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The Chord Cord
The Chord Cord icon
Template-info InformationHow to read item infoboxes?
Available Yes
Type Body extras Item
Cost to make item 25 coins
ID 46
Internal name gangsterChain

The Chord Cord is a type of body extras item in Club Penguin Island. All players can obtain the blueprint used to make it by reaching level 14, as part of the Punk Pack. Members can make this item for 25 coins each.


Obtained by Available from Available until
Reach level 14 April 12, 2017 Still available


  • Its description is "Start your music career on the right note."
  • This item was in the game's files before it was available, where it was named Note Necklace, and its description was "Jump into the mix. Mic for dropping not included." These were changed to the current name and description by the time it was released.
  • On November 1, 2017, the cost to make this item was changed from 30 to 25 coins.
  • Its blueprint was first seen in episode 7 of Island Insider.


Names in other languages[]

The Chord Cord[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Cordão Colcheias Comece sua carreira musical na nota certa.
French Cordon musical Commence ta carrière musicale sur une bonne note.
Spanish Cuerda de acorde Comienza tu carrera musical con la nota adecuada.

Note Necklace[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Colar de Notas Mergulhe na batida. Microfone para tirar onda não incluso.
French Collier musical À toi de mixer ! Micro pour drops non inclus.
Spanish Colgante con nota musical Salta en la mezcla. No se incluye el micrófono para solos.