Club Penguin Wiki
Knight's Lid
Knight's Lid icon
Template-info InformationHow to read item infoboxes?
Available Yes
Type Hair & Hats Item
Cost to make item 50 coins
ID 118
Internal name knightHead

The Knight's Lid is a type of hair & hats item in Club Penguin Island. All players can obtain the blueprint used to make it by reaching level 7, as part of the Fantasy Pack. Members can make this item for 50 coins each.


Obtained by Available from Available until
Reach level 7 November 18, 2016 Still available

Daily Challenges[]

Main article: Daily Challenges
The following challenge involves wearing the Knight's Lid.
Name Given by Type Description Rewards Member only?
'80s Knight
AA quest icon
Community Get 5 medieval penguins playing keytar on the Cove stage 50 coins and 0 XP Yes


  • Its description is "Hark! Ye be the most fashionable dragon slayer in all the land!"
  • On November 1, 2017, the cost to make this item was changed from 70 to 50 coins.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Chapéu de Cavaleiro Atenção! Serás o matador de dragão mais estiloso de toda a Terra!
French Heaume de chevalier Oyez, oyez ! Tu es le plus élégant chasseur de dragons de tout le royaume !
Spanish Casco de caballero ¡Hey! ¡Serás el matadragones con más estilo de la tierra!

See also[]
