
19:09 <Sharkbate> Well it's not taking up much room
19:09 <Sharkbate> Sooo why not ignore it?
19:09 <Sharkbate> Ess ee are eye oh you ess ell why period.
19:09 <Twinkie102> Shark, enough
19:10 <Roger6881> I'm asking you too
19:10 <Commander Bsyew> Moo.
19:10 <Sharkbate> Nahh
19:10 <Roger6881> I understand if you don't, but I can't read it
19:10 <Roger6881> So you could say anything, really 
19:10 <Super Miron> "Seriously."
19:10 -!- Sgt Mecha has joined Special:Chat
19:10 <Sgt Mecha> too long brb
19:10 <Roger6881> that's why we don't like "code"
19:10 <Sgt Mecha> whats up now
19:10 <Super Miron> Use Google Translate (troll)
19:10 <Roger6881> Hello everyone 
19:11 <Sharkbate> It's not code...
19:11 <Commander Bsyew> I like coding :P
19:11 <Rhysw2002> my puffles aren't digging up any coins :|
19:11 <Sharkbate> Say the words out loud
19:11 <Sharkbate> ELL OH ELL
19:11 <Super Miron> hold on
19:11 <Roger6881> not as in html 
19:11 <Twinkie102> Ohhh
19:11 <Twinkie102> I can read it
19:11 <Commander Bsyew> Oh :P
19:11 <Twinkie102> It's supposed to be LOL
19:11 <Super Miron> [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|Here's a translator]]
19:11 <Roger6881> it's just not as easy to understand as other words 
19:11 -!- AvengersHereoes has left Special:Chat.
19:12 <Roger6881> Hello, Obvious 
19:12 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has joined Special:Chat
19:12 <Dororo111122> my chum
19:12 <Obviousname> slep
19:12 <Commander Bsyew> Lol.
19:12 <Obviousname> sleep
19:12 <Am I Dreaming?> O.O
19:12 <Obviousname> sleep like kitten is right now
19:12 <Commander Bsyew> Hai.
19:12 <Commander Bsyew> ?
19:12 <Bobby 123 Ab> Hi
19:12 <Roger6881> Hello 
19:12 <Roger6881> brb
19:12 <Blue Jay of Lightning> "We don't need a translator to read text talk." -Albert Einstein
19:13 <Obviousname> yes we do
19:13 <Dororo111122> einsteins argument is invalid
19:13 <Commander Bsyew> Y u no talk normal??
19:13 <Commander Bsyew> (trollface)
19:13 <Twinkie102> ur not talking normal eitherz (troll)
19:14 <Commander Bsyew> :P
19:14 <Charlie the Penguin> me hates grammer (troll)
19:14 <Twinkie102> (yao)
19:14 <Dororo111122> i needz help with homework again
19:14 <Blue Jay of Lightning> "Grammar bad" -Einstein Caveman
19:14 <Commander Bsyew> People don't need the best grammar t
19:14 <Sgt Mecha> *gives dororo all bad awnser*
19:14 <Commander Bsyew> Opps
19:14 <Sgt Mecha> *awnsers
19:15 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
19:15 <Commander Bsyew> Atleast have grammar that makes sense.
19:15 <Dororo111122> bsyeew wanna help me with it
19:15 -!- Am I Dreaming? has left Special:Chat.
19:15 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
19:15 <Mariocart25Charizard> Someone make a custom for meh
19:15 -!- Am I Dreaming? has joined Special:Chat
19:15 <Obviousname> i would take a pic of my cat sleeping but like
19:15 <Charlie the Penguin> dont you know how to
19:15 <Twinkie102> no (troll)
19:15 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yeah\
19:15 <Obviousname> its asleep
19:15 <Twinkie102> No! :P
19:15 <Mariocart25Charizard> Im tired of amking them now.
19:16 <Charlie the Penguin> your the one who made me my icon
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> YOU
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> SHALL NOT
19:16 <Dororo111122> passes
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> PASS!
19:16 <Dororo111122> UMAD UMAD
19:16 <Charlie the Penguin> and i suck at making them
19:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Mariocart, I shall make you a custom
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> ok
19:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> But
19:16 <Dororo111122> ok obvious do YOU want to help me with my homework
19:16 <Commander Bsyew> U mad bro?
19:16 <Charlie the Penguin> umad bro (troll)
19:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> You must let me pass
19:16 <Obviousname> no
19:16 <Commander Bsyew> :O
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> ok
19:16 <Obviousname> wiririririr
19:16 <Dororo111122> why
19:17 <Dororo111122> i just need to watch 2 30 minute tv shows about animals and write a summary
19:17 <Charlie the Penguin> (passes easily) (troll)
19:17 <Mariocart25Charizard> Charlie
19:17 <Charlie the Penguin> yeah?
19:17 <Mariocart25Charizard> Here's some tips to make a custom MU Peng
19:17 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: How to make a Monsters University Penguin with Paint.NET - Duration: 06:03 - Uploaded: 2013-06-20 - Rating: 0.000000 - Views: 29 -
19:17 -!- Apj26 has left Special:Chat.
19:17 <Obviousname> hey look
19:17 <Dororo111122> *dislikes video*
19:18 <Obviousname> bobby is advertising in pm
19:18 <Charlie the Penguin> i cant get all i have are macs DX
19:18 <Commander Bsyew> Nobody has commented on my latest blog..
19:18 -!- Apj26 has joined Special:Chat
19:18 <Mariocart25Charizard> Photoshop?
19:18 <Twinkie102> and no one's tweeting me  :C
19:18 <Commander Bsyew> Thanks guys! :|
19:18 <Charlie the Penguin> yes i do
19:18 <Twinkie102> Np, Bsyew :D
19:18 <Dororo111122> 294 views
19:18 <Obviousname> grrr
19:18 <Charlie the Penguin> yes i do @mario
19:18 <Twinkie102> What are friends for? :)
19:18 <Dororo111122> not mine obvious
19:19 <Dororo111122> i wouldve trolled by then
19:19 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
19:19 <Charlie the Penguin> (troll)
19:19 <Sharkbate> Aye pea jay two six space eye ess space Gee are ee ee en space En eye en jay aye apostrophe ess space ess ell aye vee ee period space aych aye ayche aye exclamation mark
19:19 <Apj26> ...
19:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> You
19:19 <Charlie the Penguin> What the?
19:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> Shall Not
19:19 -!- Super Miron has left Special:Chat.
19:19 <Commander Bsyew> Twitter isn't working for me.
19:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> Pass1
19:19 <Charlie the Penguin> (passes)
19:19 <Rhysw2002> pass1?
19:19 <Charlie the Penguin> Well that was easy!
19:19 <Sharkbate> hi Roger
19:19 <Rhysw2002> what?
19:19 -!- Super Miron has joined Special:Chat
19:19 <Rhysw2002> what is pass1?
19:19 <Super Miron>
19:19 <Twinkie102> YOU
19:19 <Twinkie102> SHALL
19:19 <Twinkie102> NOT
19:19 <Sgt Mecha> can someone tell bobby to not advertise in PM
19:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> *Pass
19:20 <Rhysw2002> is there a pass2?
19:20 <Twinkie102> PASS!!!
19:20 <Dororo111122> wuts that miron
19:20 <Rhysw2002> *passes*
19:20 <Super Miron> Eat pie
19:20 <Rhysw2002> :d
19:20 <Super Miron> nuthing dororo
19:20 <Sgt Mecha> WUT
19:20 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has left Special:Chat.
19:20 <Commander Bsyew>
19:20 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has joined Special:Chat
19:20 -!- Lava1789 has left Special:Chat.
19:20 <Commander Bsyew> Comment! :P
19:20 <Charlie the Penguin> (epicmeme)
19:21 <Dororo111122> it seems like the 3 S's have broken up
19:21 <Dororo111122> snowys gone
19:21 <Dororo111122> sandors somewhere else
19:21 <Dororo111122> and only sharks left
19:21 -!- Apj26 has left Special:Chat.
19:21 -!- Apj26 has joined Special:Chat
19:21 <Super Miron> Don't ping the S­h­a­r­k
19:22 <Dororo111122> you just did
19:22 <Super Miron> No
19:22 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
19:22 <Dororo111122> did it ping you 
19:22 <Super Miron> I put short hyphens between the letters
19:22 <Sgt Mecha> (troll) TROLL
19:22 <Sgt Mecha> gtg
19:23 <Charlie the Penguin> (wave)
19:23 <Sgt Mecha> also dororo dont look out your window..
19:23 <Super Miron> Bye, and make sure to [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|check this out]]!
19:23 <Sgt Mecha> >:&shy)
19:23 -!- Roger6881 has left Special:Chat.
19:23 -!- Sgt Mecha has left Special:Chat.
19:23 <Mariocart25Charizard> !updated
19:23 <CPChatBot> Mariocart25Charizard: The logs were last updated 50:12 ago. There are currently ~503 lines in the log buffer.
19:23 <Twinkie102> Miron, stop linking that You Got Trolled thing
19:23 <Twinkie102> !Updatelogs
18:34 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
18:34 <Charlie the Penguin> Yolo
18:34 -!- Green Ninja has joined Special:Chat
18:34 -!- Green Ninja has left Special:Chat.
18:34 <Charlie the Penguin> Green!
18:34 <Charlie the Penguin> Dang
18:35 <Charlie the Penguin> I needed to ask him something
18:36 -!- Mimipeng has joined Special:Chat
18:36 -!- Sgt Mecha has joined Special:Chat
18:36 <Sgt Mecha> im so happy
18:36 -!- LukeLeia75 has joined Special:Chat
18:36 <Mimipeng> Cool chat ya got here.
18:37 <Commander Bsyew> Hi
18:37 <LukeLeia75>!
18:37 <LukeLeia75> I know this blog is awkward
18:37 <Twinkie102> Hi
18:37 <LukeLeia75> I'm bad at making blogs
18:37 <LukeLeia75> Hi!
18:37 <Commander Bsyew> I released a new blog post :)
18:37 <Mimipeng> Cool.
18:37 <Mimipeng> Are you the same Commander Bsyew from Twitter?
18:38 <Commander Bsyew> It might not sound right since I wrote it on my Ipad.
18:38 <Commander Bsyew> Yup.
18:38 <Mimipeng> Woah.
18:38 <Commander Bsyew> Nice to see you.
18:38 <Mimipeng> Nice to see you as well.
18:38 <Sgt Mecha> my bro is giving me his XBOX 360 :d
18:39 <Twinkie102> Mimi, so you're new to the wiki?
18:39 <LukeLeia75> Twinkie,on Brazil we can write months without capitals
18:39 <Apj26> Sooo last year
18:39 <Apj26> :p
18:39 <Sgt Mecha> :P
18:39 <Mimipeng> No. I'm not new.
18:39 <LukeLeia75> sorry I will update ti
18:39 <LukeLeia75> it*
18:39 <Commander Bsyew> Do not get the Xbox one..
18:39 <Sgt Mecha> I won't
18:39 <Twinkie102> Oh @Mimi
18:39 <Sgt Mecha> it sucks :/
18:39 <Commander Bsyew> The name stinks :P
18:39 <Apj26> They made it a bit better
18:40 <Apj26> Yeah
18:40 <Commander Bsyew> I have the Xbox 360, what do you have? 
18:40 <Commander Bsyew> Oh, I have the Xbox one!
18:40 <Twinkie102> iOS 7 is a pile of crap
18:40 <Commander Bsyew> I like IOS 7 :P
18:40 <Mimipeng> How did you get it?
18:40 <Super Miron> iOS 7 is released?
18:40 <Super Miron> o_o
18:41 <Twinkie102> i didnt get it
18:41 <Twinkie102> and no its not released yet
18:41 <Twinkie102> ive seen lots of pics of it
18:41 <Commander Bsyew> Only developers can test IOS 7.
18:41 <Super Miron> Then why are you judging it?
18:41 <Twinkie102> it barely even looks like apple anymore
18:41 <Commander Bsyew> It looks the same.
18:41 <Apj26> its the new apple 
18:41 <Apj26> You have to get used to change 
18:41 <Commander Bsyew> My dad is testing it :P
18:42 <Mimipeng> Cool.
18:42 <Commander Bsyew> It's pretty cool.
18:42 <Commander Bsyew> Siri doesn't work though.
18:42 <Apj26> NOOOOO!
18:42 <Apj26> Siri 
18:42 <Commander Bsyew> Her voice changed.
18:42 <Twinkie102> Nooo!!! I liked her voice!
18:42 <Charlie the Penguin> NOO
18:42 <Apj26> Siri was a girl...
18:43 <Commander Bsyew> It doesn't sound like google voice.
18:43 <Apj26> o_o
18:43 <Mimipeng> Is it like a guy now?
18:43 <LukeLeia75> Lol,I never listened to Siri's voice
18:43 <Commander Bsyew> Its still a girl..
18:43 <Mimipeng> Oh.
18:43 <LukeLeia75> Since I don't have an iOS
18:43 <Charlie the Penguin> im not updating my iphone now
18:43 <Commander Bsyew> Its just sound clear.
18:43 <Eaglesrule8> Twinkie check pm 
18:43 <Sgt Mecha> you shouldnt
18:43 <Sgt Mecha> brb
18:43 -!- Sgt Mecha has left Special:Chat.
18:43 -!- Heti123 has left Special:Chat.
18:43 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
18:43 <Mimipeng> I don't even have siri on iPad 2. I need a new iPad.
18:43 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
18:44 <Roger6881> back
18:44 <Commander Bsyew> Hi.
18:44 <LukeLeia75> anybody plays star wars battlefront?
18:44 <Mimipeng> No...
18:45 <LukeLeia75> lol
18:45 <LukeLeia75> I do
18:45 <Apj26> I used too
18:45 <Roger6881> I went on an un-said brb, sorry
18:45 <LukeLeia75> it's getting boring
18:45 <Mimipeng> I don't think the Star Wars party will be that bad.
18:45 <LukeLeia75> same
18:45 <Apj26> Good good...
18:46 <Roger6881> I'm so being the Dark Lord Roger :3
18:46 -!- Dororo111122 has joined Special:Chat
18:46 <Mimipeng> Lol
18:46 <Apj26> Hi
18:46 <Charlie the Penguin> i just watched a siri demo online
18:46 <Dororo111122> what star wars party
18:46 <Mimipeng> The Star Wars Takeover
18:46 <Charlie the Penguin> her voice isnt different, it just sounds less robot-like
18:46 <Dororo111122> what
18:46 <Charlie the Penguin> thank god
18:46 <Apj26>
18:46 <LukeLeia75>!
18:46 <Roger6881> Hello
18:47 <Commander Bsyew> Back.
18:47 <Dororo111122> holy crap another takeover?
18:47 <LukeLeia75> yea 
18:47 <Mimipeng> Yes.
18:47 <Commander Bsyew> Wat.
18:47 <Mimipeng> Star Wars Party.
18:47 <Roger6881> *takeover 
18:47 <Apj26>   I find your lack of faith disturbing
18:47 <LukeLeia75> if there would be another party with rocky and cece
18:47 <Commander Bsyew> I want Star Wars 1313
18:48 <Apj26> o_o
18:48 <Commander Bsyew> That game looks epic.
18:48 <LukeLeia75>
18:48 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Darth Vader NO! - Duration: 00:05 - Uploaded: 2008-03-14 - Rating: 4.899343 - Views: 4,378,521 -
18:48 <Charlie the Penguin> "I find Club Penguin's lack of originality... disturbing."
18:48 <Apj26> maybe Darth Vader will be waddling round the island  
18:48 <Mimipeng> I can imagine. 
18:48 <Commander Bsyew> He will chop our flippers off.
18:48 <Dororo111122> maybe he will steal apjs cake
18:48 <Roger6881> That would be cool 
18:48 <Roger6881> Not even a Dark Lord of the Sith could do that ...
18:49 <LukeLeia75>
18:49 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Vader Noooo - Duration: 00:11 - Uploaded: 2009-08-07 - Rating: 4.800000 - Views: 42,430 -
18:49 <Apj26> And I could shout "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!" at him
18:49 <Commander Bsyew> Let me guess, custom emotions and a game.
