The Russian Welcome Event was an event in Club Penguin that occurred from March 6, 2014 to March 13, 2014. It was a celebration of the newly added Russian language to Club Penguin. Only the Ice Rink was decorated, where a free item, the Welcome Hat, was available for all players to obtain. It was confirmed in episode 13 of The Spoiler Alert.
The Ice Rink was the only decorated room for this event. The Flag of Russia was emblazoned on the ice in the center of the room. The Snack Stand was selling Russian cakes. Balloons and flags in the Russian colors were decorated all over the room. Replacing the announcer's stand, were four snow statues of Matryoshkas, shaped like penguins. Behind the Matryoshkas were some trees. Next to them was a stand with Welcome Hats decorated with the Russian palace style.