A Membership Popup was a message non-members got when they tried to do a members -only feature, such as buying a members-only clothing item.
Gallery [ ]
Catalogs [ ]
When a non-member tried to upgrade their
igloo When a non-member tried to buy a member item of the
Igloo Catalog
When a non-member tried to buy a member item from the
Costume Trunk
Games [ ]
When a non-member tried to play past Level 10 in
Thin Ice When a non-member tried to play the Soda Seas Level in
Aqua Grabber When a non-member tried to play any records other than The Generic Way, Penguin Band Boogie & Epic Win! in
Dance Contest When a non-member tried to play the Multiplayer Mode in
Dance Contest When a non-member tried to play the Underwater levels in
Puffle Rescue When a non-member tried to play more levels in
Pufflescape When a non-member tried to save their song in
Game Upgrades [ ]
When a non-member tried to upgrade their sled in
Sled Racing When a non-member tried to buy a wake board for
Hydro Hopper When a non-member tried to buy a new track for
Puffles [ ]
When a non-member tried to adopt more than two
Other [ ]
When a non-member tries to wear a
member item that they own
The popup that tells when the
membership will expire
When a non-member tried to access their saved
furniture When a non-member tried to play music in their
igloo When a non-member tried to unlock their
igloo for everyone
Parties [ ]
2011 [ ]
When a non-member tried to take the boat to cross the bay
When a non-member tried to access the
Ships When a non-member tried to do the Crab Challenge at the
Hidden Lake with the
Blue Crab during the party
When a non-member tried to access the "Staff Only" part of the
2012 [ ]
When a non-member tried to become a
When a non-member tried to transform into
Frost Bite
2013 [ ]
When a non-member tried to collect the exclusive member items
When a non-member tried to deploy a robot
When a non-member tried to equip gloves
When a non-member tried to get a free member item
When a non-member tried to transform
When a non-member tried to buy from the Holiday Catalog
2014 [ ]
When a non-member tried to turn into a dinosaur
When a non-member tried to enter a member Fair ride without having a silver ticket
Trivia [ ]