18:49 <Mimipeng> Most likely.
18:49 <Apj26> I like you :p
18:49 <Commander Bsyew> Oh! And a transformation.
18:50 <Dororo111122> caps
18:50 <Charlie the Penguin> i hope we can be droids
18:50 <Charlie the Penguin> i want to be R2-D2
18:50 <Twinkie102> Caps
18:50 <LukeLeia75>
18:50 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Darth Vader - The Suit - Episode III - Duration: 04:25 - Uploaded: 2007-01-26 - Rating: 4.870254 - Views: 7,591,102 -
18:50 <Mimipeng> These are not the droids we're looking for.
18:50 <Dororo111122> !logs
18:50 <CPChatBot> Chat logs may be seen [[Project:Chat/Logs|here]].
18:50 <Commander Bsyew> We will probbally make robots.
18:50 <Mimipeng> I don't think CP would repeat the same thing.
18:50 <Apj26> >:|
18:51 <Apj26> droids
18:51 <Charlie the Penguin> then we'll make droids!
18:51 <Apj26> Maybe
18:51 <Commander Bsyew> They have been repeating this whole year.
18:51 <Apj26> We can dress like Ewoks 
18:51 <Roger6881> and ... spaceship igloos >:o
18:51 <LukeLeia75> I'd love an Ewok Basement igloo
18:52 <Apj26> aww yeah
18:52 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
18:52 <Apj26> Anyone seen Ewoks  The Battle For Endor 
18:52 <Twinkie102> I'm having a party on CP At Server: Deep Freeze at the Iceberg
18:52 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
18:52 -!- Dogkid1 has joined Special:Chat
18:52 <Dogkid1> howdy doo buckaroo
18:52 <Commander Bsyew> How can CP create a Star Wars party if Disney stopped Lucas Arts?
18:52 <Apj26> Hi
18:53 <Dororo111122> star wars revival
18:53 <Commander Bsyew> Remember that they fired everyone :P
18:53 <Mimipeng> They own Lucas Arts
18:53 <Mimipeng> They bought it.
18:53 <Apj26> The cp team did it
18:53 <Commander Bsyew> Yeah but Disney has shut it down.
18:53 -!- Dogkid1 has left Special:Chat.
18:53 <Apj26> So..
18:53 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
18:53 <Apj26> the cp team did it
18:53 -!- Dororo111122 has left Special:Chat.
18:53 <Mimipeng> no, it's like what disney did to marvel. They just bought it. 
18:54 <Commander Bsyew> And they will ruin it :D
18:54 -!- Dororo111122 has joined Special:Chat
18:54 <Apj26> I find your lack of faith disturbing
18:54 <Apj26> I'm going to say that a lot 
18:54 <Twinkie102> Eagles
18:54 <Dororo111122> uh
18:54 <Dororo111122> whats with the new twitkiss thing
18:54 <Mimipeng> What
18:55 <Commander Bsyew> Well after looking at their other party's, I can say that they will ruin it :P
18:55 <Twinkie102>
18:55 <Twinkie102> It's too obvious...
18:55 <Mimipeng> Everything Spike does is obvious...
18:55 <Charlie the Penguin> dangit cp -_-
18:56 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
18:56 <Twinkie102> Ikr, Mimi xD
18:56 <Roger6881> hello
18:56 <Commander Bsyew> Hai.
18:56 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hello fellow,
18:56 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Um, humanoids
18:56 <Twinkie102> Anyone wanna come to my party on CP?
18:56 <Mimipeng> Where is it?
18:56 <Commander Bsyew> I can't.
18:56 <Twinkie102> Server: Deep Freeze at the Iceberg
18:56 <Charlie the Penguin> Spike, Spike, Spike... (facepalm)
18:56 <Charlie the Penguin> ill come
18:56 <Charlie the Penguin> ok
18:56 <Mimipeng> K, I'll be right there.
18:57 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Twinkie, I shall be there.
18:57 <Commander Bsyew> Sorry D:
18:57 <Twinkie102> Okay! x3
18:57 <Apj26> You Underestimate My Power
18:57 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I never knew Deep Freeze was a server lol
18:57 <Apj26> *JUMPS*
18:57 <Blue Jay of Lightning> And also, I shall bring Apprentice
18:57 <Roger6881> hello everyone 
18:57 <Roger6881> brb
18:57 <Apj26> *gets both legs and arm cut off*
18:58 -!- Am I Dreaming? has joined Special:Chat
18:58 <Dororo111122> no rp (trollface)
18:58 <Twinkie102> hello
18:58 <Apj26> No your not
18:58 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
18:58 <Apj26> Hi
18:58 <Mimipeng> What if he isn't roleplaying...
18:58 <Dororo111122> if his arms are cut off
18:58 <Dororo111122> how can he type
18:58 <Mimipeng> O that's right
18:59 <Super Miron> Using his feet
18:59 <Apj26> I have robot arms 
18:59 <Super Miron> And |–|3|_|_0
18:59 -!- Wwe Charger has left Special:Chat.
18:59 <Dororo111122> legs cut off
18:59 <Charlie the Penguin> i see you twinkie
18:59 <Super Miron> Oh
18:59 <Am I Dreaming?> I'm OBNOXIOUS.
18:59 <Apj26> Robot legs 
18:59 <Dororo111122> also speaking leet is against the policy now according to roger
18:59 <Sharkbate> oh em gee
18:59 <Super Miron> Using his nose
18:59 <Dororo111122> too fast to be using it
19:00 <Roger6881> back 
19:00 -!- LukeLeia75 has left Special:Chat.
19:00 <Commander Bsyew> WB
19:00 <Mimipeng> why isn't cp working for me?
19:00 <Roger6881> [[Club Penguin Wiki:Policy/Chat]] against the policy 
19:00 <Dororo111122> wait nvmnvm
19:00 <Sharkbate> tee aych eye ess space eye ess space aye double-you ee ess oh em ee period space jay you ess tee space kay eye dee dee eye en gee period
19:00 <Dororo111122> roger i dont see it
19:00 -!- Rhysw2002 has left Special:Chat.
19:01 <Roger6881> Shark, please stop that 
19:01 -!- Heti123 has joined Special:Chat
19:01 <Sharkbate> Stop what?
19:01 <Heti123> HI (wave)
19:01 <Roger6881> because wolf-gangs deleted it
19:01 <Twinkie102> May the Force Be With Youuu
19:01 <Heti123> Bye (wave)
19:01 <Commander Bsyew> The puffles broke CP.
19:01 <Roger6881> The words we do not understand 
19:01 -!- Heti123 has left Special:Chat.
19:01 <Sharkbate> I haven't done it enough to be told to stop. And it's not against policy, soo...
19:01 <Sharkbate> And they are words you understand
19:01 <Sharkbate> It simply says "This is awesome. Just kidding."
19:01 <Roger6881> No, they were not.
19:01 <Sharkbate> I spelled out the letters.
19:02 <Dororo111122> . isn't a letter
19:02 <Roger6881> I didn't mean it in the form of the policy, I asked you. Just asked you. 
19:02 <Commander Bsyew> Brb
19:02 <Mariocart25Charizard>
19:02 <Twinkie102> ugh no one else is coming to my party
19:02 <Twinkie102> :/
19:03 <Mimipeng> Srry I tried, but CP isn't working.
19:03 -!- Commander Bsyew has left Special:Chat.
19:03 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
19:03 <Twinkie102> oh
19:03 <Roger6881> Hello
19:03 <Roger6881> It is a donkey, Mario 
19:03 <Am I Dreaming?> o.i
19:03 <Dororo111122> thats weird
19:03 <Mimipeng> What's a Donkey?
19:03 <Am I Dreaming?> o.o*
19:03 <Dororo111122> i say the word itself
19:03 <Dororo111122> not censored
19:03 <Dororo111122> i say the word in that same sentence
19:03 <Dororo111122> censored
19:04 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
19:04 <Roger6881> Hello
19:04 <Dororo111122> ok now its censored on its own
19:04 -!- AvengersHereoes has joined Special:Chat
19:04 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hello
19:04 <Dororo111122> uncensored again zomg
19:04 -!- Wwe Charger has joined Special:Chat
19:04 -!- Mimipeng has left Special:Chat.
19:05 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
19:05 <Mariocart25Charizard> As Donkey
19:05 -!- Rhysw2002 has joined Special:Chat
19:05 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
19:05 <Am I Dreaming?> O.Ö
19:05 <Rhysw2002> back
19:05 <Roger6881> hello everyone 
19:05 -!- Commander Bsyew has joined Special:Chat
19:05 <Roger6881> hello 
19:05 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Cake?
19:05 <Commander Bsyew> Hi
19:05 <AvengersHereoes> Hi
19:06 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hi
19:06 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has joined Special:Chat
19:06 <Bobby 123 Ab> hey guys
19:06 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hi
19:06 <Twinkie102> Now to Charlie's igloo
19:06 -!- Commander Bsyew has left Special:Chat.
19:06 -!- Commander Bsyew has joined Special:Chat
19:06 <Bobby 123 Ab> ?
19:06 <Twinkie102> I'm having a party
19:07 <Twinkie102> right now I'm at Charlie's igloo on Server: Deep Freeze
19:07 <Sharkbate> See ell you bee space Pea ee en gee you eye en space ess you see kay ess period.
19:07 <Bobby 123 Ab> oh
19:07 <Roger6881> hello
19:07 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
19:07 <Am I Dreaming?> O.ö
19:07 <Roger6881> Shark, please stop doing that 
19:07 <Sharkbate> Why?
19:07 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has left Special:Chat.
19:07 <Sharkbate> It speaks the truth.
19:07 <Roger6881> No-one can understand it
19:08 <Super Miron> "Club Penguin sucks."
19:08 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
19:08 <Sharkbate> Good job, Miron.
19:08 <Roger6881> Hello 
19:08 <Super Miron> Thanks :p
19:08 <Roger6881> most, can't. It's not very easy to read, either 
19:08 <Roger6881> Please stop it. We really don't want to make a scene over this little bit of text, do we?
19:09 <Sharkbate> Well it's not taking up much room
19:09 <Sharkbate> Sooo why not ignore it?
19:09 <Sharkbate> Ess ee are eye oh you ess ell why period.
19:09 <Twinkie102> Shark, enough
19:10 <Roger6881> I'm asking you too
19:10 <Commander Bsyew> Moo.
19:10 <Sharkbate> Nahh
19:10 <Roger6881> I understand if you don't, but I can't read it
19:10 <Roger6881> So you could say anything, really 
19:10 <Super Miron> "Seriously."
19:10 -!- Sgt Mecha has joined Special:Chat
19:10 <Sgt Mecha> too long brb
19:10 <Roger6881> that's why we don't like "code"
19:10 <Sgt Mecha> whats up now
19:10 <Super Miron> Use Google Translate (troll)
19:10 <Roger6881> Hello everyone 
19:11 <Sharkbate> It's not code...
19:11 <Commander Bsyew> I like coding :P
19:11 <Rhysw2002> my puffles aren't digging up any coins :|
19:11 <Sharkbate> Say the words out loud
19:11 <Sharkbate> ELL OH ELL
19:11 <Super Miron> hold on
19:11 <Roger6881> not as in html 
19:11 <Twinkie102> Ohhh
19:11 <Twinkie102> I can read it
19:11 <Commander Bsyew> Oh :P
19:11 <Twinkie102> It's supposed to be LOL
19:11 <Super Miron> [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|Here's a translator]]
19:11 <Roger6881> it's just not as easy to understand as other words 
19:11 -!- AvengersHereoes has left Special:Chat.
19:12 <Roger6881> Hello, Obvious 
19:12 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has joined Special:Chat
19:12 <Dororo111122> my chum
19:12 <Obviousname> slep
19:12 <Commander Bsyew> Lol.
19:12 <Obviousname> sleep
19:12 <Am I Dreaming?> O.O
19:12 <Obviousname> sleep like kitten is right now
19:12 <Commander Bsyew> Hai.
19:12 <Commander Bsyew> ?
19:12 <Bobby 123 Ab> Hi
19:12 <Roger6881> Hello 
19:12 <Roger6881> brb
19:12 <Blue Jay of Lightning> "We don't need a translator to read text talk." -Albert Einstein
19:13 <Obviousname> yes we do
19:13 <Dororo111122> einsteins argument is invalid
19:13 <Commander Bsyew> Y u no talk normal??
19:13 <Commander Bsyew> (trollface)
19:13 <Twinkie102> ur not talking normal eitherz (troll)
19:14 <Commander Bsyew> :P
19:14 <Charlie the Penguin> me hates grammer (troll)
19:14 <Twinkie102> (yao)
19:14 <Dororo111122> i needz help with homework again
19:14 <Blue Jay of Lightning> "Grammar bad" -Einstein Caveman
19:14 <Commander Bsyew> People don't need the best grammar t
19:14 <Sgt Mecha> *gives dororo all bad awnser*
19:14 <Commander Bsyew> Opps
19:14 <Sgt Mecha> *awnsers
19:15 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
19:15 <Commander Bsyew> Atleast have grammar that makes sense.
19:15 <Dororo111122> bsyeew wanna help me with it
19:15 -!- Am I Dreaming? has left Special:Chat.
19:15 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
19:15 <Mariocart25Charizard> Someone make a custom for meh
19:15 -!- Am I Dreaming? has joined Special:Chat
19:15 <Obviousname> i would take a pic of my cat sleeping but like
19:15 <Charlie the Penguin> dont you know how to
19:15 <Twinkie102> no (troll)
19:15 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yeah\
19:15 <Obviousname> its asleep
19:15 <Twinkie102> No! :P
19:15 <Mariocart25Charizard> Im tired of amking them now.
19:16 <Charlie the Penguin> your the one who made me my icon
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> YOU
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> SHALL NOT
19:16 <Dororo111122> passes
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> PASS!
19:16 <Dororo111122> UMAD UMAD
19:16 <Charlie the Penguin> and i suck at making them
19:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Mariocart, I shall make you a custom
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> ok
19:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> But
19:16 <Dororo111122> ok obvious do YOU want to help me with my homework
19:16 <Commander Bsyew> U mad bro?
19:16 <Charlie the Penguin> umad bro (troll)
19:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> You must let me pass
19:16 <Obviousname> no
19:16 <Commander Bsyew> :O
19:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> ok
19:16 <Obviousname> wiririririr
19:16 <Dororo111122> why
19:17 <Dororo111122> i just need to watch 2 30 minute tv shows about animals and write a summary
19:17 <Charlie the Penguin> (passes easily) (troll)
19:17 <Mariocart25Charizard> Charlie
19:17 <Charlie the Penguin> yeah?
19:17 <Mariocart25Charizard> Here's some tips to make a custom MU Peng
19:17 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: How to make a Monsters University Penguin with Paint.NET - Duration: 06:03 - Uploaded: 2013-06-20 - Rating: 0.000000 - Views: 29 -
19:17 -!- Apj26 has left Special:Chat.
19:17 <Obviousname> hey look
19:17 <Dororo111122> *dislikes video*
19:18 <Obviousname> bobby is advertising in pm
19:18 <Charlie the Penguin> i cant get all i have are macs DX
19:18 <Commander Bsyew> Nobody has commented on my latest blog..
19:18 -!- Apj26 has joined Special:Chat
19:18 <Mariocart25Charizard> Photoshop?
19:18 <Twinkie102> and no one's tweeting me  :C
19:18 <Commander Bsyew> Thanks guys! :|
19:18 <Charlie the Penguin> yes i do
19:18 <Twinkie102> Np, Bsyew :D
19:18 <Dororo111122> 294 views
19:18 <Obviousname> grrr
19:18 <Charlie the Penguin> yes i do @mario
19:18 <Twinkie102> What are friends for? :)
19:18 <Dororo111122> not mine obvious
19:19 <Dororo111122> i wouldve trolled by then
19:19 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
19:19 <Charlie the Penguin> (troll)
19:19 <Sharkbate> Aye pea jay two six space eye ess space Gee are ee ee en space En eye en jay aye apostrophe ess space ess ell aye vee ee period space aych aye ayche aye exclamation mark
19:19 <Apj26> ...
19:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> You
19:19 <Charlie the Penguin> What the?
19:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> Shall Not
19:19 -!- Super Miron has left Special:Chat.
19:19 <Commander Bsyew> Twitter isn't working for me.
19:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> Pass1
19:19 <Charlie the Penguin> (passes)
19:19 <Rhysw2002> pass1?
19:19 <Charlie the Penguin> Well that was easy!
19:19 <Sharkbate> hi Roger
19:19 <Rhysw2002> what?
19:19 -!- Super Miron has joined Special:Chat
19:19 <Rhysw2002> what is pass1?
19:19 <Super Miron>
19:19 <Twinkie102> YOU
19:19 <Twinkie102> SHALL
19:19 <Twinkie102> NOT
19:19 <Sgt Mecha> can someone tell bobby to not advertise in PM
19:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> *Pass
19:20 <Rhysw2002> is there a pass2?
19:20 <Twinkie102> PASS!!!
19:20 <Dororo111122> wuts that miron
19:20 <Rhysw2002> *passes*
19:20 <Super Miron> Eat pie
19:20 <Rhysw2002> :d
19:20 <Super Miron> nuthing dororo
19:20 <Sgt Mecha> WUT
19:20 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has left Special:Chat.
19:20 <Commander Bsyew>
19:20 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has joined Special:Chat
19:20 -!- Lava1789 has left Special:Chat.
19:20 <Commander Bsyew> Comment! :P
19:20 <Charlie the Penguin> (epicmeme)
19:21 <Dororo111122> it seems like the 3 S's have broken up
19:21 <Dororo111122> snowys gone
19:21 <Dororo111122> sandors somewhere else
19:21 <Dororo111122> and only sharks left
19:21 -!- Apj26 has left Special:Chat.
19:21 -!- Apj26 has joined Special:Chat
19:21 <Super Miron> Don't ping the S­h­a­r­k
19:22 <Dororo111122> you just did
19:22 <Super Miron> No
19:22 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
19:22 <Dororo111122> did it ping you 
19:22 <Super Miron> I put short hyphens between the letters
19:22 <Sgt Mecha> (troll) TROLL
19:22 <Sgt Mecha> gtg
19:23 <Charlie the Penguin> (wave)
19:23 <Sgt Mecha> also dororo dont look out your window..
19:23 <Super Miron> Bye, and make sure to [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|check this out]]!
19:23 <Sgt Mecha> >:&shy)
19:23 -!- Roger6881 has left Special:Chat.
19:23 -!- Sgt Mecha has left Special:Chat.
19:23 <Mariocart25Charizard> !updated
19:23 <CPChatBot> Mariocart25Charizard: The logs were last updated 50:12 ago. There are currently ~503 lines in the log buffer.
19:23 <Twinkie102> Miron, stop linking that You Got Trolled thing
19:23 <Twinkie102> !Updatelogs
19:23 <Mariocart25Charizard> !updatelogs
19:23 <Mariocart25Charizard> !updatelogs
19:23 <Super Miron> But but but
19:23 <Super Miron> Why?
19:23 <Super Miron> D:
19:23 <Twinkie102> crap
19:23 <CPChatBot> Twinkie102: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 506 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
19:23 <Twinkie102> i got it first (troll)
19:23 <CPChatBot> Mariocart25Charizard: Error saving logs due to spam filter, debug output saved to disc
19:23 <Commander Bsyew> Bsyew Vanish!
19:24 <Dororo111122> i think sgt is underaged or something
19:24 <Super Miron> Don't update at the same time
19:24 <Mariocart25Charizard> >:O
19:24 <Eaglesrule8> twinkie pm
19:24 <Super Miron> Dororo
19:24 <Super Miron> No age assumptions
19:24 <Twinkie102> 1. Ok eagles
19:24 <Twinkie102> 2. Why do u think that?
19:24 <Super Miron> !test Hai bot!
19:24 <CPChatBot> Super Miron: Hai!
19:24 <Charlie the Penguin> i just saw a dancing stick figure with a trollface. O.O i am scared for life
19:24 -!- Commander Bsyew has left Special:Chat.
19:24 <Dororo111122> i think blast is underaged or something
19:24 <Super Miron> He is
19:24 <Twinkie102> blast is underaged
19:24 <Charlie the Penguin> scarred*
19:24 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
19:24 <Twinkie102> but why sgt?
19:24 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
19:24 <Super Miron> **scared
19:25 <Dororo111122> he just doesn't seem like he really is 13
19:25 <Charlie the Penguin> whats blast's username?
19:25 <Super Miron> Dororo
19:25 <Super Miron> Don't say things like that
19:25 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Sorry for the lag...
19:25 <Dororo111122> stop pinging me
19:25 <Super Miron> [[User:Blastthehedgehog]]
19:25 <Twinkie102> Dororo (troll)
19:25 <Am I Dreaming?> OH MY DAYUM
19:25 <Dororo111122> volume off
19:25 <Twinkie102> Dorito
19:25 <Dororo111122> no ping at all
19:25 <Twinkie102> DORITO!!! :p
19:25 -!- Bobby 123 Ab has left Special:Chat.
19:25 <Dororo111122> be quiet
19:26 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
19:26 <Am I Dreaming?> Dhrkjfuisjxhdydu  FUUUUUUUU
19:26 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
19:26 <Charlie the Penguin> blast is gone and has quit :|
19:26 -!- Am I Dreaming? was kicked from Special:Chat by Twinkie102
19:26 -!- Am I Dreaming? has left Special:Chat.
19:26 -!- Am I Dreaming? has joined Special:Chat
19:26 <Twinkie102> Warning #1
19:26 <Twinkie102> No Spamming
19:26 <Am I Dreaming?> Kthx
19:26 <Dororo111122> or semi cursing
19:26 <Twinkie102> yea
19:27 <Charlie the Penguin> i have never cursed before on here
19:27 <Twinkie102> Eating Grilled Chicken :D
19:27 <Eaglesrule8> mariocart CP wont let me type
19:27 <Eaglesrule8> add me plz :P
19:27 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Or having question marks in your username
19:27 <Blue Jay of Lightning> :P
19:27 <Twinkie102> :|
19:28 <Am I Dreaming?> I swore on this account and my other one 
19:28 <Blue Jay of Lightning> OTHER?!
19:28 <Dororo111122> tch
19:28 <Am I Dreaming?> Obnoxious :3
19:28 <Super Miron>
19:28 <Sharkbate> I has not cursed either
19:28 <Dororo111122> I reckon this be enough evidence
19:29 <Eaglesrule8>  wut
19:29 <Super Miron> Eagles (...)
19:29 <Eaglesrule8> what?
19:29 <Eaglesrule8> his name
19:29 <Eaglesrule8> ON CP :O
19:29 <Eaglesrule8> ugh CP lag one sec
19:29 <Charlie the Penguin> i hate the (troll) when its doing that smirk. i wanna punch it
19:29 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Maybe that's his real name (troll)
19:30 <Eaglesrule8> LOL
19:30 <Twinkie102> LOL Joepoop xD
19:30 <Eaglesrule8> XD
19:30 <Rhysw2002> gtg
19:30 <Eaglesrule8> add an S at the end @twinkie
19:30 -!- Rhysw2002 has left Special:Chat.
19:30 <Twinkie102> Guys
19:30 <Sharkbate> Oh mah gawsh, like SO mature. *chomps gum*
19:30 <Eaglesrule8> bye rhysw
19:30 <Twinkie102> LOL JOEPOOPS
19:30 <Eaglesrule8> LOL
19:30 <Dororo111122> I reckon
19:30 <Twinkie102> *XD XD XD*
19:30 <Am I Dreaming?> o.o
19:30 <Eaglesrule8> brb
19:31 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Rearrange the letters of "lol". It says "lol
19:31 <Sharkbate> ol
19:31 <Sharkbate> oll
19:31 -!- Rekanochi has joined Special:Chat
19:31 <Twinkie102> or oll
19:31 <Twinkie102> or llo
19:31 <Super Miron> llo
19:31 <Rekanochi> Hullo
19:31 -!- Am I Dreaming? has left Special:Chat.
19:31 <Super Miron> Or potato
19:31 <Twinkie102> or TACO
19:31 <Dororo111122> or stop
19:31 <Super Miron> No. Potato.
19:31 <Super Miron> (stop)
19:31 <Rekanochi> When I grow up, I want to be a potatoe! XD
19:31 <Eaglesrule8> guys... this has been my desktop bg since MU was announced
19:31 <Dororo111122> then I will eat you
19:32 -!- Am I Dreaming? has joined Special:Chat
19:32 <Dororo111122> and burn the remains
19:32 <Sharkbate> \
19:32 <Sharkbate> ..\
19:32 <Sharkbate> ....\
19:32 <Sharkbate> ..../
19:32 <Sharkbate> .../
19:32 <Sharkbate> ../
19:32 <Sharkbate> ./
19:32 <Sharkbate> /
19:32 <Sharkbate> Oops
19:32 <Sharkbate> Didn't mean to send that
19:32 <Eaglesrule8> :O
19:32 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Spam...
19:32 <Twinkie102> Spam, Shark
19:32 <Eaglesrule8> flood
19:32 <Eaglesrule8> SHARK KICK YOSELF
19:32 <Super Miron> WHOOPSIE DAISY
19:32 <Dororo111122> caps
19:32 <Eaglesrule8> XD
19:32 <Eaglesrule8> dororo i thought the limit was 5 words
19:32 <Sharkbate> Sure. If you're all too immature to handle an accident, I'll gladly 'kick' myself
19:32 <Super Miron> must screenshot :o
19:32 <Eaglesrule8> i was jking
19:32 <Dororo111122> and i thought justin beiber was a boy eagles
19:33 <Super Miron> I'M REPORTING YOU!!!
19:33 <Eaglesrule8> :O
19:33 <Dororo111122> we're both surprised
19:33 <Sharkbate> Go ahead lol
19:33 <Sharkbate> Here I'll helo
19:33 <Super Miron> It was a joke
19:33 <Eaglesrule8> :|
19:33 <Sharkbate> help*
19:33 <Twinkie102> The admins wont do anything :P
19:33 <Sharkbate> !updatelogs
19:33 <Am I Dreaming?> ;o
19:33 <Rekanochi> Everyone.
19:33 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I will ask P-P to come on chat, and kick you!!
19:33 <Rekanochi> TACO
19:33 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Lol jk
19:33 <Twinkie102> :|
19:33 <CPChatBot> Sharkbate: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 145 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
19:33 <Twinkie102> enough with that
19:33 <Rekanochi> YOU
19:33 <Super Miron> !test hai bot!
19:33 <CPChatBot> Super Miron: Hai!
19:33 <Rekanochi> SHALL
19:33 <Rekanochi> NOT
19:33 <Rekanochi> PASS
19:33 <Rekanochi> So close...
19:33 <Dororo111122> can we ban saying that
19:33 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
19:33 <Rekanochi> :|
19:33 <Eaglesrule8> no
19:34 <Dororo111122> I heard yes
19:34 <Super Miron> If someone says you shall not pass again, I'll kill puppies 
19:34 <Eaglesrule8> YOU SHALL
19:34 <Twinkie102> :O
19:34 <Eaglesrule8> PASS
19:34 <Eaglesrule8> XD
19:34 <Rekanochi> .......
19:34 <Eaglesrule8> jk
19:34 <Rekanochi> LOL]
19:34 <Dororo111122> caaaps
19:34 <Twinkie102> XD
19:34 -!- Betazero has joined Special:Chat
19:34 <Blue Jay of Lightning> YOU
19:34 <Blue Jay of Lightning> SHALL
19:34 <Rekanochi> Hullo
19:34 <Blue Jay of Lightning> NIT
19:34 <Eaglesrule8> YOU
19:34 <Blue Jay of Lightning> NOT*
19:34 <Rekanochi> nit?
19:34 <Eaglesrule8> SHALL
19:34 <Eaglesrule8> NOT
19:34 <Twinkie102> NOO!!!!
19:34 <Eaglesrule8> PASS
19:34 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
19:34 <Betazero> hello everyone im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:34 <Twinkie102> STOP
19:34 <Blue Jay of Lightning> PASS your finals if you don't study
19:34 <Rekanochi> Hai Vic
19:34 <Eaglesrule8> hi vic
19:34 -!- Betazero was kicked from Special:Chat by Dororo111122
19:34 -!- Betazero has left Special:Chat.
19:34 <Vicyorus> Hi
19:34 <Super Miron> Hi Vic
19:34 <Rekanochi> Oh SNAP
19:34 <Vicyorus> Hi
19:35 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
19:35 <Twinkie102> spammers everywhere
19:35 <Am I Dreaming?> Hai
19:35 <Super Miron> Dororororo stole my kick D;
19:35 <Eaglesrule8> lol
19:35 -!- Betazero has joined Special:Chat
19:35 <Betazero> stop kicking me
19:35 <Twinkie102> Beta, no spamming
19:35 <Blue Jay of Lightning> 2nd Chat Mod Spam of the day
19:35 <Vicyorus> Right, I forgot Miron's a mod now :P
19:35 <Dororo111122> here miron you can tell him why he was kicked
19:35 <Vicyorus> Stop spamming then
19:35 <Betazero> im not spaming
19:35 <Twinkie102> Yes you did
19:35 <Super Miron> You were kicked, sir, for eating pie in front of Apj
19:35 <Blue Jay of Lightning> You spammed with !s
19:35 <Am I Dreaming?> Mhm
19:35 <Betazero> !!!!!!!! this is not spaming get wth the program
19:35 <Eaglesrule8> twinkie i missed your party D;
19:35 <Dororo111122> beta
19:35 <Dororo111122> stop
19:35 <Twinkie102> :| @Beta
19:35 <Dororo111122> acting
19:35 <Dororo111122> like
19:35 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
19:35 <Dororo111122> a
19:35 <Dororo111122> 5
19:35 <Betazero> dororor you stop
19:35 <Eaglesrule8> year
19:35 <Eaglesrule8> old
19:35 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Year
19:35 <Rekanochi> (yao) I wanna eat a taco
19:36 <Dororo111122> command me again and you will regret it
19:36 -!- Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala has joined Special:Chat
19:36 <Twinkie102> Beta, you're pushing your luck to a a kick
19:36 <Betazero> your are the hater
19:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> No, stop
19:36 <Mariocart25Charizard> yo
19:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> actinf
19:36 <Eaglesrule8> hi raraa
19:36 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> sup ppl
19:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> acting*
19:36 <Dororo111122> time to assume
19:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> like
19:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> a
19:36 <Betazero> omg
19:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> 5
19:36 <Super Miron> Vic
19:36 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> What do you all think of my picture?!?!
19:36 <Super Miron> PM
19:36 <Twinkie102> Beta, stop acting like a 2 YEAR OLD
19:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> month
19:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> old
19:36 <Eaglesrule8> i like it
19:36 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Thanks!
19:36 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> I mean, I just randomly found this from the net.
19:36 <Eaglesrule8> np
19:36 <Rekanochi> Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala. I SPELLED THAT RIGHT.
19:36 <Betazero> i come and u faggtos are starting shit bitch ass niggz
19:36 -!- Betazero was kicked from Special:Chat by CPChatBot
19:36 -!- Betazero has left Special:Chat.
19:36 <Mariocart25Charizard> Beta, stop acting like a 2nd grader
19:36 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Beta, stop acting like a five month old.
19:36 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> A fat man from a 90s cartoon being a drag queen
19:36 <Rekanochi> O_o
19:36 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> LOL BETA LOL
19:36 <Dororo111122> done
19:36 <Rekanochi> Interesting.
19:37 <Blue Jay of Lightning> (Gigantic red x)
19:37 <Twinkie102> OH CRAP!
19:37 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Lol
19:37 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> who likes the fat man on my pic
19:37 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> its funny
19:37 <Twinkie102> I'm wondering about him
19:37 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Why
19:37 <Twinkie102> not saying he is 4
19:37 <Twinkie102> but he acts 4 :|
19:37 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Oh
19:37 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> LOL
19:37 <Dororo111122> now we know hes not underage
19:37 <Dororo111122> because he knew those swears
19:37 <Eaglesrule8> wow beta -_-
19:37 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Because he is using swearwords.
