Club Penguin Wiki

Hello, Everyone! Sorry that this blog is about 2 days late, but anyway; As the title says, its my 3rd wikiversary! This coming month, 'till November 29th, The whole month will be dedicated to me (Not entirely, but y'know.) Anyways, I want to thank you all for being such good friends to me throughout these past 3 years! And this is actually the official wikiversary blog. As for such, I will be hosting my 4th Q&A, Wikiversary edition! You may ask me anything you want in this blog! And I will try my best to answer them. Anyways, Thank you all for such a great 3 years, and it has meant so much to me knowing that you all have my back. The wikiversary party of mine will be known soon. Stay tuned! And also, Ask away!

UPDATE: My party will be held this friday, at 2:45 on sleet! Be there, or be []! (See what I did there?)
