Club Penguin Wiki
Return of the Space Squid
CP HP 015
Is it seen right now? No
Type Movie
Party Hollywood Party
Where? Return of the Space Squid Set

Return of the Space Squid was a film in Club Penguin. It could be filmed on the Return of the Space Squid Set during the Hollywood Party. Only members were allowed to take part in filming in it.


Like the other Hollywood Party films, very little plot is revealed. It appears that the astronauts are in a space ship which then crashes on a planet, and the Space Squids inhabiting the plant reveal themselves to the penguins and begin their attack.


  • In the trailer, the squid was seen to teleport, although this was not in the actual gameplay or was just a special effect.
  • In issue 383 of the Club Penguin Times, it was reviewed by critics: "Sci-fi doesn't get any slimier than this. Alien performances are astroid-nomical, the craters are craterish, the tentacles are tentalizing."
  • A poster advertising this film was seen at the Beach at Halloween Parties since 2013.

See also[]
