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Club Penguin Wiki
Mystery Scroll
Mystery Scroll icon
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Available Yes
Type Decorations Item
Member item Yes
Cost 30 coins
ID 63
Internal name Scroll

The Mystery Scroll is a decorations item in Club Penguin Island. All players can gain the ability to buy it by reaching level 18, as part of the Fantasy Pack. Members can buy this item at Igloos & Interiors for 30 coins each.


Location Available from Available until
Igloos & Interiors November 28, 2017 Still available


  • Its description is "It could be a riddle, a spell, or a cookie recipe".

Names in other languages[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Pergaminho Misterioso Pode ser um enigma, um feitiço ou uma receita de biscoito
French Parchemin mystère S'agit-il d'une énigme, d'une formule magique ou d'une recette ?
Spanish Pergamino misterioso Podría contener un acertijo, un hechizo o una receta de cocina