Club Penguin Wiki
Treasure Book series 14
Treasure Book series 14
Date released October 4, 2011
Date replaced January 5, 2012
Previous edition Series 13
Next edition Series 15

Series 14 of the Treasure Book was released on October 4, 2011, and was available until January 5, 2012. It could have been accessed by entering a single-use unique code from real-life merchandise into the Unlock Items Online page. Each code entered allowed the player to select any two clothing items from this series of the Treasure Book to redeem for their account. Any color of puffle up to brown could be adopted as well (if the player did not already own the maximum amount of puffles), and adopting a puffle counted as one item.

The clothing items redeemed from the Treasure Book were all their "unlockable" versions (signified on their icon with an opened padlock inside a blue circle), and these versions could be freely worn even without membership. Any color of puffle adopted could be interacted with and walked without membership was well.

This series of the Treasure Book contained a number of changes to previous series that would remain for all future series:

  • All previous Treasure Books were removed, and from this series onward, using a code would only allow for selecting items from the most recent series at the time.
  • The Treasure Book could now be previewed in-game in the Gift Shop, like how previous editions could be previewed on the Fun Stuff page on the Club Penguin website.
  • The Treasure Book now almost solely featured "exclusives", items not available elsewhere. Very few existing items would receive unlockable versions in the Treasure Book going forward.
  • The Super Exclusives items that were present since the feature's debut in series 6 have been replaced by a new set of items, which are no longer hidden by default, but still require 5 codes to access.
  • There were no longer any secret items.


Items in the tables that are marked with green backgrounds are items that were first released in this series. This only applies to items that are completely new, not previously existing items with new unlockable versions.

Page 1[]

This page had no items. It only appeared if the Treasure Book was previewed in the Gift Shop.

Page 2[]

Image Item Image Item
Yellow Wheeler Yellow Wheeler Elephant Costume unlockable icon Elephant Costume

Page 3[]

Image Item Image Item
The Glimmer Old Icon 1109 The Glimmer Beta Hat T-Shirt clothing icon ID 4154 Beta Hat T-Shirt
Clothing Icon 4155 Blue-Sky Dress CloudyUmbrella Cloudy Umbrella

Page 4[]

Image Item Image Item
Zebra Tails icon Zebra Tails Freaky Tiki Headdress former icon Freaky Tiki Headdress
Jolly Roger Dress Jolly Roger Dress Freak y tiki Freaky Tiki Outfit
Striped Pompoms clothing ID 14124 Striped Pompoms Freaky Tiki Staff Freaky Tiki Staff

Page 5[]

Image Item Image Item
Armored Viking Helmet Armored Viking Helmet
The Nocturnal clothing icon ID 11313
The Nocturnal
Viking Beard Grim Glasses Grim Glasses
Viking Captain Tunic icon ID 14441 Viking Captain Tunic Classy Vampire Outfit Classy Vampire Outfit

Page 6[]

Image Item Image Item
Clothing Icons 14443 Present Outfit Nutcracker Hat icon Nutcracker Hat
Holiday Lights Holiday Lights Nutcracker Outfit icon Nutcracker Outfit

Page 7[]

This page contained "Super Exclusives", items which could not be obtained outside of this Treasure Book at the time (except the already-released Aviator Sunglasses). The only way to unlock the Super Exclusives page was to access the Treasure Book with codes 5 times.

Image Item Image Item
The Raven unlockable icon The Raven
The Jammin' icon
The Jammin'
Emerald Necklace icon
Emerald Necklace Clothing Icons 10125 Aviator Sunglasses
Golden Quilted Coat clothing icon ID 14363 Golden Quilted Coat Puffle Skate Shirt clothing icon ID 14364 Puffle Skate Shirt
Cherry Pumps clothing icon ID 16071 Cherry Pumps Green Light Up Shoes Green Light Up Shoes

Page 8[]

Image Item Image Item
TBS4 green puffle Green Puffle TBS4 red puffle Red Puffle
TBS4 white puffle
White Puffle TBS4 black puffle Black Puffle
TBS4 blue puffle Blue Puffle TBS7 orange puffle Orange Puffle
TBS14 brown puffle
Brown Puffle TBS4 yellow puffle Yellow Puffle
TBS4 pink puffle Pink Puffle TBS4 purple puffle Purple Puffle

Page 9[]

Image Item
TB coin bag 500 coins

