Club Penguin Wiki

The Weekly Custard[]

Well here we are again! Welcome to the new Weekly Custard! Without further ado, let's get riiiiiiiiiight into the news!

Wiki News[]

-TwinkieReborn- has left us temporarily to go on a road trip across the States.

TheNameSomething101 has left the Wiki to pursue happiness on the PvZ Wiki, our hearts go out to him!

Miss Sanrio has come back from her vacation! We all missed her!

Jenna Darabond has had her brand new album leaked 4 hours before release by Jenna Darabond, but one thing's for sure, the tracks are fantastic!

Vote Page Standings[]

This week on the vote page, a new vote has arrived called "Impose an emote limit", suggested by CustardTheWikiBird and confirmed by Dps04, at time of writing this blog, the standings are +1, as there are 7 votes For & 6 Against! This is a close vote, with a large debate in the comments! Be sure to check it out for yourselves to see what you think!

The End[]

Well that's it! Apologies for the shorter issue this week, but next week more sections will return, including Interviews & Tidbits! See ya then!