19:37 <Eaglesrule8> Dororo
19:38 <Dororo111122> either that or his fathers a real idiot
19:38 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> I think we should just ban him altogether.
19:38 <Twinkie102> LOL Dororo
19:38 <Blue Jay of Lightning> What swears did he know? Update logs please.
19:38 <Dororo111122> no
19:38 <Eaglesrule8> i know a 3 year old who knows the F-Bomb
19:38 <Super Miron> !updatelogs
19:38 <Dororo111122> did you teach him it
19:38 <CPChatBot> Super Miron: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 145 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
19:38 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> lolz.
19:38 <Eaglesrule8> NO
19:38 <Dororo111122> lets play spin the eagles!
19:38 <Am I Dreaming?> *fights urge to swear*
19:38 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Do you think admins would object to my profile picture? I'm worried...
19:38 <Eaglesrule8> he is my cousin and i barely see him
19:38 <Mariocart25Charizard> -------> I was here
19:38 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
19:38 <Eaglesrule8> mariocart
19:39 <Eaglesrule8> add me on CP
19:39 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
19:39 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> huh
19:39 <Mariocart25Charizard> Ima Rollback you know?
19:39 <Eaglesrule8> later
19:39 <Twinkie102> nah they might laugh at it, rara
19:39 <Blue Jay of Lightning> O.O
19:39 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Woo!
19:39 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Ok twinkie.
19:39 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Is it a man or a woman
19:39 <Dororo111122> mario why did you ban beta again
19:39 <Twinkie102> uhh
19:39 <Super Miron> Ima Rollback too you know?
19:39 <Twinkie102> i have no idea @rara
19:39 <Super Miron> (troll)
19:39 <Twinkie102> XD
19:39 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> I'm a rollfront (trollface)
19:39 <Eaglesrule8> lol
19:39 <Mariocart25Charizard> IM A ROLLACK
19:39 <Mariocart25Charizard> (TROLL)
19:39 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> IM A TROLLBACK
19:39 <Mariocart25Charizard> Lol
19:39 <Super Miron> Why did Vic leave again?
19:39 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> baby get back
19:40 <Dororo111122> im a kickyouifyoudontstop
19:40 <Twinkie102> Im a Fartback (troll)
19:40 <Rekanochi> :|
19:40 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> i like big penguins and i cannot lie
19:40 <Eaglesrule8> LOL
19:40 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> im a cheeseback
19:40 <Super Miron> And I'm [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|this guy]]
19:40 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> fartback lol
19:40 <Eaglesrule8> ima duck
19:40 <Mariocart25Charizard> You cant kick mke -_- @MayorofCanTown
19:40 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> LOL MIRON
19:40 -!- CoolCat123450 has joined Special:Chat
19:40 <Eaglesrule8> hi coolcat
19:40 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> sup
19:40 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yo
19:40 <CoolCat123450> Excuse me, I am here for the Penguin Club.
19:41 <Twinkie102> :O
19:41 <CoolCat123450> I love me a good sandwich made out of penguins.
19:41 <Eaglesrule8> :?
19:41 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> REAL USER
19:41 <Eaglesrule8> :/
19:41 <Eaglesrule8> (LOL)
19:41 <CoolCat123450> This is a Penguin CLUB right?
19:41 <Eaglesrule8> NO
19:41 <Twinkie102> ITS CLUB PENGUIN
19:41 <Blue Jay of Lightning> CoolCat, this is a wiki about
19:41 <Eaglesrule8> its club penguin wiki
19:41 <Am I Dreaming?> >.>
19:41 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Who believes me?
19:41 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Not joking.
19:41 <Eaglesrule8> ME
19:41 <CoolCat123450> Oh, dang. I was hungry too.
19:41 <Twinkie102> MEE
19:41 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
19:41 <Eaglesrule8> i clicked it :|
19:41 <TraGiggles> EEP :P
19:41 <Super Miron> Rara: "User account "I like to fart peanuts and jelly" does not exist or has never logged in on this wiki."
19:41 <Apj26> Get over it
19:41 <Eaglesrule8> TRA! :D
19:41 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Me!
19:41 <CoolCat123450> Do we have any other clubs around here?
19:42 <Apj26> Hi
19:42 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> PPL
19:42 <Mariocart25Charizard> Cake
19:42 <TraGiggles> hi
19:42 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> johnny test v bravo and SAY WHY
19:42 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> WHICH IS BETTER sorry caps lol
19:42 <Am I Dreaming?> Unicorns
19:42 <TraGiggles> CHARLIE
19:42 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Alicorns.
19:42 <TraGiggles> crap
19:42 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Back to my topic now!!!
19:42 <TraGiggles> hes away
19:42 <CoolCat123450> Back to the topic.
19:42 <Eaglesrule8> tra
19:43 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
19:43 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
19:43 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Eagles and Tra PM
19:43 <Eaglesrule8> :O Ok
19:43 <Rekanochi> Noodles
19:43 <CoolCat123450> As the leader of this pride, I am the boss around here.
19:43 <Eaglesrule8> u pm us :3
19:43 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
19:43 <Blue Jay of Lightning> I am...
19:43 <CoolCat123450> And if anybody doesn't agree, my roar will compel you.
19:43 <CoolCat123450> ROAR!
19:43 <Eaglesrule8> where is the pin
19:43 -!- Charlie the Penguin has joined Special:Chat
19:43 <TraGiggles> coffee shop?
19:43 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Eagles, click the pin that says "TraGiggles"
19:43 <TraGiggles> ...
19:43 <Eaglesrule8> Roar means i love u in dinosaur (lol)
19:43 <TraGiggles> Theres a TraGiggles pin? :0
19:44 <Eaglesrule8> :O
19:44 <Rekanochi> Nu way..
19:44 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> YAAAAAAAAAAAAWN
19:44 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> People
19:44 <TraGiggles> spam
19:44 <Eaglesrule8> SPAM
19:44 <Eaglesrule8> jinx u owe me a soda
19:44 <TraGiggles> under the roof
19:44 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Kicked myself from chat
19:44 <Blue Jay of Lightning> It's called the "Eaglesrule8 pin" though.
19:44 <TraGiggles> and black magic
19:44 <Eaglesrule8> :D
19:44 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Who thinks kicking yourself is funny
19:44 <Eaglesrule8> u
19:44 <CoolCat123450> It is hilarious
19:44 <TraGiggles> u
19:44 <Rekanochi> lol
19:44 -!- Am I Dreaming? has left Special:Chat.
19:44 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
19:45 <CoolCat123450> It would be even funnier if you banned yourself and never come back
19:45 <TraGiggles> :/
19:45 <Dororo111122> !updated
19:45 <CPChatBot> Dororo111122: The logs were last updated 06:48 ago. There are currently ~130 lines in the log buffer.
19:45 <CoolCat123450> Rofl
19:45 <TraGiggles> Not really
19:45 <Dororo111122> !updatelogs
19:45 <Dororo111122> !logs
19:45 <CPChatBot> Chat logs may be seen [[Project:Chat/Logs|here]].
19:45 <Mariocart25Charizard> You can block yourself (TROLL)
19:45 <CPChatBot> Dororo111122: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 134 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
19:45 <TraGiggles> :P
19:45 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
19:45 <Dororo111122> no you didn't
19:45 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yo
19:45 <Super Miron> Vic
19:45 <Super Miron> PM
19:45 <Vicyorus> Sorry, had some connection problems
19:45 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> sup vicyorus
19:45 -!- Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala was kicked from Special:Chat by Dororo111122
19:45 -!- Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala has left Special:Chat.
19:46 <Vicyorus> ?!
19:46 <CoolCat123450> Now you will face my mighty roar. 
19:46 <CoolCat123450> (troll) 
19:46 <CoolCat123450> Wait, that's not right
19:46 <CoolCat123450> ROAR!!!
19:46 <Vicyorus> Why was that for?
19:46 -!- Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala has joined Special:Chat
19:46 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> O_O!!!!
19:46 <Dororo111122> spam
19:46 <Mariocart25Charizard> Quiz: Will be be a Great Admin one day? A. Yes B.No C.Maybe
19:46 <CoolCat123450> (TROLL)
19:46 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> What the heck was that for?!?!?! O_O!!!
19:46 <Apj26> When
19:46 <Dororo111122> the spam
19:46 <Dororo111122> above
19:46 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Spam?
19:46 <Eaglesrule8> A
19:46 <Dororo111122> oh yeah apj we also had a cusser
19:46 <Mariocart25Charizard> Not spam
19:46 <Mariocart25Charizard> its 12
19:46 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> For saying "Sup Vicyorus?!
19:46 <Mariocart25Charizard> Spam is 15
19:46 <Dororo111122> someone told me it was 5+
19:46 <Vicyorus> -_-
19:46 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> THANK you Charizard.
19:46 <Apj26> Someone is wrong
19:46 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
19:46 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
19:46 <CoolCat123450> I am never wrong.
19:46 <Dororo111122> it was you apj
19:46 <TraGiggles> LOL
19:47 <Obviousname> rara
19:47 <Apj26> No it wasn't 
19:47 <TraGiggles> Crow just got arrested for reading XD
19:47 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> yesh
19:47 <Obviousname> he kicked you for your spam name
19:47 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> lol
19:47 <Obviousname> hur hu 
19:47 <Dororo111122> and how do you know apj
19:47 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> UGH -_-
19:47 <Obviousname> no idk why he did
19:47 <CoolCat123450> If you disagree with me, then you are wrong.
19:47 <CoolCat123450> Enough said.
19:47 <Apj26> I would remember 
19:47 <TraGiggles> Sadly she is in a relationship :(
19:47 <TraGiggles> oops
19:47 <Super Miron> Vic
19:47 <Super Miron> PM
19:47 <Obviousname> bye
19:48 <Dororo111122> how many times a day does miron say Vic PM
19:48 <Vicyorus> Over 9000
19:48 <Vicyorus> +1
19:48 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> I know the July Party
19:48 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Star Wars Takeover
19:48 <Mariocart25Charizard> star wars
19:48 <Mariocart25Charizard> Cake
19:48 <Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala> Yes.
19:48 -!- Sgt Mecha has joined Special:Chat
19:48 <Mariocart25Charizard> YOU
19:49 <Mariocart25Charizard> SHALL NOT
19:49 <TraGiggles> PASS
19:49 <Mariocart25Charizard> PASS!
19:49 <Apj26> Hi
19:49 <Mariocart25Charizard> No more Rap Raps, the person below and Pie
19:49 <Mariocart25Charizard> *Rats
19:49 <Apj26> You cannot pass!
19:49 <Apj26> Go back to the shadow! 
19:49 <Eaglesrule8> @Twinkie
19:49 <Apj26> YOU
19:49 <Apj26> SHALL NOT
19:50 <Apj26> PASS!
19:50 -!- Sgt Mecha has left Special:Chat.
19:50 <Dororo111122>
19:50 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Rap Rat (1992) - Duration: 42:04 - Uploaded: 2013-04-05 - Rating: 4.898734 - Views: 8,491 -
19:50 <Eaglesrule8> he left :|
19:50 -!- Sgt Mecha has joined Special:Chat
19:50 <Super Miron> !test hai bot!
19:50 <CPChatBot> Super Miron: Hai!
19:50 <Vicyorus> >:(
19:50 -!- Raraahahahromaromamagagaoohlala has left Special:Chat.
19:51 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
19:51 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
19:52 <Super Miron> I wonder why he removed the rage face avatar
19:52 <Dororo111122> the only former mods left that arent promoted again are ozann and arsenal
19:52 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
19:52 <Dororo111122> and blast and psaro
19:52 <Super Miron> Arsenal is underage
19:52 <Super Miron> Blast was a CM?
19:52 <Super Miron> [[special:log/rights]]
19:52 <Dororo111122> he quit
19:52 -!- Charlie the Penguin has left Special:Chat.
19:53 <Eaglesrule8> TRA
19:53 <Eaglesrule8> TWINKIE
19:53 <Eaglesrule8> @Twinkie  LOL
19:53 <Dororo111122> oh and preston and fotty
19:54 <Twinkie102> LOL!!!!!!!
19:54 <Eaglesrule8> IKR
19:54 <Sgt Mecha> i dont wanna be friends with my poop :/
19:54 <Sgt Mecha> :p
19:54 <Eaglesrule8> LOL
19:54 <Dororo111122> and leader
19:54 <Eaglesrule8> twinkie pm
19:55 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
19:55 <Twinkie102> kk
19:55 <Sgt Mecha> lol
19:55 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Tra PM
19:55 <TraGiggles> kkkk
19:56 <Super Miron>
19:56 <Mariocart25Charizard> NO RAP RAT
19:56 <Mariocart25Charizard> No the person below
19:57 <Mariocart25Charizard> and No Bad words
19:57 <Dororo111122>
19:57 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Rap Rat (1992) - Duration: 42:04 - Uploaded: 2013-04-05 - Rating: 4.898734 - Views: 8,491 -
19:57 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
19:57 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
19:57 <Vicyorus> Sorry, I'm having some problems with my connection
19:57 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
19:58 <Twinkie102> It's ok Vic
19:58 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
19:58 <Twinkie102> I know how that is
19:58 <Eaglesrule8> TRA CHECK PM
19:58 <Eaglesrule8> my pcu is lagging
19:58 <Eaglesrule8> badly! :|
19:59 <Super Miron> pcu?
19:59 <Dororo111122>
20:00 -!- Wwe Charger has left Special:Chat.
20:00 <Twinkie102> OH MY GOD
20:00 <Twinkie102> That is so Crude!
20:00 <Super Miron> Dororo
20:00 <Super Miron> Don't show me things like that
20:01 <Super Miron> Thank you anon, I needed more mainspace edits.
20:02 <Dororo111122> so will you sign it or not
20:02 <Super Miron>
20:02 <Apj26> I want to go to Germany ;(
20:02 <Super Miron> better yet
20:02 <TraGiggles> EAGLES
20:02 <TraGiggles> PM
20:03 <Apj26> I want to meet Mark Hamil :p
20:03 <Apj26> *Hamill 
20:03 <Apj26> And Carrie Fisher :p
20:04 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
20:05 <Super Miron> holy pie
20:05 <Twinkie102> holy pie is right!
20:05 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
20:06 <Sgt Mecha>
20:06 <CPChatBot> [YOUTUBE] Title: Cookie Country - Kirby's Return to Dream Land Music Extended - Duration: 30:00 - Uploaded: 2013-01-02 - Rating: 5.000000 - Views: 4,442 -
20:06 -!- Dororo111122 has left Special:Chat.
20:06 <Twinkie102> :(
20:06 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
20:06 <Super Miron> :p
20:06 <Twinkie102> One of those Animal Adoption Commercials are on ;(
20:07 <Twinkie102> :(
20:07 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
20:08 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has left Special:Chat.
20:08 <CoolCat123450> Make me a chat moderator or the lion gets it.
20:08 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
20:08 <Super Miron> Seems legit
20:08 <Twinkie102> Cool :|
20:08 <CoolCat123450> You heard me, you have 5 minutes left to decide.
20:08 <Super Miron> Seems legit too
20:08 <Twinkie102> I decide...
20:08 <Twinkie102> No :P
20:09 <Super Miron> What will you do in 5 minutes? :p
20:09 <CoolCat123450> When the time is up, the lion will get it.
20:09 <Super Miron> :s
20:09 <Super Miron> Say the time is up now.
20:09 <Sgt Mecha> will get justin bieber music?
20:09 <Super Miron> I don't want to wait
20:10 <CoolCat123450> Ok, I have a van full of lawyers. Every minute, I will let one go if you do not follow my commands.
20:10 -!- Ocean6100 has joined Special:Chat
20:10 <Ocean6100> Hey all!
20:10 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
20:10 <Twinkie102> Hi Ocean
20:10 <Vicyorus> Ocean
20:10 <Ocean6100> What's up, Vicyorus?
20:10 <Vicyorus> I think I screwed over something...
20:10 <Vicyorus> :P
20:10 <Ocean6100> Excited or frustrated about the Star Wars Takeover?
