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#WaddleOn: Someone Like Me To Like Me
Genre Comedy
Length 3:08
Season 2
Characters See Characters
Series #WaddleOn
Release Date December 25, 2013

#WaddleOn: Someone Like Me To Like Me is the eighth episode in the sketch comedy show #WaddleOn of the 2nd season. It was released on December 25, 2013.


A few penguins dressed as teddy bears and robots work in a toy factory. But one of them has the head of a teddy bear and the body of a robot, and she feels different from all the others. So, in song, the robot bear wishes that there was someone who was just like her who would be his friend. It isn't long until she meets a penguin dressed as a toy with the head of a robot and the body of a teddy bear, much to her surprise.


Sometimes I think I don't fit in
My face is furry, my bottom's tin
I'd love to find a cheery twin
A friend with whom I'd smile and grin
They'd shine my feet I'd comb their chin
And they'd see how I look within
I'd like someone like me to like me

I love to give at Coins For Change
The good it does is beyond range
It is a gift I won't exchange
It's not off-white or bright o-range
But a train all by itself is strange
With no cars upon it to arrange
I'd like someone like me to like me

If I had a friend who could relate
Then Statue Concert would be great

Feeding reindeer would be so cool
We'd give them hay and wipe their drool
Here with my new found amazing friend
The holiday would never seem to end
I'd like someone like me to like me

Oh Santa I've got one dream
One coupon to redeem
My joy would be extra supreme
My eyes would shoot out laser beams
If I was half of a great team

I'd like someone like me to like me


  • It features a cameo from the Goldsmith Force, who appeared in the previous episode.
  • This is the third #WaddleOn episode to feature a song, the first one being Find Your Voice and the second one being Penguin Carols.
  • The only difference between this episode and Find Your Voice, someone is actually singing in this episode, while someone actually sings at the end of Find Your Voice.
  • Parts of the music were reused in the Best Of 2013 video.


โ†WaddleOn: Penguin Carols WaddleOn: Someone Like Me To Like Me WaddleOn Episode 21: Prehysteric Part 1โ†’