#WaddleOn: The Phantom of Amazement Park Part 1 is the thirteenth episode in the sketch comedy show #WaddleOn of the 2nd season. It was released on February 19, 2014.
The story starts out with a penguin outside the Carnival and telling the viewers his name is Buddy. He then enters the carnival. Buddy says he comes here all the time while running to the prize booth. Prize Guy says "Hi," to Buddy. Buddy then says "Hi," back, Prize Guy wishes Buddy good luck getting enough tickets. Buddy says "Thanks." Three seconds later; Buddy has all of the prizes. The Prize Guy tells Buddy great job then says he'll pack up his stuff and go home. Buddy says goodbye to Prize Guy and walks away. Then he meet his friend, Chet. After a few talking he walks away. Then chet turning into The Phantom of the Amazement Park, with two sheep providing his dramatic music. Then he starts causing chaos in the Amazement Park.