20:11 <Twinkie102> Frustrated
20:11 <Ocean6100> Let me see what I can do, Vicyorus. ;)
20:11 <Twinkie102> It'd be cool
20:11 <Twinkie102> But
20:11 <Twinkie102> I'm tired of Sponsored and Advertising parties
20:11 <Eaglesrule8> EXCITED!
20:11 <Super Miron> CoolCat
20:11 <Apj26> I findyour lack of faith disturbing
20:11 <Eaglesrule8> me too @twinkie but im a star wars fan so... :P
20:11 <Twinkie102> I mean I'm excited but... just the advertising parties
20:11 <Apj26> How many times have i said that today >:|
20:12 <Ocean6100> @Twinkie Well, you know it's just for the Summer.
20:12 <Sgt Mecha> anyone knew that theres a Star Wars party coming??
20:12 <Twinkie102> (facepalm) @Sgt
20:12 <Ocean6100> I heard some rumors about it, but didn't think it would come true.
20:12 <Sgt Mecha> (ocean was just mentioning it)\
20:12 <Twinkie102> Same, ocean
20:12 <Ocean6100> But, yes, I heard about it before now, if that's what you're asking.
20:12 <Sgt Mecha> It will be here
20:12 <Sgt Mecha>
20:13 <Ocean6100> Thanks for the link, Sgt. :)
20:13 <Apj26> If Darth Vader waddles around the island i'm going to shout "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! 
20:13 <Ocean6100> XD
20:13 <Twinkie102> LOL
20:13 <Sgt Mecha> im gonna say I'AM YOUR FATHER! now make a me a sandwich
20:14 <Apj26> you were meant to destroy the sith not join them!
20:15 <Vicyorus> ?
20:15 <Eaglesrule8> im making a video on CP... need a cast PM if u wanna be in it
20:16 <Eaglesrule8> only first 3
20:16 -!- Waddlemcgogo has joined Special:Chat
20:17 <Apj26> Hi
20:17 -!- Waddlemcgogo has left Special:Chat.
20:17 <Apj26> Thats no moon thats...a starship 
20:17 <TraGiggles> BRB
20:17 <Eaglesrule8> dont pm me
20:17 <Vicyorus> :P
20:17 <Eaglesrule8> wait
20:17 <Eaglesrule8> ok
20:17 <Eaglesrule8> um...
20:17 -!- Sharkbate has left Special:Chat.
20:21 <Super Miron> [[w:c:supermiron:ygt|h­ttp://]] redesigned
20:22 <Apj26> I'm not really 
20:22 <Vicyorus> ?
20:22 <Super Miron> Apj is not really. Let him be.
20:23 <Sgt Mecha> [[FIle:150px-9451786.png]]
20:23 <Super Miron> I mean
20:23 <Sgt Mecha> fail
20:23 <Super Miron> !welcome not really
20:23 <CPChatBot> Welcome to the wiki not really! Here in the chat you will talk to many users that will be glad to have a conversation with you! If you have any questions look for the users with the moderator badge!
20:23 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has joined Special:Chat
20:23 <Super Miron> My first welcome command XD
20:24 <Super Miron> oh right
20:24 <Super Miron> Better welcome real users
20:24 <Super Miron> !welcome CoolCat123450
20:24 <CPChatBot> Welcome to the wiki CoolCat123450! Here in the chat you will talk to many users that will be glad to have a conversation with you! If you have any questions look for the users with the moderator badge!
20:24 <Super Miron> GTG
20:25 -!- Super Miron has left Special:Chat.
20:25 <Mariocart25Charizard> Bye
20:25 -!- Ocean6100 has left Special:Chat.
20:25 -!- Ocean6100 has joined Special:Chat
20:27 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
20:27 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
20:28 <Eaglesrule8> dead
20:28 <Eaglesrule8> cat
20:28 <Eaglesrule8> LOL
20:28 <Eaglesrule8> chat*
20:28 <CoolCat123450> Thanks CPChatBot. At least you are nice to me.
20:29 <CoolCat123450> !welcome Eaglesrule8
20:30 <Vicyorus> Hai
20:30 <Eaglesrule8> hi coolcat
20:31 <CoolCat123450> Hello, Eaglesrule
20:31 <TraGiggles>
20:31 <Rekanochi> OH SHOOT
20:31 <Rekanochi> I gotta go
20:32 <Eaglesrule8> bye
20:32 -!- Rekanochi has left Special:Chat.
20:32 <Vicyorus> (wave)
20:32 <TraGiggles> guy
20:32 <TraGiggles> *guys
20:32 <TraGiggles> weekly cutouts are here
20:32 <Eaglesrule8> wut
20:33 <Vicyorus> ?
20:33 <TraGiggles>
20:33 <Vicyorus> Tra...
20:33 <TraGiggles> srry
20:33 <Eaglesrule8> oh
20:33 <Eaglesrule8> tra i commented
20:33 <TraGiggles> i see
20:33 <TraGiggles> WHAT?
20:33 -!- SandorL has joined Special:Chat
20:33 <Eaglesrule8> ?
20:33 <TraGiggles> :/
20:33 <SandorL> Heey guys
20:34 <SandorL> Just realized
20:34 <Eaglesrule8> SANDOR! :D
20:34 <TraGiggles> heey :(
20:34 <Vicyorus> Hey Sandor
20:34 <Apj26> Hi
20:34 <SandorL> The fraternities and soriety relate to groups of users on CP
20:34 <TraGiggles> cool
20:34 <SandorL> Oozma is nonmembers
20:34 <SandorL> JOX is members
20:34 <SandorL> PNK is pookies
20:34 <TraGiggles> Nooo
20:34 <SandorL> And ROR is preps
20:34 <Eaglesrule8> :O
20:34 <TraGiggles> Ok
20:34 <Vicyorus> Don't you think ROR is more like members?
20:34 <TraGiggles> Yesh
20:34 <Eaglesrule8> CRUD
20:34 <Vicyorus> And JOX is for preps?
20:34 <SandorL> Nah, that puple dude looks wicked preppy
20:34 <Eaglesrule8> yes @Vic
20:35 <Apj26> Is it too much to ask to go to Germany >:O :p 
20:35 <Vicyorus> Yes
20:35 <Vicyorus> It's too much
20:35 <SandorL> [[Johnny Worthington III]]
20:35 <Sgt Mecha> PNK is for preps
20:35 <Apj26> Thats all I want to do :p
20:35 <SandorL> ^Prep
20:35 <Vicyorus> He looks more like Rich McDuck to me
20:35 <Apj26> I do live in the UK vic 
20:35 <Apj26> :P
20:35 <Vicyorus> Grab a train then ;)
20:35 <Apj26> lol
20:35 <Apj26> no
20:35 <SandorL> Thoughts on star wars party?
20:35 <Vicyorus> You don't like trains?
20:36 <SandorL> It's a bit ridiculous to me
20:36 <TraGiggles> its ok... @sandor
20:36 <TraGiggles> im not excited at all
20:36 <Vicyorus> It's a horribly good/bad idea 
20:36 <SandorL> How the hell is that supposed to tie in with CP...AT ALL?
20:36 <Vicyorus> Wait a minute...
20:36 <Apj26> There is a bit of water between it of it 
20:36 <Vicyorus> It's 20th...
20:36 <Apj26> There is a bit of water between it 
20:36 <Vicyorus> MOTHER OF GOD
20:36 <TraGiggles> 7 more days
20:36 <TraGiggles> :D
20:36 <Vicyorus> TODAY'S THE OPENING OF MU
20:36 <Vicyorus> D:
20:36 <SandorL> I'm seeing it tonight
20:36 <SandorL> In threeedeee
20:36 <Apj26> Well
20:37 <Vicyorus> -_-
20:37 <Apj26> I could take the train
20:37 <Vicyorus> I wanted to see it
20:37 <Apj26> But
20:37 <Vicyorus> I'm sure all tickets are already sold :c
20:37 <SandorL> Vic, I'll give yoyu the rundown when I get back
20:37 <Apj26> it would cost less to go by plane
20:37 <SandorL> My movie theater only sells tickets 30 minutes before the movie
20:38 <SandorL> Hmm Airplanes by B.O.B or stay by Rihanna
20:38 <TraGiggles> sandor
20:38 <TraGiggles> PM
20:39 <Apj26> All i want to do is go to Germany and meet Mark Hmaill >:|
20:39 <Vicyorus> :O
20:39 <Vicyorus> Luke Yogurtlight?
20:39 <Vicyorus> I mean
20:39 <Vicyorus> Skywalker?
20:39 <Apj26> lol
20:39 <Apj26> Yup
20:39 <Vicyorus> :O
20:39 <Vicyorus> Poor sap
20:39 <Apj26> and Carrie Fisher 
20:39 <Vicyorus> Aged very fast
20:39 <Vicyorus> Princess Leia?
20:39 <Apj26> Yup
20:40 <Apj26> Going to the same event D:
20:40 <Apj26> In Germany 
20:40 <Apj26> :p
20:40 -!- Roger6881 has joined Special:Chat
20:41 <Roger6881> Hello everyone
20:41 <Twinkie102> HI
20:41 <SandorL> Hi
20:41 <Apj26> and the person who was Darth sidious  
20:41 <Vicyorus> Hai
20:41 <Twinkie102> Sandor :O
20:41 <Apj26> (shake)
20:41 <Vicyorus> Bobba Fett?
20:41 <SandorL> Yes?
20:41 <Apj26> Yup!
20:41 <Vicyorus> Wait, did I score that one?
20:41 <Roger6881> Everyone knows Darth Vader is the best ...
20:41 -!- Commander Bsyew has joined Special:Chat
20:41 <Vicyorus> O_O
20:41 <Vicyorus> Mother of God...
20:41 <Roger6881> Hello 
20:41 <SandorL> Isn't Darth Vader dead?
20:41 <Roger6881> well ...
20:42 <SandorL> I've never actually seen Star Wars
20:42 <Roger6881> yes, he is.
20:42 <Apj26> Rogge i'm going to meet him :P (not the voice person)
20:42 <Apj26> :O
20:42 <SandorL> Crazy, right?
20:42 -!- Commander Bsyew has left Special:Chat.
20:42 -!- Commander Bsyew has joined Special:Chat
20:42 <Apj26> :O
20:42 <Vicyorus> (stare)
20:42 <Vicyorus> WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
20:42 <Apj26> I don't know you
20:42 <SandorL> I've
20:42 <SandorL> never
20:42 <SandorL> seen
20:42 <SandorL> it
20:42 <SandorL> Give me the rundown
20:42 <Roger6881> You do, Apj. He's SandorL ...
20:42 <Vicyorus> *SandorL has been kicked by Apj26*
20:42 <Apj26> Never heard of him
20:42 -!- Commander Bsyew has left Special:Chat.
20:42 <SandorL> Lol
20:42 <SandorL> Nice to meet ya
20:42 <Roger6881> oh dear, this is happening sooner than I thought ... 
20:43 <Apj26> Oh
20:43 <Apj26> and vic
20:43 -!- Sgt Mecha has left Special:Chat.
20:43 <Vicyorus> Apj with amnesia?
20:43 <SandorL> APJ has alzheimers
20:43 <Vicyorus> Oui?
20:43 <SandorL> APJ, we're all your friends
20:43 <Roger6881> I have no idea, really 
20:43 <Apj26> the person who said "ITS A TRAP" is going 
20:43 <Roger6881> bit maybe ... RAGE!
20:43 <SandorL> Except Vic, you kick his butt all the time
20:43 <Vicyorus> Admiral Ackbar?
20:43 <Apj26> Yup ;(
20:43 <SandorL> Do it now
20:43 <Apj26> I want to go
20:43 <Vicyorus> Or however it is spelled...
20:43 <Twinkie102> !updated
20:43 <CPChatBot> Twinkie102: The logs were last updated 20:08 ago. There are currently ~180 lines in the log buffer.
20:43 <Vicyorus> (LOL)
20:43 <Twinkie102> !updatelogs
20:44 <Apj26>
20:44 <CPChatBot> Twinkie102: [[Project:Chat/Logs|Logs]] updated (Added 183 lines to log page). Next automatic log will be in 3600 seconds.
20:44 <Roger6881> they use cookies ...
20:44 <SandorL> Who wants to play music quiz
20:44 <Roger6881> time to clear the cache 
20:44 <SandorL> Oldies Music Quiz
20:44 <SandorL> here's how it works
20:44 -!- Ocean6100 has left Special:Chat.
20:44 <SandorL> I say a few lines from an oldies song
20:45 <SandorL> First person to name the correct song gets a point
20:45 <Vicyorus> Bei Mir Bist Du Shön
20:45 <Apj26> Ok
20:45 <Vicyorus> Please let me explain
20:45 <Roger6881> I'm terrible at music ... 
20:45 -!- Ocean6100 has joined Special:Chat
20:45 <Vicyorus> :P
20:45 <Roger6881> Okay, sure
20:45 -!- Commander Bsyew has joined Special:Chat
20:45 <SandorL> Alright, Question 1
20:45 <Roger6881> hi
20:45 <Vicyorus> What's the power of love?
20:45 <TraGiggles> im not playing XD
20:45 <SandorL> Slow down you crazy child
20:45 <Apj26> Hi
20:45 <Roger6881> as in the song, Vic?
20:45 <Vicyorus> Yes
20:45 <Roger6881> The Christmas song?
20:45 <SandorL> And take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while
20:45 <Roger6881> Ummm
20:45 <Vicyorus> Vienna
20:45 <Vicyorus> @Sandor
20:45 <SandorL> Correct!
20:45 <Roger6881> I know the lyrics just not the artist 
20:46 <Vicyorus> :D
20:46 <Apj26> Damn
20:46 <Roger6881> Oh my ...
20:46 <SandorL> Next question
20:46 <Apj26> Your good
20:46 -!- Ocean6100 has left Special:Chat.
20:46 -!- Commander Bsyew has left Special:Chat.
20:46 <SandorL> In the middle of the night
20:46 <SandorL> I go walking in my sleep
20:46 <Roger6881> Pass
20:46 <SandorL> Through the valley of faith
20:46 <Apj26> ITS BILLY
20:46 <SandorL> to a river so deep
20:46 <SandorL> I'm must be looking for something
20:46 <Apj26> river of dreams?
20:46 <SandorL> Something sacred I lost
20:46 <Vicyorus> Curses...
20:46 <SandorL> Yes!
20:46 <Roger6881> Madonna!
20:46 <Roger6881> Oh. :3
20:46 <SandorL> River of dreams is right!
20:46 <Apj26> (dance emote)
20:46 <Roger6881> I have no idea what I am doing 
20:46 <SandorL> 1 PT for Vic + APJ
20:47 <SandorL> Question 3
20:47 <Apj26> Yay for us
20:47 <Roger6881> ._.
20:47 <SandorL> There are places I'll remember
20:47 <SandorL> All my life
20:47 <Apj26> My life
20:47 <SandorL> Though some have changed
20:47 <SandorL> Close APJ
20:47 <Vicyorus> By Herbert P. Bear :P
20:47 <Apj26> The beatles 
20:47 <Vicyorus> Remember
20:47 <Roger6881> Pass
20:47 <SandorL> Technically it's "All My Life", but your answer is right
20:47 <Vicyorus> :c
20:47 <Apj26> >_>
20:47 <SandorL> So the score is 2PTs APJ, 1PT Vic, and -4 Roger
20:48 <Roger6881> negative four?
20:48 <SandorL> Each pass is negative one
20:48 <Roger6881> Whaaaat?! How did that happen 
20:48 <SandorL> Tsk tsk tsk
20:48 -!- Obviousname has left Special:Chat.
20:48 <SandorL> Question 4
20:48 <Roger6881> Oh, great. <muffles>whish I'd knew that</muffles>
20:48 <SandorL> Somehow my heart never grew up
20:48 <SandorL> No one ever burst my balloon
20:48 <SandorL> But here I am swirling in stardust
20:48 <SandorL> Slow Dancing with the moon
20:48 <Vicyorus> My Grown up christmas list
20:49 <SandorL> I still believe some day my wildest dreams will all come true
20:49 <SandorL> And I'll find someone who'll make me fifteen again
20:49 <SandorL> Incorrect Vic
20:49 <Roger6881> Umm, Madonna? :3
20:49 <Vicyorus> Slow Dancing with the moon
20:49 <SandorL> Correct Vic!
