Club Penguin Wiki
Flame Hair
Flame Hair icon
Template-info InformationHow to read item infoboxes?
Available Yes
Type Hair & Hats Item
Cost Free
ID 165
Internal name flameHair

The Flame Hair is a unique hair & hats item in Club Penguin Island. Members can obtain this item by completing the "Rock The Volcano" adventure.


Obtained by Available from Available until
Complete "Rock The Volcano" adventure November 18, 2016 Still available

Daily Challenges[]

Main article: Daily Challenges
The following challenge involves wearing the Flame Hair.
Name Given by Type Description Rewards Member only?
Hair Guitar
AA quest icon
Community Have 5 long-haired penguins playing guitar at the Cove 50 coins and 0 XP Yes


  • This item has an unused description, which is "This is the Flame Hair".