Club Penguin Wiki

A decal is a type of decoration in Club Penguin Island that can be applied to clothing made in the Clothing Customizer. A decal can be applied to certain parts of a piece of clothing, and it causes the decal to appear within the portion it is applied to, and can be placed in a specific location. Decals can also be magnified or rotated when applied to clothing in the customizer. There is also the option of either having only one of the decal appear, or having the decal tiled across the portion. Only one decal and/or fabric can be applied to a portion of clothing at a time.

Except for the Starter set, all decals can only be used by members.

List of decals[]


This set is available by default.
Decal Buckle Silver icon
Decal Heart icon
Decal Penglantis icon
Decal Button icon
Decal Logo starter icon
Decal Stitching icon
buckleSilver heart penglantis button logo stitching
Decal Dot Triangle icon
Decal Paint Splat starter icon
Decal Wave starter icon
dotTriangle paintSplat wave


This set is received by reaching level 1, as part of the Citizen Pack.
Decal Level Badge comm icon
Decal Pocket icon
Decal Fluffy comm icon
Decal Seam icon
Decal Emoji icon
Decal Zipper comm icon
levelBadge pocket fluffy seam emoji zipper


This set is received by reaching level 2, as part of the Beach Pack.
Decal Barnacles icon
Decal Palms icon
Decal Crab icon
Decal Puka Shells icon
Decal Flowers beach icon
Decal Shark beach icon
barnacles palms crab pukaShells flowers shark


This set is unobtainable.
Decal Cool Emoji icon
Decal Fish Skeleton icon
Decal Gemstone icon
Decal Gold Chain icon
Decal Guitar icon
Decal Studs icon
coolEmoji fishSkeleton gemstone goldChain guitar studs


This set is received by reaching level 4, as part of the Wild Pack.
Decal Butterfly icon
Decal Parrot Wings icon
Decal Claw Marks icon
Decal Paw Print icon
Decal Crocodile icon
Decal Stone Stud icon
butterfly parrotWings clawmarks pawPrint crocodile stoneStud


This set is received by reaching level 5, as part of the Sharing Pack.
Decal Level Badge gift icon
Decal Party Emoji icon
Decal Icing Dollop icon
Decal Pinata Emoji icon
Decal Bow icon
Decal Tape icon
levelBadge partyEmoji icingDollop pinataEmoji bow tape


This set is received by reaching level 6, as part of the Sports Pack.
Decal 00 icon
Decal Leaves icon
Decal Campfire icon
Decal Mountains icon
Decal Dragonfly icon
Decal Star sport icon
00 leaves campfire mountains dragonfly star


This set is received by reaching level 7, as part of the Fantasy Pack.
Decal Brooch icon
Decal Rook icon
Decal Fish Knot icon
Decal Sea Dragon icon
Decal Magic Swirl icon
Decal Shield Tabard icon
brooch rook fishKnot seaDragon magicSwirl shieldTabard


This set is received by reaching level 8, as part of the Fashion Pack.
Decal Abstract Diamonds icon
Decal Ripped Denim icon
Decal Diamond Collar icon
Decal Rose fashion icon
Decal Pocket Outline icon
Decal Sunglasses icon
abstractDiamonds rippedDenim diamondCollar rose pocketOutline sunglasses


This set is received by reaching level 9, as part of the Future Pack.
Decal Circuit icon
Decal Spots icon
Decal Comet icon
Decal UFO icon
Decal Control Panel space icon
Decal Vortex icon
circuit spots comet ufo controlPanel vortex


This set is received by reaching level 10, as part of the Party Pack.
Decal Level Badge ambass icon
Decal Lighthouse icon
Decal Glow Crystals icon
Decal Rave Emoji icon
Decal Fireworks icon
Decal Tour Guide icon
levelBadge lightHouse glowCrystals raveEmoji fireworks tourGuide


This set is received by reaching level 11, as part of the Winter Pack.
Decal Icicles icon
Decal Snowboard icon
Decal Knit Band icon
Decal Snowflake winter icon
Decal Moon winter icon
Decal Wolf icon
icicles snowboard knitBand snowflake moon wolf


This set is received by reaching level 12, as part of the Vintage Pack.
Decal Braid icon
Decal Moustache icon
Decal Buttons Brass icon
Decal Studded Belt icon
Decal Dots icon
Decal Tuxedo icon
braid moustache buttonsBrass studdedBelt dots tuxedo


This set is received by reaching level 13, as part of the Prehistoric Pack.
Decal Dino Stripe icon
Decal Leaf Pocket icon
Decal Rock Band icon
Decal Stone Button icon
Decal Trex icon
Decal Triceratops icon
dinoStripe leafPocket rockBand stoneButton tRex triceratops


This set is received by reaching level 14, as part of the Punk Pack.
Decal Buttons icon
Decal Safety Pin icon
Decal Silver Chain icon
Decal Skull punk icon
Decal Wings icon
Decal Zipper punk icon
buttons safetyPin silverchain skull wings zipper