20:49 <SandorL> Question 5
20:49 <Apj26> What is it with you and  Madonna
20:49 <SandorL> She can kill with her smile
20:49 <Apj26> :p
20:49 <SandorL> She can swoon with her eyes
20:50 <SandorL> She can ruin your faith with her casual lies
20:50 <Roger6881> I have no idea. First old singer who pops into my head 
20:50 <Apj26> Always a woman to me?
20:50 <SandorL> Correct APJ!
20:50 <Apj26> Its Billy again 
20:50 <SandorL> I <3 Billy Joel
20:50 <Roger6881> I feel that I'm at a disadvantage 
20:50 <SandorL> But not in the wierd way
20:50 <Apj26> I'm going to see him 
20:50 <Apj26> :P
20:50 <SandorL> In the musical way
20:50 <SandorL> Anyway
20:50 <Roger6881> of course you are, Apj ... :|
20:50 <Apj26> lol
20:50 <Roger6881> You do everything 
20:50 <SandorL> Question 6
20:50 <SandorL> If I could grant
20:51 <SandorL> You one wish
20:51 <Roger6881> Madonna? 
20:51 <SandorL> I wish you could see the way you kiss
20:51 <Apj26> lol
20:51 -!- Goldastros has joined Special:Chat
20:51 <SandorL> Ooh I love watching you baby
20:51 <Apj26> Hi
20:51 <Roger6881> One of them WILL be Madonna, I can tell
20:51 <Roger6881> Hello 
20:51 <Apj26> lol
20:51 <Vicyorus>  Love The Way You Love Me
20:51 <Apj26> o_o
20:51 <SandorL> Roger, specifically not doing madonna now
20:51 <Goldastros> hi
20:51 <Apj26> LOL
20:51 <SandorL> Correct Vic, aka This Kiss
20:51 <Roger6881> brilliant. Just brilliant 
20:51 <Roger6881> I'll change subjects 
20:51 <SandorL> I don't know any madonna except 1999
20:52 <SandorL> Question 7
20:52 <Goldastros> who wants customs
20:52 <SandorL> Blue jean baby
20:52 <Roger6881> Elton John! 
20:52 <SandorL> LA lady
20:52 <SandorL> Seamstress for the band
20:52 <SandorL> Roger, we're guessing the song <_<
20:52 <Roger6881> ...
20:52 <Roger6881> great.
20:52 <SandorL> Looking on
20:52 <SandorL> She sings the song
20:52 <Apj26> I haven't see him rogge
20:52 <Roger6881> not yet.
20:52 <SandorL> The word she knows the tune she hums
20:53 <Apj26> Idk this one
20:53 <SandorL> Ok, you all lose that round
20:53 <Roger6881> I haven't known one yet ... :3
20:53 <SandorL> It's Tiny Dancer
20:53 <Roger6881> What am I on now?
20:53 <SandorL> This one should be easy
20:53 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
20:53 <SandorL> I will remember you
20:53 <Roger6881> negative seven ...
20:53 <SandorL> Will you remember me
20:53 <SandorL> Don't let your love
20:53 <SandorL> Pass you by
20:53 <SandorL> And weep not for the memories
20:53 <TraGiggles> pas u by
20:53 <TraGiggles> XD
20:53 <Vicyorus> T_T
20:53 <Roger6881> this is hard without actual speech 
20:53 <TraGiggles> *pass
20:53 <SandorL> Oh come on
20:54 <Vicyorus> Great, I had the wrong measures....
20:54 <SandorL> I Will Remember You
20:54 <TraGiggles> oh
20:54 <Vicyorus> (facepalm)
20:54 <SandorL> By Sarah McLaughclan
20:54 <Vicyorus> First I was afraid
20:54 <Vicyorus> I was terrified
20:54 <Vicyorus> That nobody would call me on my telephone line
20:54 <Apj26> Haven't see her rogge
20:54 <Vicyorus> And I spent so many nights praying for that phone to ring
20:54 <Roger6881> I can name one Celine Deon song and that's it
20:54 <Vicyorus> And then it rang
20:54 <Vicyorus> Yes it rang!
20:54 <SandorL> Question 8
20:54 <Roger6881> Wait, so who have you seen, Apj?
20:54 <Vicyorus> Now I get calls, from everywhere
20:54 <SandorL> When I was a young boy
20:54 <SandorL> My father took me into the city
20:54 <Roger6881> Pet Shop Boys? Tick
20:55 <SandorL> To see a marching band
20:55 <Apj26> Who
20:55 <Apj26> Seen them
20:55 <TraGiggles> Marching Band?
20:55 <Roger6881> I know
20:55 <Roger6881> So have I
20:55 <SandorL> He said son when you grow up
20:55 <Apj26> Pinball wizard 
20:55 <Roger6881> For a full concert 
20:55 <SandorL> Would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned
20:55 <Roger6881> ;P
20:55 <SandorL> He said will you defeat them
20:55 <SandorL> Your demons, and all the non-believers
20:55 <Apj26> I was wrong
20:55 <TraGiggles> ...
20:55 <SandorL> The plans that they have made
20:55 <SandorL> Ok, you all lose again
20:55 <TraGiggles> I'll get this
20:55 <TraGiggles> Oh
20:55 <TraGiggles> :/
20:55 <SandorL> Welcome to the Black Parade
20:55 <Roger6881> well bye, this musical knowledge quiz is humiliating :P
20:56 <TraGiggles> CRAP
20:56 <Roger6881> Hehe, jokes. Bye
20:56 <TraGiggles> I quit XD
20:56 <SandorL> Lol Roger
20:56 <Apj26> Byes
20:56 <SandorL> Bya
20:56 <TraGiggles> sandorr
20:56 <SandorL> Yes?
20:56 <TraGiggles> Why is ur pic grey
20:56 -!- Roger6881 has left Special:Chat.
20:56 <SandorL> Because I edit on other wikis now and the CP thing would be embarassing
20:56 -!- Fecth has joined Special:Chat
20:56 <TraGiggles> oh
20:56 <Apj26> Rude
20:56 <Apj26> Hi
20:57 <Fecth> I downloaded the "My Penguin" app on my ipad.
20:57 <TraGiggles> O
20:57 <TraGiggles> M
20:57 <TraGiggles> G
20:57 <SandorL> Question 9
20:57 <Apj26> Next question?
20:57 <TraGiggles> I hate u XD
20:57 <TraGiggles> jk
20:57 <SandorL> Why are there so many
20:57 <SandorL> Songs about rainbows
20:57 <SandorL> And whats on the other side
20:57 <SandorL> Rainbows are visions
20:57 <SandorL> But only illusions
20:57 <SandorL> Rainbows have nothing to hide
20:57 <SandorL> So we've been told and some choose to believe ot
20:58 <SandorL> I know their wrong wait and see
20:58 <TraGiggles> Lol
20:58 <Fecth> Is this a flood?
20:58 <SandorL> Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection
20:58 <Vicyorus> ?
20:58 <SandorL> The lovers, the dreamers and me
20:58 <SandorL> Wow
20:58 <SandorL> You all lose
20:58 <SandorL> Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog
20:58 <SandorL> Beautiful song
20:58 <Apj26> lol
20:58 <SandorL> Speaking of, question 10
20:58 <SandorL> Worth 200 pts
20:58 <Vicyorus> :O
20:59 <TraGiggles> :0
20:59 <SandorL> Everyday is so wonderful
20:59 <SandorL> Then suddenly
20:59 <SandorL> It's hard to breath
20:59 <TraGiggles> Everyday is so wonderful XD
20:59 <SandorL> Now and then I get insecure
20:59 <SandorL> From all the pain
20:59 <SandorL> I'm so ashamed
20:59 <Vicyorus> Beautiful
20:59 <SandorL> Correct!
20:59 <TraGiggles> Everyday is so wonderful?
20:59 <SandorL> Vic wins
20:59 <TraGiggles> AW
20:59 <Vicyorus> :d
20:59 <Apj26> NOO
20:59 <TraGiggles> NO FREAKING FAIR
20:59 <TraGiggles> XD
20:59 <Apj26> lol 
20:59 <SandorL> Bonus question!1
20:59 <Vicyorus> With over 9000 points, I win! :D
20:59 <SandorL> Worth 10000000 points
20:59 <Apj26> lol
20:59 <Vicyorus> ._.
21:00 <Fecth> .-.
21:00 <TraGiggles> ....
21:00 <SandorL> It's gonna be super duper hard
21:00 <TraGiggles> please be easy
21:00 <TraGiggles> NOO
21:00 <Vicyorus> ¬_¬
21:00 <Fecth> (lol)
21:00 <SandorL> The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
21:00 <SandorL> Theres a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
21:00 <Vicyorus> When You Say Nothing at All 
21:00 <TraGiggles> Vic got it
21:00 <Vicyorus> >:D
21:00 <SandorL> Correct!
21:00 <TraGiggles> i know it
21:00 <TraGiggles> NOOOO
21:00 <SandorL> Vic wins
21:00 <TraGiggles> :(
21:00 <Apj26> Damn
21:00 <TraGiggles> ;(
21:00 <SandorL> Bouns...again
21:00 <TraGiggles> (depressed)
21:00 <SandorL> *Bonus
21:00 <Vicyorus> For
21:00 <Vicyorus> OVER 9000 points
21:01 <SandorL> Woth 20000000000 pts
21:01 <SandorL> *Worth
21:01 <TraGiggles> :0
21:01 <Vicyorus> .-.
21:01 <Fecth> What are we doing again?
21:01 <Vicyorus> Old songs contest
21:01 <SandorL> It's gonna be the most random song I know
21:01 <TraGiggles> is it really really realy really duper har?
21:01 <SandorL> A bottle of red
21:01 <SandorL> A bottle of white
21:01 <TraGiggles> The bottles
21:01 <SandorL> It all depends upon your appetite
21:01 <TraGiggles> :P
21:01 <SandorL> I'll meet you any time you want
21:01 <Apj26> scene from an italian restaurant
21:01 <Vicyorus> seans from a Itailian restaurant 
21:01 <Apj26> LOL
21:01 <TraGiggles> /
21:01 <SandorL> APJ WINS!
21:01 <TraGiggles> :/
21:01 <TraGiggles> NOOOO
21:01 <Vicyorus> Car-
21:02 <TraGiggles> ;(
21:02 <Apj26> I like Billy 
21:02 <SandorL> Tra, you were like 40000 negative anyway
21:02 <TraGiggles> ....
21:02 <TraGiggles> Lol
21:02 <TraGiggles> XD
21:02 <Vicyorus> (xd)
21:02 <TraGiggles> i suck
21:02 <TraGiggles> at this
21:02 <TraGiggles> game 
21:02 <Fecth> I'm not even playing
21:02 <TraGiggles> i have 000000000 points
21:02 <TraGiggles> XD
21:03 <TraGiggles> 000000000000 Points actually
21:03 <TraGiggles> XD
21:03 <Fecth> I'm part of the audience. 
21:03 <SandorL> Look on youtube for rainbow connection
21:03 <SandorL> I love that song so much
21:03 <Vicyorus> >:/
21:03 <TraGiggles> Oops?
21:03 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, don't spam
21:03 <TraGiggles> Twinkie>
21:03 <TraGiggles> *twinkie?
21:03 <Vicyorus> Triggles
21:03 <TraGiggles> *Tragiggles
21:03 <Vicyorus> *Triggles
21:03 <TraGiggles> ***Tragiggles
21:04 -!- SandorL has left Special:Chat.
21:04 <Fecth> Who wins the game?
21:04 <TraGiggles> Apj
21:04 <TraGiggles> :/
21:05 <Apj26> Yeeah?
21:05 <TraGiggles> dead..
21:05 <TraGiggles> Oh
21:05 <TraGiggles> :/
21:05 <Fecth> Uh oh, not another takeover :(
21:06 <TraGiggles> yep
21:06 <TraGiggles> this
21:06 <TraGiggles> SUCKS
21:06 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
21:07 <Apj26> I find people your lack of faith disturbing
21:07 <TraGiggles> ...
21:07 <Fecth> Disney destroyed Lucasarts (the company that made George Lucas films games)
21:08 -!- Fecth has left Special:Chat.
21:08 <Apj26> George Lucas will do anything for money
21:08 <Vicyorus> ?
21:08 -!- Fecth has joined Special:Chat
21:09 <Fecth> I have a theory.
21:09 <Fecth> I think Gary will be at the star wars takeover
21:10 -!- Fecth has left Special:Chat.
21:10 <Apj26> I want Darth Vader to be there because... 
21:11 <Apj26> I want to shout "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!"
21:11 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
21:11 <TraGiggles> NOOO
21:11 <TraGiggles> :(
21:11 <Apj26> wb
21:12 <TraGiggles> ?
21:12 <Goldastros>
21:12 <CoolCat123450> I look good.
21:13 -!- Goldastros has left Special:Chat.
21:13 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
21:13 -!- Kris303 has joined Special:Chat
21:13 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yo
21:13 <Vicyorus> Hai
21:14 <Vicyorus> It's gonna lag...
21:14 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
21:14 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
21:16 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
21:16 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
21:16 -!- Dororo111122 has joined Special:Chat
21:16 -!- Kris303 has left Special:Chat.
21:17 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
21:17 -!- Kris303 has joined Special:Chat
21:17 <TraGiggles> brb
21:19 -!- Sherbet Clover has joined Special:Chat
21:19 <Sherbet Clover> Hello!
21:19 -!- Kris303 has left Special:Chat.
21:21 -!- Eaglesrule8 has joined Special:Chat
21:21 <Eaglesrule8> back :P
21:22 <Eaglesrule8> i waddled into a dead chat
21:24 <TraGiggles> b
21:24 <TraGiggles> a
21:24 <TraGiggles> c
21:24 <TraGiggles> k
21:25 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
21:25 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
21:26 -!- Dororo111122 has left Special:Chat.
21:31 <Apj26> gtg
21:31 -!- Apj26 has left Special:Chat.
21:31 <TraGiggles> this must be fake
21:32 -!- Kris303 has joined Special:Chat
21:32 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
21:32 <Eaglesrule8> hi
21:33 -!- Kris303 has left Special:Chat.
21:34 <Eaglesrule8> TRA
21:34 <Eaglesrule8> D:
21:37 <Sherbet Clover> I have to go. Bye!
21:37 <Eaglesrule8> COOLPOOL WAS POD
21:37 <Eaglesrule8> POTD*
21:37 <Eaglesrule8> cya sherbert
21:38 <Eaglesrule8> (wave)
21:38 -!- Sherbet Clover has left Special:Chat.
21:39 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
21:39 <TraGiggles> K wow did everyone just leave XD
21:39 <TraGiggles> OMG
21:39 <TraGiggles>
21:39 <TraGiggles> AWESOME
21:40 -!- Vicyorus has joined Special:Chat
21:40 <Vicyorus> Something wrong?
21:41 <TraGiggles> no..
21:43 <Vicyorus> :/
21:43 <Eaglesrule8> hi
21:43 <Eaglesrule8> why has chat died
21:43 <Eaglesrule8> :(
21:44 <Vicyorus> ?
21:44 <Eaglesrule8> im sad cuz chat died
21:44 <Eaglesrule8> and noone is talking
21:45 <Vicyorus> -_-
21:45 <Eaglesrule8> which one?! O_P
21:45 <Eaglesrule8> O_O*
21:45 <TraGiggles> go
21:45 <TraGiggles> on
21:45 <TraGiggles> sleet
21:45 <Eaglesrule8> :D OK
21:45 <TraGiggles> ....
21:46 <Eaglesrule8> ] BWAHAHA
21:46 <TraGiggles> :)
21:46 <TraGiggles> HEY
21:47 <TraGiggles> WHY IS IT BLUE?
21:47 <TraGiggles> Its supposede to be brown :/
21:47 <Eaglesrule8> lol
21:47 <Eaglesrule8> why is what blue?
