Club Penguin Wiki

JWPengie Story 6.2

After witnessing what had happened, Joey and Guin-Ugg were disturbed. Their plan was to hide all the dinosaurs so the evil caveguin wouldn't get them. But it wasn't working so well. Catching dinosaurs was hard. "The Dino Rescue program is great," Joey said after finally getting two dinosaurs in-a raptor and a triceratops.

JWPengie Story 6.2

After a long, hard day of catching dinosaurs, Guin-Ugg thought Joeypengie needed a caveguin makeover. "MAKEOVER!" he shouted.

JWPengie Story 6.2

Joey was scared. "What do you mean?" "PREHISTORIC!" Guin-Ugg said. Joey followed him to the salon. "HERE!" said Guin-Ugg. "YOU GET MAKEOVER! LOOK PREHISTORIC! NO WANT NOT LOOK PREHISTORIC!" "Umm ok," Joey said. They went inside. Joey saw a caveguin that was looking for customers. Guin-Ugg went up to her and said, "OOGA! MAKE FUTURE PENGUIN PREHISTORIC!

JWPengie Story 6.2

HE LOOK TOO FUTURE-EE!" "OOGA! ME DO AS TOLD!" replied the other caveguin. She kindly lead them to a nice stone chair. "OOGA! ME MAKE YOU LOOK CAVEGUIN-ISH!"

JWPengie Story 6.2

In about an hour, Joey looked just like a caveguin. They paid their rocks and left. "NOW WE MUST SAVE THE DINOSAURS!" Joey said. "OOGA!" said Guin-Ugg.

JWPengie Story 6.2

Guin-Ugg decided it was time to go to sleep. But Joey wouldn't stop. He kept on fighting. At the cove, he took his triceratops and a pteranodon that he found on the way and fought for the dinosaurs. "YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS! THE DINOSAURS WILL GET THEIR LAND BACK!" Joey said. But the evil caveguin was just too tough. "HAHAHA! FOOL! YOU THINK YOU CAN SAVE THESE DINOSAURS FROM ME? WELL, YOU'RE WRONG."

"What do you mean?" Joey asked. "I HAVE THE ARMY!" he said. And then, behind him, stood twenty full football fields of hypnotized dinosaurs ready to attack at any second....

JWPengie Story 6.2
See more of DINOSAUR!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Special thanks to all the amazing actors: OP/Guiny as the caveguin, Leader of CP Parties!/Yellow as the evil caveguin, Phineas99 as the triceratops, Jess as the raptor, and Callum Fawsitt as the pteranodon