Club Penguin Wiki
Prehistoric Party 2013 Catalog
Prehistoric Party 2013 catalog booth
Date released January 17, 2013
Available? Never
Update frequency None
Items sold Clothing
Where found Anywhere in prehistoric times

The Prehistoric Party 2013 Catalog was a catalog in Club Penguin that appeared in all prehistoric rooms during the Prehistoric Party 2013. Items could only be bought by players with membership, except items in a section labeled "items for everyone".


Items in the tables that are marked with green backgrounds are items that were first released in this catalog.

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Items on the left side could be bought without membership.

Image Item Cost Image Item Cost
Caveguin Helmet clothing icon ID 1531 Caveguin Helmet 150 coins The Grub Grub clothing icon ID 1536 The Grub Grub 300 coins
Furry Shorts clothing icon ID 4777 Furry Shorts 250 coins Prehistoric Gown clothing icon ID 4782 Prehistoric Gown 450 coins
Ugg Club clothing icon ID 5199
Ugg Club 350 coins
The Yub Nub clothing icon ID 1535
The Yub Nub 300 coins
Trusty Spear clothing icon ID 5201
Trusty Spear 150 coins Stony Necklace clothing icon ID 3153 Stony Necklace 100 coins
Fuzzy Polka Dot Bikini clothing icon ID 4780 Fuzzy Polka Dot Bikini 350 coins
Stony Bracelet clothing icon ID 5204 Stony Bracelet 100 coins

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Image Item Cost Image Item Cost
Clothing Icons 1530 The Gale Storm 350 coins Great Horn Mask clothing icon ID 1529 Great Horn Mask 200 coins
Prehistoric Necklace clothing icon ID 3150 Prehistoric Necklace 100 coins Great Bone Cloak clothing icon ID 3151 Great Bone Cloak 350 coins
Prehistoric Staff clothing icon ID 5198 Prehistoric Staff 350 coins Brown Furry Boots clothing icon ID 6151 Brown Furry Boots 250 coins
Sabor Toothed Helmet clothing icon ID 1534 Saber Toothed Helmet 400 coins
Think Hide Cloak clothing icon ID 3148 Thick Hide Cloak 200 coins

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Image Item Cost Image Item Cost
Shale Cap clothing icon ID 1537
Shale Cap 250 coins Rocky Headphones clothing icon ID 1538 Rocky Headphones 100 coins
Stone Bow Tie clothing icon ID 3152 Stone Bow Tie 50 coins Rockman clothing icon ID 5202 Rockman 200 coins
Fuzzy Blue Vest clothing icon ID 4781 Fuzzy Blue Vest 350 coins
Caveguin Face Paint clothing icon ID 2104
Caveguin Face Paint 50 coins
Furry Togs clothing icon ID 4775 Furry Togs 350 coins
Gray Furry Boots clothing icon ID 6152 Gray Furry Boots 250 coins

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Image Item Cost Image Item Cost
Biggest Brow clothing icon ID 2105
Biggest Brow 150 coins
The First Fire clothing icon ID 1532
The First Fire 300 coins
Warm Furry Frock clothing icon ID 4778 Warm Furry Frock 350 coins
Prehistoric Suit clothing icon ID 4783 Prehistoric Suit 450 coins
The Wheel icon
The Wheel 100 coins

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Image Item Cost Image Item Cost
Prehistoric Helmet clothing icon ID 1533 Prehistoric Helmet 400 coins Prehistoric Tusks Prehistoric Tusks 250 coins



