Top 5 - Holiday Parties
Hello wikians! It's December and that means it's time for the best part of the year! One of things I look forward to every year, is Club Penguin's annual Holiday Party. This year will be Club Penguin's 10th Holiday Party, wow! In honor of Christmas and the upcoming Merry Walrus Party, here is the Top 5 best Holiday/Christmas parties! I will also be sharing my opinion on Club Penguin's newest Christmas event later in the blog.
Starting with number 5, is the Holiday Party 2009! Now, I never personally attended this Holiday Party, but I wish I had because it looked pretty awesome! This was the very first holiday event to be called a Holiday Party. It was also the very first Holiday Party to give away an item in Penguin Mail, first to have a ni…
Top 5- Anniversary Parties
Hello wikians! Happy Birthday Club Penguin! It's hard to believe it's already been 9 years, I remember the 2nd Anniversary Party like it was just yesterday. Each year they throw a celebration in the Coffee Shop, and some years they're good and some years they're bad. Today, in celebration of the Anniversary, I'm going to share the top 5 best anniversary parties!
Starting with number 5, is the very first anniversary party! Although I wasn't playing Club Penguin at the time, it's the fact that it was the very first that gives it a place on the list. Between the island doubling in size, lots of new mini-games, and out of this world parties, Club Penguin's first year was incredible and a great start for the new virtual world. The party actually…
Top 5- Halloween Parties
Hello wikians! The Halloween Party is less than a week away and I'm excited! I look forward to the Halloween Party every year, it's always been one of my favorites. This year I've been waiting for the party since May, mainly because the parties this summer bored me to death. :P
In spirit of Halloween I'm here to give you my list of Club Penguin's 5 greatest Halloween parties of all time!
- 1 5 - 2007
- 2 4 - 2012
- 3 3 - 2013
- 4 2 - 2011
- 5 1 - 2008
Starting with number five is the Halloween Party 2007. It was my first Halloween party and boy, it was incredible. This was the first Halloween party to introduce the Night of the Living Sled and the candy scavenger hunt. It added some new decorations, such as turning the Cave into a pool of slime, turning the For…
Top 5- Club Penguin Summers
Hello fellow wikians! I’m sure a lot of you noticed that I haven’t been active much lately, and that’s because I’ve been having a busy summer so I haven’t had much time for chat or editing. Last night I started thinking about the great summers Club Penguin used to have and it gave me a great idea. I thought about making my very own Top 5 blog! I’ve always wanted to make my own top 5, but never really had any ideas. So today I decided to share my top 5 of Club Penguin’s best summers.
- 1 5 - 2006
- 2 4 - 2011
- 3 3 - 2009
- 4 2 - 2008
- 5 1 - 2007
At number five of the list I have the summer of 2006. I didn’t play Club Penguin at the time, but I know enough about it to know that it was a great Summer! In June, there was the Summer Party, the perfect kickoff to …
My thoughts on 2013
Hello wikians! Another year gone by! As we head into 2014 I figured I'd share some thoughts on MY opinion of 2013. I wanted to do this for 2012, but I never got the time.
I will not say 2013 was the worst year Club Penguin ever had. In fact, that title still goes to 2010. I didn't hate 2013, but I also don't think it was as great as people put it out to be. First let me talk about the things I liked the least.
Probably my least favorite part about 2013 was the new penguin artwork. I've disliked the new artwork since day one. I think their feet are too square, they're too tall, and there is just too much junk in their trunk. Overall, I just think they look weird. Especially certain mascots like Rockhopper and Sensei, who look absolutely ridicu…