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R - Dig Helmet
Puffle Care Icons Head Dighelmet
Available No
Member item No
Type Puffle Hat
Cost Unlockable
Where found Club Penguin Magazine issue 22
Item ID 122
Unlockable Yes

The R - Dig Helmet was a puffle hat in Club Penguin. All players could unlock it from the twenty-second issue of the Club Penguin Magazine.


Found Available from Available until
Club Penguin Magazine issue 22 September 19, 2013 October 17, 2013

Puffle reactions[]

These are the reactions puffles give when the player selects this item from the interface. Reactions have no purpose beyond the following visual effects:

  • If they dislike it, they will lower one eyebrow and purse their lips.
  • If they are neutral towards it, they will look up, curiously.
  • If they like it, they will jump up and down, but make an exasperated face if the player de-selects the item without giving it to them.
Color Dislikes Neutral Likes
Blue - - โœ“
Pink - โœ“ -
Black - โœ“ -
Green - - โœ“
Purple โœ“ - -
Red - - โœ“
Yellow - โœ“ -
White - โœ“ -
Orange - - โœ“
Brown - - โœ“
Rainbow - โœ“ -
Gold - - โœ“



Names in other languages[]

Language Name
Portuguese Capacete de Escavador
French Le Casque de Fouille
Spanish Casco para excavar
German Grabungshelm
Russian N/A

