Club Penguin Wiki
Elsa Hair
Elsa Hair icon
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Available Yes
Type Hair & Hats Item
Cost 50 coins
ID 191
Internal name ElsaHair

The Elsa Hair is a unique hair & hats item in Club Penguin Island. Members can buy it at the Disney Shop for 50 coins.


Location Available from Available until
Disney Shop March 9, 2017 January 1, 2020

Daily Challenges[]

Main article: Daily Challenges
The following challenge involves wearing the Elsa Hair.
Name Given by Type Description Rewards Member only?
Hair Guitar
AA quest icon
Community Have 5 long-haired penguins playing guitar at the Cove 50 coins and 0 XP Yes


  • Its description is "An ice cool braid inspired by Queen Elsa".
  • In the 1.8.0 update, the cost of this item was changed from 90 to 50 coins.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Cabelo da Elsa Tranças geladas inspiradas na Rainha Elsa
French Coiffure d'Elsa Une tresse élégante inspirée de la reine Elsa
Spanish Cabello de Elsa Una fría y moderna trenza inspirada en la Reina Elsa.

See also[]
