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#WaddleOn Episode 6
Genre Comedy, Sketch
Length 1:37
Season 1
Characters See Characters
Series #WaddleOn
Release Date August 16, 2013

#WaddleOn Episode 6 is the sixth episode in the sketch-comedy show #WaddleOn by Club Penguin. It was released on August 16th, 2013.


"Santa Soccer"[]

A group of Santas play soccer, passing the ball to another player and saying "You've been good! Here's a present!", while 2 reindeers comment on how boring the game, "Santa Soccer", is.

"Don't want to give up my spot"[]

A penguin is waiting for another player to join a game of Sled Racing, under the reason that she does not want to give up her spot. 9 hours pass and nobody has joined her, however she still waits for another player.

"I've created a monster!"[]

A mad scientist shows his creation: a monster. This monster creates a mad scientist, which in term creates another monster, and so on the gag repeats.

"We're underwater"[]

A fish is sitting near a campfire. Suddenly, 3 mullets with Firefighter Hats arrive and declare they will put out the fire, to which the first fish replies they are underwater.

"I'm gonna go meet our new neighbor!"[]

A penguin declares to his neighbor that he will go and meet his new neighbor. He enters his new neighbor's igloo, and sees he has become a remastered version of himself.


โ†WaddleOn Episode 5 WaddleOn Episode 6 WaddleOn Episode 7โ†’