Club Penguin Wiki
The Pro
The Pro CPI icon
Template-info InformationHow to read item infoboxes?
Available Yes
Type Hair & Hats Item
Cost to make item 55 coins
ID 36
Internal name skateHair
Not to be confused with the item of the same name from Club Penguin.

The Pro is a type of hair & hats item in Club Penguin Island. All players can obtain the blueprint used to make it by reaching level 3, as part of the Fame Pack. Members can make this item for 55 coins each.


Obtained by Available from Available until
Reach level 3 November 18, 2016 Still available

Daily Challenges[]

Main article: Daily Challenges
The following challenge involves wearing The Pro.
Name Given by Type Description Rewards Member only?
Hair Guitar
AA quest icon
Community Have 5 long-haired penguins playing guitar at the Cove 50 coins and 0 XP Yes


  • Its description is "You're so good you don't need to see."
  • On November 1, 2017, the cost to make this item was changed from 70 to 55 coins.
  • There was an unused texture for a blueprint depicting an item identical to this one, but with the internal name "loHair" instead of this item's "skateHair". This blueprint texture was removed in the 1.7.1 update.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese A Executiva Profissional Sabe quando se é tão bom que nem é preciso enxergar?
French Le pro Tu as tellement de talent que tu peux faire ça les yeux fermés.
Spanish El capo Eres tan genial que no necesitas ni ver.