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#WaddleOn: The Phantom of Amazement Park Part 2
Genre Comedy, Sketch
Length 2:32
Season 2
Characters See Characters
Series #WaddleOn
Release Date February 26, 2014

#WaddleOn: The Phantom of Amazement Park Part 2 is the fourteenth episode in the sketch comedy show #WaddleOn of the 2nd season. It was released on February 26, 2014.


The story starts with Spike Hike telling what happened on the previous part. And he is scared when the phantom scares him. While in the Wagon Wheel, Buddy is almost falling and asking the sheep to help him instead of saying "dun dun DUNNN". Then the sheep help Buddy but then the phantom got angry. Then Buddy started to chase him until he catches the phantom and reveals the mask. He finds out that the Phantom is Chet. Then the police brings him out of the Amazement Park.



  • A Wilhelm Scream can be heard near the beginning of the episode.
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