Club Penguin Wiki

Hey guys! JW Productions is back with another mad lib! This one is called "Journey to Rockhopper Island - Part 1"! Copy this to get your mad lib:


Replace the numbers with these:

  1. = an adjective (must be in caps)
  2. = another adjective (must be in caps)
  3. = a body part
  4. = a thing (plural)
  5. = a verb ending in "ing"
  6. = an adjective that isn't a color
  7. = a color
  8. = an adjective (in caps)
  9. = something that means "yes"

Now comment with your mad lib! --EPF Logo User:JWPengie, EPF Agent; Save the Puffles!EPFWorkoutHoodieIG 23:02, November 21, 2013 (UTC)