21:47 <TraGiggles> crow
21:47 <TraGiggles> (aka lipstick)
21:47 <Eaglesrule8> she is brown
21:48 <TraGiggles> oh
21:48 <TraGiggles> On my screen shes blue
21:48 <Eaglesrule8> LOOK :|
21:48 <TraGiggles> i see
21:49 <TraGiggles> :0
21:49 <TraGiggles>
21:49 <Eaglesrule8> :O
21:49 <Eaglesrule8> dude... i have to redo the (rp) quest
21:49 <TraGiggles> why
21:50 <Eaglesrule8> (rainbow puffle)*
21:50 <Eaglesrule8> \cuz they all ran away
21:50 <Eaglesrule8> :|
21:50 <Eaglesrule8> XD
21:51 <Eaglesrule8> see FOREVER ALONE
21:51 <Vicyorus> ?
21:52 <Eaglesrule8> i have no puffles and no gf hence FOREVER ALONE 
21:52 -!- CoolCat123450 has left Special:Chat.
21:53 <TraGiggles> Guys
21:53 <Eaglesrule8> wut
21:53 <Mariocart25Charizard> All of my Puffles ran away
21:53 <Mariocart25Charizard> Luckly 1 returned
21:53 <Eaglesrule8> mine too XD
21:53 <TraGiggles> sense im to lazy right now can u guys get a cutout of his hat and his eyebrows?
21:54 <Eaglesrule8> no cuz igtg :P
21:54 <Eaglesrule8> cya
21:54 <Mariocart25Charizard> Brownies returned
21:54 <TraGiggles> i alrady have the beard
21:54 <TraGiggles> *already
21:54 -!- Eaglesrule8 has left Special:Chat.
21:55 <TraGiggles> mario...
21:55 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
21:55 <TraGiggles> can u get a cutout of sensei's hat????
21:55 <TraGiggles> and eyebrows?
21:55 <Mariocart25Charizard> Cant, Working on this:
21:55 <Twinkie102> Hi
21:55 <TraGiggles> oh..
21:56 <Vicyorus> T_T
21:56 <Vicyorus> I'm gonna die looking for all those dates...
21:56 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
21:57 <TraGiggles> dead
21:58 <Vicyorus> ?
22:01 <TraGiggles> dead
22:01 <Vicyorus> Uhh
22:01 <TraGiggles> again
22:01 <Vicyorus> Something wrong?
22:01 <Vicyorus> Let me guess
22:02 <Vicyorus>
22:02 <TraGiggles> how is ur chat like that
22:03 <Vicyorus> IDK
22:03 <TraGiggles> i wan't it like that XD
22:04 <Vicyorus> BRB
22:05 <TraGiggles> kkk
22:06 <Vicyorus> O_O
22:06 <Vicyorus> Twinkie, I never knew you were racist...
22:06 <TraGiggles> ???
22:07 <TraGiggles> Huh???
22:07 <TraGiggles> twinkie is not here?
22:07 <Vicyorus> *Triggles
22:07 <Vicyorus> Sorry, I keep confusing you
22:07 <TraGiggles> /
22:07 <TraGiggles> how am i bein
22:07 <TraGiggles> racist
22:07 <Vicyorus> Look in Google KKK
22:08 <TraGiggles> and stop being mean to my name :/
22:11 <TraGiggles> dead...
22:11 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
22:13 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
22:13 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
22:13 <Vicyorus> Triggly!
22:13 <Vicyorus> :D
22:13 <Vicyorus> Is tha-Great...
22:16 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
22:16 <TraGiggles> RAWR
22:16 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
22:16 <Vicyorus> Triggly?
22:18 <Vicyorus> D:
22:18 <Vicyorus> Nooooo
22:18 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
22:18 <TraGiggles> lol
22:18 <Vicyorus> Not that
22:18 <Vicyorus> UPV4 is gone
22:18 <Vicyorus> For good
22:18 <TraGiggles> WHAT?
22:18 <TraGiggles> Who that
22:18 <TraGiggles> XD
22:19 <Vicyorus> CPPS
22:19 <TraGiggles> :0
22:19 <Vicyorus> It was one of the best
22:19 <TraGiggles> Goo
22:19 <TraGiggles> XD
22:19 <TraGiggles> Well
22:19 <TraGiggles> cp bans u frm cp if ur on a
22:19 <Vicyorus> Come on, they had old parties
22:19 <Vicyorus> Perfect for pictures
22:20 <TraGiggles> yeah
22:20 <TraGiggles> BUT THE BAN YOU NOW
22:20 <TraGiggles> CPPS'S
22:20 <TraGiggles> THEY
22:20 <TraGiggles> BAN
22:20 <TraGiggles> YOU
22:20 <TraGiggles> oops
22:20 <TraGiggles> caps
22:20 <TraGiggles> My bad
22:22 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
22:22 <Vicyorus> ?
22:23 -!- XJamesthepirate has joined Special:Chat
22:23 <Vicyorus> Hi
22:23 <XJamesthepirate> Hello.
22:24 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
22:24 <Twinkie102> Hi
22:24 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yo 2X
22:25 <Twinkie102> ugh
22:25 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
22:25 <TraGiggles> EEP
22:25 <TraGiggles> Hi
22:25 <TraGiggles> XD
22:26 <Vicyorus> Triggly!
22:26 <Vicyorus> :D
22:26 <Twinkie102> Hi Tra
22:26 <Twinkie102> I
22:26 <Twinkie102> oops
22:26 <TraGiggles> yay
22:26 <Twinkie102> Guys
22:26 <Vicyorus> ?
22:26 <Twinkie102> I've quit Twitter AGAIN
22:26 <TraGiggles> he follows me
22:26 <Vicyorus> 9_9
22:26 <TraGiggles> WHAT???
22:26 <TraGiggles> WHY!!!!
22:26 <TraGiggles> ;(
22:27 <Twinkie102> being ignored too much -.-
22:27 <Twinkie102> im NEVER going back on that
22:27 <TraGiggles> :(
22:27 <TraGiggles> Shiny doesn't want u to go either
22:28 <Mariocart25Charizard> Squidward Helped me on this >:P
22:29 <TraGiggles> l
22:29 <TraGiggles> o
22:29 <TraGiggles> l
22:29 <Twinkie102> God Dangit
22:29 <Twinkie102> I was just looking at my Connect page
22:29 <Twinkie102> then I checked out my profile
22:30 <Twinkie102> someone hacked me already -.-
22:30 <Twinkie102> i've deleted the tweets and changed my pass
22:30 <Twinkie102> Gah
22:30 <TraGiggles> mario
22:30 <TraGiggles> refresh
22:30 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has left Special:Chat.
22:30 -!- Mariocart25Charizard has joined Special:Chat
22:30 <TraGiggles> U got a new icon?
22:30 <TraGiggles> Yep
22:30 <TraGiggles> he did
22:31 <TraGiggles> brb
22:31 <Mariocart25Charizard> Want the Hoodie Peng?
22:31 <TraGiggles> custom time
22:31 <TraGiggles> No
22:31 <TraGiggles> im fine
22:31 -!- Kallie Jo has joined Special:Chat
22:31 <Mariocart25Charizard> Yo
22:31 <Twinkie102> Hi
22:31 <Twinkie102> Sup
22:32 <TraGiggles> hii
22:32 <Vicyorus> Hai
22:32 <TraGiggles> color: CHECK!
22:35 <TraGiggles> Custom: CHECK
22:36 <Twinkie102> hes got a big beak
22:37 <TraGiggles> Ikr
22:37 <TraGiggles> XD
22:37 <Vicyorus> ?
22:38 <Vicyorus> :/
22:38 <Vicyorus> No edits...
22:38 <TraGiggles> Huh?
22:39 <TraGiggles> Who?
22:39 <Twinkie102> ?
22:39 <Vicyorus> No, I meant that there's nothing to edit...
22:40 <TraGiggles> OH
22:40 <TraGiggles> :P
22:41 -!- Twinkie102 has left Special:Chat.
22:41 -!- Rekanochi has joined Special:Chat
22:41 <Vicyorus> Hai
22:41 <Rekanochi> Anyone else noticed?
22:42 <TraGiggles> noticed what..?
22:42 <XJamesthepirate> Tra why does the penguin have no cloths on.....?
22:42 <Rekanochi> 1,001 threads on the forum nao! ;D
22:42 <TraGiggles> Cu
22:42 <XJamesthepirate> Thats kind of scary :P
22:42 <TraGiggles> *cuz
22:42 <TraGiggles> i can't fit anything on it
22:42 <TraGiggles> Like
22:42 <TraGiggles> theres no cutouts
22:42 <TraGiggles> of clothes
22:42 <TraGiggles> to fit that pose
22:42 <XJamesthepirate> Dont post pictures of naked penguins....
22:42 <TraGiggles> ...
22:42 <Rekanochi> T.T
22:42 <TraGiggles> Why?
22:42 <XJamesthepirate> draw something over it if you have to....
22:42 <Rekanochi> You see 'em every day...
22:42 <TraGiggles> I can do what i wan't :|
22:42 -!- Vicyorus has left Special:Chat.
22:42 <Rekanochi> (facepalm)
22:43 <XJamesthepirate> Its odd how he is starring at his computer and has no cloths on if u catch my drift ill end there.
22:43 <TraGiggles> :/
22:43 <TraGiggles> Stop
22:43 <TraGiggles> Its my custom
22:43 <XJamesthepirate> Just being honest mate.
22:43 <TraGiggles> i don't have to change it if i do't waan't to
22:43 <TraGiggles> *don't
22:43 <XJamesthepirate> He doesnt get it does he? xD
22:44 <TraGiggles> :|
22:44 <Rekanochi> Noodle noodle
22:44 <XJamesthepirate> Thought so.....
22:44 <Rekanochi> I feel like a doodle doodle
22:44 <Rekanochi> Chewdle chewdle
22:44 <Rekanochi> XD
22:44 <Rekanochi> OMG
22:45 <Rekanochi> i MUST GO
22:45 <TraGiggles> Ok..
22:45 -!- Rekanochi has left Special:Chat.
22:45 <XJamesthepirate> heres a picture of a custom
22:45 <XJamesthepirate> thats just constructive critizisim
22:46 <XJamesthepirate> Now do u understand? xD
22:47 <XJamesthepirate> hey tra heres a fitting piece of clothing for it
22:49 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
22:49 <Historicalcp> hi
22:49 <TraGiggles> :/
22:50 <TraGiggles> I do put clothing on my customs you know
22:50 <TraGiggles> just not this one
22:50 <Historicalcp> I hate the wiki logo contest
22:50 <TraGiggles> same
22:50 <TraGiggles> wait
22:50 <XJamesthepirate> What is he starring at tho tra?
22:50 <XJamesthepirate> Hmm?
22:50 <TraGiggles> wheres the logo voting?
22:50 <TraGiggles> IDK?
22:50 <TraGiggles> I just got that pose?
22:50 <Historicalcp> I don't understand art...
22:50 <TraGiggles> from aa
22:50 <XJamesthepirate> Why is he a naked penguin and starring at a lap top....?
22:50 <Historicalcp> naked penguins?
22:50 <Historicalcp> penguins are supposed to be naked
22:50 <TraGiggles> yeah
22:51 <XJamesthepirate>
22:51 <XJamesthepirate> Look historical
22:51 <XJamesthepirate> that is what he posted
22:51 <TraGiggles> DUDE
22:51 <TraGiggles> ITS MY FREAKIN CUSTOM
22:51 <TraGiggles> LEAVE IT ALONE
22:51 <XJamesthepirate> i only put commentary on it
22:51 <Historicalcp> caps tra
22:52 <TraGiggles> sorry
22:52 <Historicalcp> James penguins are supposed to be naked
22:52 <Historicalcp> its ok tra
22:52 <TraGiggles> Btw
22:52 <Historicalcp> Btw, logo contest:
22:52 <TraGiggles> i used this pose
22:53 <Historicalcp> Most people go for the crappy logos
22:53 <XJamesthepirate> Oh rly historical?
22:53 <Historicalcp> Yes
22:53 <Historicalcp> 021 is winning
22:53 <XJamesthepirate> So penguins are supposed to walk around cp nude?
22:54 <XJamesthepirate> Thats what i thought....
22:54 <Historicalcp> Penguins aren't nude or naked
22:54 <Historicalcp> They are supposed to be like that
22:54 <Historicalcp> Penguins aren't supposed to wear clothing
22:55 <XJamesthepirate> In cp they are but it is very odd how he is holding the laptop while nude....
22:55 <Historicalcp> ...
22:55 <XJamesthepirate> But ill end it there
22:58 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
23:01 <XJamesthepirate> i made a custom
23:01 <XJamesthepirate> Who wants to see
23:01 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
23:02 <XJamesthepirate> Historical
23:03 -!- Luismaverdyum has joined Special:Chat
23:03 <Luismaverdyum> time to meet PB
23:03 <Luismaverdyum> :D
23:03 <Luismaverdyum> comming august 2013
23:04 -!- Historicalcp has left Special:Chat.
23:04 <PixieLil> (Clap)
23:04 -!- Historicalcp has joined Special:Chat
23:04 <XJamesthepirate> historical
23:04 <PixieLil> Now if they'll only keep the add out of this party..
23:04 <Historicalcp> Back
23:04 <PixieLil> *adds
23:04 <Historicalcp> fake
23:04 <Historicalcp> completely fake
23:05 <Historicalcp> the logo is fake
23:05 <PixieLil> Ikr
23:05 <XJamesthepirate> Historcial i thought about what you said and made a custom with it
23:05 <PixieLil> I'm still excited
23:05 <Luismaverdyum> wait a sec
23:05 <Historicalcp> and some is seen blurry but other in different quality
23:05 <Luismaverdyum> FAKE!!
23:05 <Historicalcp> james
23:05 <Luismaverdyum> some things are for the 2006 party
23:05 <Mariocart25Charizard> FAKE
23:05 <XJamesthepirate> Luis
23:05 <Historicalcp> penguins don't have the circle things women have
23:05 <XJamesthepirate> of course its fake
23:05 <Luismaverdyum> :(
23:05 <Historicalcp> I won't say the word obviously
23:05 <Luismaverdyum> i was excited
23:05 <XJamesthepirate> Gotta redraw
23:05 <Luismaverdyum> :(
23:06 -!- Luismaverdyum has left Special:Chat.
23:06 <XJamesthepirate>
23:06 -!- TraGiggles has joined Special:Chat
23:06 <XJamesthepirate> There
23:06 <TraGiggles> :(
23:06 <XJamesthepirate> The best custom
23:06 <TraGiggles> Um
23:06 <Historicalcp> hi tra
23:06 <TraGiggles> Thats the worst
23:06 <XJamesthepirate> You suggested it tra....
23:06 <TraGiggles> Sandor maks better
23:06 <TraGiggles> *makes
23:06 <XJamesthepirate> You wanted naked penguins Lol
23:06 <TraGiggles> No i didn't?
23:06 <Historicalcp> I never wanted naked penguins
23:07 <PixieLil> Hi Tra (wave)
23:07 <Historicalcp> When did I said it?
23:07 <XJamesthepirate> Tra started making naked penguins 
23:07 <Historicalcp> And what is the arrow supposed to be?
23:07 <XJamesthepirate> and said they are supposed to be
23:07 <Historicalcp> ...
23:07 <TraGiggles> JAMES
23:07 <XJamesthepirate> They didnt have a more different shape
23:07 <Historicalcp> You don't get the idea right?
23:07 <TraGiggles> NO I DIDN'T
23:07 <TraGiggles> Thats the ONLY ONE that is naked
23:07 <Historicalcp> Naked penguins don't have real human aspects
23:07 <TraGiggles> God learn some respect 
23:07 <Historicalcp> like the circle round things women have
23:07 <Historicalcp> And no
23:07 <Historicalcp> I wont say the word
23:08 <Historicalcp> Since its inapp
23:08 <Historicalcp> And what is the arrow supposed to be
23:08 <PixieLil> That pic's just wrong
23:08 <TraGiggles> ikr
23:08 -!- TraGiggles has left Special:Chat.
