Club Penguin Wiki
Fluffy Toque
Fluffy Toque icon
Template-info InformationHow to read item infoboxes?
Available Yes
Type Hair & Hats Item
Cost Free
ID 5
Internal name fluffyToque
For other subjects related to Fluffy the Fish, see Fluffy (disambiguation). For other toques, see Toque (disambiguation).

The Fluffy Toque is a unique hair & hats item in Club Penguin Island. Members can obtain this item by completing the "Make It Better" adventure.


Obtained by Available from Available until
Complete "Make It Better" adventure March 8, 2018 Still available

Daily Challenges[]

Main article: Daily Challenges
The following challenges involve wearing the Fluffy Toque.
Name Given by Type Description Rewards Member only?
The Wild Seas
DJ quest icon
Community Have 5 animal-dressed penguins party on the Migrator 50 coins and 0 XP Yes
The Zoo Crew
AA quest icon
Community Have 5 penguins dressed as pirate animals on the Migrator 50 coins and 0 XP Yes
Beast Leap
AA quest icon
Community Dress as an animal and jump 10,000 times total 75 coins and 0 XP Yes
Every Now and Den
RK quest icon
Solo Stand in the mountain cave entrance dressed like an animal 40 coins and 40 XP Yes
Wear Wolves
AA quest icon
Solo Dress up like an animal at Mt. Blizzard's wolf cave 50 coins and 40 XP Yes


  • This item has an unused blueprint, and an unused description, which is "The island's favorite fish is now its favorite hat!"


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Touca do Fluffy O peixe preferido da ilha agora também é o chapéu favorito da galera!
French Toque Fluffy Le célèbre poisson de l'île se reconvertit en chapeau !
Spanish Gorro Fluffly ¡El pescado favorito de la isla es ahora su sombrero favorito!