Town Hero[]

This set is received by reaching level 15, as part of the Town Heroes Pack.
Decal Bandaid icon
Decal Fire Badge icon
Decal Hero Badge icon
Decal Name Tag icon
Decal Police Badge icon
Decal Sand icon
bandaid fireBadge heroBadge nameTag policeBadge sand


This set is received by reaching level 16, as part of the Extreme Pack.
Decal Lightning Bolt icon
Decal Frame icon
Decal Shell icon
lightningBolt frame shell


This set is received by reaching level 17, as part of the Urban Style Pack.
Decal Paint Splat urban icon
Decal Fluffy urban icon
Decal Black Studs icon
paintSplat fluffy blackStuds


This set is received by reaching level 18, as part of the Fantasy Pack.
Decal Braids icon
Decal Clip icon
Decal Trim icon
braids clip trim


This set is received by reaching level 19, as part of the Formal Dance Pack.
Decal Emeralds icon
Decal Jewel Cluster icon
Decal Rose prom icon
emeralds jewelCluster rose


This set is received by reaching level 20, as part of the Stage Pack.
Decal Patch enter icon
Decal Flowers enter icon
Decal Badge enter icon
patch flowers badge


This set is received by reaching level 21, as part of the Forest Pack.
Decal Stripes icon
Decal Pet Tag icon
Decal Moose icon
stripes petTag moose


This set is received by reaching level 22, as part of the Power-up Pack.
Decal Bow Turquoise icon
Decal Sparkles icon
Decal Squid icon
bowTurquoise sparkles squid


This set is received by reaching level 23, as part of the Sun Pack.
Decal Palms2 icon
Decal Wave sun icon
Decal Hibiscus icon
palms2 wave hibiscus


This set is received by reaching level 24, as part of the Food Pack.
Decal Fishdog icon
Decal Red Yellow Icing icon
Decal Eating icon
fishDog redYellowIcing eating


This set is received by reaching level 25, as part of the Wilderness Pack.
Decal Badge enviro icon
Decal Paw Prints icon
Decal Earth icon
badge pawPrints earth


This set is received by reaching level 26, as part of the School Pack.
Decal Arrow icon
Decal Moon school icon
Decal Equal icon
arrow moon equal


This set is received by reaching level 27, as part of the Western Pack.
Decal Buckle icon
Decal Shirt icon
Decal Sunset icon
buckle shirt sunset

Ch. 2 - Ep. 9[]

This set is received after completing the "Burying Treasure" adventure.
Decal Control Panel aa icon
Decal Lifeguard Cross icon
Decal Tech Seam icon
controlPanel lifeguardCross techSeam

Ch. 1 - Ep. 1[]

This set is received after completing the "Bottled Maps" adventure.
Decal Anchor icon
Decal Buckle Gold icon
Decal Jolly Roger icon
anchor buckleGold jollyRoger

Ch. 1 - Ep. 2[]

This set is received after completing the "A Pirate's Life" adventure.
Decal Patch pirate icon
Decal String icon
Decal Sword icon
patch string sword


These decals can be bought at the Disney Shop. Each set of three costs 35 coins.


"Don't forget to add a touch of magic"
Decal Arendelle icon
Decal Rosemaling icon
Decal Snowflake frozen icon
arendelle rosemaling snowFlake

Finding Dory[]

"Turn your outfit into a splash hit!"
Decal Dory2 icon
Decal Nemo2 icon
Decal Shells icon
dory2 nemo2 shells

Monsters Inc.[]

"Your outfit will be a scream with these decals"
Decal Eye icon
Decal Logo monster icon
Decal Sully icon
eye logo sully

Toy Story[]

"The smallest items can bring the most joy"
Decal Alien icon
Decal Buzz Buttons icon
Decal Star toy icon
alien buzzButtons star


"Highlight your outfit with some of Rapunzel's favorite things"
Decal Birb icon
Decal Purple Flower icon
Decal Sun icon
birb purpleFlower sun

Cars 3[]

"Decals for sponsored pro racers"
Decal LMQ 95 icon
Decal LMQ Flame1 icon
Decal Rusteze02 icon
lmq95 lmqFlame1 rusteze02

Descendants 2[]

"Show your VK pride with these decals"
Decal Dragons icon
Decal Crowned Heart icon
Decal Skull descendants icon
dragons crownedHeart skull

Frozen Holiday[]

"Decals inspired by the sights of Arendelle"
Decal Goat icon
Decal Snowflake olaf icon
Decal Tree icon
goat snowflake tree

Big Hero 6[]

"Design with heroic stickers"
Decal Baymax icon
Decal Fred icon
Decal Hiro icon
bayMax fred hiro

Descendants 2 Cotillion[]

"Make your mark on the world"
Decal Mal icon
Decal Uma icon
Decal Evie icon
mal uma evie


