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Space Base
Space Base icon
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Available Yes
Type Building
Member item Yes
Cost 200 coins
ID 5
Internal name SpaceBunker

The Space Base is a building in Club Penguin Island. All players can gain the ability to buy it by reaching level 9, as part of the Future Pack. Members can buy this item at Igloos & Interiors for 200 coins. It is two units in size.


Location Available from Available until
Igloos & Interiors November 28, 2017 Still available


  • Its description is "A double slot structure that can survive hostile alien worlds".

Names in other languages[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Base Espacial Estrutura com o dobro de espaço que sobreviverá aos mundos alienígenas hostis
French Base spatiale Une structure à deux emplacements, résistante aux mondes extra-terrestres hostiles.
Spanish Base espacial Una estructura de doble espacio que puede sobrevivir mundos alienígenas hostiles
Prior to the 1.8.1 update, the French description was "Une structure à deux emplacements, capable de résister aux environnements extra-terrestres hostiles."