Club Penguin Wiki

Spectral Sweets (or Cursed Candies) was a candy company based on Club Penguin Island. They made Cursed Candy. Rookie was a known customer of theirs, as he ordered all of the candy for the Halloween Party 2013 from them. A week before the party, the warehouse was found abandoned.[1] They are known as very mysterious. It's unknown who made the candy.

Soon after, the candy was found out to be cursed, allowing you to transform into a Werewolf, a Zombie, or a Vampire. It is unknown if this was intentional, or a mistake by the company, Spectral Sweets.

At the Halloween Party 2016, Spectral Sweets had been scattered around Club Penguin Island and Gary had stated in issue #558 of the Club Penguin Times that they are the fuel for the Monster Maker 3000.


Fang Fudgie[]

  • Purple
  • Green
  • Orange

Zombie Zingers[]

  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple

Full Moon Fireballs[]

  • Brown
  • Blue
  • Orange

Ghostly Gummies[]

  • Pink
  • Blue
  • Green



Names in other languages[]

Language Name
Portuguese Doces de Ectoplasma
French Bonbons Spectraux
Spanish Dulces espectrales
German Geisterhafte Süßigkeiten
Russian ##Spectral Sweets##