This set was available by logging in during the Radio Disney Music Awards, from April 28 to May 5, 2017.
Decal Bubbles icon
Decal Headphones icon
Decal Statue icon
bubbles headphones statue


This set was available by logging in during Halloween 2017, from October 18 to November 1, 2017, and during Halloween 2018, from October 17, 2018 to November 6, 2018.
Decal Bat icon
Decal Pumpkin icon
Decal Web icon
bat pumpkin web

Party Games[]

This set was available by logging in during Party Games rewards, from September 15 to September 17, 2017.
Decal Pizzavendor icon
Decal Cakevendor icon
Decal Cocoavendor icon
pizzavendor cakevendor cocoavendor

The Beat Is On[]

This set was available by logging in during The Beat Is On rewards, from November 24 to November 26, 2017.
Decal Rocker icon
Decal Mixtape icon
Decal Singer icon
rocker mixtape singer

Holiday Party[]

This set was available by logging in prior to or during the Holiday Party 2017, from November 29, 2017, to January 3, 2018.
Decal Bells icon
Decal CFC icon
Decal Gingerbread icon
bells cfc gingerbread


This set was available by logging in during the Rainbow Celebration, from January 25 to March 7, 2018.
Decal Drop icon
Decal Stars icon
Decal Unicorn icon
drop stars unicorn

Fashion Designer[]

This set could be received by becoming Trendsetter of the Month.
Decal Dot icon
Decal Scissor Thread icon
Decal Hearts icon
dot scissorThread hearts


This set was available by logging in during World Penguin Day 2018, from April 18 to May 10, 2018.
Decal Globe Face icon
Decal Igloo icon
Decal Peng Glasses icon
globeFace igloo pengGlasses


This set was available by logging in during the Penguin Cup 2018 rewards, from June 28 to July 10, 2018.
Decal Fluffy cup icon
Decal Shark cup icon
Decal Tentacle icon
fluffy shark tentacle

Daily Challenges[]

Main article: Daily Challenges
The following challenges involve decals.
Name Given by Type Description Rewards Member only?
Swag Tag
RH quest icon
Solo Wear an RDMA decal on a show-stopping outfit in the Cove 40 coins and 40 XP Yes
Dress for the Occasion
RH quest icon
Solo Wear a red carpet outfit with an RDMA decal in the Cove 40 coins and 40 XP Yes
Tricked Out
AA quest icon
Solo Create an outfit using the Cars 3 fabrics or decals 40 coins and 40 XP Yes
Decorative Design
RK quest icon
Solo Wear an oufit using holiday fabrics or decals 50 coins and 40 XP Yes
So Cool!
RK quest icon
Solo Wear an outfit using Olaf's Frozen Adventure decals or fabrics 50 coins and 40 XP Yes
We're an Evil Outfit
RH quest icon
Solo Make an outfit using Descendants 2 cotillion decals or fabrics 50 coins and 40 XP Yes
Sew Colorful
DJ quest icon
Solo Create an outfit using Rainbow fabrics or decals 50 coins and 40 XP Yes
Rainbow Glow
RH quest icon
Solo Wear a Rainbow Star Tee or one with rainbow decals or fabric 40 coins and 40 XP No


  • A likeness of the "Logo" decal from the Starter set was made into a pin before Club Penguin Island was released.
  • Prior to the 1.5.0 update, the Tangled set of decals cost 120 coins instead of 35.
  • Although decals do not have names or descriptions unless they are from the Disney Shop, some have unused ones. They are:
    • "Prehistoric Decals" (received at level 13) โ€“ "Millions of years later, it's back in style"
    • "Punk Decals" (received at level 14) โ€“ "Define your style, define yourself"
    • "Hero Decals" (received at level 15) โ€“ "Make it official with these decals"
    • "Undercover Decals" (received from AA adventures) โ€“ "Decals to enhance the illusion"
    • "DJ Decals" (received from Radio Disney event) โ€“ "Like a custom playlist for your clothes"
    • "Holiday Decals" (received from Holiday Party 2017) โ€“ "Make this season's ugly sweater!"
    • "Environment Decals" (received at level 25) โ€“ "Show your support for environmental protection!"
    • "School Decals" (received at level 26) โ€“ "A few graphic decals will make your outfit modern"
    • "Rainbow Decals" (received from Rainbow Celebration) โ€“ "Add a rainbow charm to your outfits"
    • "Western Decals" (received at level 27; no description)
    • "Fashion Designer Decals" (received from becoming Trendsetter of the Month; no description)
    • "Glam Decals" (received from World Penguin Day) โ€“ "Show your World Penguin Day pride!"
    • "Penguin Cup Decals" (received from the Penguin Cup 2018; no description)

Names in other languages[]

Language Name
Portuguese Decalques
French Motifs
Spanish Calcomanรญas
German N/A
Russian N/A


Unused names and descriptions[]
