Club Penguin Wiki
Pete cutout
Full Name Pete
Species Puffle
Gender Male
Position PH's Puffle
Appeared The Party Starts Now, Puffle Party 2013
Color Orange
Clothes Items None
Related To Puffle Handler
Friends With Puffle Handler
Meetable Character? Yes (when he is with PH)

Pete is Puffle Handler's Orange Puffle. He appeared with Puffle Handler at the Puffle Party 2013, and in the Club Penguin Times. He was also seen in The Party Starts Now. He is known to be very crazy and hyper, and hard to train. He is also the only Puffle known to be owned by PH.


  • He was the first Puffle to have the new puffle design, the second being Yarr.
  • He has the ordinary Puffle design unlike other puffles that belong to mascots, which does not fit into the design on PH's Player Card. This is due to the fact that Pete is treated as an orange puffle, rather than a hand item like Yarr and Cadence's Puffle. Darwin shares this trait.
  • His ID is 758, like any other Orange Puffle.
  • In Issue #388 of the Club Penguin Times it is revealed that in the past he has eaten an entire cup of O-Berry Coffee (cup and all), PH's binoculars, eight sets of ear phones, four O-Berry bars, and most of PH's exotic potted plants.
  • PH was out in the Wilderness doing research when she encountered him.
  • He is "untrainable", as stated in The Penguin Times Issue #443.
  • On April 3, 2013, Pete was no longer seen in PH's igloo when doing an igloo glitch on English language servers.
  • He was most likely created so that PH could participate in Puffle Hotel activities.
  • Pete and Darwin are the only mascot Puffles who are not a Bait item.
  • Pete was seen dancing with PH in The Party Starts Now.

