Club Penguin Wiki

Last mag of 2014! Start with photo of the week! Here it is

Skye Tank

See what's photo next week!

Interview of this year with ME!

Here is something new!

What was your favorite time in Club Penguin this year?

The app!

What was your favorite party this year?

Music Jam

And how about your favorite type of penguin? Mwa Mwas or Pookies?


Custom of the week!

This weeks custom is Gamers Takeover! I like on the page where it says Let the Games come Alive!

And lastly...... It's time to come back with penguin of the week!

This user of the week is..... T and J Kids! She has a very very cute avatar, And she loves Tom and Jerry Kids! Do you like Tom and Jerry Kids? If you never got picked, You will maybe get picked next week!

See you next week in 2015! :)
