Club Penguin Wiki

Hello! Welcome to Ask Kitten/0 Berry!

Ask me any questions in the comments about my penguin, my wiki acocunt, or me in real life. Please try to make your questions not too personal or downright creepy. Thanks! This will be a fun way to get to know the real Kitten.


Question Answer
Do I like cake? Yes, I do.
Dogs or cats? I'm more into cats.
What year did I start Club Penguin? 2010
Do u a member in cp I am not currently a member. (I think that was your question...)
Why did I change my name? I changed it to match my penguins name. You guys can still call me Kitten if you please.
What's my favorite puffle? I really like Green Puffles and Rainbow Puffles.
Will you marry me? Is no an answer?
Did you hear the story of the three little pigs' great uncle Jimmy who had two million hairy, steamin', hedgehogs, with pies in his face at all time, and yet, he was a goldfish (Not the animal; the food). that fell off three million cliffs and almost died but thank goodness he didn't and also this time where he went bababababababa on a cloud and fell off the cloud and onto the edge of the cliff that he fell on before and fell off that cliff and now he's in the hospital and 305/306 bones in his body were broken but he didn't die because he still had one bone left and it was a bone in his right foot; precisely the toe that was the second one from the left, which means it was the fifth one from the right, and yes, he was six-toed? No, but I've heared oh the Big Bad Wolves grandpa Frank that killed 13 pigs after he blew the house down with an airhorn that was secretly a bicycle horn then he got ran over by a dumptruck but he lived due to his unusually furry coat protecting him from the trucks wheels even though there were spikes on them.
did you hear the story about a turtle name Erik who went on adventures with his pet goldfish (the food) named Josh and they got stranded on a desert island and Erik got so hungry he ate his pet and died 3 days later and then was found by a guy and the guy turned the turtle into turtle soup? Oh yeah, I've got him on speed dial.
If you were a hedgehog that was orange, pooped rainbows, time traveled, would you stop 9/11 if not, When (Month, Date, Year)? I would go to the future, take all kittens, and run.
What games do I play other than Club Penguin? Hmm...none?
Barney or Big Bird? Big Bird would peck his eyes out.
Barney or Godzilla? Barney is pretty threatening. He'd probably win.
Is Obama Cookie? That sounds so racist when put like, yes.
Is Bob Marley still alive and he sells smoothies in Seattle and even appears on iCarly? Yes.
Why is my icon Barney? Barney is a god. PURPLE DINOSAURS FOREVER!