23:08 <Mariocart25Charizard> Look at what I made
23:08 <PixieLil> Cool Mario
23:09 <Historicalcp> nice mario
23:09 <XJamesthepirate> Fine over with that look at my candence custom
23:10 <XJamesthepirate> sandor got nothing on that
23:10 <Mariocart25Charizard> Who wants a Custom Peng
23:10 <XJamesthepirate> Sandorl couldnt make better then that
23:11 <PixieLil> Dude seriously, that is just WRONG!
23:11 <XJamesthepirate> No its not
23:11 <Historicalcp> O_O
23:11 <Historicalcp> dude that is really inapp
23:11 <XJamesthepirate> How?
23:12 <Historicalcp> It resembles to human characteristic in nude form
23:12 <XJamesthepirate> You say your 13+ and saying you dont like girls eh?
23:12 <Historicalcp> I like girls
23:12 <Historicalcp> And I am 13
23:12 <Historicalcp> But dude
23:12 <Historicalcp> 1. I am christian
23:12 <Historicalcp> 2. That is inapp
23:13 <Historicalcp> In a bikini that's ok
23:13 <XJamesthepirate> You dont got to be so hatful of my drawing geez
23:13 <Historicalcp> But that is really wrong
23:13 <Historicalcp> I am just clearing some things
23:13 <XJamesthepirate> I think you liked it but your acting like u didnt 
23:13 <XJamesthepirate> i get ya lol
23:13 <Historicalcp> Did Tra's laptop custom had the round circle things women have?
23:13 <Historicalcp> No right
23:13 <Historicalcp> Uh...
23:14 -!- Dororo111122 has joined Special:Chat
23:14 <Dororo111122> holy crap bad news
23:14 <Historicalcp> and what is the arrow for?
23:14 <Historicalcp> Does it resemble the lollipop?
23:14 <Dororo111122> according to anons can't edit anymore
23:14 <Historicalcp> Hi doro
23:14 <Dororo111122> what will spydar do!
23:15 <Dororo111122> oh wait it starts on july 1st
23:15 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
23:15 <Historicalcp> :O Spydar!
23:15 <Historicalcp> Why can't they think of spydar?
23:15 <Historicalcp> Hi blue jay
23:15 <Dororo111122> because hes an anon
23:15 <Dororo111122> and most anons are vandals
23:15 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hmm...
23:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Why can't Spydar create an account?
23:16 <XJamesthepirate> Bc he is 6
23:16 <Mariocart25Charizard> Spydar shall create a account by July 1
23:16 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Spydar is six?
23:16 <XJamesthepirate> Yes spydar is 6
23:16 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has left Special:Chat.
23:17 <Historicalcp> No
23:17 -!- Blue Jay of Lightning has joined Special:Chat
23:17 <Historicalcp> His parents doesn't let him create an account
23:17 <XJamesthepirate> How can his parents stop him
23:17 <Historicalcp> His parents are overprotective 
23:18 <XJamesthepirate> If 1. He has acess to wikia he can make a account.
23:18 <PixieLil> Meaning he's likely underaged..
23:18 <XJamesthepirate> Ban his IP
23:18 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Why?!
23:18 <XJamesthepirate> Bc he is a kid.....
23:18 <Blue Jay of Lightning> How do you know?
23:18 -!- Seth4564official has joined Special:Chat
23:18 <Historicalcp> No
23:18 <XJamesthepirate> Historical just told us what he said.
23:18 <Historicalcp> Hi seth
23:19 <Seth4564official> Is that "Summer Music Jam" picture real?
23:19 -!- Helmetpig2013 has joined Special:Chat
23:19 <Seth4564official> The latest picture.
23:19 <Historicalcp> hi helmet
23:19 <Historicalcp> no its fake
23:19 <PixieLil> Hi Helmet
23:19 <Blue Jay of Lightning> No, I doubt it
23:19 <Historicalcp> the logo is made my detodounpoco
23:19 <Seth4564official>
23:19 <Seth4564official> kk
23:19 <Historicalcp> and some stuff are blurry and other stuff are in different quality
23:19 <Mariocart25Charizard> Fake
23:20 <Seth4564official> That would kinda look good if it were real..
23:20 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Historical said that Spydar's parents were overprotective, not that he was six...
23:20 <Historicalcp> tra
23:20 <Historicalcp> Ikr
23:20 <Historicalcp> I have a friend which is 10+ that is parents doesn't even let her say her age
23:20 <Historicalcp> She just told me she is 10+
23:21 <Historicalcp> No she is not from wiki
23:21 <Historicalcp> Tra
23:21 <Historicalcp> Do you have a girlfriend?
23:21 <Dororo111122> tra left
23:21 <Blue Jay of Lightning> So we don't know if she is 11, 12 or 13... And Tra isn't here
23:21 -!- Seth4564official has left Special:Chat.
23:21 <Blue Jay of Lightning> So...
23:22 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Dead chat...
23:23 <Helmetpig2013> I'm here
23:23 <Helmetpig2013> Historical PM
23:24 -!- PixieLil has left Special:Chat.
23:24 <Mariocart25Charizard> Feel free to grab this :)
23:24 -!- PixieLil has joined Special:Chat
23:24 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Ok.
23:26 <Mariocart25Charizard> Lol
23:27 <Blue Jay of Lightning> ...
23:27 <Historicalcp> My promotion time is unknown too...
23:27 <Historicalcp> I logged onto that date and got surprised...
23:27 <Historicalcp> Btw what page is it?
23:28 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Idk
23:28 <Blue Jay of Lightning> ...
23:29 <Mariocart25Charizard>
23:29 <Mariocart25Charizard> !Logs
23:29 <CPChatBot> Chat logs may be seen [[Project:Chat/Logs|here]].
23:30 <Historicalcp> thanks
23:33 -!- Twinkie102 has joined Special:Chat
23:33 <Helmetpig2013> Phineas99 aka (historicalcp) PM
23:33 <Historicalcp> hi twinkie
23:33 <Twinkie102> Hi
23:33 <Helmetpig2013> Hey wazzup twinkie
23:33 -!- Rekanochi has joined Special:Chat
23:33 <Twinkie102> So I was reading some age reviews on Minecraft  (i was bored so thats what i chose to do (yao) )
23:33 <Rekanochi> Hullo hullo hullo
23:34 <Mariocart25Charizard> (Mariocart25 Mariocart25)
23:34 <Twinkie102> And FAIL Review
23:34 <Twinkie102> a 2 year old would never even know how to use a computer :|
23:34 <Rekanochi> (Mariocart25Charizard)
23:34 <Historicalcp> Hello reka
23:34 <Rekanochi> XD
23:34 <Mariocart25Charizard> (Mariocart25)
23:34 <Rekanochi> Hallo Historical
23:34 <Historicalcp> LOL
23:34 <Mariocart25Charizard> That was my old name 
23:34 <Mariocart25Charizard> [[User:Mariocart25]]
23:34 <Twinkie102> And there are some reviews 13+
23:34 <Twinkie102> Come on people?
23:35 <Twinkie102> It's fun and safe for everyone to play
23:35 <Rekanochi> Hey Twinkie, didya hear?
23:35 <Twinkie102> That 1.6 is coming next week?
23:35 <Dororo111122> no
23:35 <Dororo111122> that anons can't edit anymore
23:35 <Rekanochi> Yeah Dor
23:35 <Twinkie102> :o
23:35 <Dororo111122> actually not yet
23:35 <Rekanochi> Starting July 1st
23:35 <Twinkie102> YAYA!!
23:35 <Historicalcp> Poor Spydar
23:35 <Twinkie102> Wait
23:35 <Rekanochi> Wait...1.6 IS COMING NEXT WEEK? NO WAY ;D
23:35 <Dororo111122> caps
23:36 <Historicalcp> Caps
23:36 <Twinkie102> Ikr, Rek
23:36 <Twinkie102> but caps
23:36 <Rekanochi> Oh srry
23:36 <Mariocart25Charizard> He has to create a account
23:36 <Twinkie102> (yao)
23:36 <Rekanochi> :|
23:36 <Mariocart25Charizard> I know
23:36 <Dororo111122> he can't
23:36 <Historicalcp> Ok Spydar needs to fight against his parents
23:36 <Twinkie102> But It's so awesome!
23:36 <Twinkie102> I wanna ride a Horse xD
23:36 <Historicalcp> His parents are overprotective 
23:36 <XJamesthepirate> Spydar is under the age so he should be banned
23:36 <Historicalcp> He needs to stand up and to tell them that he isn't a kid anymore
23:36 <Historicalcp> No
23:37 <XJamesthepirate> Why would the parents be over protective if he is 13
23:37 <Historicalcp> Not all people who can't register are underage
23:37 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Spydar VS Mom!
23:37 <Twinkie102> No one knows why he doesn't have an account except for him and P-P
23:37 <PixieLil> We don't know for certain that he's underaged
23:37 <Historicalcp> I have a girl_friend which her parents are overprotective 
23:37 <Historicalcp> They don't even let her say her age
23:37 <Rekanochi> O_o
23:37 <Twinkie102> Oh my god... 
23:37 <Dororo111122> it better not be alessandra 
23:37 <Twinkie102> Not even in RL?!
23:37 <Historicalcp> Lol Doro I hope so
23:37 <Historicalcp> Her name is Ralphina1
23:38 <Twinkie102> Oh
23:38 <Dororo111122> YOU KNOW HER?
23:38 <Twinkie102> I thought u meant like in RL
23:38 <Historicalcp> Tho she said that she is 10+
23:38 <Historicalcp> what is RL?
23:38 <Rekanochi> Kewl.
23:38 <Dororo111122> real life
23:38 <Twinkie102> Real Life :|
23:38 <Rekanochi> :|
23:38 <Helmetpig2013> :|
23:38 <XJamesthepirate> Historical you dont have to make other account to say u got a GF.......
23:38 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Life that is real
23:38 <Twinkie102> :|
23:38 <Helmetpig2013> poker face :|
23:38 <Rekanochi> (pokerface)
23:38 <Historicalcp> ...
23:38 <Historicalcp> Noticed the space?
23:38 <Rekanochi> XD
23:38 <PixieLil> :|
23:38 <Historicalcp> Girl_friend
23:38 <Twinkie102> (troll)
23:39 <Rekanochi> (poker face)
23:39 <XJamesthepirate> GF = girl friend
23:39 <Rekanochi> Y it no work
23:39 <Historicalcp> No
23:39 <Twinkie102> rek, we dont have a Poker Face emote :|
23:39 <XJamesthepirate> So u dont have one?
23:39 <Historicalcp> GF is girlfriend joined together
23:39 <Blue Jay of Lightning> A girl friend is a friend who is female.
23:39 <Rekanochi> Oh
23:39 <Historicalcp> Exactly
23:39 <Historicalcp> I am alone
23:39 <Rekanochi> :3
23:39 <PixieLil> GF = Gluten Free (lol)
23:39 <Twinkie102> :P
23:39 <Twinkie102> LOL PIXIE
23:39 <Historicalcp> LOL
23:39 <Helmetpig2013> gf= green fluid
23:40 <Twinkie102> :|
23:40 <Rekanochi> GF = Good Fries
23:40 <Rekanochi> LOL
23:40 <Twinkie102> GF = Goop Foot
23:40 <Blue Jay of Lightning> GF= Gone Forever
23:40 <Historicalcp> PH = Puffle Handler - PH = Poca Hontas
23:40 <Rekanochi> lol...
23:40 <Historicalcp> :p
23:40 <Twinkie102> GF = Get Friends
23:40 <Twinkie102> (troll)
23:40 <Rekanochi> PH = Pookie Hater
23:40 <PixieLil> GF= Gary's Feet
23:40 <Rekanochi> MAKES SENSE.
23:40 <Helmetpig2013> GF=Garfield Flying
23:41 <Twinkie102> O_O LOL
23:41 <PixieLil> Lol
23:41 <Rekanochi> GF = Get Feet (yao)
23:41 <Historicalcp> James I will simply ignore your PM
23:41 <Blue Jay of Lightning> GF= Go Flying!
23:41 <Twinkie102> Never ignore Chuck Norris's PM
23:41 <XJamesthepirate> Can i talk to u here then?
23:41 <Rekanochi> Guys....there's gonna be CJ: Cheese.... 
23:41 <PixieLil> GF =Gator Food
23:41 <Rekanochi> :D
23:41 <Twinkie102> Never even block his PM
23:41 <Rekanochi> CHEESE
23:41 <Helmetpig2013> GF = Gravity Falls
23:41 <Twinkie102> ^ makes sense
23:41 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Lol helmet
23:42 <Historicalcp> No James
23:42 <Rekanochi> GF = God's Friend
23:42 <Historicalcp> End of Conversation 
23:42 <Historicalcp> Now
23:42 -!- Techman129 has joined Special:Chat
23:42 <Historicalcp> I mean it
23:42 <XJamesthepirate> But im still talking....
23:42 <Techman129> Hello
23:42 <Rekanochi> ^ Oke
23:42 <Historicalcp> hi tech
23:42 <XJamesthepirate> So how did it end.
23:42 <PixieLil> Hi Tech
23:42 <Rekanochi> Hai
23:42 <Twinkie102> GF = Gato Food
23:42 <Helmetpig2013> Hey tech
23:42 <Rekanochi> (mustache)
23:42 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Hi Tech
23:42 <Rekanochi> Aw no mustache emote D:<
23:42 <Techman129> 3+ pings?!
23:42 <Twinkie102> Yo Tech
23:42 <Techman129> Wow
23:42 <Techman129> 5 pings
23:42 <Techman129> New record
23:42 <Twinkie102> Tech, guess what?
23:42 <Techman129> XD
23:42 <Techman129> What?
23:42 <Helmetpig2013> No moustace aww man
23:43 <Blue Jay of Lightning> GF= Gone Forever (true fact)
23:43 <Twinkie102> MINECRAFT 1.6 IS COMING NEXT WEEK!! :D
23:43 <Rekanochi> IKR
23:43 <Rekanochi> IM SO HAPPEH
23:43 <Techman129> I KNOW! :D
23:43 <Historicalcp> Twinkie caps
23:43 <Historicalcp> CAPS Evyerone
23:43 <Rekanochi> -happeh dance-
23:43 <Twinkie102> Minecraft Dance!!
23:43 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Caps @all
23:43 <Twinkie102> *does minecraft dance* (danceemote)
23:43 <Twinkie102> (dance emote)
23:43 <Rekanochi> (dance)
23:43 <Rekanochi> Woo.
23:43 -!- TheSitcomLover has joined Special:Chat
23:44 <Rekanochi> Hullo Sit
23:44 <Twinkie102> I wonder if they
23:44 <Twinkie102> oops
23:44 <Historicalcp> /me disapproves Minecraft 1.6 coming next week
23:44 <Historicalcp> hi sit
23:44 <Blue Jay of Lightning> PC= Pan Cake
23:44 <Rekanochi> ....
23:44 <Historicalcp> /me banned Chuck Norris
23:44 <Twinkie102> I wonder if they will make a new Song/Video
23:44 <Historicalcp> Just kidding :p
23:44 <Historicalcp> I like MC
23:44 <Rekanochi> Historical u should be ashamed.
23:44 <Twinkie102> Historical, CN will cill u!
23:44 <Rekanochi> XC
23:44 <Twinkie102> Yeah
23:44 <Twinkie102> Minecraft Hater! :P
23:44 <Twinkie102> (shame)
23:44 <Twinkie102> oops
23:44 <Historicalcp> Because I banned Chuck Norris?
23:44 <Historicalcp> No I like MC 
23:44 <Twinkie102> Yes!!
23:44 <Rekanochi> CNN = Chuck Norris Nacho
23:44 <Helmetpig2013> MC rocks
23:44 <PixieLil> Lol
23:44 <Twinkie102> MC FTW
23:44 <Rekanochi> c:
23:45 <Helmetpig2013> AB,CP and MC FTW
23:45 <Rekanochi> Everyone who watches CNN is a Chuck Norris Nacho.
23:45 <Twinkie102> LOL @Rek
23:45 <Blue Jay of Lightning> Helmet, there are no rocks in Minecraft.
23:45 <Blue Jay of Lightning> It's called stone.
23:45 <Twinkie102> rocks would be epic
23:45 <Helmetpig2013> there's Cobblestone and stone