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Rockhopper mancala

A green penguin playing Mancala with Rockhopper.

Mancala is a game played in the Book Room, and is also the Pirate Captain Rockhopper's favourite game to play while he is docked at Club Penguin.

Mancala Board

The Mancala Board.

Also see Mancala for more information on the game played in real life.

How to Play

File:Mancala Board.JPG

A look at the Mancala Board.

Players alternate turns. In his or her turn, each player selects a group of stones from one hole on his or her side of the board. Each stone is dropped one by one in the holes around the board, including his Mancala, but not the opponent's Mancala.

How to Win

This game is over when a player has no more stones on his or her side of the board. The winner is the player with the greatest total number of stones in his or her mancala and any remaining stones on his or her side of the board.

Objective of the Game

Each player attempts to collect as many stones as possible before one of the players clears his or her side of the stones.
