Club Penguin Wiki

JWPengie Story 4.1

Sometime in early November 2013, deep in the wilderness, Joeypengie and Poofy27 were always working at the Puffle Care Center, helping and taking care of puffles.

JWPengie Story 4.1

Until one day, business dropped a lot. Joeypengie was at the counter cleaning out the sink and organizing the food cabinets. "There haven't been many puffles in lately, huh Poofy?" Joey said. "Nope, there haven't," he agreed. "I wonder what happened to all the puffles," said Joey. "Could they have got taken?" "I don't know," said Poofy. "Maybe you should go outside and check. I'll stay here and keep the office

JWPengie Story 4.1

running in case someone does come in." "Ok, I'll be back later," said Joey. He went outside the office. At first, he didn't see anything. But then, he saw a weird cliff with icicles coming down. He hopped in his rescue boat and sailed toward it. When he got there, he saw the cliff with icicles hanging down. But it wasn't an ordinary cliff. It was a waterfall!

JWPengie Story 4.1

Then he saw some boxes on a small island next to him. Ahead of him, on the river, was some kind of puffle dome. If he went the other way, he would get...hmm..where would he get? He got off his boat onto the island to get a better view of what was down the other river.

JWPengie Story 4.1

"WHO ARE YOU?!" someone screamed. "AHH!" Joey said. He turned around. The penguin who screamed was someone who looked like a normal, everyday penguin from the University or...anywhere. "Wha...?" "I said, WHO ARE YOU?!" the penguin screamed again, with an echo about four or five times. "The names Joeypengie," he said.

JWPengie Story 4.1

"Have you seen any puffles?" "Yes." "Do you know where the puffles are?" "Yes."

JWPengie Story 4.1

"Really?" "Yes." "Thank you! Thank you!!! Can you tell me where they are?" "That way." She pointed towards the river that Joeypengie couldn't see. "Thank you! Thank you!" He flopped on his boat and in the distance he could hear the penguin saying, "No problem!"

JWPengie Story 4.1

See more of Puffle Attack!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Prologue
*Thanks to Poko the cheese lover/Poofy (as the office secretary) and Penguin44eve/Sweetflame (as the penguin who helps Joey)! Great acting :P