Club Penguin Wiki
Tunes On Tubes
Tunes On Tubes icon
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Available Yes
Type Head extras Item
Cost to make item 25 coins
ID 256
Internal name tunesOnTubes

The Tunes On Tubes is a type of head extras item in Club Penguin Island. All players can obtain the blueprint used to make it by reaching level 17, as part of the Urban Style Pack. Members can make this item for 25 coins each.


Obtained by Available from Available until
Reach level 17 May 23, 2017 Still available


  • Its description is "Listen to some songs while speeding down Mount Blizzard on your tube!"
  • On November 1, 2017, the cost to make this item was changed from 30 to 25 coins.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Description
Portuguese Harmonia na boia Ouça canções enquanto desce pelo Monte Nevasca na boia!
French Bouées musicales Écoute des chansons en dévalant les pistes du Mont Blizzard sur ta bouée !
Spanish Música de flotador ¡Escucha algunas canciones mientras desciendes la Montaña Ventisca en tu flotador!