Club Penguin Wiki

Famous puffles is a term used in the Club Penguin wiki as a "tag" to all Puffles whose owners are famous penguins. The full known list is as follows:

Name Brief Description Image
Yarr Rockhopper's red Puffle
Yarr Smiling
Bouncer Blue Elite Puffle
Puffle Pal Adventures Bouncer
Blast Red Elite Puffle
Puffle Pal Adventures Blast
Flare Black Elite Puffle, the only elite puffle you can summon
Flare paper
Loop Pink Elite Puffle
Puffle Pal Adventures Loop
Pop Purple Elite Puffle
Puffle Pal Adventures Pop
Flit Green Elite Puffle
Chirp Yellow Elite Puffle
Puffle Pal Adventures Chirp
Chill White Elite Puffle
Great Puffle Circus Ringmaster Ringmaster of the Great Puffle Circus
Great puffle circus ringmaster
Lolz Cadence's purple Puffle
Ed McCool Appears in PSA Secret Mission 9
Ed McCool the Red Puffle
Destructo Appears in PSA Secret Mission 9
Dubstep Recurring Black Puffle that likes Dubstep
Plok Orange Puffle that resides in the Box Dimension
Game Super Hero Bounce Plok
Fluffy Blue Puffle that appears in Comics
Pete PH's orange Puffle
Pete cutout
Darwin Gary's blue Dinosaur Puffle
Keeper of the Boiler Room A green Puffle that resides on top of the speaker in the Dance Club
Keeper of the Boiler Room
Keeper of the Stage A yellow Puffle that resides in the Stage
Keeper of Stage Psa Mission
Lucky Gold Elite Puffle
Lucky in the Club Penguin Magazine
Glitterpants A Yellow Unicorn Puffle that appears on the Club Penguin Animated Short Awesome to be Rare