Club Penguin Wiki
Puffle Party 2010

Members only? No
When February 18–25, 2010
Free Item(s) Non-Member
Puffle Hat

Puffle Jacket

Location Everywhere
Mascot(s) None

The Puffle Party 2010 was the 2nd annual Puffle Party in Club Penguin. It began on February 18 and ended on February 25, 2010. The party was all about puffles, very similar to the Puffle Party 2009. It was released one day earlier than it was supposed to, according to the What's New Blog. Although room designs were exactly like last year, this time, another room, the Puffle Show, was added.

Free items[]

Image Item Location Members only?
PuffleHatItem Puffle Hat Plaza No
PuffleJacketItem Puffle Jacket Puffle Show Yes


  • The Tour Booth was removed by mistake during the party. Eventually, the Club Penguin Team found out that they accidentally removed it and fixed their error.
  • In the first sneak peek of the Puffle Party, the wakeboards were taken out of the picture. The reason why was to give space for the balloon.
  • The Orange Puffle was discovered at this party, just like the White Puffle was discovered at the Puffle Party 2009.
  • This was the first appearance of the Puffle Show.


Sneak peeks[]

Newspaper articles[]




Names in other languages[]

Language Name
Portuguese Festa dos Puffles 2010
French Fête des Puffles 2010
Spanish Fiesta de Puffles 2010
German N/A
Russian N/A

