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Episode 1 Part 1

Previously on WaffleOn...

December 7, 2014, 10:55 PM, The Caruso House

WO 1.3

While the kids were asleep, Jason walked into the living room where Sue was watching TV. "Sue," he said, "I just got a call from my mom." "Oh yeah, isn't she supposed to be here by now?" "Yeah," Jason said. "There's five feet of snow on the ground, and more coming," he continued. Sue was confused. "Her flight got delayed," Jason finally said. Sue was shocked.

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"WHAT??!! WHEN IS SHE COMING??!!" she screamed. "I don't know! But probably not until at least next weekend!! All of the flights are booked!! She's trying to get an earlier one because hers was delayed until December 28th!!" You could tell Sue was going to have a heart attack if anything else happened. Suddenly, the clock struck 11:00 and the cuckoo cuckooed eleven times, and after that, it said, COME OUT! COME OUT!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE!!!! Remember, this is 11:00 at night. It was scary. Jason and Sue looked at each other and screamed.

December 7, 2014, 11:24 PM, Grandma's House

WO 1.3

Brenda walked in the door, and Gregory was on the phone, but at the same time, he was on the recliner watching TV. On the phone was his office. "Gregory, you gotta help us!!" the person was saying. "The company's going under!" "I don't care, I'm on vacation!" Gregory screamed, and hung up. "Hi Gregory," "Brenda?" Gregory looked over his shoulder at the door. "Has it been four weeks already??" he asked. "No, it's only been a day," Brenda said. "I'm back because my flight got delayed. There's five feet of snow on the ground, you know." Gregory stared at her like he had no idea. "How could you not know?" Brenda asked. "You've been watching TV for a whole day straight. Ever heard of the news??" "Nope!" he said. "I've been watching 'The Squirrel Show for Old Men' all this time! There's eighteen full seasons! I'm only on the first!" Brenda facepalmed. Why did she ever marry this crazy man?

December 8, 2014, 2:03 AM, The Caruso House
Note: Please do not attempt this in real life for your own safety.

WO 1.3

Molly woke up in the middle of the night. She squeezed through the bars of her crib, which no one knew she could do. She crawled out into the hallway and slid down the banister to the downstairs. Molly headed into the bathroom and jumped into the potty. She could barely reach the flusher, but before you knew it, Molly was sliding down the drain pipes. She was ready. She kept following the drain pipes until she found herself in someone's toilet. She was all the way on the other side of the island. Molly jumped out of the toilet and left a trail of toilet water footprints as she headed toward the back door.

WO 1.3

She unlocked it and went outside, when she spotted the perfect Christmas tree. She was about to take it, until someone followed her out the door. "HEY, WHO'S THERE??" the person screamed, coming over to Molly with a flashlight. The person saw her and they both froze. "Hey, kid, what are you doing in my yard? Are you lost?" "I'm gonna fall down this Christmas tree," Molly simply replied. "What? You mean cut down? Hahaha," he said. "Nope," Molly said. She meant fall down. She stared at him. "Haha, sure! If the tree FALLS down, you can have it." "Otay," Molly said. The tree suddenly fell down. "I'll take it," said Molly, dragging it out of the yard.

December 8, 2014, 7:34 AM, The Caruso House

WO 1.3

Sue had just come downstairs. Everyone was already awake, dressed, and had breakfast except her. "RYAN!" she called, remembering what had happened last night. "Yeah?" said Ryan, from the Living Room. "What is wrong with that cuckoo clock?" she asked. Ryan and Max didn't tell anyone about what the cuckoo said last night, and they had no idea that their parents heard it too. Abby heard them talking. "What is wrong with it?" she asked. "Last night," Ryan said, "me and Max were in the playroom waiting to see it come out, but after it cuckooed, it said, 'Who are you and why did you bring me here?'" "You heard it too? Oh thank goodness, I'm not crazy," said Sue, relieved. Then she continued, "But when I heard it, it said,

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'COME OUT! COME OUT!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE!!!!'" Abby looked at them. "Haha, sure," she said, laughing. "I'd like to see for myself." Ryan and Sue brought her in there just in time to see the 8:00 cuckoo. It cuckooed eight times and just as it did before, only this time, it said, WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?? GIVE ME AN ANSWER NOW!! Abby looked at it. "Wow, I guess you guys were right. Sorry I gave you such a terrible present, Ryan." "It's okay, we just need to get to the bottom of this," he said. But before they could do anything else, Jason came into the room and said, "Guys, I was just on the phone with Grandma." "Oh, good!" Sue said. "Did she work out the flight time?" "Well, sort of," he said. Sue got a lump in her throat. "She told me," he said, "she booked her flight on -- "

Next in WaffleOn
Episode 1 Part 4

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